
Chapter 420 Ice and Flame [Second update]

This is a challenge that attracts federal attention. If the audience before watching the fantasy card was still a little slack, now, there is no one who is not watching attentively. At this time, some reporters had already begun to introduce the [Black Line Star Ranking] to audiences outside Tiandongli District. After all, this is the unique ranking of Tiandongli District.

When the audience began to understand the value of the [Black Line Star List], their attention to this challenge increased sharply. The duel between masters is always highly anticipated. Card repair courses in many schools were interrupted on the spot, and teachers opened the viewing cards in the classroom.

And some viewing platforms are eager to find the famous card repairer as a guest commentator. In the entire federation, Tiandongli District has the highest ratings. According to statistics, almost one-third of the people in Tiandongli District were watching this match.

Chen Mu had no intention of moving, while Jin Yin and Dang Han also didn't care about the location of the battle. Even the owner of the business, Asang, just looked at Chen Mu with concern, not caring whether the place would be broken. All irrelevant personnel were cleared away, leaving space for these three people.

Chen Mu remained motionless. If he hadn't spoken just now, people would have suspected that he was not an immortal. People looked at Qiao Yuan from afar with some fear. Every line on that ugly face was as hard as a knife cutting out of a rock. But the thing that made people feel chilly the most was those eyes.

The gray, empty and indifferent eyes suddenly showed a gleam of light. It was like a ray of sunlight penetrated the thickest darkness before dawn, and then brightened little by little. However, in the blink of an eye, these little rays of light suddenly gathered into a sea of ​​fire.

The raging flames flowed wildly in Chen Mu's eyes. He remained motionless, but his momentum suddenly spread.


All the perceptions were released completely without any reservation. The astonishing momentum centered on Chen Mu, mixed with extremely crazy and hot fighting spirit, suddenly spread out!

The faces of Jin Yin and Dang Han, who were standing opposite him, both changed. Ka Xiu's senses were the most acute, and the two of them could clearly feel Qiao Yuan's crazy fighting spirit, as well as his fearless and fierce aura!

Is this guy crazy?

The two couldn't help but look at each other, each seeing the fear in the other's eyes. They didn't expect that Qiao Yuan would actually risk his life as soon as he came up.

"Fight!" Dang Han said in a deep voice. He had no way out. If he lost this battle, he would also die. He knew the Madam's methods very well. Rather than fall into her hands, it would be better to die fighting and suffer less pain.

Jin Yin nodded fiercely.

The fighting spirit was rampant and the murderous intention was fierce. The confrontation between the three of them made the air extremely solemn. The expressions of the people watching changed slightly. The three of them seemed to have no intention of testing the situation. Could it be that they were trying their best from the beginning?

In the dark corner of the training room, Bu Mo bit his lip and stared at Chen Mu. He couldn't help but said: "Weah, let's go help him!"

Weah looked at Chen Mu, but shook his head: "No."

"Why?" The disappointed Bu Mo didn't notice the strange emotion in Weah's eyes.

"Because he wants to fight!" Weah's answer made Bu Mo somewhat confused.

Weah's eyes moved to Mrs. Faia, and then slowly swept over the bronze masked man. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and the extremely strong murderous intention flashed away.

Jin Yin was the first to launch the attack, and he suddenly bounced up without any warning, his whole body rising like a rocket. He flew higher and higher, seemingly without any intention of stopping.

Dang Han did not hesitate, and his [Cuibi Star] was released immediately. The energy starfish he released this time was completely different from the last time. In the center of the emerald green energy starfish, there was a silver five-pointed star.

The three energy starfish were much less than the last time, but Dang Han already showed a somewhat struggling expression. One of the three energy starfishes burrowed into the ground, while the other two suddenly shot towards Chen Mu without warning, and two brilliant silver lights were seen flashing through the air.

Chen Mu felt like he was about to explode, his whole body was about to explode! Every inch of skin is so hot. It's like what's flowing in the body is not blood, but red-hot molten iron! Under this crushing burning sensation, Chen Mu was so aware of every change in his body. His brain is the only place that is awake, and any slight change in his body is captured with incomparable clarity and finally conveyed here.

Every fiber of the muscles, the translucent tendons, the blood vessels on the periosteum, the bite at the joints...

The intense pleasure mixed with the intense pain hit Chen Mu's mind like waves, but his expression remained so indifferent.

He wants to vent! Vent this heartburning pain! victory! He wants to win! He has decided that no matter what, whether it is for Yang'an or for himself, even if he dies, he will win! He had never wanted to win so badly, never!

Chen Mu's instrument has been activated for a long time, and the energy is slowly flowing through it, seemingly calm but full of destructive power.

Suddenly, a whistle sounded in the air. The whistle became stronger and louder, and it was so sharp that it seemed to break through the sky!

In mid-air, a figure shot straight down like a sharp arrow!

"[Sharp Cloud Explosion]!" The guest commentator on one platform screamed as if he had seen a ghost, and fell down from his chair in shock.

Pointy Cloud Explosion, one of the top flying skills. In fact, it has broken away from the category of flying skills. The reason why it is still called the top flying skill is because it is entirely composed of flying skills. But actually, it's an attack technique!

It uses the changes in Kashu's body when flying at high speed to control the surrounding airflow, forming a pointed cone-shaped air bomb to bombard the ground! The power of the pointed cloud explosion is extremely frightening, and the air bomb it forms can cover a radius of up to ten meters. Everything within this range will be torn to pieces by the terrifying air current.

But at the same time, it has extremely high requirements for the card repairman's flying skills. The card repairman who can use the sharp cloud burst must reach a quite terrifying level in flying attainments. Not only that, it is an extremely dangerous tactical behavior. When the air bomb comes into contact with the target, Ka Xiu sometimes has no time to escape and is torn into pieces by the raging air.

No one arrived, Jin Yin took action, and it was such a big move! Does this guy want his life?

Chen Mu's brain was as calm as ice and snow. He raised his head, and his eyes filled with flames and madness suddenly became clear and crystal clear. Unfortunately, no one saw it. Everyone's eyes and attention were firmly attracted by Jin Yin's crazy move.

The sensory feedback information flashed through Chen Mu's brain. From such a long distance, he could not capture the changes in the airflow simply with his eyes. However, what Chen Mu is best at is that he is more sensitive to physical changes rather than energy changes.

The complex and detailed airflow was all captured by him with incomparable clarity. Almost subconsciously, he assembled these tiny streams of information and tried to construct them into a model. His mind was surprisingly calm at this time, and the originally complicated work was completed unexpectedly smoothly.

The complete model was completed in Chen Mu's mind at an astonishing speed. A sudden realization arose in his heart. Could this be the true use of his perception?

However, this glimmer of understanding was quickly swallowed up by Chen Mu's crazy and hot fighting spirit, and Chen Mu's eyes returned to red again.

Crazy, absolutely crazy calculations, Chen Mu's reason also showed a crazy side at this time.

It's now!

——[Bipolar Card]!

With a soft popping sound, countless black and white energy beads suddenly appeared around Chen Mu's body as he soared into the air. Each of these energy beads was as big as a mung bean. There were too many of them, thousands of them, densely packed. Covering Chen Mu.

If you look closely, you will find that the nearest white energy bead must be a black energy bead, and vice versa. These thousands of black and white energy beads formed a huge sphere with a diameter of ten meters, and Chen Mu was in the center of this sphere.

In Zhongda Book Mansion, Mrs. Zhi Lian was also watching the battle. She was not interested in fighting, but being politically sensitive, she sensed that there seemed to be something fishy about it. After the palace master was defeated by Tang Hanpei last time, Mrs. Zhi Lian became the person in charge of Zhongda Shu Palace.

When she saw Qiao Yuan releasing this spherical shape on the light screen, she was stunned, and then her expression changed drastically.

Others may not know what it is, but how could she not know it? Although this spherical shape is huge, and although the number of energy beads is much higher, it is not fundamentally different from the Super [007] she bought in Luoyou City last time.

What shocked her even more was that Super [007] could not release such a large energy ball! In other words, this card is more advanced than [007]. She knew very well how difficult it would be to release such a large energy ball.

So, the name of this card is about to come out!

The expression on Mrs. Zhi Lian's face changed.

The situation on the field has reached its most intense level. The reason why Chen Mu chose [Bipolar Card] instead of [Golden Word Lock] was because he wanted to catch Dang Han off guard! Jin Yin knew both of his cards, but Dang Han did not know the existence of the [Bipolar Card]. This was undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for Chen Mu to take advantage of.

Sure enough, Dang Han was shocked. He didn't expect that Qiao Yuan was not using the [Golden Word Lock]! His attack was specifically targeted at Qiao Yuan's [Golden Word Lock].

Two energy starfish plunged into Chen Mu's energy ball.

There was a series of dense sizzling sounds, and two energy starfish were seen shining brightly. Suddenly, their five horns extended, forming five slender tentacles, which rolled toward Chen Mu like lightning.

This change caught Chen Mu off guard, but before he could make adjustments, an incredible scene happened.

I saw those tiny black and white energy beads swarming in like sharks smelling blood. In the blink of an eye, these two energy starfish were submerged by a group of black and white energy balls.


Light flashed from these clustered energy beads from time to time, and Chen Mu's face changed slightly! In a short period of time, he lost hundreds of energy beads. He knew very well that every time one energy bead was missing, the defensive nature of the energy bead would be weakened.

The characteristic of Chen Mu's energy ball is to absorb energy, while the characteristic of Dang Han's energy starfish is also to absorb energy. If the two collide, the only result will be annihilation.

The light suddenly rose, and a group of energy beads and two energy starfish were annihilated at the same time. Two big holes suddenly appeared in Chen Mu's energy beads.

Jin Yin in mid-air made a terrifying and sharp whistle, tearing the air along the way to pieces! He was like a meteor exuding the aura of destruction, his perception firmly locked onto Chen Mu in the broken energy ball, and he swooped down crazily!

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