
Chapter 303 Poor Stalker [2-in-1]

The condition of the newbies is very bad and many people have been injured. Lu Xiaoru, the twenty-odd card cultivators, became the fire brigade. When someone was injured, they would immediately save them. And Su Liu Cherou has become the busiest in the entire team. She shuttles quickly among the wounded, and her skills are really amazing. Even Bagnell, who has always been very demanding, can't help but show off a few... Appreciative color.

Having this senior medical card repairman in the team can greatly reduce casualties.

The newcomers, who had no worries, finally gathered their courage, and the attack rhythm gradually fell into their hands. The wolves suffered heavy casualties. Bagnell stood coldly at the rear and did not intervene in the battle ahead. In his opinion, there was no need to intervene in this small-scale battle.

His eyes stayed on Jiang Liang the most. Although this former member of the military had his perception severely damaged, he was indeed a step ahead of others in terms of tactical literacy. Be calm, not flustered, not selfish, and able to cover for your companions.

He is a qualified soldier. Bagnell suspects that Jiang Liang should have been specially trained by the military in the past. Bagnell couldn't help but feel sincerely grateful that such a talent had been recruited by him.

A commander always appreciates his subordinates who have excellent tactical qualities, and he is no exception. The performance of the other captains can only be considered average, but it seems that they have not forgotten the content of their usual training.

Transforming from a novice to a qualified warrior is a painful transformation process accompanied by casualties.

Silently watching the battlefield, the four hundred card cultivators in front of him, if they can finally get two hundred qualified warriors, they will already be an extremely powerful fighting force!


There was a shrill scream, but it stopped suddenly. A novice's throat was bitten by a Sisnian wolf. This is the first death so far. The attack just now was so violent that Lu Xiaoru and the others had no time to rescue them.

The tragic deaths of their companions reminded these novices that although they were rescued by experts, their situation was still extremely dangerous. Nothing scares people more than death, and a wave of panic immediately broke out in the team.

"Cheer up, don't be distracted, follow my rhythm!" Jiang Liang's eyes widened with anger and he shouted in a hissing voice.

The novices around him seemed to have suddenly gained a backbone. Although their faces were still pale, they followed Jiang Liang's shooting rhythm and attacked in a measured manner.

When the other captains saw this, they also followed suit.

"Attention, members of the second team, keep up with my pace!"

"Those from the third team, follow me!"

"Team 4, if you don't want to die, cheer me up! Kill these beasts!"

"Elite group, those who do not perform well will have their wages deducted!" The leader of the elite group's shouting was undoubtedly the most lethal. I saw all the Kaxiu in the elite group suddenly full of energy, with such fierce firepower that it was eye-popping.

Under this wave of attacks from the wolves, their firepower did not decrease, but became more powerful. Directed firepower brings more powerful lethality. At this time, the wolves were only five meters away from them. This is an extremely dangerous distance, and for the explosive Bosnian wolves, it only requires one jump.

The shuttle rain was like a harvester, and the wolves fell one by one.

As time went by, these card repairmen began to gradually adapt to fighting. Their movements became more and more proficient, and the hit rate of the energy shuttles launched gradually increased.

The damage value is close to a thousand! This is almost the damage value only available for four-star cards. A combat unit may not be able to compete with a high-level card repairman who can use four-star cards, but in terms of pure damage output, there will not be a big gap. And this advantage is particularly obvious in such positional battles.

Jiang Liang's psychological quality was the strongest, and he resisted the areas with the strongest attacks.

The most thrilling time was when three Bosnian wolves pounced on him in the air. Fortunately, his companions behind him rescued him in time, and the three Bosnian wolves were blasted in mid-air.

The balance of the battle began to tilt towards Chen Mu.

Chen Mu didn't take action, he understood what Bagnell meant. Although some people died in this battle, but these novices did not show any blood, then everyone would die in the end, and this was not dependent on anyone's will.

Chen Mu's decisive nature can also be seen from this, he is growing rapidly.

Everyone in this world knows that long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, but how many people can really cut off the wrist of a strong man?

The battle has completely fallen into the hands of the novice card cultivators. Only a few wolves can stand, and the rest all fell in a pool of blood.

This battle only lasted a few minutes, but the intensity and impact were so fierce that it could be described as a head-on confrontation without any tricks. The distance between the two sides is too close, and the wolves are known for their explosive power and impact. This is a real encounter.

Although he was dissatisfied with the early performance of these Cards, their subsequent performance was still praised by Bagnell.

There was a mess in front of him, and the smell of blood was so strong that it even choked his nose. Wolf corpses were everywhere, and the card repairmen who had finally won the victory all collapsed on the ground. Only then did they realize that their bodies were so weak that they didn't even want to move their fingers.

Su Liu Cherou became even busier, and there were too many Kaxiu injured.

Soon, the casualty statistics came out. Three people died on the spot, six people died after treatment failed, and 57 people were injured.

This is definitely a very high casualty rate, but fortunately, only seven card repairmen died. As long as those injured card repairmen recover, they can return to the battle. In terms of psychological endurance, the injured Ka Xiu is stronger than the ordinary Ka Xiu.

Fortunately, Su Liu Cherou existed, otherwise, the situation would have been several times worse than this. No matter where they are, medical card repairmen are scarce resources, and high-level medical card repairmen can only be possessed by large medical card repair groups.

Glancing at Chen Mu, Bagnell thought to himself, things really do flock together! Only a strong man like the boss can pick up any woman in the middle of the night, and she is such a strong woman!

Well, should you consider cultivating the boss's nightlife? An evil thought emerged from Bagnell's mind uncontrollably, and a sinister smile on his face made Cardiff's neck feel cold as he walked past him.

Looking at Su Liu Cherou's superb medical skills, the energy needle under her control was extremely magical.

Bagnell's eyes were wandering as he watched, and he couldn't help but secretly wonder, should he consider asking his boss to get rid of Miss Su Liu Cherou as soon as possible? If such a character were lost to the outside world, he would be so regretful that his intestines would be green.

Lu Xiaoru, the twenty-two card cultivators, all had cold expressions on their faces. They had all experienced hundreds of battles, and such a scene was not enough to make them look shocked. If Bagnell had asked them to take action just now, this wolf pack would only be a small problem.

The [Beaming Sound] in Lu Xiaoru's hand can release sonic range attacks, which is fatal to these hearing wolves.

However, the boss and boss did not give orders, and they did not directly participate in the war.

The building repairmen in Burna all looked pale and vomited into a mess. Xi Ping also looked pale. When he saw Chen Mu looking at him, he forced a smile and said, "It's a pity that these wolf skins are too damaged. The intact wolf skins can be sold at a good price."

Each of these Bosnian wolves lying on the ground had several bloody holes on their bodies, so naturally such wolf skins were of little value. Xi Ping had nothing to say. How could they possibly be interested in these wolf skins now?

Bagnell walked between the novices Cardius and said coldly: "Each team will discuss and summarize the gains and losses."

After saying that, ignore these newbies.

Twenty card repairmen shuttled through the jungle quickly. Their movements were nimble and easy, and it could be seen that they were very familiar with the environment in the jungle.

The leading card repairman suddenly raised his hand, and the team suddenly stopped.

There is a situation!

Listening attentively, the team members did not hear anything. They looked at their captain with some confusion.

The captain did not explain, but squatted down silently, spreading the rotten layer on the ground with his hands, revealing the hard soil underneath. He put his ear to the ground, and after two seconds, his face changed slightly!

"There are a large group of wild beasts!" The captain said solemnly: "In front, there should be a pack of wolves, and the direction should coincide with the target team."

Everyone looked at each other.

One team member said: "They are not so unlucky!"

Large-scale wolves are quite terrifying. They come and go like the wind, are good at running, and are even more powerful in short-distance sprints and surprise attacks. They are cunning and can be fine alone, but if there is a large-scale wolf pack, it will definitely be a nightmare.

The captain hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go over and take a look. They should have encountered a pack of wolves."

All the team members looked hesitant. If you know there are wolves in front of you and still go up to them, isn't that asking for death? Bosnian wolves have a very keen sense of smell, and they are particularly sensitive to human scent.

After glancing at everyone, the captain said: "You don't know how much importance the higher-ups attach to this mission?" After speaking, he took the lead and ran forward.

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. Everyone had no choice but to follow closely behind the captain.

Suddenly, a strange howling sound, like a storm without warning, came from far ahead.

The courage that everyone had just mustered up was extinguished by this sudden strange roar. Judging from the sound, the direction of the howling sound happened to be the direction of the target team.

Seeing the hesitation on everyone's faces, the captain had no choice but to say: "Okay. We will go there in a while. I believe there will be traces on the scene. Everyone, be on guard, in case the wolves move in our direction, it will be troublesome. ”

Although he is the captain, he must consider the emotions of his teammates. In the jungle, an individual's power is very limited. Without the cooperation of his team members, he cannot accomplish anything by himself.

In fact, he was also terrified in his heart. This jungle was extremely vast, and with the current distance, it was only on the edge of the jungle.

Although they all learn jungle tracking, there are very few opportunities to go on missions. As a subordinate institution of the Federal Comprehensive University, the time when their power needs to be used is very rare.

No opportunity, no promotion. It’s not easy to encounter a mission, and judging from the instructions from above, it seems that the superiors attach great importance to this mission.

This is a great opportunity!

He had made up his mind to complete this mission beautifully no matter what.

However, I didn't expect to encounter such an unexpected situation. If they encounter a large wolf pack and don't run fast enough, they will die. They are only good at tracking in the wild, and their combat effectiveness is much weaker than those card repairmen who are responsible for fighting.

For safety reasons, he chose to stay where he was for the time being.

After about three hours, he could no longer hear any movement, so he got up.

"Let's go, we need to catch up as soon as possible. There are so many of them, they won't be able to go far."

The team members also stood up one after another. As long as they didn't encounter wolves, they would feel more relieved. The group of people swept forward quickly. The traces on the ground were very clear, and they could find the direction without any effort.

They walked for about two hours.

Card Xiu, who was in charge of reconnaissance in the front, suddenly seemed to be chased by something, and backed away with a look of fear.

"What's wrong?" the captain asked in a deep voice.

Just at this time, a breeze blew by, and the strong smell of blood rushed towards them, and everyone's expressions suddenly changed slightly.

"Team, Captain... Come and take a look!" The team member's teeth were chattering, and his voice was full of fear, as if he had seen something terrible.

The captain's eyelids twitched, and everyone quietly looked at each other and walked forward cautiously.

When they got closer and saw the scene in front of them clearly, there was a neat gasp.

"Team, captain... He, they really encountered a pack of wolves!" One team member stammered nonsense with the blood on his face fading cleanly.

But at this time, no one had the intention to laugh at him, everyone was stunned by the Shura scene in front of them!

I saw wolf corpses everywhere on the ground, and underneath each wolf corpse was a pool of blood. Some wolves that were not dead still twitched from time to time. The smell of blood here is so strong that it makes you sick.

Densely packed wolf carcasses lay scattered on the ground. Looking around, I didn't know how many there were.

Everyone's hearts suddenly tightened. They thought the wolves had left, but they didn't expect...

Looking at the terrifying number of wolf corpses, the captain's heart skipped a beat. Could it be...could it be that the entire wolf pack had been wiped out? They didn't see a single wolf still standing. If it was a rout, the remaining wolves would come back here after the enemy left and mourn for their dead companions.

However, they did not see a wolf still standing!

Defeat and destruction are two completely different concepts, and the combat effectiveness embodied by the two is also quite different.

While the captain was horrified, he began to carefully observe the traces around him. Through these traces, he could roughly deduce what had just happened.

The more he looked at the captain, the more frightened he became.

The turned grass leaves large trampling marks, which should be left by the charging of wolves. After roughly calculating the distance, when the two met, the distance between the two sides should be about three hundred meters.

Three hundred meters is just a few ups and downs for the wolves. However, they did not expect that the firepower of their enemies was too strong, and their impact was suddenly restrained. The slowed down wolves are much less powerful and give their enemies more time.

But the battle should be over within a few minutes, otherwise, with the cunning of the wolf, it will break up as soon as it sees that the situation is not right.

If that's the case, does it mean that the wolves have been wiped out before they can react?

This guess made him feel a little chilly all over.

What level of firepower is this?

And he found many small holes in the ground and tree trunks. The finger-thick holes in the ground are all bottomless, and the small holes in the tree trunks are all penetrating scars. Judging from the shape of the marks, they should have been left by shuttle energy bodies. The wolf corpse also had the same scars.

He didn't see any other scars, which gave him a very bad premonition!

Are they following the military?

Except for the military, few forces have such a unified attack method.

military! In the hearts of ordinary Ka Xiu, it is synonymous with mystery and power. He regretted it now. This task was more difficult than he imagined.

If the other party is really a military figure, then they are in danger.

After thinking about it, he immediately called a team member: "You should send back the news here immediately. The opponent is most likely the military, using a type of card that should be shuttle type, with a damage value of more than 800. The number of people Above five hundred, there are guides who are familiar with the jungle, and other information is unknown. It is recommended to send more advanced scouts."

Everyone's expressions suddenly became more exciting. They had some guesses before, but their ideas were not as clear as the captain's.

When they heard the captain say that the other party might be the military, they all looked pale. But after hearing that the captain was very sure that the damage value of the card used by the opponent was more than 800, everyone's expressions were stunned for an instant.

"Captain, it's not such an exaggeration! Eight hundred? Isn't that a four-star card? Oh my God, is our target hundreds of high-level military card repairmen? Are we looking for death?" A team member said with a bit of hysteria Yelling.

The others also looked at the team member who was called out with despair and jealousy. He was sent back to deliver the news, which meant there was no need to continue tracking.

Following the military's high-level card repair group is really no different from seeking death!

The team member was ecstatic and nodded repeatedly: "I will definitely report the news." He took the magic card report that the captain had just written down. This type of magic card report requires the use of specially paired instruments to read the information in it.

"Go quickly." The captain patted him on the shoulder. He was the youngest member of their team.

"Yes." The team member said hello to the other companions and immediately ran back quickly.

The other team members looked at their captain with despair: "Captain, what should we do?"

The captain muttered: "We still have to follow!" As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions became uglier. The opponent's strength was too strong. If they were discovered, they would have no chance of escape. And with the military's style of doing things, there will definitely be experts in this field, even if their level is much higher than theirs.

"We must follow, otherwise we won't be able to explain when we get back. You also know the consequences of disobeying the order." The captain first explained the reason, and everyone was silent. They also knew that the captain was right.

"But" the captain's tone changed, and everyone was stunned and raised their heads.

"The difference in strength between us and the opponent is too great. If we get too close, we will definitely die. I think this will be clear to the higher-ups after receiving the report. The higher-ups will definitely send more experts here, otherwise, We will retract the news about returning to life. We just need to ensure that we follow these people at a distance. On the one hand, we do not lose their traces, and on the other hand, we wait for the next instructions from above. "

The captain's words made everyone's expressions soften a lot.

"The captain still has a way. Yes, we just need to follow from a distance. What about the military? I don't believe they can spot us from such a distance!"

Some people shouted loudly, as if to encourage themselves.

The captain looked at the re-energized team members, and for some reason, a bad feeling lingered in his heart. He suddenly thought of the fallen Lao Huang and others.

An extremely terrifying thought suddenly came to mind. Were Lao Huang and the others deliberately lured into the miasma forest by their target?

This thought made his normally calm expression change.

"Captain, what's wrong?" A sharp-eyed team member noticed something strange about him.

He forced a smile: "It's nothing. Maybe the smell of blood here is too strong and makes it uncomfortable." He didn't dare to tell these team members this guess. If he told them, the little bit of morale that had just been raised would immediately collapse. .

"Yes, let's get out of here quickly. The smell of blood here is too strong, I'm afraid it will attract those ferocious beasts." A team member reminded.

Everyone had long wanted to leave this hell-like place, so they all immediately stood up and moved forward along the traces left by the target. Only this time, their speed was much slower. They didn't want to hit those scary guys.

Chen Mu, who was in the jungle, didn't know that just when these newbies had just completed their first battle, an incident that shocked the entire federation happened in Luoyou City.

Tang Hanpei pushed himself to the forefront with an unprecedented and decisive attitude!

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