
Chapter 392 Who is the ugly man?

Miao Xuan's pupils shrank and his face turned slightly pale, but he did not flinch. Instead, he unexpectedly took a step forward and saluted respectfully: "Your Excellency, you are Mr. Mota, who is ranked 89th in the [Black Star List]? If Miao Xuan is not mistaken, , is this [Golden Word Lock]?"

As soon as these words came out, all the card cultivators looked at Chen Mu and their eyes suddenly changed. Those who can enter the 100th place on the black line star list are all the masters who can be ranked in Tiandongli District! Such a master is definitely the top existence in Zhargan City.

Many people suddenly realized at this time, no wonder this card repairman is so powerful! And other card repairmen who are more familiar with the [Black Line Star List] have begun to dig up Mota's information in their minds. When they remembered who Mota was, their hearts trembled even more. This Mota was not a good person!

Asang was so happy that his heart almost jumped into his throat. She did not expect that this extremely ugly man would be a top 100 expert in the [Black Line Star List]! She was still a little worried before. She had never seen the ugly man's strength with her own eyes.

If Ugly Man is really one of the top 100 masters in the [Black Line Star Ranking], he will definitely be able to hold on until the senior at home comes over. She is just worried now that if Miao Xuan raises higher conditions, the master will waver.

The top 100 masters in the [Black Line Star Ranking] are the targets that every force strives to recruit. How could the Miao family let this master go?

"I'm not."

Unexpectedly, the ugly man shook his head, looking indifferent.

Miao Xuan was a little surprised, but then he shook his head with certainty: "I don't know you, but this golden energy chain of yours, I am confident that I will never admit it wrong. [Golden Word Lock], a five-star card, the holder is [ Mota, No. 89 on the Black Line Star List, is one of the seven captains of [Sky Pattern]."

The conversation between the two made others feel dizzy, but no one dared to move at this time.

"This is indeed the [Golden Word Lock]." Chen Mu nodded, and then dropped a bombshell: "Mota was killed by me."

The sweat on Miao Xuan's forehead fell one by one. He was speechless and wanted to say something, but no sound came out. He stared blankly at the golden energy chain in Chen Mu's hand in disbelief, his mind in confusion.

In their eyes, Motta is already a being that they need to look up to.

Mota was killed? Such a master was killed without any news? But the energy chain in the ugly man's hand is an out-and-out [Golden Word Lock]. If Mota hadn't been killed, how could the [Golden Word Lock] fall into this guy's hands?

The place was quiet, so quiet that one could clearly hear the sound of everyone desperately swallowing saliva, and the sound of sweat dripping on the floor.

Everyone, including the people in the trading company, looked at Chen Mu as if they had seen a ghost.

Chen Mu frowned, he didn't want to get entangled with these guys. The opponent's number was far greater than this one's. Once the two sides started fighting, although he was not afraid, he would still find it troublesome.

At this time, he thought of Weah. Weah's expression was always full of shock. He doesn't need to imitate deliberately. What expression is more terrifying than the expressionless expression on Weah's face?

If murderous intent is added to it, it will be even more perfect!

Chen Mu tried hard to recall his hard battles in the jungle in his mind. One scene after another kept flashing in his mind, and he felt a unique feeling every time he almost lost his head...

Half-closing his eyes, Chen Mu's heart was immersed in the fighting. The temperature of the blood begins to rise, and the fighting spirit is awakened, stirred, and surged little by little!

Miao Xuan's expression changed drastically! Everyone’s expressions changed drastically!

In their eyes, the ugly man suddenly became extremely dangerous, and the slightly swinging golden chain was like a poisonous python that could choose someone to bite him at any time.

Ka Xiu is an extremely sensitive individual, not to mention such a strong fighting spirit!

Everyone's scalps were numb, their faces turned pale, and some card repairmen's legs could not help but tremble!

If anyone else dared to be so arrogant in front of them, they would have been beaten to death long ago.

Who is this man? no one knows. But he is a master who can even kill Mota! Just thinking about this is disappointing. The opponent's attacks were more ruthless than theirs. From the beginning, they had no intention of being reasonable at all, and it was a killer move from the very beginning!

I have seen ruthless people, but I have never seen such ruthless people! I have seen arrogant people, but never such arrogant people!

With murderous intent and fighting spirit surging, everyone felt as if they were floating in an angry sea, ready to receive a thunderous strike from the opponent at any time. The other party obviously didn't have the patience to talk to them.

The card cultivators of the Nanxing Group even wanted to cry. I thought this time I was here to bully beautiful women. What a pleasant and exciting thing! Who would have thought that when he met a killer star, he would explode without saying a word.

Even bad guys like them who do all kinds of evil would not dare to kill people so bloody in broad daylight. But the other party didn't have the slightest scruple. But it's normal to think about it. If the other party is really one of the top 100 people in the [Black Line Star List], he won't have any scruples. Which of the characters on the [Black Line Star List] is not ruthless and unforgivable?

These card repairmen are quite self-aware, and they can only be regarded as local bullies at best. The guy from [Black Line Star List] is a real professional murderer! And the guy who can kill No. 89 is considered a professional murderer among professional murderers!

Miao Xuan immediately realized that today's plan might be ruined. However, he still didn't believe that this guy said that he killed Mota. Defeating and killing are two different things. To be able to kill the 89th-ranked master on the [Black Line Star Ranking], one needs to be at least a top-50 master!

[Black Line Star Ranking] The top fifty, one person alone is enough to destroy the Miao family, how could they let them go so easily?

Glancing at his guards, they were all as frightened as sick chickens.

These useless trash! Miao Xuan couldn't help but curse in his heart. He usually showed off his power, but when the critical moment came, he withered.

However, the murderous intent of the other party was genuine, and even he couldn't help but feel frightened.

Miao Xuan also calmed down and saluted respectfully: "Since senior has spoken, how dare Miao Xuan not listen? I wonder if senior is free to come to my humble residence. My whole family welcomes you!"

Chen Mu suddenly felt that Asang's muscles behind him suddenly tensed up because of these words. Only then did he realize that the two people's bodies seemed to be a little too close. Ah Sang, who was behind him, was almost completely leaning on his back. He could clearly feel the amazing curves of Asang's body, as well as his body temperature.

"No time."

This Miao Xuan was arrogant in front and respectful in back, and he didn't like his hypocritical manner.

Asang's body behind him suddenly relaxed. With this relaxation, Chen Mu suddenly felt a completely different feeling from when he was tense just now. The soft body, the faint smell, and a strange, somewhat hot feeling rose from Chen Mu's heart. Almost subconsciously, Chen Mu quietly moved his upper body forward.

The sudden feeling just now made him a little panicked. As soon as his mood changes, his momentum suddenly disappears. Everyone felt that the murderous aura that was still fierce just now suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Miao Xuan was the first to notice this change. He was startled and immediately overjoyed. Could it be that his show of kindness just now had an effect?

He was a very smart man. He made a decision as soon as he rolled his eyes, and his expression became more and more respectful: "Then Miao Xuan will leave first." After that, he led the card cultivators who were completely relieved to leave.

Watching Miao Xuan leave, a stone fell from Asang's heart. Only then did he realize that he and Qiao Yuan were a little too close. His face turned red, and he quickly pretended to be casual and took two steps back. Thinking back to the scene just now, my face burned even more.

How could such an ugly man think of doing this? Asang quickly comforted himself.

Women are all extremely sensitive in this regard. Maybe they didn't react at the time, but they will easily remember it later when they think about it. Ah Sang suddenly recalled Chen Mu's move of slightly moving forward, and only then did she come over to understand what it meant.

When she realized this, her face immediately turned red with embarrassment. Fortunately, she was glad that she was wearing a veil.

Chen Mu also felt a little embarrassed, but because of the disguise on his face, he was not worried about being seen out.

"Okay, they're leaving." He pretended to be calm, and then added: "I need some food."

During this time in the jungle, Chen Mu could only feed himself with the meat of some wild beasts. The jungle in Tiandongli District was no different from the temperate jungle that Chen Mu had walked through before. It was covered with ice and snow, and he was unfamiliar with various plants. Naturally, it was difficult to find plants that could be used as seasonings.

Looking at the various delicacies placed in front of him, Chen Mu couldn't help but drool at the tempting aroma. Without saying a word, he started sweeping wildly.

Chen Mu's behavior could be described as rude. He completely ignored the existence of everyone around him, including Asang.

Ah Sang had never seen such a rude appearance. Even her slaves were taught various etiquette and norms from an early age. The extremely ugly man in front of him was simply a savage, and he was a savage who had been hungry for several days.

Thinking again that he had blushed because of such a rude and ugly man just now, Asang felt a little tight in his chest.

Chen Mu didn't notice Asang's emotions. In fact, he had long forgotten the charm he had just felt.

Chen Mu touched his semi-protruding belly with satisfaction, drank Lanqing tea, propped his legs on the coffee table, and half-lying on the sofa with his eyes squinted as he summarized what he had gained these days.

For him, how to disguise is a completely new topic, which is also related to the success or failure of this operation. Summary and reflection are undoubtedly the easiest ways to make progress.

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