
Chapter 362 Change (7)

Perception pulls the ink flowing down from the pen tip, and the moment the ink comes into contact with the blank card, it induces a wonderful fit between the two. Perception is constantly changing and oscillating, and these extremely small oscillations cause the fit between the card ink and the blank card to continuously undergo rich changes.

Continuous high-frequency perceptual oscillations place extremely high demands on card makers, and the loss of perception in this state is astonishing. How to perfectly maintain the oscillation of perception while minimizing the loss of perception is a problem that every senior card maker must face. .

The more advanced the card, the more complex the skills it involves, and the higher the requirements for perception these skills are.

If there are other high-level card makers around Chen Mu now, they will definitely be surprised to find that this card, which is only a four-star card, involves a lot of skills that are beyond the four-star card. Those fine and rich sensory oscillations, It is an advanced technique that is typically used by five-star cards.

But this is just a four-star card.

Ru Qiu's talent is amazing, but after all, she is too young, and these advanced skills are really too difficult for her. But this does not prevent her from understanding the meaning of these techniques. A four-star card actually contains so many advanced skills! She was very curious, what kind of magic would this card have?

As for Chen Mu, he didn't think there was anything noteworthy about these techniques. His study of the card-making knowledge of the Vancent system can be traced back to the time when he taught himself one-star fantasy cards. He really lacked the necessary understanding of the card-making knowledge of the Vancent system.

And ever since he got the mysterious card, the vast and profound knowledge inside attracted all his attention. Just studying this knowledge almost exhausted all his energy. How could he have time to learn the card-making knowledge under the Vansant system? ? So far, he doesn't seem to have encountered a problem that the mysterious card can't solve.

He has become accustomed to using Chi's knowledge to solve problems, and the results are pretty good.

Mystery cards can only provide theoretical knowledge, but actual operations are always much more difficult than theory.

These tiny and ever-changing sensory oscillations brought Chen Mu a lot of trouble. If he was not careful, if there was an error in any of the oscillations, the card would fail. Chen Mu is already familiar with thousands of oscillations and their changing patterns. But even so, the probability of mistakes is still quite high. Staying focused until all tens of thousands of oscillations are correct is definitely a very difficult challenge.

This is not the only trouble. Since the card ink needs to fit into the blank card, this requires the consumption of perception. Moreover, the perception in the oscillating state is lost much faster than in other states. How to control perception and compress the oscillation into the smallest possible area requires a very high level of perception control for card makers.

The new perception structure brought Chen Mu a new experience. Although he made many mistakes, he was extremely pleased with the ease with which he made the cards. He knew that it was just that he was not familiar enough with the sensations in his body, and he would make so many mistakes. Once you become familiar with perception, your success rate will be greatly improved.

Sure enough, after more than ten days of familiarity, Chen Mu's success rate suddenly increased significantly.

Now his success rate has reached more than 50%. This success rate is quite excellent for any card maker. Each card maker has a card type that he is proficient in. For example, some are good at advanced combat fantasy cards, and some are good at advanced auxiliary fantasy cards. In their areas of expertise, their success rates are much higher than other cards. But for a card maker, a 50% success rate on a type of card is enough to claim that he is proficient in this type of card.

However, Chen Mu was obviously not satisfied with this result. How could he, who was used to a success rate of over 80%, tolerate a success rate of 50%?

In his eyes, a 50% success rate can only be considered a failure.

As Chen Mu became more and more comfortable, Ru Qiu's workload also increased. Chen Mu's current production speed is very fast and requires a large amount of ink every day. Ru Qiu was already a bit arrogant, but he couldn't compare to Chen Mu in card making, so there was nothing he could do about it. But if she can't even prepare the card ink, then she will never accept it? She wanted to prove to Chen Mu that she was worthy!

Therefore, she lived like a laborer every day, and her beautiful appearance was smoky every day, making her look miserable.

Seeing a girl like Ru Qiu being exploited and oppressed to such an extent, even Xi Ping, who always likes to extract surplus value from others, can't stand it.

"Boss, let me see, are you looking for some assistants for Xiao Qiu'er? You see, she is very tired every day. If she continues like this, she will collapse from exhaustion!" Xi Ping asked Chen Mu tentatively. He also knew that Chen Mu's card making involved many secrets, so he didn't dare to come up with random ideas.

"Oh." Jing Xiping said this, and Chen Mu also remembered that Ru Qiu was indeed having a hard time during this period. He didn't pay attention to this before because he measured Ru Qiu by his own standards. For him, this level is really common. Whether it's making cards or practicing, it's often more tiring than this.

But Ru Qiu is just a girl. Only then did he remember the forced expression that Ru Qiu occasionally showed these days.

It seems that he is also a stubborn guy, Chen Mu couldn't help but comment in his heart.

After thinking about it, Chen Mu said to Xi Ping, "Let me handle this matter. Let's go to Chile City."

Walking out of the laboratory, Chen Mu was immediately startled by the bustling scene in the valley.

Shuttle cars are constantly flowing through, and they are constantly loading and unloading. It is like a busy port. And the construction of the valley has not stopped. Now the valley no longer has only one lonely valley nest. A large number of buildings have risen from the ground, and the Snow Silkworm Valley now looks like a small castle.

Infected by the lively scene in the valley, Chen Mu's mood suddenly became much more comfortable.

While walking on the road, Chen Mu discovered that many shuttle cars would give way or send greeting signals when encountering their convoy.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Mu understood what was going on. It seems that the status of the Snow Filaria Kaxiu Group in the Skar area has been determined.

"Mobley and the others are gone?" Chen Mu suddenly remembered the news that Xi Ping reported to him a few days ago.

Xi Ping nodded: "They left four days ago. Our production capacity has increased significantly, and the first batch of goods they need has been delivered. They are anxious to go back. Just as the fighting in the areas where fighting happened has just ended, they went We’re going back to Qianhu City. However, they have also set up an office in Chile City. Why don’t you go there and have a look?”

"I'm not going today, let's do some recruiting work first." Chen Mu thought for a while, shook his head and said.

When Chen Mu and Xi Ping came to the card repair service center, they enjoyed completely different treatment this time.

What greeted them was Cavell, the number one person in charge of the card repair service center.

With a smile on his face, Cavell personally came down the stairs to greet him: "Mr. Chen, you are here. Welcome!"

During this period, Xi Ping became quite familiar with all the prominent figures in the Skar area. He smiled and introduced to Chen Mu: "This is Cavell, the person in charge of the card repair service center. Haha, there is Mr. Cavell." Help, it looks like we will get what we want today!"

"Hello!" Chen Mu gestured to Cavell.

Cavill was flattered and said repeatedly: "What the hell, Manager Xi is too condescending. Come on, come on, let's go in, Chen Xingsheng please!"

Looking at the respectful Cavell and the staff at the card repair service center who dared not show their dignity, Chen Mu had mixed feelings in his heart. He never thought that he would be able to enjoy such treatment one day.

Walking into the VIP room, Chen Mu said straight to the point: "We are here this time hoping to recruit a few people in card production."

Cavill originally wanted to make friends with Chen Mu, but he was good at reading other people's thoughts and immediately realized that Chen Mu was a person who didn't like nonsense and politeness. He quickly said: "No problem, no problem. Although we are mainly Kaxiu here , but there are also about 5,000 registered card makers.”

Then he introduced to Chen Mu: "On the light screen in front of you, there are various information about these card makers, their names, areas of expertise, and levels of various skills. You only need to lightly click on them. name, you can observe their information and resume.”

There was a table placed in front of Chen Mu. Ten centimeters above the table, a translucent light curtain floated. There were many names on the light screen, and Chen Mu clicked on one at random.

Lu Ming, a senior card maker, has an intermediate perception level five. Material handling: advanced, with the title of five-star material master. Preparation of card ink: advanced, with the title of five-star compounder. Drawing Skills: Advanced.

Chen Mu regretted not bringing Ru Qiu with him. He didn't understand these strange names at all.

He pointed at the light screen and asked Cavell: "What is a five-star material master? What is a five-star proportioning master?"

Cavill was startled. He didn't expect Chen Mu to ask such a simple and common sense question. If you don't even understand this, why are you recruiting a card maker? Now these bosses, all laymen still like to point fingers.

Cavill was complaining, but he didn't show any signs of it on his face. Instead, he explained professionally: "The card maker's skill appraisal is mainly divided into three parts. One is material processing, the other is preparation skills, and the other is convenience. It is drawing skills. These three aspects have different appraisal standards. For every appraisal, these three items must be appraised. For example, the Lu Ming you see, his material processing is advanced, and the preparation of ink is also advanced. , advanced drawing skills. Only if these three items are advanced can one be promoted to a senior card maker.

And for the same skill, different card makers are all advanced, so how to judge their level? Then it needs to involve professional titles. Being able to have a certain professional title shows that he has profound attainments in this field. For example, the Lu Ming you clicked on is obviously a card maker who is proficient in material processing and card ink preparation, but his drawing skills are his weakness. A card maker like this is suitable for a position such as an assistant. "

Chen Mu suddenly realized it, and he immediately named these names with great interest. He saw many weird job titles, such as subtle magic card artist, baker, water washer, grinder...

After asking Cavell, I learned that the so-called bakers refer to card makers who are proficient in baking materials. The wash master is a card maker who is proficient in extraction, liquid separation and other techniques. Grinders are even more selective. They have very strict requirements on the fineness of grinding materials.

Seeing Chen Mu's interested expression, Xi Ping's expression on the side was a bit strange.

In his mind, who is the boss? He is the creator of the world-famous digital card series. A young genius is no longer enough to describe him. He is a rare young card-making master in the history of the Federation!

How could such a card maker not understand these common sense issues? Could it be that the boss doesn't like Cavill and wants to play a trick on him? Xi Ping was puzzled, but he wisely did not speak. Instead, he pretended not to hear anything and stayed aside.

"Well, I've chosen, these are the people." Chen Mu finally announced that the selection was over.

Cavill quickly took a look. When he saw the people Chen Mu had chosen, his expression suddenly became a little strange. He couldn't help but kindly reminded Chen Mu: "Mr. Chen, these card makers are afraid of getting big jobs. They don't have professional titles in drawing skills. Although their hiring price is very low, if you let them make cards, you will be wasting money." A lot of material and little result.”

Hearing Cavell's reminder, Chen Mu was quite surprised. The look he looked at Cavell immediately became much kinder. He smiled, but said firmly: "I know, but these are the people I need."

Seeing that Chen Mu was sure, Cavell wisely stopped talking and took charge of contacting these card makers.

Just as Cavell said, these card makers were not doing as they expected. After receiving the news, they rushed to the card repair service center in a hurry.

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