
Chapter 434 Optimization Calculation

The operation of "Starry Sky" is very slow. If it were not for the ten seconds of stillness just now, such a slow operation speed would be difficult to detect.

Silver light spots, silver straight curves, and various silver curved surfaces slowly gathered in front of Chen Mu. They move very slowly, but their trajectory can still be clearly seen.

The complex and vast "starry sky" is as vast as the sea. They seem to be attracted by some kind of gravity and converge towards a certain point in front of Chen Mu.

Chen Mu's surroundings were filled with silver, like a dream. The huge "starry sky" was compressed into a small area around him, where countless silver light spots gathered together, like a sea of ​​stars. These strangely shaped surfaces are like icebergs floating on this sea of ​​stars. They are moving under some unknown influence, and countless silver curves are swimming among them like snakes.

The unusual changes in "Xinghai" made Chen Mu full of expectations, and he carefully controlled his perception. Part of his perception continued to maintain the main shape of the card, while another part of his perception was paying close attention to any changes in the [child].

"Star Sea" moved very slowly, but Chen Mu keenly discovered that its speed was increasing at an alarming rate.

Five minutes later, the operation of "Xinghai" finally showed a qualitative change!

A three-dimensional grid-like structure composed of countless silver light spots, curves, and surfaces was suspended in front of Chen Mu.

This structure…

Chen Mu widened his eyes and looked at the newly formed grid structure in front of him in disbelief. Isn't this the main structure of the card that simulates his perception? The grid structure in front of him was almost exactly the same as what he had imagined in his mind, including those parts that even he had not thought clearly about.

The grid-like structure looks like a somewhat eerie silver cage. Its skeleton structure is clear and distinct, like the most perfect silver metal casting. If you don't look closely, you can't find that the skeleton is made up of countless light points, curves, and curved surfaces.

And those parts that were not well thought out were shrouded in the "sea of ​​stars". It gives people the illusion that the grid-like structure is looming and half-hidden in the sea of ​​stars.

Only Chen Mu knew that the parts shrouded by the sea of ​​stars were actually empty.

The changes are not over. The silver light spots, curves, and curved surfaces in the sea of ​​stars are like schools of fish that come for food. They gather around the parts where the structure is unfinished.

Then, Chen Mu saw a shocking scene.

A semi-concave surface appears in an unfinished area. It was like the forerunner of a school of fish, and this immediately caused drastic changes in the sea of ​​stars.

Countless light points, curves, and surfaces rush toward these parts crazily, and they continue to form various structures. But the moment they are completed, they fall apart in an even shorter time. Other "fish" that had been watching around for a long time immediately filled in the vacancies, and they formed a new structure again...

Every part covered by the sea of ​​stars is constantly being established, constantly disintegrating, and constantly being rebuilt...

The loops continued, and the speed became faster and faster. Later, every second, they even reached the terrifying speed of looping a hundred times! Every time it collapses, a ball of silver light will erupt. The human eye was completely unable to keep up with such a speed. Chen Mu could only see the silver light in those areas shrouded by the sea of ​​stars, which was painful to the eyes.

But Chen Mu's perception could barely keep up with this speed. The structures built each time are completely different. They are like a group of designers who constantly draw new sketches, and then feel dissatisfied, erase them and draw again, and iterate again and again.

The silver light kept flashing, and the sea of ​​stars moved at a terrifying speed. At this time, Chen Mu couldn't keep up with their speed even with his perception. The silver light flashes so fast that people cannot notice that they are actually flashing.

Ten minutes later, after countless collapses and reconstructions, a part of the star sea finally dissipated, revealing the new structure inside.

When Chen Mu saw the newly formed structure for the first time, he could no longer look away.

This is just an extremely small double loop structure, but it is more exquisite than any double loop structure Chen Mu has seen before! No! To be more precise, it should be perfect! In the eyes of those card makers who emphasize aesthetics, such a structure probably has no sense of beauty, but in Chen Mu's eyes, this double-circle structure used here is perfect to the extreme!

His mind was running very fast, but in the end, he had to admit it. If he had thought about it himself, he would never have been able to achieve such perfection! The best solution he could think of was 15% less efficient than this double loop structure.

Fifteen percent, spread to the entire large structure, the impact on the entire card is probably only 1%, not even 1%, maybe only a few thousandths. However, Chen Mu will not underestimate this impact, which is less than one percent.

How many energy structures like this are involved in a four-star card? There are at least thousands of them, and for some complex cards, there are even tens of thousands! When thousands or thousands of them come together, the impact on card performance will be quite astonishing.

New structures were constantly being generated, and Chen Mu found that as long as those partial structures were finally completed without falling apart, he was amazed without exception.

The energy structure involved in a card will become more complex as the star level rises. The energy structure involved in cards with four or five stars or above has reached an astonishingly complex level, and the basic zigzag structures included in it are countless. For a card maker, it is not easy to be able to completely and accurately design the texture that he needs. Some powerful card makers have their own unique understanding of the main structure of the energy structure.

However, no card maker can optimize all the structures involved in a four-star or higher card. It is not difficult to optimize these local structures, but the amount of calculation is too huge. A card maker may not be able to complete the optimization of a card even if he spends his entire life.

No card maker would do such work. They would focus more on the main structure, which does not require so much calculation but requires a deeper understanding of the energy structure.

However, with the help of [Child], Chen Mu did it.

The originally bare grid-like structure is like a dead vine sprouting branches in spring, which is eye-catching.

Forty minutes later, a huge and complete silver energy structure was suspended in mid-air in front of Chen Mu.

Chen Mu had forgotten the carnival and the joy. He carefully observed every part of the energy structure in front of him with concentration and fascination. This is the final result of [the child's] calculations, the optimized result, the energy structure that makes him forget himself. To be honest, the design concept of this card is much inferior to Chen Mu's [Golden Word Lock], [Bipolar Card], [Various Changes], and Xiao Bo's [Wheel].

However, under the current framework, it has achieved the ultimate!

Every detail of it exudes the charm of calculation, which makes people deeply fascinated. He stared intently, engraving this not advanced, but breathtakingly perfect energy structure deeply in his mind.

There is another card-making room seven floors above the card-making room where Chen Mu is located. It is the exclusive card-making room of Bernie Tapster, the chief card-maker of this material store. As the chief card maker, Bernie Tapstep usually has a very free time. Apart from occasionally taking one or two card making orders from the owner, or occasionally helping the staff in the acquisition department identify some unpopular and rare materials, he does other things. He spent all his time making cards by himself.

"Jenetta, what's the matter?" Tapster put down what he was doing and looked at Janet. Janetta is the sales supervisor in the store, but she rarely comes to see him. Janet was the counter lady who received Chen Mu.

"Mr. Tapster, I'm sorry to bother you." Janetta first expressed her apology, and then explained her purpose: "A guest rented a five-star card making room and also purchased some materials. Here’s the materials list and I’m asking for your wisdom, what card would be best suited to this list?”

"Oh, let me take a look." Tapster took the one-star magic card handed over by Janetta and inserted it into the card player.

He quickly scanned the entire list of materials and then smiled.

"The world of card making is vast. There are many materials on this list, and many types of cards can be made. It is really difficult to judge. But if the other party uses all the materials, I personally think that the most likely one is to make a four-star card [Explosion] bomb]."

"[Explosive bomb]..." Janet couldn't hide the look of disappointment on her face. [Explosive Bomb] is a very common four-star card and can only be considered a mass commodity. She found it a bit incredible that the other party rented the most expensive card-making room, but used it to make such a high-end product.

Probably knowing what Janet was thinking, Tapster smiled and said: "Maybe he just wants to improve the success rate. After all, the better the card-making room, the higher the success rate."

"Success rate..." Janet murmured, suddenly turning her head and asking: "If it were you, what would be your approximate success rate in making [explosive bombs]?"

"About 50 to 60 percent." Tapster said nonchalantly. Four-star cards are not difficult for a card maker of his level, so the success rate will be relatively high.

Janet's face suddenly looked weird: "But, he only bought one piece of material..."

"He only bought one copy?" Tapster was startled. Can this card maker ensure that his success rate can reach 100%? That's impossible! Generally speaking, when a card maker makes a card, he or she will purchase several copies of materials to ensure the success rate. The processing of materials is extremely time-consuming. Since the other party is willing to rent a five-star card-making room, it seems that he is willing to spend money. Under normal circumstances, it is more reasonable for such a person to buy a few more copies.

At this moment, the meter on Janet's hand suddenly rang.

She glanced at it and saw that it was the director of the testing department, and was startled. The testing department is responsible for the testing and identification of cards. The store has a professional card testing room for customers to test the performance of the cards. What is he looking for at this time?

As soon as it was opened, the director of the testing department appeared on the light screen. Janet, who was good at observing facial expressions, found that his expression was very strange. As soon as the director of the testing department saw Janet, he said immediately: "Janet, come to test room 21!" He saw Tapster next to Janet, and he was stunned and said quickly: "Mr. Tapster, If you are free, I hope you can come.”

Janet and Tapster looked at each other.

In the end what happened?

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