
Chapter 382 Invisible Hand

After pondering for a moment, Chen Mu carefully controlled the energy chain in his hand. Unexpectedly, the energy chain was extremely sensitive. As soon as Chen Mu felt it move, the energy chain in his hand was like a conscious spiritual object, suddenly rolling towards the trunk of a tree in front of him.

Almost at the same time, Chen Mu's expression couldn't help but change.

An astonishing amount of energy was frantically drawn from the energy card, rushing along the energy chain towards the area entangled by the energy chain like lightning!

This situation is like a high dam suddenly showing a small opening at the bottom. The high-speed flow of energy brings strong pressure.

Time suddenly stopped at this moment.

An invisible pressure was squeezing Chen Mu from all directions, especially his chest. It was indescribably uncomfortable and made it somewhat difficult to breathe.

My mind was buzzing, how could this happen? Chen Mu was shocked. However, the energy at this time was completely out of his control and was still rushing towards the tree trunk at an alarming speed.

The feeling of depression and suffocation became stronger and stronger. Chen Mu felt like a balloon that had been squeezed to the extreme and might explode and die at any time!

The body's sense of the surroundings did not become dull, on the contrary, it became clearer. It was so clear that Chen Mu could feel that his muscles and blood vessels were twisting and deforming under the strong pressure. It was as if he was being pinched by a huge palm, and the palm was constantly tightening.

The sweat was pouring down, winding like a stream. For a moment, Chen Mu already felt that he could no longer hold on. But he didn't let the high-speed flowing energy stop!

His face turned red and veins throbbed in his forehead. He tried his best to mobilize all the senses in his body, trying to fight against this terrifying pressure!

what to do? what to do?

Chen Mu's brain was running rapidly, hoping to find a feasible method! He knew that if this continued, these staggering amounts of energy would be enough to tear him to pieces once they were out of control.

Ten seconds!

Like ten seconds in hell, ten seconds of suffering death, Chen Mu held on for ten seconds. However, he has reached the extreme. The redness on his face faded, and now he was just pale.

He could even feel his bones creaking.

It doesn’t make sense! Why does the same card look like this when I use it? Chen Muqiang calmed himself and tried his best to think about the key.

Suddenly, the black-faced man's shouting like thunder flashed in his mind, could it be...

Chen Mu was cruel and refused to resist the pressure. The overwhelming pressure coming from all directions squeezed Chen Mu's chest, and he breathed out a breath of turbid air. Chen Mu shouted almost subconsciously: "Explode!"


The tree trunk in front of Chen Mu suddenly exploded to pieces, and the sawdust hit his face, which was extremely painful. However, Chen Mu was not worried at all at this time, and he could not hide the look of ecstasy on his face. As soon as his "explosion" came out, the invisible pressure around his body suddenly disappeared without a trace, and his whole body felt indescribably happy!

However, at this time, he couldn't care less about being happy, and instead ducked aside in embarrassment.

A tree more than 20 meters high suddenly fell down. The blow just now blasted a section of the trunk of the big tree to pieces. This is a thick tree trunk six to seven meters in diameter!

Trees growing in ice and snow areas grow slowly and are dense, and some trees are even harder than iron. Such a big tree would take at least hundreds of years to grow.

The power of this "explosion" is also evident!

Chen Mu looked at the mess in front of him with a complicated expression. On the one hand, he had lingering fears. If he hadn't thought of this "explosion" just now, would he have been torn to pieces by these out-of-control energies? He vaguely felt that this possibility was very likely.

However, he was quickly attracted by the power displayed by [Golden Word Lock].

This is only the first time I have come into contact with this card. He didn't believe that such a sophisticated and complicated card could only have such a method.

When he first put his perception into the [Golden Word Lock], the first thing he thought of was [Jie Shilian].

[Golden Word Lock] is no less complex than [Jie Shilian], but unfortunately, the inheritance of [Golden Word Lock] has been lost. If it's still there, then I won't be able to figure out how to use it.

However, he immediately stopped laughing. If the inheritance of [Golden Word Lock] was still there, how could he get this card? The black-faced man only knew the word "explosion", but he still relied on so many ferocious beasts to kill this man. If he had obtained the inheritance of the [Golden Word Lock], I'm afraid he would have been killed by him long ago.

Cards of the same level, with inheritance and without inheritance, are thousands of miles apart! Like the [Bipolar Thunderball Card] in his hand, it has been passed around in the hands of so many people, but no one has the discernment to recognize it. Even if it was in his hands, he would not be able to exert its power.

The three cards [Bipolar Thunderball Card], [Festival Chain], and [Golden Word Lock] are all extremely powerful cards in Chen Mu's opinion. But if he were asked to rate it, the one with the highest score would be the [Bipolar Thunderball Card]. The reason is simple, [Bipolar Thunderball Card] is just a three-star card.

For one three-star card to be able to stand side by side with the other two is a miraculous feat. Even Chen Mu now can only look up to him.

However, these three cards are treated very differently. The [Bipolar Thunderball Card] with the highest score is the worst among the three cards and is unknown. [Jie Shi Lian] is famous in the Federation and is regarded as a treasure by the Federation's comprehensive universities. [Golden Word Lock] fell into the hands of a bandit, but at least it was able to help him become one of the top 100 in the [Black Line Star List], and he was quite famous.

There are two fundamental reasons why this is so. On the one hand, it is the continuation of the inheritance. At this point, [Jie Shilian] wins. On the other hand, it is caused by people's blind trust in the card star classification in the Vancente system. [Golden Word Lock] Five stars are like an identity plate, showing its extraordinaryness. However, Samsung’s [Bipolar Thunderball Card] is not taken seriously.

This is why digital series cards are sought after by so many people. The emergence of digital series cards has, to a certain extent, broken the so-called star classification.

However, compared to the deep-rooted ideas in people's minds, its effect is very limited. But its appearance is nothing more than a seed. Many people discovered at this time, oh, it turns out that in this world, not all cards are more powerful with higher stars.

The appearance of [Snake Mirror] and [Golden Word Lock] greatly increased Chen Mu's strength. In fact, if he practices [Festival Combination], his strength will improve rapidly. But [Joint Link] was the only card among these that he couldn't use. It's okay for him to learn the inheritance of [Setsukiren], but once he uses the skills inside and is recognized, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Moreover, he still needs to find a way to sell [Jie Shi Lian] and its inheritance, otherwise, keeping it with him will be a hidden danger.

Regarding the [Bipolar Thunderball Card], he was more interested in some of the card-making techniques and card-making ideas it revealed. Since there is no inheritance, exploring it is a huge project. Although [Various Changes] and [Pattern Shuttle] are not as powerful as [Bipolar Thunder Ball Card] and [Golden Word Lock], they are cards he designed for himself after all, and he is more comfortable in using them.

But after this battle, Chen Mu finally realized the flaws in his tactics.

Relying solely on [Various Changes] and [Pattern Shuttle] is too simple and too restrictive. Once these two moves are useless, he has no other means of emergency response.

[Bipolar Thunderball Card] was naturally put on his agenda. With his current perception intensity and accuracy, he could control a three-star card with ease in terms of hard indicators. And with the addition of [Golden Word Lock], he has another choice.

But this [Golden Word Lock] is a bit difficult! The thrilling scene just now left him frightened.

Looking up at the vast jungle, Chen Mu's eyes became firm due to the strong sense of crisis. For the sake of Chrysanthemum spp., to survive!

This goal no longer seemed as hopeless and unreachable as before, and it also completely inspired Chen Mu's fighting spirit.

After a few days, Chen Mu no longer noticed energy waves like those released by the [Snake Mirror], which made him breath a sigh of relief. But it only makes sense when you think about it. Cards like [Snake Mirror] are by no means a common commodity. In Chen Mu’s opinion, even the Big Six cannot own cards of this level on a large scale.

What surprised Chen Mu the most was that in this pile of cards, he actually discovered the inheritance of [Snake Mirror]! The performance of the [Snake Mirror] is already powerful. With its inheritance, the detection range has been increased five times.

In this fantasy card recording the inheritance of [Snake Mirror], there is also another amazing news recorded.

[Snake Mirror] actually comes from Desert Camp, one of the six great powers!

Chen Mu suddenly realized, no wonder the [Snake Mirror] is so powerful, it originally came from Moying.

The six major products are of no ordinary quality.

In this way, Chen Mu was even more sure that the other party definitely did not have a second [Snake Mirror]. On the contrary, he was not in a hurry to get out of the jungle. In this jungle, he now had the initiative with the [Snake Mirror]. What's more, the jungle is a battlefield he is familiar with.

It would be better to take advantage of this time to study the [Bipolar Thunderball Card] and [Golden Word Lock] to improve your tactical system. After going out, I will not easily fall into passivity.

Chlorophytum is not easy to get. And according to the strategy formulated by Bagnell and Xi Ping, he needs to be famous and challenge other card repairmen, and there will be countless fierce battles during this period.

All this cannot be accomplished without strength. The stronger the strength, the greater the possibility of completion.

And with [Qianli], he can easily communicate with Weah and the valley even if he is in the jungle.

Poor Jin Yin led the team to search in the direction of Zhargan every day, but found nothing. His originally gloomy face became even gloomier. It wasn't until the teams of Bowler and Jerram came to "accompany" him to suffer, that he became more mentally balanced.

The notorious [Sky Pattern] has nothing to do at this time.

Wen Chen still looked calm and leisurely, and did not seem to be affected in any way. The feminine and magical voice once again came from under the monster's mask: "The plan remains as usual, Yuchi, you are the leader. Anza, you are the deputy. Gan Lin, pay attention to the target's movements. As for the three of them, let them go Let's play. But if you don't give me a result by then, haha..."

Ansa and Gan Lin were shocked. If the three teams did not catch or kill the mysterious master this time, the end would be extremely miserable.

Yu Chibai did not take the order immediately, but hesitated and said, "Sir, your safety..."

Wen chuckled, and the bright red diamond-shaped gem eyes on his forehead seemed to become more vivid and indescribably charming.

"Haha, Yuchi, I'm Wen!"

Her words were as feminine as a woman's, but there was a powerful confidence that was unparalleled in the world.

The three of them all looked in awe, bowed their heads and said respectfully: "Yes!"

Bagnell looked at Cashew who was training expressionlessly. These card repairs have begun to gradually show some military flavor. Although they are still far from the team Bagnell has in mind, he is still quite satisfied with the current achievements in such a short period of time.

Especially Jiang Liang's growth caught Bagnell's eye. Ever since Jiang Liang's perception was cured by Chen Mu using the snow pit method, his whole person had become completely new, as if he had been reborn. Bagnell usually leaves more affairs to him and imparts some of his own experience to him from time to time.

Unknowingly, Bagnell and Jiang Liang fell in love like master and disciple.

The snow pit method has been promoted throughout the valley, and thanks to the experience accumulated by the previous group of people, the whole process has been extremely smooth. Several sets of cards designed by Chen Mu were also distributed.

In addition to the tactics that Bagnell spent countless efforts to develop, many of these card repair tactics have also been added.

This is what Chen Mu reminded Bagnell. This set is actually another kind of inheritance. They cannot wait for generations to weed out the bad and save the good, but there are many of them. Thousands of people worked together to create, and after being tested in actual combat, they quickly summarized a set of insights.

Cards like [Festival Links] can be practiced by thirty or fifty people in each generation, and they have reached the ultimate level.

The power of the people is infinite!

They may not be able to compare with those proud men of heaven, but there are a hundred times more people. With the collective efforts, they can have more than a hundred times more ideas. Although most of it is useless, there is also a considerable amount of the essence that is retained. Moreover, these card repairers do not have the problem of being too high-minded, and the uses they create are of great practical value.

When he thought of this, Bagnell felt extremely proud. This method is used by the army. The army has a unified preparation, and they have complete instructions for how to use each card.

However, there are no set cards in the army! When he thought of this, he felt even more proud. These days, he learned that his boss was safe and sound, and the stone hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground.

He handed the work to Jiang Liang and walked towards Xi Liang's office. Although the boss is currently fine, Bagnell still has a layer of worry in his heart.

Hey, isn't this the person in charge of the Snowflake Card Repair Group in Chile City?

What is he here for? Bagnell was confused, but his face remained calm. The person in charge was in such a hurry that he did not notice Bagnell.

Bagnell glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze and walked straight towards Xi Ping's office.

When Xi Ping saw Bagnell, he didn't even raise his eyelids and said, "You old devil, what are your plans for coming to me again?"

Bagnell chuckled: "What you said hurt my heart so much. We have such a good relationship, why can't I come and see you?"

Xi Ping was unmoved and sneered: "You will come to see me? When have you ever come to my place without grabbing something and returning home?"

"Haha, what do we have to say about each other?" Bagnell was thick-skinned enough, so he made a haha, and then asked doubtfully: "I just saw the people from the Snowflake Card Repair Group, why are they here?"

Xi Ping stopped what he was doing and looked a little strange: "They are here to rush for the Ziying extract. This time the order they placed is heavier than last time. It's strange, why do they want so much extract?" This thing can’t be used as food!”

"How much did they ask for this time?" Bagnell asked curiously.

"More than 150 billion." Xi Ping threw out a number with a normal expression.

Bagnell was shocked: "Oh my God! Do these people have too much money and no place to spend it?"

"I don't know, I also think something is abnormal. From the information I collected, the purple fluorescent extract can only be used to make cards. If the extract of more than 150 billion is used to make cards, then this The amount is too terrifying." Xi Ping said thoughtfully.

"Could they want to hoard a batch?" Bagnell thought of a possibility.

"Probably not." Xi Ping shook his head: "They are in a hurry and are even willing to increase the price. If it is hoarding, they don't need to be in such a hurry."

"There must be something fishy here." Bagnell thought while stroking the green stubble on his chin.

"Well, I have already planned to slow down the production speed." The vague uneasiness in Xi Ping's heart made him make this decision.

"Hehe, this is a good idea. The Snowflake Card Repair Group is too powerful, and it may not be a good thing for us." Bagnell chuckled. Both of them are cunning people, so they naturally smelled something wrong inside. .

Only they know the production speed of Ziying Extract. Under their strict confidentiality, outsiders don't know, and they don't have to worry about causing dissatisfaction with the Snowflake Card Repair Group. Their production speed is much faster than other similar companies, and even if it slows down, it is still faster than other companies.

"By the way, I was just looking for you. There is news about that." Xi Ping looked serious.

The joking look on Bagnell's face quickly faded away. He straightened his back involuntarily and asked, "What's the situation?"

"The president of the Maharashtra Passenger Transport Company, whose surname is Yan and whose name is Hao, was a powerful card repairman in the past. He founded the Maharashtra Passenger Transport Company when he was thirty years old. His son is called Yan Pei, and he is a good-looking man. , got married three years ago.”

Bagnell did not interrupt, he listened very carefully.

"Yan Pei's wife's name is Xu Qianchen, not Kaxiu. Xu Qianchen's origin is very mysterious, and the Yan family is also vague about it. I spent a lot of effort to find out the origin of Xu Qianchen. Her father's name is Xu Bolun, you must not expect it. , he comes from Shuangyue Hanzhou."

"Frost Moon Cold Continent?" Bagnell's eyes widened suddenly. This result was completely beyond his expectation. In his opinion, no matter how arrogant [Tianwen] is, he will never dare to take advantage of Shuangyue Hanzhou. I didn’t expect this group of people to be so bold!

Xi Ping nodded: "I was also shocked by this news. I was even more surprised when I looked up Xu Bolun. This Xu Bolun is not an ordinary person in Shuangyue Hanzhou! He is the former principal of Shuangyue Hanzhou, [Tiandong Ranking] 】The junior brother of the number one figure, Jia Yingxia.”

"No way!" Bagnell opened his mouth wide with astonishment on his face: "Such a powerful person?"

"Xu Bolun is a low-key person with little reputation. Except for the time when Jiaying Xia competed for the principal of Shuangyue Hanzhou, he never took action at other times. That was twenty years ago, and very few people knew about it. How strong is Xu Bolun? , is still unknown. After Jiayingxia took up the post of principal of Shuangyue Hanzhou, he took up the position of library director and rarely showed up on weekdays. Not long after Jiayingxia resigned from the position of principal, he also resigned from the library He has only one daughter, but he has never taught her anything about card repair." Xi Ping talked eloquently.

"This guy is not simple!" Bagnell immediately made a judgment with a solemn look on his face: "[Tianwen] has stirred up a hornet's nest this time!"

"I'm afraid, this is what [Tian Wen] did intentionally!" Xi Ping said in shock: "In addition to Da Maha's back, [Tian Wen], I also tried to collect relevant information about them. [Tian Wen]'s boss Da Wen's methods are weird and difficult. However, he has always made decisions before taking action, and he is definitely not the kind of reckless person. Even we can find out the background of the Maharashtra Passenger Transport Company, there is no way they can't!"

"Their target is Shuangyue Hanzhou!"

Bagnell couldn't help but blurt out, and as soon as the words came out, he couldn't help showing a look of horror. If their speculations are true, things will become more complicated than ever.

[Tianwen] Why do you dare to take advantage of Shuangyue Hanzhou? Although they don’t know, they must have something to rely on!

The two seemed to see an invisible hand controlling everything.

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