
Chapter 318 Novelty [Second update]

"Are you really not going with us?" Bagnell stared at Xiao Liqian in front of him, watching the junior of his old friend support such a base as a woman. One can imagine the hardships involved.

Xiao Liqian shook her head, with a faint but sincere smile on her face: "This is the only thing left by my uncle. I can't leave it behind. I have no ambitions. I just want to run the Hughes Chamber of Commerce well. Uncle doesn't have to do anything for me. I’m worried. I’m very powerful!”

He has no ambition, he is really like Hughes. Looking at Xiao Liqian with a serious look on his face, the figure of a middle-aged man appeared in Bagnell's mind.

Things have changed and people have changed, and now I am the only one left.

Partners from back then...

Thinking of this, his heart ached. However, his face remained calm, he took out a card and handed it to Xiao Liqian: "The boss asked me to give this to you. You use them to recruit some masters, so take care of yourself."

Xiao Liqian took the card and smiled sweetly: "Thank you, uncle, thank you boss."

After hesitating for a moment, she said to Bagnell: "If possible, uncle, please take care of Xiao Bo for a while. He has always taken good care of Li Qian, and he is actually a nice person."

Bagnell chuckled: "You're under my control, don't worry, hehe!"

After waving goodbye to Xiao Liqian, Bagnell turned around and smiled sinisterly: "Xiao Bo, this bitch, has long been disliked by him. Humph, he finally fell into my hands..."

Xiao Liqian only returned to the base after everyone left. When she looked carefully at the five cards in her hand, she inadvertently saw the numerical code in the corner of the card.


She was stunned for a moment, as if her brain had been struck by lightning. Suddenly, he remembered the set of cards that caused a stir some time ago, and quickly flipped through the remaining cards.

There is a number in the lower right corner of each card!

"Oh!" The employees of the Hughes Chamber of Commerce only heard a scream full of surprise coming from the president's office!

Bagnell returned to the team and glanced at Xiao Bo, whose head was drooping and wilted. He walked up to Xi Ping and whispered half with emotion and half with admiration: "Old Xi, you are so cruel!"

Xi Ping looked straight ahead as usual: "We are just helping the boss solve problems. Rather than letting this guy become an unstable factor in the team, it is better to make him more honest. And with Weah here, resources cannot be wasted."

His eyes suddenly fell on Xiao Yangbo who was being held by Lu Xiaoru, and his eyes softened.

"Yes. But you are looking down on me. Huh, if you fall into my hands, you will never make a big difference. You are only a fifth-level card repairer, hehe." Bagnell unconsciously touched his green chin again .

"We shouldn't take too much insurance." Xi Ping withdrew his gaze and said leisurely.

Bagnell grinned: "That's true! Hehe, by the way, our harvest this time is really not small. I didn't expect that the gas in the pockets of these bandits is quite heavy. It's a pity that we still have a little time. Otherwise, we can Squeeze them all dry!”

"I've told you before, Miss Su Liu is a treasure!"

"How about we launch a 'free clinic' every time we go to a place?"

"No, no, no, we should..."

Tiandongli District, after three months of trekking, everyone finally arrived in Tiandongli District.

"Please show your passes." The card repairman at the checkpoint looked at the group of people warily and exchanged glances with his companions. The companion immediately understood and whispered to other card repairmen to be careful.

There were about five hundred people in this team. They looked in a miserable state, and their clothes were in tatters. Logically speaking, such a team should be more like refugees, but the team in front of them gave them an extremely dangerous feeling.

There are many people from common areas gathered near the checkpoint. The recent instability has caused a sharp increase in the number of people who want to enter the five major Chinese areas. However, the five major Chinese districts all refused the entry of people from common areas, which also led to many people gathering near the checkpoint.

These people looked at this shabby team with contempt in their eyes. Those who want to enter the five major Chinese regions are either dignitaries from common areas with considerable status or wealthy people with huge wealth. This can be seen from the endless luxury tents near the level. There is constant singing and dancing here every night, and these rich people bring salon parties here as well.

"These beggars also want to enter Tiandongli District? Haha, do they want to go in and beg?"

"Who knows, maybe they want to enrich the professions in Tiandongli District!"

However, what shocked these rich people was that the card repairman at the level actually let these people in!

"Oh, what did I see? Oh my God! These beggars got in! They got in!"

"Gentlemen, look at what kind of unfair treatment we enjoy! These caterpillar-like beggars were let go easily, but what about us? We, the elites of the upper class, were blocked from the checkpoint. This Absolutely intolerable.”

These rich people immediately started making noises, and finally they elected a Mr. York to negotiate with the level card repairmen.

Mr. York is an old man in his sixties and has rich political experience.

"Dear Sirs, let me take the liberty to ask," Mr. York pointed at the team that had not yet disappeared: "Why are they able to enter, but we" he pointed to himself and then behind him, "but are blocked in the Has this been going on for so long?”

The card repairman at the checkpoint glanced at Mr. York: "They have passes, do you have them?"

"Do they have a pass?" Mr. York never expected that this would be the reason, and stammered: "He, they beggars also have a pass?"

"Watch your words, sir!" The checkpoint repairman's face suddenly turned cold: "They are noble Chinese residents with Kyoto passes. Your words can be regarded as a provocation to us Chinese people."

Seeing Mr. York's pale face, the Cardiff snorted coldly: "Beggars? Ignorant people are ignorant. This team of 'beggars' is enough to wipe out all of you! There is no waste in our district, dear sir!"

After saying that, the card repairer turned around and left.

"Is this really the town of Bottilman?" Bagnell muttered to himself as he looked in front of him.

Looking from a distance, a large-scale city appeared in front of everyone. The city is built on an endless plain, so even if you are far away from it, you can still feel its magnificence.

"This city is more than five times larger than Luoyou City, and its prosperity is at least ten times greater." Xi Ping's voice was full of excitement. For a shrewd businessman, a prosperous city means countless business opportunities, countless wealth,

"Is this still called a town?" Xiao Bo was obviously frightened by the small town in front of him, which was called Botilman Town.

In the sky, groups of Kaxiu roared and flew over their heads from time to time.

Occasionally, a few card repairmen would fly so fast that everyone below would be frightened. Especially Xiao Bo, who is the most authentic Ka Xiu among the people, his feelings are getting stronger. It was quite interesting to see his face turn white and blue suddenly.

"There are so many card repairs!" Bagnell said this emotion no longer knowing how many times.

There are really many Kashu, and this becomes more obvious the closer you get to the town of Bottilman. A little closer to the city, it's like a busy street, with countless card figures coming and going, looking in a hurry.

It feels like one of those ports with a huge trading volume, with countless ships coming and going.

At one time, there were even thousands of Kaxiu flying through the sky, densely packed like a swarm of wasps. Chen Mu and others all gasped.

So far, only Weah's expression remained unchanged from before, and even Chen Mu looked a little unnatural.

The outside of the city is not a wilderness, but a sea of ​​flowers and gardens, with rivers running through them, like a link, stringing them together.

The air is filled with the refreshing fragrance of flowers, and there are patches of goose yellow, fiery red, and faint blue, just like the freehand painting of the master. It was the first time to see such a large-scale spectacle, and everyone was shocked. And women like Su Liu, Cherou Ruqiu, all have stars in their eyes.

Bottilman Town is a non-ice and snow town located on the edge of Tiandongli District. Three-quarters of Tiandongli District is an ice and snow area, and only a quarter is a non-ice and snow area.

In non-ice and snow areas, there are not many cities like Bottilman built on the plains, but there are quite a few small towns of this size.

This city has no gates, no walls, and no energy shield is seen either.

Chen Mu and his party walked into the city cautiously. This shabby team attracted a lot of people's attention, but everyone just looked at it twice, and no one showed anything strange.

Chen Mu quickly discovered the characteristics of these card cultivators. They were in a hurry. No matter how strong the card cultivators were, there was no trace of calmness or leisure on their faces. This is completely different from the high-level card cultivators he saw in Dongshang Wei City, Luoyou City.

Entering the city, everyone was truly shocked.

The numerous buildings are all super high-rise buildings with hundreds of floors. When these high-rise buildings are densely packed together, it doesn't feel good when you walk underneath them.

Overhead, there were shuttle cars whizzing by at high speed. The rolling traffic startled everyone. Looking up, you couldn't see the sky at all. What you can see is the chassis of one shuttle car after another.

Fortunately, what made everyone feel at ease was that the vehicle area and the pedestrian area were separated by a transparent energy shield. Otherwise, it would undoubtedly be a terrible thing if a shuttle car suddenly fell down.

The higher part of the driving area is the free flight area, which is the world of card repair. For safety reasons, there is also an energy cover separating the driving area and the flying area.

Live music is played in the pedestrian area, and the sound of water flowing under your feet can be heard, which makes people feel peaceful and calm. The colorful energy fountain, the energy arch bridge that can change colors, and the flowing fireflies trailing a little bit of broken light from time to time, gather and disperse in groups from time to time.

at this time. Everything here is so novel, like a fairy tale world.

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