
Chapter 327 The discovery of the Star Academy [First update, please vote for me]]

After the war, Luoyou City was silent, with ruins everywhere, and the entire city had become a dead city.

Bodies everywhere were rotting and covered in mosquitoes and flies, and the air was filled with a strong rotting smell of dead bodies. There was no sound, no living people. When the arriving reporters finally broke through the jungle and entered Luoyou City, what they saw was just such a lifeless city.

The prosperity of the past is now only ruins and dead bodies everywhere. This is a real hell, a tragedy that has never happened before in the history of the Federation!

When this scene spread to the entire federation, the federal people were shocked! People in both Hua District and Puju District were frightened by the tragic post-war situation in Luoyou City.

The huge Luoyou City has a surviving population of less than 10,000.

The initiator of this tragedy, the Federal Comprehensive University, immediately became the target of everyone's unanimous crusade. The public was outraged, and the reputation of the federal comprehensive university fell to an all-time low.

Federal comprehensive university.

Pavchako stared at Tang Hanpei with a ferocious expression. This disciple who had brought him countless glory and pride, and was the proudest disciple in his life, was getting further and further away from him.

this time……

"Why did you do this?" Pavchako suppressed the anger in his heart and asked in a deep voice.

Tang Hanpei looked calm but said nothing.

Three full minutes later, Tang Hanpei's expression remained unchanged, and Pavchako's eyes became colder and colder.

"Where is Zhongzhou Group? Where is Ren Wenzhou?"

This time Tang Hanpei spoke, and he said calmly: "Ren Wenzhou was killed by Qiao Yuan."

"That is to say, you did not obtain the technology of Zhongzhou Group?" Pavchako's tone became increasingly cold.

"Yes." Tang Hanpei admitted bluntly.

"Well, then you go and rest."

The top management of the Federal Comprehensive School passed a motion with astonishing efficiency. Tang Hanpei was removed from all posts and was strictly ordered to only be allowed to operate within the Federal Comprehensive School.

However, before they could react on the matter, Zhongda Shufu and Faya's counterattack had already begun. In this battle, besides Zhongda Shufu, there was another victim, and that was Faya. No one knows how much Faya's losses were, but judging from Faya's current counterattack, it seems that he was seriously injured.

In just three days, the fifteen garrison points of the Federal Comprehensive School were attacked extremely violently, resulting in heavy casualties. Both Xingyuan and Kuji Temple remained silent on this matter. Tang Hanpei's behavior this time also angered these two parties. They did not take action because Tang Hanpei ensured the safety of the students in the two academies.

The battle between Shuangyue Hanzhou and Moying continued to escalate. Both sides also fought with real fire. As the level and quantity of card repairs invested by both sides continued to increase, the war situation gradually expanded. Affected, the Tiandongli District's strategic supplies increased crazily, which made many card repairmen complain endlessly.

The killing of Qiao Yuan and Mi Xiaqing was a fundamental blow to Zhongda Shufu. There is no one else but the master of Qiaoyuan level. And the palace master is already seventy-two years old, so it is impossible for him to go to the battlefield in person. At the master level, Zhongda Book Mansion is stretched thin.

Just when everyone thought that Zhongda Shufu would be completely defeated in this competition, suddenly a piece of news attracted people's attention.

Baiyuan Mansion sent a delegation to visit Zhongdashu Mansion, and the two sides held extremely confidential talks.

This is the first time in history that a foreign mission has met with local forces without being received by the federal government.

Baiyuan Mansion, this mysterious other domain, do they also want to participate in this already chaotic competition? This aroused everyone's vigilance. If anything, Tang Hanpei's behavior put the federal comprehensive university into a quagmire. Then Zhongda Bookstore is undoubtedly pushing itself into a pit of fire.

A few days later, Zhongda Bookstore announced the news of their deeper cooperation with Baiyuan Mansion.

As soon as this news came out, the world was in an uproar.

In addition to the Federal University, the other four universities have issued statements warning Zhongda Shufu not to complicate the matter. The federal comprehensive university strongly criticized this incident.

However, for Zhongda Shufu, which has already lost to this point, they are not afraid of losing anything now. They kept emphasizing on the surface that the cooperation between Zhongda Shufu and Baiyuan Mansion was limited to commercial cooperation. But no one believes such nonsense.

The fierce criticism from the federal comprehensive university did not make their situation any better, and those who stood by and watched remained idly by. The cooperation between Zhongda Shufu and Baiyuan Mansion did not allow Xingyuan and Kuji Temple to participate in this war. As the military representative of the federal comprehensive university, Wei Yueqing, the commander of the First Corps, has always remained silent and has an ambiguous attitude.

The ambiguous attitude of the military caused the senior officials of the Federal Comprehensive School to panic immediately. And then, Song Chengyan's refusal to participate in the war was nothing short of adding insult to injury.

This made the school's senior management very angry. There was nothing they could do with Tang Hanpei, and there was nothing they could do with you, Song Chengyan, who had no background. The high-ranking school officials who were just about to make a move were suddenly hit by card repairmen from the First Army Corps, and they naturally took Song Chengyan to the First Army Corps' station.

At this time, how could the school's senior officials dare to fall out with Wei Yueqing? Without any choice. The school immediately held an intensive meeting and appointed Di Bo as the commander.

Dibo rushed to the front line and quickly stabilized the situation. He knew that he was good at attacking but not at defending, so he simply used offense instead of defense. Concentrate a large amount of strength in one breath, and the effect is remarkable.

This gave the federal school officials a sigh of relief. There are many factions at the top of the federal comprehensive university, with Pavchako's faction being the strongest. However, with Tang Hanpei being placed under house arrest, the power of Pavchako's faction has been greatly reduced.

Before, everyone was trembling with fear because the situation was too critical. And as Dibo continued to win at the front, some people were ready to take action, especially Dibo's faction, whose power surged.

There is an undercurrent surging in the federal comprehensive university, and it is not much better elsewhere.

Star Court.

Qingqing still looked calm and calm. Sitting in front of her was the principal of Star Academy. The principal has white hair and looks like an ordinary old man. He looks at Qingqing with very kind eyes.

Standing next to the old man was a middle-aged man. He was Yu Long, the dean of Xingyuan.

The old man spoke slowly: "There are some things, please take a look."

After speaking, Yu Long handed over a fantasy card. Qingqing took it and inserted it into his own meter. A look of surprise finally appeared on Gujing Bubo's face.

The old man seemed very happy when he saw that Qingqing's expression finally changed: "Haha, I'm surprised. Speaking of which, this incident happened because of you. In the past two years, Bian Yun has been following his teacher, studying this set of " The fantasy cards of "Legend of Masters" have finally yielded something. He is very grateful to you. If it weren't for you back then, he might just forget about this set of cards."

Qingqing smiled a little bitterly, and she smoothed her bangs on her forehead: "I didn't expect that this set of card images has a lot of potential."

Underneath her calm appearance, she was actually extremely shocked! She had no idea that the set of cards she encountered two years ago actually had a lot to do with it!

If the principal hadn't mentioned it, she would have forgotten that she had attached so much importance to this set of cards.

"Haha, wrong! The technology used in this set of video cards has a lot of history." The old man corrected happily. He laughed much more than usual today, which also made Yu Long smile at the side.

For a moment, Qingqing was in a daze. The experience she had at Dongwei University two years ago is still unforgettable to her. It was that time that made her rest for two years, which also gave her a head-on blow as she had just become the first person to come out of the inner courtyard. But two years of recuperation did not make her strength retreat. On the contrary, her strength was even further than before. And the mentality needs to be much more mature.

That terrible female guest! Every time Qingqing thinks of it, there will be some ripples in her calm heart. Unexpectedly, as soon as he came out, he would learn such explosive news. With her current psychological quality, she couldn't help but gasp.

If this news leaks out, what kind of bloodshed will there be?

At this moment, Yu Long spoke: "This conclusion was determined by the most senior teachers in the school. We also asked the scholars in charge of the library. Later, we finally found the first president Heiner Vansant. We were very excited to find some clues in one of the diaries. We immediately sent a large number of people to investigate the true identity of Mu Lei, the creator of the "Legend of Masters" video. Mu Lei's identity was also revealed. But both of them were missing. According to the investigation, the division of labor between the two was clear. Chen Mu is the producer of the entire set of KaYing, while Lei Zi is the screenwriter of KaYing."

Seeing Qingqing listening attentively, Yu Long continued: "Our focus is on this Chen Mu. According to the investigation, Chen Mu was a street child when he was young until he was twelve years old."

Qingqing was stunned.

"It's unclear who he met later. But what is certain is that he began to make one-star energy cards. Since he was twelve years old, he has been making a living by making one-star energy cards."

"Making one-star energy cards for a living?" Qingqing was shocked.

"Yes, we thought it was incredible before, but we finally calculated that the cost of a one-star energy card is about ninety-eight Oudi. The card he made was purchased by a small shop, but the owner of this small shop has passed away. In order We found the clues and spent a lot of effort to find the relatives of the owner of the store. There, we found his account books. So we made new discoveries."

"What discovery?" Qingqing couldn't help but be attracted by Yu Long's narration.

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