
Chapter 298 The situation is tense [Third update! 】

"Mr. Cao." Jiao Si greeted and sat down.

"What's the matter? Principal Jiao Si?" Chen Mu asked strangely.

"Haha, I have a ruthless feeling." Jiao Si looked directly at Chen Mu and said calmly: "Mr. Cao is the best card maker I have ever seen. I hope Ru Qiu can follow Mr. Cao for a while. If you It's her gift to be willing to give her some guidance. If you are very busy, it doesn't matter if you let her help. Of course, our Siyuan Academy will pay for this."

Jiao Si has been dealing with these people for a long time, and gradually became familiar with their temperament. There is no need to be subtle in your words, and if the rewards given are generous, the problem will basically not be big.

Sure enough, Chen Mu showed an interested expression: "What's the reward?" Letting Ru Qiu follow him for a period of time was just a small thing for Chen Mu. Without basic introductory guidance, the content of Chika is so difficult that it is almost impossible to understand it on your own.

Chen Mu doubted that the genius who created the chip theory must be a master of mathematics. Although Kaxiu is now studying mathematics, in comparison, the content he has learned is superficial, not even entry-level.

Chen Mu was more interested in the reward Jiao Si mentioned. He now understands that for people like Jiao Si, Tang Hanpei, if you pluck out a single hair, it is thicker than his own thigh. If you are polite to them, you will be at odds with yourself.

Will Chen Mu have trouble with him? of course not!

Jiao Si is also a cunning person, so he asked tentatively: "What kind of reward does Mr. Cao hope to get?"

Xi Ping on the side interrupted: "Principal Jiao is so insincere. There is no reason to ask our boss to quote!"

Jiao Si then remembered that there was a professional businessman sitting next to Chen Mu, and couldn't help but curse himself for being confused. However, he was extremely thick-skinned and naturally he would not be embarrassed by such a trivial matter. He laughed and said, "Because I don't know what Mr. Cao needs. In terms of funds, I am willing to pay two billion euros. This is a very sincere decision." The price. To be honest, no card maker’s apprenticeship fee has been so high.”

Xi Ping said disapprovingly: "Indeed, no card maker would ask for such a high price. But for a card maker like the boss who wants to become a disciple, money will not solve the problem."

The more advanced the card maker is, the more stringent the conditions for selecting students will be. Card makers of Chen Mu's level are naturally not short of money, so their requests are often extremely weird.

No card maker can support such a group of people, including an armed force, by himself!

Therefore, Chen Mu has different needs from other card makers because he is short of money.

"That's natural. But Qiu'er is not considered a disciple. If Mr. Cao is willing to accept Ru Qiu as his student, no matter what Mr. Cao's request is, our Siyuan Academy will agree." Jiao Si looked at Chen Mu and said firmly.

Xi Ping shut up. This was the boss's problem.

Chen Mu shook his head: "I don't accept students." Although his tone was light, he was very sure.

Of course he doesn't accept students, and the reasons are more complicated. On the one hand, Chen Mu felt that his level was really not good enough to be someone else's teacher. Although he has produced a series of digital cards so far, there are many aspects that even he himself cannot understand.

How can such a person be someone else’s teacher?

Another reason is the particularity of card-raising knowledge. So far, he has seen hundreds if not thousands of cards. But he had never seen a card based on the theory of financing elsewhere.

This is a very incredible thing.

Chen Mu was able to reach this point all because of that mysterious card. Almost subconsciously, he regarded this card as his most core secret, and the theory of fundraising was undoubtedly the core of the core. How could he teach others the secret that he relied on for survival?

A flash of disappointment flashed in Jiao Si's eyes. Although he had expected that Chen Mu would not agree, he was still a little disappointed when Chen Mu gave a definite answer.

Xi Ping understood Chen Mu's meaning in an instant.

Chen Mu leaned on the backrest of the seat, Xi Ping and Jiao Si were haggling next to his ears, and their voices seemed to be gradually fading away from him.

The tense nerves finally relaxed a little. These days, he was like a beast trapped in a cage, struggling to find a way out. It's a terrible feeling to see yourself sinking deeper and deeper into the quagmire without being able to do anything about it.

The pressure continued to increase, and he kept gritting his teeth and persisting, trying hard not to collapse!

Many images flashed before his eyes like flashes of light, including Lei Zi, the first battle, the devil woman, the jungle...

The soft seats under me, the rhythmic hiss of the long shuttle train, and the soft lights made me fall asleep quietly with a young and tired heart.

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Mu opened his eyes and found himself asleep! He was startled, and he sat upright suddenly. His sleepiness disappeared all of a sudden, and he looked around cautiously.

The long shuttle train was still running at high speed, and the carriages were unchanged from before he fell asleep. Most of the resting repairmen were asleep.

Chen Mu felt relieved, there was no accident!

Seeing Chen Mu wake up, Xi Ping, who was chatting quietly with Bagnell, came over: "Boss, we have reached an agreement with Principal Jiao Si. For 2.5 billion euros, you only need to take Ru Qiu for half a year. No What do you think of the other incidental requirements?”

"Okay." Chen Mu's answer was simple: "How long have I been asleep?"

"Six hours."

Chen Mu was slightly shocked that it took so long!

Xi Ping received Chen Mu's affirmative answer and called Jiao Si over.

After receiving Chen Mu's affirmative reply, Jiao Si grinned.

It seemed that Siyuan Academy suffered a loss, but there was a deep meaning behind Jiao Si's behavior.

Chen Mu and the others were determined to enter the five major Chinese regions. In this case, the cooperation plan that Jiao Si had in mind would undoubtedly come to nothing. As for Chen Mu who asked Ru Qiu to follow him, Jiao Si was quite confident based on Ru Qiu's understanding. Moreover, it’s great to learn something, even if you didn’t expect it, it’s still quite cost-effective.

As long as Ru Qiu follows Chen Mu, she will be like a bridge that can prevent Siyuan Academy from losing contact with this mysterious group. In this way, the plan to cooperate with them will be feasible.

Although Siyuan University is not as rich as the Sixth University, several billions are just a small amount for them. They don't lack money, what they lack is things like [Original Yanpoka]!

For every group, in the early stages of accumulation of strength, money can often solve most of the problems. However, as the strength increases to a certain level, money cannot solve it if it wants to move forward. This is the current situation at Siyuan Academy.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Mu still turned to Jiao and said, "We may enter Tiandongli District, where the environment is relatively harsh. Miss Ruqiu..."

"Mr. Cao, don't worry, Qiu'er is not that kind of spoiled little girl." Jiao Si immediately responded, and suddenly he remembered something: "Oh, by the way, we will solve Qiu'er's pass."

Jiao Si hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Cao, I'm very surprised, why do you want to develop in Tiandongli District? I traveled there when I was young, and half of the cities there were built on ice. Except for the urban area, other places are as cold as a knife. There is only one season a year, and the ice and snow never thaw. The living conditions are very harsh. Except for locals, it is difficult for outsiders to gain a foothold there. In comparison In addition to Beilian District, which is full of deserts, Shanggan District, Zuohe District, Van Asi District and Kyoto have a pleasant climate, and their economy and technology are more developed."

Chen Mu didn't know how to explain it, so he could only smile.

Seeing that Chen Mu didn't want to answer, Jiao Si knew that he had asked a question that he shouldn't have asked, so he tried to resolve his embarrassment and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, it was many years ago that I went to China District. The changes in China District It is much faster than the general residential area. I still remember that when I first entered the Chinese District, I made a lot of jokes. Oh, by the way, you should pay attention. The price level in the Chinese District is much more expensive than that in the general residential area. many."

Jiao Si casually talked about his previous experience in China, which immediately attracted Chen Mu's attention, and he listened with interest. And Jiao Si found that Chen Mu listened attentively and spoke more seriously.

It has to be said that Jiao Si's experience is rich and colorful. He traveled extensively when he was young and visited countless places. Many interesting anecdotes, customs and folk customs are all readily available, and they are all experienced by him himself, making them full of authenticity. Even Xi Ping listened with rapt attention.

Probably because I was so absorbed in listening, time flew by. Twelve hours passed in the blink of an eye.

"The station ahead is Weiwen City, please prepare to get off the bus."

Everyone woke up immediately, and his companions who were not awake also slapped him awake.

The card cultivators were all on alert, and the measuring instruments in their hands were all activated. If anything abnormal occurs at this time, these card repairmen's attacks will be fired at the opponent without hesitation.

The long shuttle train slowly entered the station and the doors opened.

"Who is Mr. Cao?" A cold-looking card repairer entered the carriage and asked very politely.

Chen Mu stood up: "I am."

Ka Xiu saluted him: "Hello, Your Excellency! After receiving the order from above, we will escort you into Kyoto."

A vigilant look flashed in Bagnell's eyes, and he raised his voice: "Thank you very much, but we don't need to trouble you, we know how to enter Kyoto."

The card repairman ignored Bagnell and said expressionlessly: "I'm sorry, the order I received is to escort you all into Kyoto safely."

Bagnell was not afraid and motioned to Cardius beside him. Without any warning, the twenty-two card repairmen had already made tactical arrangements in the blink of an eye. All the entrances and a small group of card repairmen outside were locked.

Ka Nian's face changed slightly. The other party had taken control of the situation in an instant. The fighting power displayed by these twenty-odd Ka Nian made him extremely shocked. Whether it's reaction, positioning, or coordination, it's all impeccable!

Damn it, where did such a group of powerful guys come from? Young Cardiff's cheeks trembled imperceptibly.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

PS: There is also.

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