
Chapter 351 Windfall

Su Liu Cherou looked the same as usual. He walked to the treatment device, checked the data, and said calmly: "Okay, you can come out now."

"Oh." Chen Mu then dared to pull off the various probes inserted into his body and felt the strength of his limbs. As expected, he was as happy as before he was not injured.

Turning over and crawling out of the treatment device lightly, Chen Mu stood in front of Su Liu Cherou, dripping with water: "Do you have any clothes?"

"Dry the water first." Su Liu Cherou's expression was still cold, but her words were full of concern. Chen Mu grinned. From this sentence, he also knew that Su Liu Cherou was not really angry.

She took the towel handed over by Su Liu Cherou and wiped the water off her body honestly. Su Liu Cherou then handed the clothes to Chen Mu.

The two of them didn't say a word during the whole process, but there seemed to be a different kind of tranquility flowing between them, and no one wanted to break this rare tranquility.

If he could always be so peaceful and relaxed, life would be very happy, Chen Mu suddenly had this idea in his mind.

His movements were slow, which was very different from his usual vigorous and resolute style. He somewhat hoped that time would slow down at this moment. The coldness on Su Liu Cherou's face had long since disappeared, and her eyes were soft.

After buttoning the last button, Chen Mu sighed softly and said, "Let's go out." Su Liuche followed Chen Mu silently.

The moment he walked out of the room, Chen Mu's face returned to his usual cold look. Seeing this change, Su Liucherou's heart trembled slightly, and her eyes became complicated.

From the time the two met until now, Chen Mu has changed tremendously. Although Chen Mu still has a cold face now, there is a bit of domineering and majesty mixed with it, but these domineering and majestic are very weak and difficult to detect if you are not careful.

While other teenagers of the same age were still under the protection of their parents, he had already experienced so many hardships.

Looking at that childish face, Su Liuche felt a slight pain in her heart for no reason.

Chen Mu had no time to be sentimental. There are many things accumulated, and some things he needs to deal with personally.

In this battle, they suffered heavy losses. Of the more than twenty starfish castles, only five are still in use, and they all need to be renovated. The peak on the main battlefield of the battle was half blown down, and the mountain structure was no longer strong. Burna's opinion was to give up rebuilding the Starfish Castle on this peak.

Kaxiu's losses were even more severe. There were less than thirty surviving Kaxiu people, and it was difficult to even gather ten combat units. Under such a violent bombing, thirty people could still survive, all relying on the powerful protective capabilities of Starfish Fort.

Chen Mu has made up his mind that these thirty people must be well cultivated. Card repairmen who have experienced such a hard battle are definitely not comparable to those who have not experienced battles. The negative teaching material of the Kawashita Alliance was extremely vivid and taught him a good lesson.

A team without organization and discipline will always be a mob. And Ka Xiu, who has no actual combat experience, is nothing more than a rookie.

The losses were huge, but the gains were even greater. Every room in Guchao is now filled with mountains of supplies, and half of the supplies from the Sichuan Alliance have gone to Chen Mu. To be honest, Chen Mu was quite impressed by Qiao Fei's initiative to offer a half share. If she picked all the fruits in her hands now, Chen Mu wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

It can be seen from this that although Qiao Fei, a woman, looks careless, her methods and magnanimity in doing things are impressive.

Materials worth 150 billion. Seeing this number, Chen Mu took a breath of air.

"So many?" He couldn't believe the number.

Xi Ping chuckled and said: "Boss, the Sichuan Alliance has thirty-five small forts with a total population of 2.5 million. They are the largest force in the Skal area. This is the wealth they have accumulated over the past seven or eight years. Not having this amount is a bit abnormal. It’s a pity that they have almost used up all the cash. Moreover, these materials are of various types, and many of them are of no value to us.”

Chen Mu nodded. There seemed to be a lot of these supplies, but there were too many types and it was too difficult to cash them out.

"Boss, look." A piece of news appeared on the light screen in the conference room. Jiang Liang said: "This is the intelligence we just collected. Our current location is very remote and the sources of intelligence are also very limited. We learned about this news late. For two days.”

Chen Mu carefully browsed the entire news, and the more he read, the more shocked he became. It turned out that on the same day that Wenzov took action, hundreds of battles occurred simultaneously across the alliance, and in the following days, this situation intensified.

These battles have many similarities.

The initiators are all small forces in some places, and another thing they have in common is that they are all combat shuttles of a certain scale. These small forces expanded crazily in all directions, devouring the small forts around them. With the assistance of the battle shuttle, they were invincible, and their power suddenly increased greatly.

Immediately afterwards, these small forces quickly joined an organization called the Ant Alliance. They want to respond to each other. If they are attacked, the surrounding allies will come to the rescue. In just a few days, war broke out in the five major Chinese regions, and the power of the Ant Alliance suddenly expanded to unimaginable levels.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this so-called Ant Alliance is actually just a cover for Faya.

How long had Faya been planning such a vicious move?

Judging from the time of contact between the Kawashita Alliance and Faya, Faya began to make this secret move at least seven or eight years ago. This turmoil involved hundreds of small forces. Jiang Liang judged that Faya should have started planning fifteen years ago.

If that is really the case, the person who laid out a plan in fifteen years is really awesome.

Faya's move was like lighting a fire in the backyard of the Sixth University. The Ant Alliance is blooming everywhere, and now the Big Six are probably having a headache.

Chen Mu felt good about this situation. The more chaotic the Six Elements are, the safer you will be at least. The person who feared him the most was Tang Hanpei. Chen Mu wished that Tang Hanpei would forget his existence.

But the chaotic world will eventually affect them. The Kawashita Alliance is a good example. After all, if you want to survive in troubled times, you don't rely on luck, but on strength.

"Qiao Fei said that half of the castle should be given to us. What do you think about this issue?" Chen Mu thought of another question.

He may not have realized it yet, but the way and tone he spoke now inadvertently carried a strong leader's style.

Xi Ping thought for a while and said: "From an investment perspective, if we can have such a foundation, we will definitely make a profit without losing money. It's a pity that none of us are good at this."

Jiang Liang analyzed it from a military perspective: "Our strength is too weak. Even if we have ten small forts, our defensive strength is not enough."

The two men's analysis was very pertinent, and was no different from what Chen Mu had in mind.

After thinking about it carefully, Chen Mu felt that nothing was missing, so he dialed Qiao Fei's number.

"Boss Chen, are you all well? That's great! I went to your valley to find you several times. If you're not well, I can't even divide the spoils. I'm so itchy." Qiao Fei showed a pair of pointed tips. Pointed tiger teeth, he said with a smile: "The Sichuan Alliance has thirty-five small forts, you take eighteen, and I take seventeen, how about it?"

Chen Mu pondered: "No problem, but I have no interest in Xiaobao. If Mr. Qiao is interested, I am willing to resell it to Mr. Qiao. If Mr. Qiao is not interested, I will find another buyer."

Qiao Fei looked surprised: "Boss Chen is not interested in Xiaobao?" He stared at Chen Mu carefully for a long time, and when he saw his serious face, he knew that he was not joking.

Eighteen small castles made her heart beat. She itself has twenty-seven small castles, and adding the next seventeen, there are forty-four small castles. If he could buy another eighteen small forts in Chen Mu's hands, he would have sixty-two small forts. This kind of scale is unrivaled in the Skar area.

There are still five or six companies with more than ten small forts in the Skar area. If any one buys the eighteen small forts in Chen Mu's hands, there can be thirty or forty small forts. He has one more. An enemy on the same level as yourself.

Her mind was spinning, and in a moment, she had decided to eat the eighteen little buns in Chen Mu's hands no matter what.

"Okay, but Boss Chen's price shouldn't be too aggressive. If it's too aggressive, people won't be able to afford it." Qiao Fei's eyes flashed, and where could he see any trace of his usual gangster spirit?

Unfortunately, this move was of no use to Chen Mu. He glanced at Xi Ping and saw Xi Ping stretching out two fingers.

"Two hundred billion euros." Chen Mu continued: "This price is not high, Qiao, please don't bargain."

Qiao Fei showed a troubled expression: "I have no objection to this price. It's just 200 billion euros in cash. I need time to prepare."

"It doesn't matter, you can use the supplies to offset the price. We need a lot of supplies now. As for the two hundred billion, Qiao can just pay it off this year." Chen Mu did not embarrass Qiao Fei on this point.

Qiao Fei immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, no problem." She didn't think about eating all the results, but she was very wary of the power in Chen Mu's hands.

When she arrived at the battlefield, she was shocked. The Kawashita Alliance had been completely crippled. She worked hard and captured Wenzov without any effort.

She single-handedly crippled the Kawashita Alliance, which had hundreds of battle shuttles and thousands of card repairmen. How could she not be afraid of such strength? Moreover, Chen Mu also possesses the extraction technology of Ziying Mine, so Qiao Fei, who has always suspected that he comes from a certain powerful force, naturally does not dare to act rashly.

Little did she know that this battle had basically used up all the strength in Chen Mu's hands. He is really weak now, and any team can destroy him.

Then, Chen Mu also bought the unnecessary supplies at a discount to Qiao Fei. This part of the supplies is about 100 billion, and Qiao Fei only needs to spend 80 billion to get it. These things were of no use to Chen Mu, but Qiao Fei, who had just added thirty-five small forts, was in urgent need of various materials for construction, and she ate them without hesitation.

In just a few dozen minutes, Qiao Fei owed Chen Mu 280 billion. However, she looked happy and didn't feel any pain about owing money.

After this battle, the relationship between the two families became a true alliance.

Soon, Qiao Fei personally delivered 20 billion Oudi. Twenty billion is naturally only a small amount compared to twenty-eight billion, but Chen Mu and others were still shocked to come up with twenty billion in cash so quickly.

For them, 20 billion is a huge sum of money.

After getting the money, Chen Mu immediately decided to expand his strength. His men's strength had been almost depleted in this battle and was in urgent need of replenishment. Having great wealth without power is not a blessing, but a disaster.

Chen Mu, who made the decision, could be called resolute in his actions. The current period is undoubtedly their weakest and most dangerous period.

The card repair service center in Chile was crowded with people today. Many card repairmen have received the news that the Snow Silkworm Card Repair Group is recruiting card repairmen, and they have come all the way to apply.

A few days ago, the Snow Silkworm Kashu Group would have been unknown, but during this period, its reputation was unparalleled in the Skar area.

The battle between the Kawashita Alliance and the Snow Silica Cultivation Group was widely spread. It was this little-known Snow Silkworm Card Repair Group that defeated the Kawashita Alliance, the largest force in the Skar area. In the Skar area, this was definitely breaking news. Everyone who had just heard the news suspected that they had heard it wrong.

The Kawashita Alliance has thousands of card cultivators with outstanding strength, as well as specially organized combat card cultivators. In the Skar area, except for the Qiao family, which can barely compete with such a large force, no one else can match it.

And as some details were revealed, people found it even more unbelievable. The 300 combat shuttles that the Kawashita Alliance had just purchased were all lost in this battle!

Who is the Snow Filaria Cultivation Group? Why is it so strong? In the group battle turmoil we just experienced, among the forces with combat shuttles, which one didn't go on a rampage?

Only the Sichuan Alliance was wiped out. Is it because the Sichuan Alliance was too weak? Or is the Snow Filaria card repair group too strong?

The Kawashita Alliance is very familiar with these card repairmen. It can be said that they know it thoroughly. The Kawashita Alliance is naturally not weak, otherwise it would not be possible to become the largest force in the Skar area.

Then, there is only one explanation, the snow silkworm card repair group is stronger!

What is the origin of the Snow Filaria Card Repair Group? Except for various forces, ordinary card repairmen don't care. They all only know that Snow Silkworm Card Repair is an extremely powerful first-class card repair group, and this is enough.

What? Can’t it be considered a first-class card repair group? Isn't it considered a top-notch card repair group that can defeat the Kawashita Alliance's card repair group?

Therefore, when they learned that the Snow Silkworm Card Repair Group was recruiting people, countless card repairmen came in droves. They are scrambling to enter the Snow Silkworm Card Repair Group. They all know that it is extremely difficult to be admitted to the first-class card repair group.

However, once you enter these card repair groups, it means high salary, high benefits, and a high-standard training mechanism. The descendants of many members of the Kaxiu Group can also enjoy the professional training of the Kaxiu Group, which is of great help to their growth.

One of the most widely circulated rumors on the market is related to the snowworm card repair group. It is said that the Snow Filaria Kaxiu Group can produce the extraction liquid of the Ziying Mine. This news made these card cultivators unable to help themselves. Oh my god, if it is true, it means that the financial resources of the card cultivator group are undoubtedly extremely strong!

A strong and financially powerful card cultivating group, isn't that what the card cultivators dream of?

Sanchez is one of them.

Sanchez is thirty this year and looks like a simple and honest countryman. He is an ordinary Cardiff. His perception has reached the fifth level, and he is not a combat card repairman. He only has a few hunting experiences in the wild. The [One-Word Zhengfa] he practiced was just ordinary stuff, and his talent was even more ordinary.

Thirty-year-old fifth-level intermediate, this ordinary achievement, he finally achieved it with much more effort than other card cultivators.

He didn't have high hopes for the Snow Silkworm Card Repair Group's recruitment, he just had an attitude of giving it a try. He hates the Kawashita Alliance very much, but he also knows how strong the Kawashita Alliance is. Being able to defeat the Kawashita Alliance, there is no doubt about the strength of the Snow Silkworm Card Repair Group.

If he hadn't happened to be at the card repair service center today, I'm afraid he wouldn't have even tried it this time. He had also stayed in several card repair groups before, but he was expelled from each card repair group after not staying long. He was not strong enough.

The person who received him was a young man with a cold expression. This young man was only about twenty-four or five years old. The figure is upright and the expression is indifferent, but the eyes are extremely sharp, as if they can pierce people's hearts.

Sanchez lowered his head subconsciously, feeling horrified. This snow filarial worm card repair group is really amazing! Any young man can have such momentum, it’s amazing!

"Sanchez, intermediate level five perception, good at [Celadon]." The young man raised his head: "What is [Celadon]?"

Sanchez quickly replied: "It's an energy shield card." Noting the young man's listening expression, he felt a little embarrassed: "It's just a very ordinary energy shield card."

The young man nodded and continued to scan his resume. His eyes paused: "Age thirty?"

Sanchez knew that there was no hope this time, so he said calmly: "Yes, I will be thirty-one in two months." His age is his biggest weakness.

The young man was about to turn off his resume on the light screen when his eyes suddenly stopped and he asked in a strange tone: "Oh, do you have a nursing license?"

In a sense, nurses are equivalent to quasi-medical trainees. Most of them are elective nurses because they are not capable enough to become medical trainees. Basically, more than 95% of nurses are women, and male nurses are very rare.

Except for some perverts who go for beautiful nurses, there will be no other men to elect to be nurses, let alone have a nursing license.

Judging from Sanchez's honest appearance, there is no way he could be associated with a pervert. Is it because people cannot be judged by their appearance?

Sanchez had a wry smile on his face. It was obvious that this was not the first time he had been misunderstood because of this issue.

"I'm a stupid person, and I can only keep up with others' progress by increasing my training volume. This makes it easy to get injured. I spend all my money on training and don't have much money to treat injuries, so I just choose to be a nurse, so that even minor injuries can be cured. Treat it yourself.”

Sanchez said this very calmly, without any blame or indignation, just as if he was describing a very ordinary thing.

There was a strange look in the young man's eyes.

"Well, you go back and wait for the news."

Sanchez left in a calm mood, a statement he had heard countless times. Every time it ends with this sentence, it means he lost the election. It’s no surprise if you lose the job. If you look for a job slowly, you will eventually find it. His mind is very peaceful.

Sanchez's departure was not even a minor incident at the Card repair service center, so naturally no one paid attention.

Today, the number of people at the card repair service center hit a record high in the past five years. These people came here to repair the snow filarial worm card repair team.

"Snowworm Card Repair Group? Azhe, have you ever heard of this Card Repair Group?" The speaker was a middle-aged man, wearing a purple high-end combat uniform, with exquisite eyes and awe-inspiring momentum.

If Chen Mu saw him, he would definitely recognize this middle-aged man as Mobley, the leader of the Snowflake Card Repair Group he met last time. Mobley was followed by several card repairmen who were guarding him with alert expressions.

A tall young man of about twenty-seven or eight years old looked thoughtful: "Snowworm Card Repair Group? Hey, I seem to have an impression that the Card Repair Group escorting Miss Weiwei is called the Snow Heartworm Card Repair Group. .I wonder if it’s the same name.”

"Miss Weiwei?" Mobley was a little moved: "She returned to Qianhu City?"

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