
Chapter 335 Prodigal

Seeing that the two of them were busy, Chen Mu started to think about how to increase his profit points alone. He suddenly remembered the Ziying Mine that Brenton mentioned that day. Although he still didn't know what the Ziying Mine was, it seemed to be quite valuable from Brenton's tone.

Thinking of this, his spirits suddenly cheered up. He now had very few valuable things on hand. Although some things seem to be more valuable, they are only for individuals. If compared to the entire team, this value is too little.

For example, a good combat uniform costs 300,000 yuan. Chen Mu has more than 300 combatants, which is almost 100 million. The combat uniforms purchased by Chen Mu and the others were just ordinary goods on the market in China.

But in the Puju District market, combat uniforms of this size are not available at all. They can only be found on some black markets, and the price is as high as 600,000 to 700,000 yuan.

This shows the benefits of the Hua District. There are countless good things here, such as combat uniforms, instruments, combat boots, jamming weapons, etc., there are many kinds of them. Chen Mu and others were jealous after seeing it, but the high price was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Chen Mu now somewhat understands where Jiao Si lamented that the price level in China was relatively high. A team of more than 300 people is a monster that crazily eats money.

He planned to leave the card for a while, so they came to the Snow Silkworm Valley in order to hide their presence. If you use the name of digital series cards, you can certainly get good income, but the risks of exposure will also increase greatly. But as a result, the urgency of making money has also greatly increased.

"Call Brenton over here." Chen Mu ordered.

Soon, Brenton was called over. The cheerful boy with red hair was not having a happy time during this time. Due to the existence of the Ziying Mine in the valley, he was effectively placed under house arrest.

Knowing something you shouldn't know is not a good thing. But he was very glad that he was still alive now. The other party didn't kill anyone and silence him, which was quite kind. If he had been a slightly ruthless person, he would have died long ago.

"Boss, are you looking for me?" Brenton was a little surprised by Chen Mu's summons. This is the first time Chen Mu has come to see him these days.

"Well, you take me to see the Ziying Mine, and you can tell me about it." Chen Mu said.

"As you wish." Brenton was very cooperative.

The two of them left the valley nest and came to the depths of the valley, where many rock formations were blasted away in the last explosion. Coupled with Brenton's expertise in sensing and smelling, he quickly found a place with a purple glow mine.

Brenton picked up a fist-sized purple stone from the ground and handed it to Chen Mu: "Boss, this should be the Ziying Mine. In fact, I don't know much about it, but the concentration of metal compounds in this stone is very high. , and its characteristics are very close to those of the Ziying Mine."

Chen Mu took the stone and asked strangely: "Is the specialty of sensing and smelling used for prospecting?"

Brenton shook his head: "What prospectors need to learn is stratigraphic perception. They can detect the distribution of minerals in very deep strata. The sense of smell is completely different. What we distinguish is the type and concentration of compounds in the gas."

Chen Mu nodded in understanding, and the two of them picked up a few pieces of Ziying Mine and went back.

Xi Ping is in Chile City. They need to purchase too many things recently. Without an experienced and heavyweight person like him in charge, the situation will be a mess.

Xi Ping quickly demonstrated his strong business ability, and within a short period of time, he became close with his colleagues in Chile City. In the eyes of others, Xi Ping can be a living rich man. Billions are certainly not too much in China, but it is not often that wealthy people spend billions in such a short period of time. Judging from the goods purchased by Xi Ping, there are so many categories of materials involved that only a team may have such needs. Obviously, there must be a group behind him.

And Bagnell also brought two hundred card repairmen to Chile City to register a card repair group. Xiao Bo needs to be responsible for protecting Xi Ping. As for Weah, except Chen Mu, no one can instruct him, and no one dares to instruct him.

Jiang Liang was responsible for leading more than a hundred other card repairmen to stay in the valley.

Xi Ping received a request from his boss to purchase a batch of metal processing equipment. Looking at the long list on the list, Xi Ping had a vague feeling, but when he asked other colleagues about it, he couldn't help but take a breath of air.

One hundred and fifty million! This is the price after a 20% discount for Xi Ping's sake!

However, since it was the boss's request, Xi Ping reluctantly bought all the processing equipment. The purchased goods were immediately transported to the valley.

After a few busy days, Xi Ping hurried back to the valley. He wanted to see if the boss had spent anything, 1.5 billion, which was not a small amount of money. Even if it was thrown into the water, a series of sounds could be heard.

As soon as Xi Ping entered the valley nest, he was frightened by the sight in front of him.

In the Guchao Hall, the ground was littered with parts of various shapes, with almost no place to stay. The air was filled with a strong smell of engine oil.

After taking a few glances, Xi Ping suddenly felt that some of these parts seemed quite familiar, and couldn't help but bend down and take a look. When he saw the nameplate on the parts clearly, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest, and his breathing seemed to become a little unsmooth.

Oh my God! Is this a brand new machine he just bought two days ago? How come everything is like this?

He stood up straight and looked around. The countless parts made him dizzy.

One hundred and fifty million! The 1.5 billion machines have all become parts!

The funds on the books were already increasingly stretched, and he was still watching the 150 million euros being wasted. Why didn't he feel sad?

You can't be a prodigal like this!

Before he could speak, he only heard the boss's voice: "Lao Xi is here."

When he looked up, he saw the boss standing up from a pile of parts. He was completely dirty, even his face was covered with engine oil, and there was a hint of exhaustion in his voice.

Seeing his boss like this, Xi Ping couldn't express the blame in his heart.

At this moment, Chen Mu had already waved to him: "Come and see my results."

Only then did Xi Ping notice a weird-shaped machine standing in front of his boss. The machine was extremely ugly, like junk with countless patches on it. But this "junk" is very huge, almost five or six meters high, as big as a small house, with countless pipes intricately tangled together.

There were too many parts on the ground, and Xi Ping couldn't put his foot down. Lu Xiaoru, who had been standing by, saw this and flew over to pick him up next to Chen Mu.

"Boss, what is this?" Xi Ping couldn't help but ask. Looking at the ugly machine in front of him, Xi Ping felt confused. Lu Xiaoru also looked curious. She had been staying with Chen Mu for several days and saw with her own eyes how the boss tinkered with this machine. But like Xi Ping, she didn't understand what the machine was used for.

Chen Mu, who was completely selfless, did not hear Xi Ping's question and muttered to himself: "I hope it can work this time."

He took out the purple stone he had prepared earlier, climbed up to the top of the machine neatly, and put the purple stone on the handle into the entrance.

Xi Ping and Lu Xiaoru stared at the movements of Chen Mu's hands with wide eyes.

As the fist-sized purple rock fell into the entrance of the machine, the machine immediately surrounded it.


There was a soft sound, and after about three seconds, the machine became quiet. After that, there was no movement from the machine. What was most confusing to Xi Ping and Lu Xiaoru was that the machine swallowed the stone and after three seconds of beeping, there was no response. They did not see anything coming out.

no response?

"It shouldn't be. What's wrong?" Chen Mu muttered to himself at the top of the machine.

He suddenly slapped his head: "I know, there must be too few stones." After that, without saying a word, he jumped down again, picked up a purple stone about half the size of a man, and flew to the top of the machine.

Xi Ping and Lu Xiaoru below were completely dumbfounded.

After taking a look at the entrance, which was obviously a bit small, Chen Mu released the energy blade and dismembered the stone in three strokes.

As all the large rocks fell into the machine, the machine rang again. This time the machine rang for nearly a full minute before falling silent again.

And the two of them finally saw the results!

A very small amount of liquid appeared in a row of ten reagent bottles. These liquids have different colors, some are bright purple, some are dark cyan, and some are golden yellow, but they all have a characteristic. They all have a strong metallic luster, but they show the characteristics of liquids.

Among the ten reagent bottles, the most was bright purple liquid. At most, it is only two or three drops, but liquids of other colors are even rarer, and the least is only a very thin layer.

"Finally successful!" Chen Mu was relieved, with a rare smile on his dull face.

"Boss, this is..." Xi Ping couldn't help but speak again.

PS: There is also.

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