
Chapter 374 Tang Hanpei takes action

"Tang Hanpei! You are brave!" Pavchako stood up and shouted sternly. A director was killed in full public view, something that had never happened in the history of a federal comprehensive university. And the murderer turned out to be his protégé. How could he not be shocked and angry?

"Teacher!" Tang Hanpei bowed slightly to Pavchako.

The other directors also had angry looks on their faces. Another director couldn't help but stand up: "Someone, take Tang Hanpei down!"

However, there was no movement outside the meeting room.

Tang Hanpei sat down leisurely without even looking at the director, with a gentle and indifferent smile on his face. However, this smile as gentle as the spring breeze gave all the directors present a bad premonition.

Pavchako's heart suddenly sank. He knew his disciple very well. Tang Hanpei always planned things before he did anything. If he dared to take action this time, he must have something to rely on. What exactly did he want to do?

Pavchako's doubts are also the doubts of all the directors. They are not fools if they can get to this point. They all sat still, waiting for Tang Hanpei to reveal the answer to the mystery.

"Where are the people? Guards!" The director who stood up shouted angrily into the conference room. The other directors looked at him as if they were a fool. Could this guy not see the situation clearly?

The smile on Tang Hanpei's face became even stronger. Seemingly hearing the commotion in the conference room, several card repairmen walked into the conference room.

The director was overjoyed, pointed at Tang Hanpei, and shouted loudly: "You guys, take him down! You dare to attack the school director and openly commit murder. This is an unforgivable crime! Quickly, take him down!"

Several card repairmen stood there expressionlessly, like wooden figures.

"He's too noisy." Tang Hanpei said with a smile, indescribably elegant.

boom! A bloody hole appeared on the director's forehead. He opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe it. The one who took action was a card repairman, and the other two card repairmen pulled the director who fell to the ground out of the conference room without saying a word.

The other directors looked at each other in shock, and many directors showed angry expressions. The rabbit dies and the fox is sad. The person who died just now was a director. Who knows if it will be him next?

"Tang Hanpei, what do you mean?" It was Devinrot who spoke. This director, who is nearly seventy years old, is the oldest director on the entire board of directors, much older than Pavchako. He is also the representative of the neutral faction of the board of directors.

Facing the gray-haired old director, Tang Hanpei leaned forward slightly and asked respectfully: "Mr. Devinrot, what do you think of the current situation at the Federal Comprehensive University?"

Devinrot was startled. He didn't expect Tang Hanpei to suddenly ask this question, with a thoughtful expression on his face: "Oh, what do you think?"

Tang Hanpei smiled: "Obviously, we have reached the edge of the cliff." He seemed to be describing something that had nothing to do with him.

"It's not your turn to talk about this matter!" Another director couldn't help but sneered: "If I remember correctly, you are still waiting to be punished! Huh, besides, the federal comprehensive university has fallen to what it is today. Wasn't it you who caused the trouble?"

The other directors all showed approval. If it weren't for Tang Hanpei's crazy action during Luo You's incident, the Federal Comprehensive School would not be so passive at all!

Tang Hanpei was not annoyed at all and said loudly: "Is it possible that until now, you still think that if we don't contact Faya, Faya will maintain peace with us?"

Devinrot frowned slightly and said displeasedly: "Don't talk about these useless things now. What we need to discuss now is what we should do!" After saying that, his eyes fell on Tang Hanpei's face: "Since you are here, I think you must If you have any ideas, you might as well tell me."

Tang Hanpei smiled slightly: "Your wisdom is amazing." After saying that, he took out a document and handed it to Devinrot.

Devinrot took the document and glanced at it a few times. His face was extremely gloomy, but he did not speak. Instead, he passed the document to the director beside him.

The document was passed to Pavchako, and after taking a look at it, his expression changed drastically. This document is a letter of appointment. The meaning is very simple. The school board of directors appoints Tang Hanpei as the wartime principal, who will be in charge of all affairs of the school and has the power to adjudicate all wartime affairs.

If the document is followed, all the rights of the federal comprehensive university will be concentrated in him alone. The board of directors will not be able to impose any restrictions on it.

"Haha, why do you think we will pass this resolution?" one director sneered.

"Because I can lead the federal comprehensive university out of the predicament." Tang Hanpei answered very plainly.

"Do you think you have it just because you said it does? Haha!" The director laughed loudly as if he had heard the biggest joke.

Tang Hanpei slowly looked around, his sharp eyes full of oppression. Many directors couldn't help but avoid his gaze!

"Because I am Tang Hanpei!"

There was silence in the conference room. This sentence seemed to be filled with incomparable power, ringing loudly, and seemed to be filled with strange magic power, making people's hearts tremble.

Tang Hanpei suppressed the smile on his face and said in a deep voice: "You have not left Kyoto at such a critical time, which is enough to show your feelings for the Federal Comprehensive University. I believe everyone knows how critical the situation is right now. If we don't do anything anymore If we take effective measures, we will surely be faced with fall and destruction. Our beautiful university will be razed to the ground, and our wealth will be plundered! Not only will we have nothing, we will also become the sinners of the school's history and a failure that will be laughed at by the entire federation. By!"

In the conference room, Tang Hanpei's voice with a hint of anger echoed.

Silent, still silent, the faces of many directors changed, sometimes red and sometimes white.

"Sorry, Tang Hanpei, although you have excellent attainments in card repair, you have not proven that you have sufficient ability in this area." Another director replied calmly.

Devinrot said nothing, as if he was thinking about something.

Tang Hanpei looked as usual, but with a trace of regret on his face: "Everyone, in fact, I am not here to ask for your opinions. From today on, the board of directors of the Federal Comprehensive University will become history. And everyone will also witness a new era. is coming."

"Is it possible that you want to blackmail us?" the director just asked coldly.

"I just want to show you something." Tang Hanpei opened the measuring instrument in his hand, and a blank screen popped up on the measuring instrument.

A middle-aged man in military uniform appeared on the light screen.

"Wei Yueqing!"

"Legion Commander!"

Several directors exclaimed. On the light screen, it was Wei Yueqing, the commander of the Federation's First Legion, who came from the Federation University.

"Hello, fellow directors, I am Wei Yueqing. I won't talk nonsense. On behalf of the First Army, I support Tang Hanpei as the wartime principal." Wei Yueqing spoke clearly, and there was no trace of anything on his face like a rock sculpture. fluctuation.

The directors were ashen-faced.

It was only then that they suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Wei Yueqing had been silent before.

Pavchako's face turned pale, and for a moment, his heart suddenly became enlightened. Why did Tang Hanpei take such drastic actions in Luoyou City? He just wants to put the Federal Comprehensive School in danger! Song Chengyan refused to assume the frontline command and was immediately assigned to the First Army Corps. I am afraid that Tang Hanpei would have reached an agreement with Wei Yueqing at that time.

From then on, he laid this plan! No, maybe he started planning earlier.

However, why is he confident that he can rescue the Federal Comprehensive School from danger?

This is something Pavchako still can't figure out, but he knows that his disciple definitely has someone to rely on, but he just can't think of it. Looking at the gentle and harmless smile on Tang Hanpei's face, Pavchako suddenly felt that he was old. It turned out that he did not understand his disciple so much. He didn't understand, what did Tang Hanpei want? If he is the president of a federal comprehensive university, if nothing else happens, it will definitely belong to him in ten years.

Wei Yueqing's kidnapping made all directors understand that Tang Hanpei became the president of the Federal Comprehensive School. Wei Yueqing's support was enough for him to pass this resolution. No one would be ignorant of current affairs at this time. That would be a joke with their own lives.

If it weren't for wartime, if it weren't for the fact that the board of directors only had one-third of its usual members, and if the situation hadn't been so critical, even with Wei Yueqing's support, the board of directors would still have enough power to contend with it.

But there are no ifs in this world.

Devinrot was the first to sign the resolution. After signing, he raised his head and said to Tang Hanpei: "I hope you can fulfill your promise."

Tang Hanpei suppressed his smile and replied solemnly and respectfully: "Please rest assured, the Federal Comprehensive University will be even more brilliant!"

All directors sign their names on the appointment letter.

After receiving the appointment letter, there was no joy on Tang Hanpei's face. Such a profound look made all the directors feel chilly.

"Thank you for your support. I believe that soon, you will realize how wise your decision is." Tang Hanpei continued expressionlessly: "Then, I will issue a few orders."

"First, all board members who did not attend the board of directors today have acted as traitors to the Federal Comprehensive University. They will be deprived of their director status and all their properties and properties will be confiscated."

Pavchako's heart skipped a beat. Cruel enough! Tang Hanpei is trying to eliminate future troubles for himself. Once these directors are deprived of their identities, the remaining one-third of directors will not be able to compete with Tang Hanpei even if the situation is settled in the future.

Seeing that most of the directors didn't pay much attention to this order, Pavchako couldn't help but sigh in his heart, these short-sighted guys!

"Second, appoint Song Chengyan as the commander-in-chief of the front line. In view of the serious lack of combat power on the front line, I hope that you can contribute the combat power of your family. As for the amount, it depends on your own wishes, but I will make one point first. For those member families who have been deprived of directors, the fixed assets other than property will be distributed by the school. The amount of distribution will be distributed according to the amount of merit."


The meeting room immediately erupted! Directors who have been deprived of their identity can account for two-thirds of the board of directors. This is an extremely fat piece of meat! Many people are thinking about how many cards they have in their hands.

Looking around at these extremely excited directors, Tang Hanpei smiled as ever.

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