
Chapter 333 Strong Woman

Ten black shadows quietly sneaked into the valley.

Such a poor defense is really rare. Card Xiu, who was born in the dark fog, looked at each other and saw a trace of contempt in each other's eyes. The terrain conditions were so outstanding, but they didn't feel the slightest defensive pressure. No wonder they looked down on it.

They couldn't figure it out. These people actually asked them to dispatch Dark Mist. Isn't this overkill?

But despite the mental slight, their actions were still silent. Special airflow cards and rigorously trained movements make them look as erratic as smoke. The dark night gave them the best cover. If they didn't look up by chance, it would be difficult to see the dozens of shadows traveling at high speed against the mountain wall.

Ten phantoms separated into scattered lines and swept into the valley at high speed from different angles.

They could already see the brightly lit base. When did such a huge building appear in this valley? Everyone was inevitably a little surprised.

A dark mist card repairman stared at the valley nest that stood out in the dark with bloodthirsty eyes, grinned silently, and subconsciously licked his lips.

It’s been a long time since I had any fun activities! Tonight, he could finally enjoy it.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from behind his back without warning and violently covered his mouth. Before he could react, a slight sound of bone cracking sounded from his neck.

the second.

The third!

It wasn't until half of the companions around them disappeared that the group of dark fog card cultivators realized something was wrong.

"Be careful! There is an ambush!" Before a card repairer could finish his words, his voice suddenly stopped.

The rest of the people were suddenly shocked. Their eyes widened and they stared around in fear.

It was quiet in the valley, there was no sound, even the air seemed to be solid, and there was no sound of wind.

Ka Xiu in the dark mist felt a little hot, and their backs were soaked with sweat unknowingly. So quiet! Now even a fool knows something is wrong.

But where is the enemy hiding?

He glanced around warily and looked at the four remaining companions. Fear was like boundless darkness, weighing them down.

"Withdraw!" Kaxiu, the leader, gritted his teeth secretly and gave the order decisively.

Xiao Bo looked at the scene in front of him with a blank expression, his heart trembling. He has extremely good eyesight, and the level of these infiltrators is extremely high, no less powerful than the turtle he met that day.

He had to work extremely hard to defeat that hateful turtle, but in Weah's hands, Kashu of the same level was like chopping melons and vegetables.

Thinking back to the day when he challenged Weah, Xiao Bo couldn't help but feel scared.

Weah is indeed a pervert!

Perverts, don’t mess with them! Xiao Bo made up his mind to keep this lesson in mind.

Weah's movements were too fast. In the dark, he was simply an invincible king! There is no brilliant brilliance, no passionate sound, and no complicated techniques. A branch, a stone, or a puddle may become the most deadly weapon in his hand. His movements are always concise, so concise that it is chilling.

Watching this kind of killing will not make people feel stunning and gorgeous, it will only make people feel that their hearts are constantly sinking, and it will only make people feel that human life is so fragile!

The shadows on the mountain wall were like kites with broken strings, falling down one after another.

Xiao Bo swallowed hard. He had seen a lot of killings, some were despicable, some were heroic, some were exquisite and gorgeous, and some were crazy and bloody. But he had never seen such a horrific killing like Weah's.

From beginning to end, Weah showed no expression, silently harvesting the lives of his enemies like the God of Death!

Only the last person was left, and this card repairer was frightened. He had never seen such a terrifying enemy, and he didn't know how his companions died. He didn't dare to look back, lest he would slow down a little and be killed by that terrible enemy!

Xiao Bo smiled bitterly. Until now, he found that he had nothing to do but watch.

Hey, he suddenly rubbed his eyes with his hands and looked at the position where Weah was just now in shock - there was no one there. Is Weah planning to let this guy live? Glancing over, the only remaining infiltrator was almost at the mouth of the valley.

Seeing the entrance of the valley right in front of him, this Dark Mist card cultivator perked up with a look of ecstasy on his face. As long as you leave this valley, your chances of survival will undoubtedly increase! Thinking about the other party's elusive methods, he felt a chill in his heart, and he became more and more certain that the other party must have laid a large number of traps in the valley, and this was how his companions were caught.

As long as he escapes from the mouth of this valley, he can survive!

This card repairman didn't care about exposing his appearance, opened the air flow card, and flew towards the entrance of the valley with all his strength.


The card repairer's whole body suddenly relaxed, and in front of him was the narrowest place at the entrance of the valley. After passing this place, there is a vast plain behind.

Suddenly, something seemed to appear in front of him. However, because the speed was too fast, he had no time to dodge. His chest hurt, and he lost control and fell to the ground. At such a high speed, he fell from a high altitude and fell firmly to the ground, killing him immediately.

Xiao Bo's heart tightened and he was completely dumbfounded. Weah didn't know the time and lurked outside the valley. And his deadly weapon is just an ice edge as thick as an arm. All Weah did was to put the ice edge right in the path of the infiltrator. The opponent's speed was too fast, and he didn't expect Weah to suddenly appear there. He was caught off guard and was hit. .

Xiao Bo was so impressed that he fell to the ground. This method is really powerful! During the entire process, Weah did not use cards at all. He couldn't even understand why cardless streaming was so powerful, why was it declining?

But thinking about it again, he felt a little lucky. If the card-free streamers were really as powerful as Weah, then at least 95% of the card repairmen in the entire federation would not be able to find a job, and he would not be able to find a job. Definitely in it.

Ten kilometers outside the valley, the two men were lurking in the snow, their eyes always staring at the valley.

"It's been two hours, and they haven't come out yet. It's very possible that they have..." One of them said solemnly, and the meaning behind his words was self-evident.

"It's better to die! Those evil ghosts have killed so many of us!" Another person said bitterly: "Now I'm afraid Wenzov will be heartbroken for a long time! Hehe."

The card repairman who spoke first did not show any joy. He stared at the valley, a little lost in thought. After a while, he said: "It seems that a group of powerful characters have come here. I don't know whether this is good for us or not." bad."

"Why are you thinking so much? Anyway, since the elder sister is here, there is nothing to worry about!" Another person said nonchalantly: "Besides, Wenzov and this group have already done it, which is a good thing for us!"

"I hope so. Let's send the news back first. I wonder how the eldest sister will react when she hears the news?"

"Hey, what's the reaction? Of course I'm happy!"

Chen Mu had no idea what was happening outside, and he was extremely focused. It was the first time for these card repairmen to try the snow pit method. There were many problems during the process, many of which he had not expected at all. After all, so far, Chen Mu has only dealt with Jiang Liang. Jiang Liang's good psychological quality saved him a lot of trouble, but other card repairmen did not have Jiang Liang's excellent psychological quality.

Apart from Chen Mu, the busiest person is probably Su Liu Cherou. Fortunately, I had prepared several treatment devices in advance, but even so, I was still in a hurry.

Twenty minutes have passed, and there are still fifty-two card repairmen still in the snow pit.

This surprised Chen Mu. Even Jiang Liang could only last for forty minutes. Being able to persist for twenty minutes is already a pretty good level. In his estimation, it would be pretty good if more than ten people could persist for that long.

Unexpectedly, there were actually fifty-two people. This number far exceeded his expectation.

But this also made Chen Mu feel quite excited.

Thirty minutes later, only the last nine people were left.

Thirty-three minutes later, only four people remained.

Thirty-four minutes later, only two people remained.

Tick ​​tock, thirty-five minutes later, the last two people couldn't hold it anymore and were carried out.

Seeing everyone in a hurry, Chen Mu finally breathed a sigh of relief. After he relaxed, he only felt pain in his forehead, feeling that he had overused his senses.

He reluctantly said to Jiang Liang: "Tab the results tonight and give them to me tomorrow." After saying that, Chen Mu, who was extremely tired, couldn't bear it anymore and went back to the room to rest.

Early the next morning, when Chen Mu got up, there were two reports in front of him.

One is a report on perceptual training, and the results are very gratifying. Chen Mu believed that in half a year, or even less, there would even be several card cultivators among them with level five perception intensity. Among them, the one who has made the most rapid progress is of course Jiang Liang, who is only a hair away from level five.

Today, Lu Xiaoru and the others will also try the snow pit method, but the results are still unknown.

Another report surprised Chen Mu. There was a sneak attack last night! He didn't know anything about it. Thinking of this, he suddenly felt scared.

Fortunately, Weah! The report was followed by Bagnell's speculations about the origins of these people.

At this moment, someone suddenly knocked on the door and opened it. Bagnell stood outside the door.

"Boss, someone is visiting us nearby and they want to see you."

Someone visiting? Chen Mu quickly washed his face. He was too tired last night, which made him not look very energetic today.

Following Bagnell to the hall, Chen Mu saw the visitor.

It's a woman! This surprised Chen Mu. In his opinion, there was a woman in such a bad place, and she was such a beautiful woman!

With her casual attire and short hair that reaches her ears, she looks very energetic. His dark skin and somewhat wild facial features are like a jar of strong wine that can ignite people at once. There was a tooth from an unknown beast hanging around her neck, and she wore a pair of black leather gloves on her hands, exposing a section of her fingers.

She sat there carefree, eating snacks and drinking tea. When she drank tea, she was not as slow as Xi Ping, but drank it down in one gulp, full of heroism. As for the delicate snacks, she took one bite at a time.

From the time Chen Mu saw her to the time he walked up to her, she almost drank a pot of tea and ate seven or eight snacks.

"Miss Qiao, this is our boss." Bagnell introduced Chen Mu very politely, and then introduced to Chen Mu: "Miss Qiao is Qiao Fei, the eldest sister of Qiao Family Fort!"

"Hello, Boss Chen." Qiao Fei grinned, showing a pair of tiger teeth, stood up from the chair, walked to Chen Mu, suddenly gave Chen Mu a big hug, and then patted Chen Mu's back affectionately, as if he was an acquaintance: "Welcome Come here to make a fortune!"

The heroic movements and the Jianghu's greetings made Chen Mu, who was not in good spirits, unable to react for a while.

His expression was a little dull, and his brain was a little short-circuited. He stared at Qiao Fei blankly, tilting his head, as if he was thinking seriously.

After a while, he finally figured out why he felt weird. If the man in front of him was a tall, bearded man, everything would seem to be normal. But when it happens to a woman, this is a bit...

"Boss Chen, I heard that you are here. My little sister, come and take a look. You won't be too presumptuous!" Qiao Fei didn't even look at Chen Mu when he spoke. Instead, he was pouring tea and stuffing it into his mouth desperately. dessert.

"Without presumption, welcome! It's our honor for Miss Qiao to come." After dealing with so many people for so long, he can still do the most basic things on the surface.

Seeing that Chen Mu seemed to be about to stop, Xiao Bo, who was standing by, quickly pulled out the chair for Chen Mu.

Qiao Fei raised his head, glanced at Xiao Bo, and said with admiration: "Boss Chen, you are such a good boy!"

Ma Zai...

The muscles in Xiao Bo's cheeks couldn't help but beat twice.

"Oh, he's okay." Chen Mu responded indifferently. Watching Qiao Fei wolfing down snacks, he suddenly felt that he was also a little hungry.

"Miss Qiao didn't have breakfast, why not eat it together?" Chen Mu said.

Qiao Fei's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly: "Okay, it's best to have meat! I don't eat much, just give me a roast leg of lamb." Looking at the petrified people, she added: "It's best It's the hind leg of a lamb, whole."

While drinking porridge, he looked at Qiao Fei, who was tearing apart a leg of lamb with concentration on his face in front of him, his eyes widening. Chen Mu suddenly felt that Qiao Fei was quite interesting.

PS: It’s late again, I just got off the plane and arrived at the hotel. Sorry for keeping everyone waiting.

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