
Chapter 402 Inspiration

Weah's move made Chen Mu's eyes extremely hot. At this moment, he was like getting a toy he liked, and he would not let it go until he played with it to the fullest.

For three days in a row, he practiced this move. However, what he didn't expect was that no matter how hard he tried, he could not completely realize this move. He was not discouraged, but felt a little strange and surprised. He often learned what Weah taught him before. But this time, I haven't made any substantial progress yet.

Bang, there was a soft sound in front of Chen Mu, and he immediately grunted. There was a sharp pain in the elbow joint. When he turned the elbow joint over, he saw some swelling in the joint.

After three days of thinking, he was already quite familiar with the principles. In fact, he knew what the problem was. His physical strength and muscle strength were not enough, which made him unable to complete this move.

However, he is also aware of his physical condition. His physical strength and muscle power have actually reached an astonishing level, and it will be extremely difficult to break through. Unless he really completely abandons his current route and takes Weah's path, further progress will be possible.

But this is impossible!

In comparison, Chen Mu is far more interested in perception and energy than in the pursuit of strength, let alone pure physical strength. He never thought that one day he would give up studying cards, energy structure, and perception.

Moreover, Su Liu Cherou once said that increasing the intensity of perception can contain the green thread in the body to a certain extent.

Indeed, Weah's move was very attractive to him, but the attraction was not enough to pull him to another path.

Chen Mu felt a little regretful.

This move was the most sophisticated unarmed technique he had ever seen. It contains very complex changes, very precise control, and is dizzying. In this move, the human body is like the most sophisticated instrument. Being able to complete such complex and precise movements, even Chen Mu, who was accustomed to sensing fine control, was conquered by the magnificence of this move.

Only then did he understand that for those masters of the No-Card style, their bodies were like the perception of a card repairer, which was astonishingly fine.

There are many reasons for the decline of cardless streaming. Real card-free masters are not inferior to those top card repairmen, such as Weah. However, the no-card flow has higher physical and talent requirements than the card repair, and without climbing to the top level, it is difficult for the no-card flow to compete with the card repair.

But there is no fundamental difference between Kaxiu and Wukaliu in nature, except that one controls perception and energy structure, while the other controls one's own body.

Regrets are regrets. Once Chen Mu decided on the route he chose, he concentrated on it and no longer hesitated.

Moreover, Weah's move also gave him a lot of inspiration. Simply using muscle power can achieve this. What if energy is used to simulate the muscles of the body? What if the surroundings are not thin air, but a rich energy atmosphere?

Chen Mu couldn't accomplish these extremely fine controls with his body, but if he used his senses, he could accomplish them easily, and he could even do it more precisely.

What would this look like?

The idea excited him! How exciting it would be if a card could be designed based on this!

However, he quickly calmed down and his excitement subsided, replaced by wry smiles.

He now has many cards in hand. He can use [Various Changes] and [Pattern Shuttle] freely. But he still needs to explore these three cards [Golden Word Lock], [Bipolar Thunder Ball Card], and [Snake Mirror]. In addition, there are a lot of tactics in [Festival Chain] that he needs to learn and imitate.

This is still a short-term plan. During this period, his need for combat power is at the forefront.

And if you include long-term planning, there are a lot of things in the mysterious card that you haven't figured out yet. Well, his perception training cannot be relaxed for a day. He has just made a breakthrough and his perception is in a state of rapid advancement. During this period, he needs to practice continuously to further consolidate the results of his breakthrough.

Calculating it this way, the amount of training is really scary. Chen Mu couldn't help but feel grateful to Weah. If he hadn't practiced with Weah, his body would definitely not be as strong as it is now. If you don't have a strong body, it's just a dream to complete such a heavy training.

This idea can only be put aside temporarily. He now needs to spend every bit of time on card repair training.

In his expectation, [Golden Word Lock] and [Bipolar Thunder Ball Card] will be his main attack cards during this period. On the one hand, they are powerful, and on the other hand, they can conceal his identity to a certain extent.

However, neither the [Golden Word Lock] nor the [Bipolar Thunderball Card] has been inherited, which means that Chen Mu needs to explore on his own. Among the two, [Golden Word Lock] has made greater progress, and its entire process is like decrypting a code.

This requires a lot of calculations, and for Chen Mu, this is his strength.

The decrypted key corresponds to the changes in syllables, thus forming "words". This is not difficult for him. In order to teach Lu Xiaoru how to use [Shu Yin], he has already done some research on the changes in syllables.

He suddenly thought, why not make a chip card specifically for calculation? This can greatly reduce his calculation time.

The most critical thing in the entire work is decryption. The method Chen is currently using is inefficient and quite accidental.

The role of the card is not only to be used in cards together with other structural combinations, but also to be a very powerful tool in itself.

Why didn't I think of this before? Chen Mu patted his head in frustration.

Without further ado, he would do it as soon as he thought of it. The production of chips is not too difficult for him. The main obstacle is the materials. The materials for making Chika are not common, such as black chrysanthemum and white stone, which he had already exhausted before.

Maybe he should ask Asang. After all, she is a trading company and has much more resources than ordinary people.

While I was thinking about it, suddenly the pager in the training room rang. After picking up the pager, a light screen popped up, and Asang appeared on the light screen.

"Mr. Qiao, I'm sorry to disturb your training. It's like this. I mentioned to you before that an elder in the family will rush to Zargan to help Assan in the near future. This time it is Asang's uncle who came. He heard that you I hope I can pay you a visit. I wonder when you will be free?"

Ah Sang asked cautiously.

Uncle grandpa? The other person should be much older than himself. Chen Mu felt a little uncomfortable when he thought of an old man over sixty years old coming to visit him.

He pondered for a moment and said, "I'm about to go find you, so just invite him to come and see you."

Asang was overjoyed and said quickly: "Okay, are you coming out soon? I'll go get ready right away."

When Chen Mu came out, there were already two rows of servants lined up on both sides of the door of the training room with respectful expressions. At the other end of the queue, Asang and an old man were waiting there.

"Gu Anqi has met Mr. Qiao!" The old man's voice was as loud as a bell and his face was red. He bowed respectfully to Chen Mu.

Chen Mu quickly responded: "Mr. Gu, you are too polite!"

Gu Anqi thanked him sincerely: "I have already heard what Asang said. If it hadn't been for Mr. Qiao this time, things would have been bad by the time I arrived. I am only a great-niece, how could I let her suffer such injustice! No matter what, I can’t thank you enough for Mr. Qiao’s help!”

Chen Mu waved his hand and said calmly: "I am employed by Miss Asang, and this is what I should do. Now that Mr. Gu is here, I should leave in the next two days."

"Mr. Qiao is leaving?" Gu Anqi and Asang looked at each other. They didn't expect Chen Mu to be so straightforward.

"Yeah." Chen Mu didn't want to dwell on this issue. How could he not know what the old man and Asang had planned? Before the two of them could speak, he added, "There happens to be something I need Miss Asang's help with."

Asang said quickly: "If you have anything to do with Mr. Qiao, just ask. As long as Asang can do his best, he will never refuse."

Chen Mu nodded: "I want to buy some materials."

Ah Sang breathed a sigh of relief, but still looked a little cautious: "I wonder what materials Mr. Qiao needs? You might as well make a list for Ah Sang, and Ah Sang will ask his servants to prepare it."

"Then I'd like to trouble you, Miss Asang. The fee will be based on the market price."

Chen Mu took out a list of materials that he had already prepared and handed it to Asang. Asang took the list of materials with both hands and read it carefully, looking a little embarrassed.

"Is there any problem?" Chen Mu, who noticed Asang's face, asked.

Asang told the truth: "To be honest with Mr. Qiao, most of these materials are available in our trading houses. Only two of them, moat stone and grass-colored spot shellac, are not available here." She noticed that Chen Mu's eyes fell on her. There was a bit of bitterness in her voice: "These two materials are very rare. In addition to Nanxing Trading Company, which is owned by Nanxing Group and is also the largest trading house in Zalgan, no one in the entire Zhargan City has channels to buy these two items. And there’s no way they can sell it to us.”

"Nanxing Trading Company?" Chen Mu said thoughtfully, "I'll buy it from them."

It just so happened that Chen Mu also planned to hit the road after buying the materials. He needed to get to the Dongrui area as soon as possible. He then said: "As for the other materials, I'll leave it to your firm. I'll come over to pick them up later. Please also ask Miss Asang to calculate the cost."

Asang shook his head: "Except for these two items, the other materials are very ordinary and not worth much. Even if Asang is interested in it, please don't refuse, Mr. Qiao."

"Then thank you Miss Asang." Chen Mu stood up and said, "Please also ask Miss Asang to send someone to take me to Nanxing Trading Company."

Asang suddenly smiled: "No one else is needed, I will take Mr. Qiao there."

Her hand accidentally touched the veil on her face. The black veil that always hung on her face fell like leaves.

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