
Chapter 422 Stand up!

Bu Mo felt that he had never been so nervous. He even stopped breathing. He didn't dare to blink and stared at the man who fell on the ground.

He fell to the ground with blood flowing all over his body, motionless. In the blink of an eye, the gurgling blood formed a pool of blood.

Bu Mo's little fist was clenched tightly by him, and he wanted to rush out and help Chen Mu up. Even now, he has not figured out the relationship between Weah and Chen Mu. But he knew that they were his own people. Moreover, Chen Mu had completely conquered him just now!

The figure full of desire to fight, full of desire for victory, unyielding, and fighting to the death was deeply imprinted in his young heart.

Stand up! Stand up quickly!

Bu Mo shouted in his heart over and over again. He gritted his teeth so hard that it seemed as if he was going to break his teeth into pieces. His fists were clenched until they turned white, and his body was shaking involuntarily!

None of the three people in the venue were standing, and the chaotic spectators gradually became quiet. People's eyes were turned to the man lying in a pool of blood, and their eyes were full of respect.

The dazzling and gorgeous card skills, the weird and unpredictable final blow, and the most heart-stopping thing are his wild fighting spirit and persistent desire to win without even risking his life, which completely conquered everyone! In everyone's heart, he is a real warrior, a real card repairer!

All camera equipment was focused on Chen Mu, who was lying in a pool of blood. At this moment, the entire federation's eyes were focused on the man lying on the ground.

There was a hint of trembling in the voice, and someone in the crowd didn't know who shouted it first.

——"Stand up!"

Many people couldn't help shouting along, although some were sparse.

——"Stand up!"

More people shouted, and the voices began to become more uniform.

--"stand up!"

The onlookers put aside all their prejudices and differences at this time, and they shouted loudly in unison. His voice was like a torrent, carrying people's respect, expectation and encouragement for him.

--"stand up!"

Amoni is an old card repairman, but he has very senior qualifications in the emerging platform commentary. He has rich experience, sophisticated vision, and sharp language. His explanations are very popular. He has always been calm and cool, which is what he is most proud of. But he suddenly found that his hands were shaking, he suddenly found that his heartbeat was fast, and he suddenly found that he was holding something in his heart. When he heard the scream from ahead, he felt like he was struck by lightning, and the emotions he had been holding back suddenly burst out! He stood up from his seat, his white hair and wrinkled face equally excited.

--"stand up!"

There was silence in the bar, and every guest stared blankly at the man lying in a pool of blood on the light screen. The sound coming out of the TV show was like a powder keg being suddenly set off. These big and muscular men suddenly became excited. They tore off their clothes to reveal their bare arms, with veins pulsing on their foreheads. Everyone's eyes were red, their mouths were trembling, and they were roaring crazily.

——"Stand up! Damn it, stand up!"

In the classroom, all the students couldn't help but stand up from their seats. Their faces turned red and they shouted at the top of their lungs. The girls covered their eyes and screamed with cries.

--"stand up!"

In the valley, Bagnell and Xi Ping stared blankly at the light screen, not daring to breathe, and their fists were almost broken. Women Su Liu Cherou, Ru Qiu, and Lu Xiaoru all burst into tears.

——"Stand up, boss, stand up!"

Weah's face that had remained unchanged for thousands of years changed in a rare way, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, staring closely at Chen Mu who fell on the ground. Xiao Bumo beside him couldn't bear it anymore, clenched his fists and shouted at the top of his lungs.

--"stand up!"

The whole crowd in front of the federal viewing fantasy card was shouting.

--"stand up!"

"stand up!"

"stand up!"

People shouted over and over again, tirelessly. Their speaking speed became faster and faster, their emotions became more and more excited, and the anxiety in their eyes became more and more intense!

"stand up!"

"stand up!"

I don’t know how long it took, but just when many people felt desperate. Suddenly, the man in the pool of blood moved!

Everyone's desperate hearts felt like they had been hammered hard, and they were more excited than ever before. Everyone, regardless of gender, opened their eyes wide, snorted heavily, blushed, and used all their strength!

--"stand up!"

This sound was like a sudden accent in a violent storm!

The man in the pool of blood moved again.

"stand up!"

"stand up!"

"stand up!"

People tirelessly, crazily and hysterically, regardless of their hoarse voices, shouted over and over again!

The man in the pool of blood seemed to hear the anxiety and hope in people's voices. He struggled slowly and moved slowly. He pressed his left hand on the ground, dug his fingers into the soil, and slowly bent his arm. Little by little, he got up from the ground.

Every time he rises a little, people's eyes will become brighter.

He slowly raised his body, straightening up little by little. His shaky figure suddenly made people's hearts tighten, and his voice was like the sky before a storm, so depressing that people almost suffocated.

When he straightened up and stood completely, everyone jumped! They waved their arms wildly, as if they were celebrating victory, and they shouted and roared at the top of their lungs, even they themselves didn't know what they were talking about.

After a few minutes, people gradually calmed down. And when they turned their attention to the man on the light screen, they fell into silence again, and many of them showed expressions that they couldn't bear to stare at.

His clothes were in tatters, and there were countless wounds on his body. Blood flowed from the wounds and soaked his whole body. He was covered in blood and mud, and his face was covered in blood and mud. The most shocking thing was his right arm. The entire right arm, from the shoulder to the wrist to the fingers, almost completely exploded, the flesh and blood was exposed, and a large section of the white arm bone was exposed.

His eyes were dull, as if they were lifeless.

Seeing this scene, tears blurred the eyes of all the women.

Chen Mu was stunned, his mind was blank, there was no sound, and his eyes were dark. I don't know how long it took, but his eyes became slightly brighter, and there was a faint sound, but his mind was still numb.

After a while, his eyes became brighter, but still blurry. The sound coming from his ears seemed louder, but it seemed that it was still far away from him and he couldn't hear clearly.

I do not know how long it has been.

The scene in front of him finally recovered, but the voice in his ears disappeared, and it seemed very quiet.

Was it just an illusion? Chen Mu smiled bitterly in his heart, his brain had never been slower and duller than before, which made him a little uncomfortable.

As he regained consciousness, severe pain surged through his body like a tide. He wanted to hiss and suck in the cold air, but it seemed that the muscles in his face were completely stiff and he couldn't complete this action.

He looked around the field unconsciously, as if he was the only one standing there.

He thought stupidly, as if he had won. He didn't feel anything special, and his dull consciousness made his reactions dull and slow.

After a while, he finally regained more than half of his consciousness. But at the same time, the pain became clearer and more intense.

However, when Chen Mu regained consciousness, his first reaction was not severe pain, but turning his attention to Mrs. Faya.

He wanted to grin. Even though his body hurt, his heart felt happy, unprecedentedly happy. It's a pity that the muscles on his face are not in control. He really wants to laugh loudly now. However, he couldn't laugh, and it was difficult for him to even move a finger.

He began to lose consciousness, and he knew that he was bleeding too much.

No, I still have something to do.

Biting the tip of his tongue hard, the fishy and salty taste reverberated in his mouth, and he felt refreshed.

He tried to open his mouth, but no sound came out. He doesn't believe it!

He used all his strength, so people could see that he was shaking, his body was shaking!

"come here!"

The voice was not loud, hoarse and low, and sounded as unpleasant as sand rubbing against it. People could feel the effort he put into saying these words, as if they were forced out of his chest.

In the deathly quiet place, these words reached people's ears clearly, and everyone knew who they were speaking to.

Mrs. Faia's body trembled, and the eyes of the bronze masked man beside her flashed with anger. Just as he was about to step forward, Mrs. Faia raised her hand. That white plain hand was so conspicuous.

The bronze masked man's eyes were anxious. Just as he was about to say something, Mrs. Faya had already moved her steps and slowly stepped forward.

She walked very slowly, and every step seemed extremely difficult. Her waist was very straight, and no one could see her face through the veil, but everyone could still clearly feel her pride and stubbornness!

The distance of tens of meters between the two people seemed extremely long.

No one made a sound, everyone stared intently, held their breath, and did not dare to breathe out.

On the empty ground covered with messes, a woman wearing a veil slowly walked towards a man covered in blood. This is undoubtedly a very intense picture, it is difficult to describe its taste, but everyone is deeply attracted.

Mrs. Faya stopped in front of Chen Mu. She remained silent, raised her face, and stared at Chen Mu closely, as if she wanted to carve him into her heart. Her eyes were stubborn and cold, and there was an undisguised sternness in her eyes!

She didn't speak, raised her right hand, and gently lifted a corner of the veil.

Under the black veil. Although only a small part of the flawless snow-white chin is exposed, it seems to be the most perfect work of art in the world, with the most exciting curves. The bright red lips are warm and soft, breathtakingly beautiful.

Chen Mu felt very happy, but he wanted to cry again.

He felt a surge of power coming from nowhere. He suddenly stretched out his left hand and pulled her over roughly. Without hesitation, he lowered his head hard and leaned towards those charming lips!

She didn't blink, just looked at the face covered with blood and soil, approaching her.

Ruo Lan Ruo Mu's breath sprayed on Chen Mu's face. Chen Mu's eyes did not change. Without any hesitation, he opened his mouth and bit down hard and hard!

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