
Chapter 289: Festival-style Continuous Inheritance [Two in one, please vote for me]

When the three of them calmed down completely, they found that they still faced many problems. This is indeed a huge sum of money, but now, even if they have money, they can't spend it. Luoyou City is completely isolated from the outside world, and the city's economic system has completely collapsed. All stores are closed, and supplies from outside cannot be brought in.

As long as the dispute in Luoyou City does not end, the money will not play any role. And that box of cards cannot be exchanged for money.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the situation has not fundamentally changed.

"It's always a good thing to have money." Bagnell comforted himself, and he never mentioned the ridiculous idea of ​​letting Chen Mu rob the other two warehouses.

"When will this fight end?" Xi Ping looked at the two of them and asked with a wry smile. As a businessman, it is undoubtedly extremely painful to have a large sum of money in your hands that you cannot use.

Chen Mu shook his head: "I don't know, it's probably still early."

"It's definitely still early." Bagnell stretched lazily. He had completely calmed down from the ecstasy just now.

Chen Mu's mentality is much better than the two of them. He didn't ask for much to begin with, and these were all unexpected surprises, so he was the first to calm down. He had a different view on the money. Regardless of whether they can be used now, they are extremely valuable.

As long as Bagnell is still there, Xi Ping is still there, and with these five billion, they can make a comeback no matter where they are. In this way, they have many more choices to make. If the battle situation is really chaotic, then Chen Mu will lead them into the jungle, and others can only look at Lin Sheng and sigh.

With jungle life experts like Weah, their advantages in the jungle are unmatched by others.

If his men were not a bunch of rookies, Chen Mu might have led them into the jungle now to avoid this troubled water. However, they are all novices. Taking such a group of novices into the jungle is no different from committing suicide. Even ten more Weahs will be useless.

You can't always expect to be as lucky as the last time you brought the Wanqi children.

not to mention. The children of the Wanqi tribe have a greater chance of surviving in the jungle than these novice card repairers. They are more familiar with the jungle, although they have no fighting ability.

Taking precautions, Chen Mu has a more mature mentality than before. If they really get to that point, with this money as a backing, they don't need to worry no matter where they go.

Everyone has the same opinion on this matter, and it must not be leaked. Everyone knows how serious the consequences of the leak are.

All the cards were handed over to Xi Ping, except for the [Festival Connected Card] and its inheritance fantasy card, which Chen Mu kept in his hand. He is quite interested in [Jie Shi Lian].

This is not just a street stall product, but it is a first-class inheritance in the entire federation.

How could he not study such a good thing?

Bagnell and Xi Ping both had a lot of things to do, so they went about their business. Bagnell is responsible for training the novices, while Xi Ping is responsible for sorting out all the materials and collecting intelligence. Fatty left behind a lot of supplies. Although most of them were ordinary items, the amount was really astonishing. Talents from the previous auction houses also gathered together under Xi Ping's formation.

If we talk about who has the strongest intelligence ability in Luoyou City, it's not Zhongda Shufu who dominates the situation, nor is it Faya who has swallowed up most of Luoyou's small forces, but this base that has just been established not long ago. Although Faya physically destroyed Fatty, the intelligence network established by Fatty during his lifetime did not suffer a fatal blow.

What Faya values ​​more is the combat effectiveness of these local forces. Before they had time to digest the intelligence capabilities of the newly absorbed local forces, they were forced to the front desk by Chen Mu.

Compiling this information every day is a huge workload. In addition, Xi Ping is not a professional in this area, so it is naturally very tiring to work hard.

Seeing both of them leaving, Chen Mu simply started studying [Festival Lian] in the conference room.

[Festival Link] is a very unique card, it is different from all the cards Chen Mu has seen before.

It can be condensed into energy bodies similar to knots. These energy bodies can not only attack in a single section, but also form a certain connection with each other. Judging from this alone, it seems to be quite similar to the 013 made by Chen Mu. 013 can also form wave blade chains.

However, the connection between the segments of [Joint Link] is more unique. There are wedge-shaped energy buckles between them, and different combinations can be completed. The most amazing thing is that [Sectional Link] can theoretically be formed into thirty-six different structures of single sections.

These single nodes with different energy structures show completely different properties, and the intensity and precision of perception they require are also very different.

With Chen Mu's current strength, he can only condense a single section with sixteen structures. The remaining sixteen types are too difficult for him, and some of them cannot be used in battle even if he manages to condense them.

Thirty-two different structural sections mean thirty-two different individual tactics. How many tactics can be formed by combining with each other?

Although not every combination has actual combat effectiveness, it also shows how rich its tactical combinations are. Seeing this, Chen Mu understood why this card was called [Section Combo]. In fact, its full name should be [Section Combo].

That red two-star fantasy card contains countless tactical combinations. These tactical combinations have been summarized and summarized by generations of seniors from the Federal Comprehensive School, and those that have been preserved to this day are all extremely powerful tactical combinations in actual combat.

This is an out-and-out crystallization of wisdom.

Chen Mu was deeply addicted to it. These tactical combinations full of wisdom were like a treasure trove. Here, not only can he learn these rich tactical combinations, but what gives him a deeper impression is the tactical ideas of his predecessors. It seems that there is nothing surprising, but upon closer inspection, he can feel the rigorous layout.

For example, one of the tactics consists of three structural units. First, use a single blast to form a range attack to compress the opponent's range of activities. Immediately, a single section of energy produced a strong energy wave disorder. Energy disorder does not distinguish between friend and foe. Once energy disorder occurs in a certain area, the energy structure in that area is likely to collapse.

The more complex the energy body, the higher the possibility of collapse.

But the final killing move is the simplest one in structure. This triangular energy body structure can only appear in basic textbooks. At this time, it can ignore the energy disorder and deliver a fatal blow.

Of course, there are several difficulties with this tactic. For example, the second type of single section, that is, the single section that can cause energy disorder, has very high requirements for card repair. Another key is how to compress the opponent's scope of activity.

Regarding these two points, there are many comments from seniors in the Two-Star Magic Card.

Only then did Chen Mu understand why the card cultivators from the Sixth University were always stronger than those from other schools, because they stood on the shoulders of giants.

This little fantasy card has condensed so many people’s wisdom and essence!

Compared with 013 made by myself, [Jie Shi Lian] is much more extensive and profound. This is a complete tactical system, a complete and huge tactical system.

What made Chen Mu even more stunned was that the selection of these thirty-two single sections also cost the card maker a lot of thought. If the card repairer using it can release all thirty-two types of single segments, these thirty-two types of single segments will interact with each other and form a complete segmented circle, and everything in the circle will undergo molecular collapse. scattered. In other words, all objects within its circle will be decomposed into molecular states.

This is the ultimate skill of [Set-type Chain] [Set-type Circle Collapse]. In the face of absolute power, so-called tactics have no effect.

This was the first time Chen Mu came into contact with the concept of the so-called ultimate skill. The cards he had come across before did not mention this concept at all. However, this is also related to the cards he came into contact with. The cards he insists on practicing, [Tail-Off Shuttle] and [Folding Yanpo Card], only have simple usage skills. How can they be compared with the vast inheritance of [Session Link]? Compare?

However, in that two-star fantasy card, Chen Mu discovered that among the past card cultivators of the [Festival Link] card, there were only two card cultivators who could use the ultimate skill [Festival Circle Collapse]. This also shows that the ultimate skill is very difficult.

This time, Chen Mu was really shocked like never before. Only then did he realize that a card could reach such a level.

Chen Mu's research was interrupted.

"Boss, Miss Su Liu Cherou is awake." Lu Xiaoru reminded.

Chen Mu came out of the two-star fantasy card with some reluctance. He was fascinated by it. This two-star magic card is very different from the one Chen Mu made before to teach Ru Qiu how to make the [Folded Yanpo Card]. It only has simple images on it, and more text comments.

Came to Su Liu Cherou's room.

"Thank you, Mr. Cao! If you hadn't come to the rescue, it would have been really terrible." Su Liu's pretty face looked rather haggard, and her eyes were dim.

Chen Mu shook his head and said sincerely: "You are too polite, Miss Su Liu, this is what I should do." Su Liu Cherou has been working hard for the green thread in his body, although it did not bring him any success in the end. He came to provide substantial help, but Chen Mu always kept this favor in his heart.

Su Liu Cherou forced a smile and then looked around: "Mr. Cao, where is this?"

"This is my base." Chen Mu saw that she was not in a high mood and knew that she had just been frightened, so he comforted her: "You are safe, Miss Su Liu. By the way, Principal Jiao Si is also here. You don't need to Worried about safety." In order to comfort Su Liu Cherou, Chen Mu had no choice but to move Jiao Si out.

Sure enough, upon hearing that Jiao Si was here, Su Liu Cherou's nervous expression relaxed a lot.

Chen Mu secretly sighed in his heart, Jiao Si's big card is really useful everywhere, even Su Liu Cherou is no exception.

Seeing the alienation on Su Liu Cherou's face, which was completely different from his usual attitude, Chen Mu hesitated for a moment and then asked: "Can I take the liberty to ask? How did you encounter this situation? Medical Card Repair Association What? Can’t they provide you with protection?”

Chen Mu also found it strange. Logically speaking, no one would offend the neutral medical card cultivator.

"We were very unlucky. We were affected in the first wave of attacks. Half of the building collapsed and many people were buried alive." Su Liuche's soft voice was low, tears falling down: "Teacher They were also dead, and many of my colleagues were dead. There was no one around me, so I ran out."

Speaking of this, her blank expression made Lu Xiaoru's nose suddenly sore. Chen Mu was okay, he just sighed in his heart. He is different from them. He has experienced countless things more dangerous than this, so his heart is naturally as hard as iron.

"After I came out, I found that the streets were even more chaotic. Many people were seriously injured. If they were not treated, they would definitely die. I went to save them, but unexpectedly, more and more people were injured. The scene became more and more chaotic. , and then it seemed like he was attacked.”

When Su Liu Cherou said this, her tears stopped and she spoke lightly, forcing a smile on her face.

Chen Mu was silent, and after a moment, he solemnly said: "Miss Su Liu, please have a good rest first. Here, I think you don't need to worry about anything. You have a kind heart."

Su Liu Cherou's behavior can be considered stupid in Chen Mu's opinion. But even this stupid behavior gained his respect.

"Thank you!" Su Liu Cherou seemed to feel Chen Mu's respect from the bottom of his heart. After a moment of surprise, his smile bloomed, and his beautiful and beautiful face made people's eyes shine.

Then the two fell into silence.

At this moment, the measuring instrument in his hand suddenly rang. It was Xi Ping looking for him.

Chen Mu quickly said goodbye to Su Liu Cherou.

Back in the conference room, Bagnell and Xi Ping were already there.

Seeing Chen Mu come in, Xi Ping immediately said: "Boss, the latest information has been received."

Chen Mu perked up and said, "Oh, how is it?"

Xi Ping and Bagnell looked at each other and smiled knowingly. Xi Ping said: "It was more successful than we imagined! Faya and Zhongda Shufu fought hard and suffered losses. It is said that Faya's station suffered heavy casualties and blood flowed like a river. Half of the Kaxiu they gathered were dead, and many of the Kaxiu who were still alive asked to leave when they heard that they were fighting against Zhongda Shufu. Although Faya later used high-pressure measures to temporarily stabilize the situation, morale was also low. At the bottom of the valley, the morale of the army was unstable.

However, they finally came to a master, who should be named Peng. He was not well-known. He was probably a master secretly trained by Faya. Xiao Man was seriously injured and his life and death were unknown. The master surnamed Peng was also injured by Qiao Yuan, and Faya was severely injured.

Zhongda Shufu was not much better. More than 20 of their masters died, and the remaining half were injured and their strength was greatly reduced. Qiao Yuan was also slightly injured. It was Xiaoman's last blow that injured him. 013 was also destroyed by the last blow. It was a pity. "

Chen Mu didn't hear any pity from Xi Ping's mouth. On the contrary, his excitement was palpable.

Before Chen Mu asked Bagnell what he thought of the result, at this moment, the measuring instrument in Xi Ping's hand suddenly sounded. Xi Ping opened the meter, said a few words, and his expression suddenly became weird.

After turning off the meter, Xi Ping saw the two people's eyes falling on him. He dropped a bombshell with a strange expression: "Tang Hanpei personally came with the reinforcements from the Federal Comprehensive School and just arrived in Luoyou City."

Old Man He runs a bar, and as the night gets darker, it's time for business to get better. He was so busy that his head was spinning and his feet could hardly touch the ground.

On the central wall of the bar, a light curtain takes up almost two-thirds of the entire wall. Ever since the magic card came into being, this thing immediately became popular in all the bars in the Federation. What could be more pleasant than drinking wine and watching interesting shows?

In the past, the most popular images were those of masters fighting against each other, but with the recent tense situation, more and more people are paying attention to current affairs news.

The busiest people here are the waiters. Most of them are young and beautiful, dressed very coolly, and are very good at airflow cards. When a stunningly beautiful girl floats to you with a glass of wine in a stunning twirling motion, it is a very pleasing thing to see.

Old man He worked as a card repairman for twenty years in his early years. Later, when he got older, he used his savings to open this bar. Now there is no trace of the vigor he had in the past, only a sense of harmony. However, no one in his hotel has ever dared to cause trouble.

Old Man He was very satisfied with his current life. He was immersed in counting the documents. The noisy sounds in his ears were like celestial music. He was enjoying it very much.

Suddenly, the noise that my ears had long been used to suddenly disappeared.

Old Man He's hand movements froze, and his heart jumped suddenly.

What happened? Just as he was about to raise his head, the sound of watching the magic card came to his ears very clearly.

"The latest exclusive report on this platform is that at 19:40 today, Tang Hanpei, the flagship figure of the Federal Comprehensive University, personally led a team to Luoyou City. The number of card repairmen accompanying him was about 80, and it is said that they are all from the Federal Comprehensive University. A master who has become famous in the school over the years.

However, what is even more shocking is that in a very short period of time before Tang Hanpei arrived, Zu Ning, an idol master among the younger generation of the Federal Comprehensive University, died mysteriously. So far, there is no information about it. According to eyewitnesses, Zu Ning was fatally injured by a wave blade in the neck.

The instrument in Zu Ning's hand disappeared, along with a large number of money cards. The most incredible thing is that a warehouse stationed at the Federal University was also ransacked, and a large number of cards of various colors were missing. The final losses have not yet been fully tallied.

So far, no organization has issued a statement of responsibility for the incident.

The Federal University responded to this immediately. Pavchako was extremely angry and issued a reward order in front of the media for the first time. Anyone who can report clues will receive a reward of one billion euros. If the murderer can be found, not only will he receive The rewards, worth a total of 10 billion euros, will also provide opportunities for further study at a federal comprehensive university.

This is the first time in the history of a federal comprehensive university that a reward order has been issued. The reward amount is huge and extremely rare in the entire history of the federation.

We interviewed many experts, and everyone’s opinions were quite unanimous. This reward is most likely directly related to the [Jie Shi Lian] inheritance practiced by Zu Ning. As a rule, students like Zu Ning would carry a copy of their inheritance with them. However, the federal comprehensive university has not yet made any response on this issue.

This platform has just received news that Qiaoyuan, a Zhongda Shufu in Luoyou City, quietly appeared. After sweeping away the original forces of the Federal Comprehensive School, it encountered the Faya Group, and a fierce battle broke out between the two sides. Both sides suffered heavy casualties, and Qiao Yuan was slightly injured.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the card repairer who injured Qiao Yuan used the digital series card 013 that caused a sensation in the Federation some time ago.

Will Tang Hanpei take advantage of Qiao Yuan's injury to launch an attack and gain the initiative on the battlefield? There is no way to know yet.

It is reported that Qiao Yuan and Tang Hanpei have never played against each other before. Whoever wins or loses directly determines the ownership of Zhongzhou Group. And Faya is watching from the sidelines, which makes the problem more complicated.

Due to the fighting between several parties, civilians in Luoyou City suffered heavy casualties. According to rumors, Kuji Temple and Xingyuan are preparing to organize a medical card repair team to enter Luoyou City to help the civilians. This action has also received support from Moying and Shuangyue Hanzhou. response.

We cannot make further predictions about the final outcome..."

The bar was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Everyone held their breath and stared at the light curtain in shock.

Several experts then appeared on the light screen, commenting nonstop on this series of events.

The bar exploded with a bang.

"Damn it, who can kill Zu Ning, who can do it?"

"Hmph, the Sixth Army always thought they were awesome. Now someone should punish them. They deserve it!"

"Zuning, you are my idol! Wow, oh, whoever killed a thousand swordsmen, if I find out who did it, I will fight him!"

"Guess who has a greater chance of winning, Qiao Yuan or Tang Hanpei?"

"013! Oh my god, how many times have I dreamed about it!"

The documents in Old Man He's hand fell to the ground, but he seemed unaware. After a long while, he let out a long sigh.

The world is going to be in chaos.

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