
Chapter 348 Growth

Robert's death was the turning point of the entire battle. Chen Mu and Weah's attacks were as deadly as blades. In the blink of an eye, they took away the lives of several card cultivators around Lu Xiaoru.

After the first attack, Chen Mu and Weah hid themselves again. Since their shots had no perception or energy fluctuations, they did not attract the opponent's attention. They also took the opportunity to continue hiding and waiting for opportunities.

They were waiting for a fatal blow. And this time, it was undoubtedly extremely successful. Several card cultivators were killed at the same time, which dealt a huge blow to the morale of the fighting card cultivators in the Kawashita Alliance. The opponent's tenacity was beyond the surprise of these battle card cultivators. No one expected that there was an ambush!

After Chen Mu threw the dagger in his hand, he didn't hesitate at all. He shot out like an arrow from a string.

This time, his figure could no longer be hidden.

However, he had no intention of hiding it. [Big Loach] The air flow card was used to the extreme, and the huge thrust forced him to hunch over.

As soon as the opponent's energy wave started to surge, Chen Mu's foot slipped and his body swayed continuously like a loach. Suddenly, he was like a mist, and his whole person suddenly became blurry.

The combat card cultivator who was about to attack had a look of shock on his face. He found that his perception was unable to lock onto the opponent. The opponent's movements were too fast, and due to the continuous high-speed changes of direction, the airflow around his body was surging, which caused great interference to the locking of perception.

It is not a secret that continuous high-speed changes of direction can interfere with perception. On the contrary, it is common sense that every card repairer knows. But there are very few card repairmen who can make use of this.

Everyone understands the principle, but not many have the ability to do it.

On the one hand, it requires strong perceptual control capabilities. Several consecutive changes of direction are completed in a very short moment, which means that sensing requires several reverse operations on the airflow card. The greater the number of direction changes, the greater the perceived difficulty of control.

On the other hand, Ka Xiu who uses this tactical move needs a strong body. The faster the flight speed, the more rapid the change of direction, and the more times the direction is changed continuously, the better the effect of this tactic will be. But at the same time, the pressure on the body is also great. If Ka Xiu, who is not physically strong enough, forcibly uses continuous changes of direction that are beyond his own ability, it is very likely to lead to high-pressure congestion and bursting of the brain and death.

So when this combat card cultivator found that his perception could not lock onto the opponent, it was no wonder that he was horrified.

Master! This was the first thought that ran through his mind.

The strength of Ka Xiu who was rushing toward him in front of him was far beyond his imagination. In his concept, only those famous card repairmen who are famous in the card repair competition center of big cities can do it.

To die at the hands of such a master is probably not an injustice.

This was the last bit of consciousness in his mind. Chen Mu, who quietly approached without making any mistakes, gently touched the neck of the retreating enemy with his right hand that had an extremely weak light cyan light.

After doing all this, he threw himself at the next enemy without stopping.

Compared with Chen Mu's erratic and weird style, Weah's style is different. Simple and direct, his movements are nothing fancy and plain. His attacks have two most notable characteristics, one is fast and the other is heavy.

Chen Mu's movements were fast enough, but Weah was undoubtedly better. His movements were not as erratic and weird as Chen Mu's, they were straight forward, just fast, so fast that people couldn't react. So far, every time he takes a shot, he has never failed, which is evident.

Each of Weah's attacks seemed casual and light, but when it landed on the enemy, it was like being hit head-on by a swinging hammer. However, the corpse of any opponent defeated by Weah with his bare hands would always appear unnaturally twisted.

The appearance of Chen Mu and Weah suddenly reversed the balance of power in the entire battle. The morale of the combat card cultivators in the Sichuan Alliance was low, but what surprised Chen Mu was that none of the combat card cultivators escaped.

In the battles he had experienced, he had never encountered anyone who could not escape after fighting to this extent. The card cultivators in front of them and the card cultivators fighting head-on do not seem to belong to the same force.

But thinking about it, he felt relieved. Those who could be assigned to carry out sneak attack missions were naturally the best among the best.

Compared with the opponent's tenacity, Lu Xiaoru and others are not inferior. The blow just now exhausted the last bit of strength in her body.

She fell to the ground and passed out. In the blink of an eye, two more card repairmen were injured, but their opponents were not much better and were seriously injured at the same time.

They have tried their best. To be honest, the gap between them and the enemy is not even a little bit. The reason why they can maintain a stalemate until now and effectively kill the opponent is mostly because of the existence of Chen Mu and Weah.

Putting aside these two people, even Lu Xiaoru and Yimei, the strongest among the nine, were slightly inferior to the strength of the enemy's ordinary team members. However, Lu Xiaoru's [Shu Yin] is extremely rare and rare, and when paired with her unibrow, which is good at assassination, they complement each other perfectly.

Except for Chen Muwea, the two of them killed the most Ka Xiu. However, although the other card cultivators were not strong enough, they cooperated tacitly and effectively contained part of the enemy's strength. However, the gap in individual strength between them and their opponent Ka Xiu is too big, so they can only go so far.

The opponent's card repairers' perception intensity is all above level five, and there are even five card repairers with level six perception. If this force were placed in a common area, it would have no problem sweeping through a city. However, although these card cultivators were strong individually, they mostly fought alone, which gave Chen Mu an opportunity to take advantage of these card cultivators.

The two attacks by Chen Mu and Weah not only further reduced the opponent's numerical advantage, but also dealt a huge psychological blow to the enemy.

Killing the first card repairman head-on took Chen Mu's greatest effort. This he accomplished with difficulty while being flanked by five enemies. However, his confidence soared after his success. Fighting against these enemies, there was no such powerful and seemingly omnipresent sense of oppression as when fighting against Weah.

Although it was a little more difficult, he still managed to complete it. Soon, he got used to this fighting rhythm and became more and more calm.

One, two, three...

When the battle came to an end, Chen Mu was shocked to find that he seemed to be so powerful that even he couldn't believe it. Not long ago, he faced Xiao Bo alone and was almost forced into a desperate situation. The strength of these card repairmen from the Kawashita Alliance is not inferior to that of Xiao Bo, but how could he win so easily this time?

He has never had any desire to win. As for card repair, he only took it as an elective out of desperation. Moreover, he always believed that since he had not received formal and systematic training, he could not be considered a real card repairer. I just figured out a little wild way, which was forced out by Weah, like squeezing out toothpaste.

His requirements for himself are simple. He was satisfied if he could last three minutes in Weah's one-on-one confrontation. However, this goal seems to be far away at present.

However, with his half-full strength, he was actually able to kill so many card cultivators...

He didn't know yet that the card repairman he killed was not as simple as an elite card repairman, but a professionally identified combat card repairman.

He moves very quickly. The ever-changing nature of [Big Loach] was brought into full play by him. In the darkness, Chen Mu's figure was erratic and strange, and coupled with the "pseudo breath concentration method", he was like an assassin walking in the darkness, making it difficult to guard against.

In the enemy Ka Xiu's perception, Chen Mu flickered in and out, like a ghost floating in the wind. And once you are pulled closer to within ten meters, you will find that no matter how you change direction, you can't get rid of this ghost. Instead, you can only watch the other party approaching you little by little.

If you haven't put up the energy shield when he comes within ten meters of you, then you are dead.

Weah's efficiency was higher than that of Chen Mu. Even Chen Mu felt a little chilled by his occasional glance. Weah did not restrain his murderous intent, and his murderous intent seemed to be real, making people feel like falling into an ice cellar. He is like a cold-blooded butcher, or a machine dedicated to harvesting lives, fighting silently and indifferently.

Sticking to the ground, Chen Mu did not use the air flow card. He ducked and quietly sneaked behind the opponent. This is the last card repairman. As long as they successfully kill the opponent, they will be closer to victory.

Ten meters.

Staring at the other person's back, Chen Mu looked attentively, calculating the distance between them in his heart. Ten meters is the best distance for him to launch an attack.

The legs were pushed hard, and the airflow card was also opened to the maximum at the same time. A huge thrust turned him into an arrow and shot towards the opponent.

At this moment, the other party seemed to suddenly wake up, and quickly jumped forward, hoping to put some distance between him and Chen Mu.

However, for Chen Mu, who had already launched his attack, this resistance was in vain.

It was completely consistent with Chen Mu's expectation.

Suddenly, a slight energy fluctuation suddenly occurred in front.

Chen Mu's expression suddenly changed.

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