
Chapter 355 The Second Card

Card setting is indeed a troublesome problem, but fortunately, Chen Mu still has plenty of time, and he has enough time to think of a solution.

He is now faced with a problem that must be solved immediately - the production capacity of the Ziying Mine extractant. When he saw the quantity marked on the list given by Mobley, he was dumbfounded. The quantity Mobley needs is so huge that all the Ziying Mine extracts he currently produces cannot meet his family's needs.

What's more, Chen Mu has no intention of losing the other two partners. Whether it is Yipin Trading Company or Qiao Fei, they are both very important in his eyes. He has always been somewhat wary of the Snowflake Card Repair Group.

The opponent's strength is much stronger than theirs. Previous experience told him that if the strength of the two parties is too different, the cooperation is often not strong. In fact, Chen Mu would rather trade with Qiao Fei and Yipin Trading Company than with Xuehua Kaxiu Group.

However, like the Snowflake Card Repair Group, once a certain intention is determined, even rejection is quite dangerous. At this time, Chen Mu and the others were at their weakest. If there was a conflict, they would have no chance.

Fortunately, no matter from which angle you look at it, Chen Mu took a huge advantage in this transaction. The price given by Mobley was not low, even much higher than that of Yipin Trading Company. In addition, this cooperation also ensures the safety of the Snow Silkworm Card Repair Group to a certain extent, which is what Chen Mu needs most right now.

The stimulated Yipin Trading Company also immediately increased the purchase price of the extract.

The amount required by Mobley is just too much! Chen Mu was extremely surprised. He didn't understand what the Snowflake Card Repair Group needed so much extraction solution for?

Chen Mu, who was puzzled by everything, did not pause on this issue for too long. He needed to increase production capacity immediately. On the one hand, he asked Xi Ping to recruit mining card repairmen on a large scale. The work efficiency of these professionals is three to five times that of ordinary card repairmen. They have special cards and have received professional training. Advanced mining repairmen even need to have certain prospecting knowledge and experience. In addition, they also need to be good at blasting, surface physical structure analysis, etc.

Now there is no need to block the news that they own the Ziying Mine. With the help of these professionals, the output of the Ziying Mine will be greatly increased.

In addition to this, he also needs to make a separator. However, according to the quantities listed on Mobley's list, he would need to add more than a hundred separators to roughly meet the requirements, which is obviously unrealistic.

If the quantity cannot meet the requirements, then we can only find ways in other aspects. Chen Mu got into his room. There was a separator in his room.

This separator was pieced together by his own hands, and it looked like an old, patched machine.

Chen Mu is now staring at this "patch separator" in a daze, thinking about how to increase the production capacity of this separator.

In his mind, the separator in front of him disintegrated in an instant, turning into thousands of parts, floating and still in mid-air. There were thousands of these parts, but they were not chaotic at all in his mind, and each part was extremely clear. This is due to his perceptual sensitivity training. In the process of building those energy models, tens of thousands of more complex energy blocks are often involved.

Only then did he become familiar with driving the car, and he was able to "dismember" this complex machine through only the imagination in his mind.

Chen Mu didn't notice this, he was already deep in thought.

The relationship between parts, their functions, the working principle of the separator...

His brain was calculating and analyzing rapidly, completely forgetting the passage of time.

He suddenly thought of the [Plate], which was a jamming device he made. But this seemingly inconspicuous little card weapon helped him win this battle. His original idea was just that he didn't want those discarded parts to pile up in the warehouse like garbage.

At the beginning, he did not find the right idea, so he was unable to do anything with these discarded parts. Later, it was because of his correct thinking that he successfully produced the [椤盘].

I am a card maker, and what I am best at is card making! This is your own breakthrough point!

He decided to follow the same idea as last time. After carefully analyzing the working principle of the separator, he quickly found the entry point.

The most fundamental factor limiting the separator is the computing power of its core components. A piece of Ziying Mine contains very complex ingredients, with dozens of ingredients. Extracting pure ingredients from it requires powerful computing power.

The previous separator that played this core role was a component removed from the experimental analyzer. But obviously, its performance is not enough to fully exploit the efficiency of the separator.

Calculate ability! But when Chen Mu realized this, he was even stunned for a few seconds.

Oh my gosh, this is tailor-made for him! Among the card knowledge that Chen Mu has learned, the core part is card raising! The function of the chips is to calculate!

The chip card is the card with the strongest computing power that Chen Mu has ever seen.

After figuring it out, Chen Mu immediately began to study crazily. The chip card is the core part of his knowledge system, but he has only made a special chip card once. This was when he made a simple water world not long after he got the mysterious card.

It is extremely difficult to make a chip card. This is the conclusion he came to when making the last chip card.

It’s been a long time since I’ve encountered such an interesting and challenging topic, not to mention that this topic is related to card poker. Card raising is the most important knowledge in that mysterious card! Thinking of the time when he studied crazily to learn cards, his fighting spirit was high!

Because it involves more than a dozen materials and the algorithm is complex, it is much more difficult than the simple water world card that Chen Mu made last time.

Two days later, Chen Mu suddenly came out of the room, which shocked everyone. His eyes were bloodshot, his expression was haggard, and his eye sockets were slightly sunken.

As soon as he went out, he grabbed Xi Ping, who happened to be walking by his door, and asked, "Is there anything to eat?"

Xi Ping was stunned and quickly replied: "Yes, yes!" He turned around and quickly ordered someone to bring food.

Within half a minute, the food was delivered to Chen Mu. Chen Mu didn't care about anything else and just wolfed down the food. In two days, except for four hours of rest, he spent the rest of the time thinking about the production of the chip card.

"Boss, are you okay?" Xi Ping approached Chen Mu and asked cautiously. He rarely saw his boss in such a mess. In his impression, the boss always looked cold and calm.

"It's okay." Chen Mu answered vaguely while eating rice in his mouth.

Xi Ping felt relieved and asked, "Did you encounter any problems?"

Chen Mu hummed and continued to work hard on the rice. Seeing that his boss was so hungry, Xi Ping suddenly felt ashamed. He couldn't do his job well!

Chen Mu swept away the food for three people by himself. After eating, he wiped his mouth, turned around and got back into the room, closing the door with a bang.

Xi Ping was left with a wry smile and worry on his face.

Chen Mu got back into the room and continued to think hard, his brain running at an alarming speed. However, the difficulty of making the chips this time was obviously far beyond his expectation, and so far, he has made little progress.

It's not that he couldn't make a chip card, but the chip card he produced didn't satisfy him. He calculated that if the chip cards were made using the solution he could think of now, the performance of the separator would only be improved by 5%.

This result did not satisfy him.

After another two days, Chen Mu finally let out a long breath. There was still no progress in collecting cards, but he figured out one thing - with his current knowledge of card collecting, it was impossible to design a plan that satisfied him.

Lying on the ground with his face up, his arms spread out and his body forming a big letter shape, he stared blankly at the ceiling.

As he watched, Chen Mu, who had been overworked these days, fell asleep unconsciously.

When Chen Mu woke up, it was already five hours later. I washed my face with cold water. Under the stimulation of the cold water, my confused mind suddenly became much clearer.

Looking at himself in a miserable state in the mirror in front of the sink, with water dripping from the tips of his wet hair, he suddenly grinned. During this period of time, I was so successful that I always subconsciously believed that I had the ability to solve all problems.

In fact, I am just an intermediate card maker without systematic study. It was normal for him to encounter obstacles. His card-raising knowledge was only at a rudimentary level. He couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Thinking of this, his heart suddenly moved.

Take out the mysterious card and insert it into the measuring instrument in your hand. The previous meter exploded in the last battle and was no longer usable. Even the [Big Loach Card] inside was damaged.

He is now wearing the combat type meter [Tianfeng-Ⅱ] that Xi Ping bought for him. This meter is all white, with a simple and smooth style. It has four card slots and has no fancy functions. Its biggest advantage is that it is extremely stable and can adapt to more harsh environments. It will not be affected even when used underwater. Moreover, its protective energy is very good, and it can resist attacks with a damage value of less than 1,000.

Naturally, it's not cheap either.

Entering the mysterious card again, it has been quite a long time since he last entered the mysterious card. With everything going on, he was no longer the solitary boy who only had to worry about his own training and studies.

There was a vast expanse of white and mist all around, making it hard to see even one's fingers.

Chen Mu was already very familiar with this scene. He no longer hesitated and activated his spindle-shaped perception vortex. Countless sensory filaments stretched into the white mist around him.

The invisible and qualityless white mist is like waking up from a dream, surging and surging, with countless trickles making special movements.

Chen Mu's perception suddenly fell silent in this turbulent world, trying his best to capture the movement patterns of these trickles. Compared with before, he has improved a lot now, and the movement of most small streams cannot escape his sensory capture.

"Test result: Perception sensitivity index 72." The familiar old voice sounded in Chen Mu's ears again. Chen Mu was startled. He remembered that the last time he completed the five energy models, the measurement was just 70. Unexpectedly, it reached 72 today.

As soon as he finished speaking, the white fog quickly faded, and Chen Mu stood in the void. In front of him, five cards of different colors floated.

Chen Mu was already very familiar with the contents of the first card, which was the method of making folded Yanboka. He had already had personal experience with the power of Origata Yanpoka.

His target this time is the second card

——Intermediate card theory tutorial!

Everyone is busy! Before Bagnell came back, Jiang Liang took on the task of training these new card repairmen. And Xi Ping has more things to do, such as delivery of goods, settlement of accounts, etc., and he is also responsible for purchasing whatever the base needs.

Su Liu Cherou was also very busy, and most of the wounded in this battle had not recovered. In addition, she also needs to guide some of the newly recruited medical card repairmen.

There are currently fifteen medical card repairmen in the base. For a team of this size, this number is quite astonishing. The perception of these medical card cultivators is generally above level five, but they are extremely respectful to Su Liu Cherou, whose perception is only level four.

In their eyes, their boss was not only extremely beautiful, but his medical skills were even more amazing. Although her perception is only level four, when it comes to medical skills, no other medical card cultivator can be her opponent.

Especially when they witnessed the whole process of Su Liu Cherou's treatment of the wounded, the new medical cards were all in admiration.

These heavy men were all seriously injured men who had just experienced the battle, and many of them were about to die. In other hospitals, the possibility of saving such an injury would be extremely slim. However, Su Liu Cherou not only successfully healed them all, but except for the two extremely seriously wounded, none of the other wounded's senses were harmed.

This is incredible!

Su Liu Cherou did not just use one method, but used a large number of auxiliary methods. These methods were often ignored by people in normal times. However, when these seemingly ordinary methods are cleverly combined, they play an amazing role.

A medical card cultivator whose perception intensity is only level 4 can actually do things that these medical card cultivators with a perception intensity of level five cannot do. Why can't they be convinced?

These medical card cultivators asked Su Liu Cherou for advice one after another, and Su Liu Cherou did not hide her secrets. Soon, she established prestige among this team of medical card cultivators.

Speaking of which, Ru Qiu is the most leisurely person. Su Liu Cherou didn't need her help, and Chen Mu didn't assign any tasks to her. She had nothing to do, and she was out of tune with the busy and tense atmosphere of the entire base.

Suddenly, the instrument on her hand rang.

"Boss! Oh, okay, I'll be right over."

If the boss comes to find me at this time, what will happen? She was confused.

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