
Chapter 386 Bureau

Wei Lin looked at Song Chengyan with great distress. As his adjutant, she knew how bad this genius boy's physical condition was. Behind the thick black-rimmed glasses, the eyes that flashed with intelligence were now bloodshot, and his face was as pale as paper. He had not slept for three days in a row. During these three days, he kept counting, and he did not even have two hours of rest.

"Sir, please take a rest." Wei Lin bit her lip and couldn't help but said. She is three years older than Song Chengyan, has a mature temperament and outstanding appearance.

"It'll be ready soon!" Song Chengyan's voice was filled with concealed weakness. He probably heard the concern in Wei Lin's words. He raised his pale face and forced a smile.

At this moment, the measuring instrument on Wei Lin's hand rang. Zuo Lin quickly answered the call, and she immediately returned to her professional state. She spoke in a concise tone and responded crisply. Although Wei Lin is beautiful, no one in the entire army dares to take a chance on her.

She is Song Chengyan's adjutant!

At first, these private army leaders from aristocratic families were not interested in this frail young man who was known as a genius. But soon, they got a taste of it. With the help of the card repair team transferred from Tang Hanpei, he quickly took control of the team by alternating thunder and soft caress, eliminating and attacking. The removed thorns were escorted back to Kyoto. It is said that before they had time to cry to their masters, they were deprived of everything by these extremely angry masters, and their end was extremely miserable.

At this time, all the leaders were in awe of this gentle young man and no longer dared to deal with it.

Song Chengyan, who first took power, quickly stabilized his foothold on the front line by using constant interruptions. Zhongda Shufu and Faya, who were originally unstoppable, were dragged into the whirlpool by him as soon as their offensive was stopped.

If the previous methods could only make these private army leaders fearful, the constant small victories every day made them sincerely convinced of Song Chengyan. Song Chengyan has always treated Zuo Lin differently, and his attitude is very different from others, so naturally they don't dare to make mistakes.

After getting along with Wei Lin, everyone discovered that her business ability was very good, she was never sloppy in doing things, and she was decisive in killing. As a result, these big men were also cautious when facing this beautiful woman.

"The news just came back from Part 11 that they have bitten the left wing of Zhongda Shufu, but they have suffered heavy casualties and are in urgent need of support!" Wei Lin reported without any emotion.

Song Chengyan couldn't help but smile bitterly. Once Wei Lin started working, she looked like this cold.

However, Song Chengyan perked up after hearing the news. This was the key to his plan. I don’t know if he was stimulated by this good news, but his mind was surprisingly clear at this time. He decisively issued an order: "Order, the Seventh Department immediately goes to support, and the left wing of Zhongda Shufu must be dragged until noon tomorrow! Chapter 7 Departments 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, and 13 gather immediately to implement Plan B!"

"Yes!" Wei Lin's face remained calm.

It’s finally time to counterattack! After taking a look at the battle plan he had worked so hard to draw up on the table, Song Chengyan surprisingly didn't feel too happy, nor was he as nervous as before the battle.

There was only a hint of loneliness and relief in his expression, and his eyes seemed complicated and difficult to understand.

Brother Tang, I can finally pay you what I owe you!

Suddenly, a strong feeling of dizziness hit him, and he felt his feet go weak.

Wow! The table was overturned, and the paper with the battle plan flying like snowflakes.

"Cheng Yan!" Wei Lin could no longer maintain her indifference and screamed in sorrow!

Shanggan District has the most beautiful scenery among the five major Chinese districts, with a mild and suitable climate and spring-like weather all year round. The green mountains and numerous rivers have given birth to the unique culture of Shanggan District.

The people of the five major Chinese districts and Kyoto each have distinctive characteristics. The people of Tiandongli District are tenacious, the people of Beilian District are violent, the people of Zuohe District are astute, the people of Vanas District are pious, and the people of Kyoto are arrogant. The people of Gansu District also have their own characteristics, which is gentleness.

As the Shanggan District with the richest cultural heritage among the five major Chinese districts, this is the most popular place for wealthy people who like to enjoy themselves.

Zhongda City is located in the very center of Shanggan District, in the fertile Jize River Basin.

The war between Zhongda City and the Federal Comprehensive School is concentrated in the area where Shanggan District and Kyoto intersect. Zhongda City, located in the hinterland of Shanggan District, was naturally not affected. The business here is still very prosperous and the streets are full of people.

Zhongda Book Mansion is located in the northwest corner of Zhongda City. After the management of successive mansion owners, it has become a huge garden covering hundreds of thousands of square kilometers.

The picturesque campus has students coming and going, their faces filled with the unique vitality and confidence of young people. Those who can enter this school are the elite among the elite, and they have enough reasons to be confident.

At the gate of Zhongda Bookstore, a middle-aged man wearing a slender smoky gray windbreaker squinted his eyes and looked at the four characters "Zhongda Bookstore" handwritten by the first palace master.

A cold smile bloomed from the corner of his mouth, and his warm, jade-like eyes were suddenly surging with fighting!

"Tang Hanpei wants to fight the master of the palace, do you dare?"

Arrogant, arrogant but sharp as a blade, the words swept through the entire Zhongda Book Mansion like the wind. All the sounds in the noisy campus seemed to be cut off by these knife-like words, and they all disappeared. There was a dead silence. Even the usually noisy birds became silent.

Tang Hanpei went to Zhongda Book Mansion alone to challenge the current master of the manor!

The whole world is shocked!

Chen Mu in the jungle was in a miserable state, with blood all over his body. However, the wound has scabbed over, which is the trace left from the last battle with Jin Yin.

The ghosts of the group of card repairmen behind him were still following him, like wolves smelling a fishy smell. If he hadn't had the [Snake Mirror], he would have been surrounded by these card cultivators long ago. He didn't notice the energy wave similar to [Snake Mirror], but the other party could always find his general location, which made him strange.

It is estimated that the other party left some mark on himself or something. Thinking about it carefully, the most likely thing happened when Jin Yin came into contact with his body before he died.

In the battle with Jin Yin, Chen Mu was seriously injured, but the benefits he received were not the slightest. Chen Mu had experienced a lot of previous battles, but there were very few head-on fights like this. He usually relies on his own speed to win, but this time he suddenly encountered a guy whose speed was not as fast as him and whose air flow card control skills were better than his own, and he almost died!

Only now do I realize that the so-called tactics I designed are a joke when meeting a master. For example, [Pattern Shuttle] can be described as a weapon for assassination, but when it comes to card repairers with sensitive perceptions, it is often unable to use it.

Just like the battle with Jin Yin, [Wensuo] was useless. Launching [Pattern Shuttle] requires locking the target with perception, but this will immediately arouse the opponent's surprise, making it difficult to hit and also revealing one's own position.

In such a dark place, even if Chen Mu had excellent eyesight, it would be difficult to aim.

[Bipolar Thunder Ball Card] Chen Mu was still quite satisfied. The move [Chess Cage Thousand Cuts] was powerful, but there were still loopholes. On the one hand, the range of the chess cage is limited. If the opponent notices it early and escapes outside the cage, this move will be useless.

Moreover, the moment before launching the killing move, the magnetic field that interfered with perception suddenly disappeared. It was this loophole that gave Jin Yin the opportunity. Although the killing move was fierce, it still caused Chen Mu to be seriously injured.

[Chess Cage Thousand Cuts] This move is very strange. Chen Mu spent a lot of effort to figure out this move. Due to the extremely high requirements on perception, he was unable to perform other actions when using it. Otherwise, if you give the opponent a dagger when setting up the chess cage, you might be able to kill him.

Of course, this is just Chen Mu's speculation. Generally speaking, Chen Mu's speculations are often two extremes: accurate and inaccurate. For example, in terms of card making, his guesses were almost always accurate, which often amazed Ru Qiu. But when it comes to card use, there are countless examples of his speculations being met with reality.

The performance of the three-star [Bipolar Thunderball Card] is astonishing to such an extent. However, everything has its own gains and losses. Although its level is low and the requirements for its users are not high, it only refers to ordinary skills. Advanced skills like [Chess Cage Thousand Cuts] require more perception than ordinary four-star and five-star cards!

If Chen Mu's perception hadn't just broken through not long ago, he wouldn't have been able to comprehend such an advanced technique as [Chess Cage Thousand Cuts].

Chen Mu's injuries were mostly healed. He just felt that he was overused and overloaded his body. According to this kind of injury, if it were applied to other Kaxiu, he would have to rest for several months. But although Chen Mu's body cannot be compared with that of a non-human being like Weah, it is still extremely strong and has amazing recovery capabilities.

These days, Chen Mu has been being chased by this group of card cultivators, and Chen Mu is filled with anger.

Anyone who is hunted like this for seven or eight days will not have a good temper. What's more, Chen Mu's temper cannot be called gentle.

These days, Chen Mu has taken this group of card cultivators in circles in the jungle, and he already has a certain understanding of the strength of the tails behind him. Among the people behind him, the two most powerful card repairmen were much worse than the one he was fighting against.

Chen Mu was a little regretful that he did not find the black-lined silver inscription card of the sinister card cultivator, otherwise he would still have known his specific information. He also sighed in his heart, [Sky Pattern] is really powerful! Two random captains were so powerful. He originally thought that Motta was strong enough, but no one expected that one more powerful than Motta would come out!

Poor Chen Mu, he still doesn't know that the other party just happened to break through while fighting him.

It's a sigh of relief, no matter how powerful [Sky Pattern] is, it can't change the irreconcilable relationship between the two parties. In this case, it's better to give the opponent a hard blow!

Every time the opponent's strength is reduced by a little, the gap between the two sides becomes smaller.

Among the leaves, Chen Mu's eyes were filled with murderous intent!

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