
Chapter 438 Mysterious Man

Walking out of the store, Chen Mu was very satisfied with the day's harvest. Finding the correct use of [Child] and making [Explosive Bomb] was far beyond his imagination. [Explosive Bomb] is not suitable for those card repairers who pursue control, but for card repairers like Sang Hanshui who have high perception but poor control ability, they can show their strength. What's more, [Explosive Bomb] is only a four-star card, which has lower card repair requirements than a five-star card.

After walking for a few minutes and seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Chen Mu casually walked into a commercial building and found the bathroom. When he came out again, the mask on his face had been replaced by the white mask with black lines he wore at his uncle's house. No one has noticed that these days, countless people go out wearing masks.

After walking out of this commercial building, Chen Mu decided to go back.

Huh! Chen Mu suddenly turned around and glanced behind him. The pedestrian street was still there and no suspicious person was found. Just at that moment, he noticed someone watching him secretly. Is it my own illusion? His heart moved slightly, but he rose into the air without hesitation.

It is not easy to track a person in the sky. After all, the sky is unobstructed, and the energy fluctuations using the air flow card are also easy to detect.

As soon as he flew into the sky, he suddenly accelerated to his top speed.

Sure enough, there is someone!

From the corner of his eye, he caught a small black dot behind him. No matter how he changed his flight direction, this little black spot stuck behind him. What made him even more alarmed was that he didn't notice any energy fluctuations. This skill alone is much more powerful than the previous stalkers of my uncle's family. Could it be that the great-uncle family doesn’t want to give up? Send out a more advanced card repairer?

[Big Loach]'s speed has been maximized by him, but the opponent still looks very calm. Chen Mu couldn't help but shake his head slightly in his heart, [Big Loach] did not have outstanding performance in terms of speed. However, he just wanted to confirm whether there was a follower behind him by accelerating before. Now that it is confirmed, he naturally has a solution.

Today's Chen Mu, although he is not yet experienced in many battles, does not panic as much as he did before. Although [Big Loach] is not superior in terms of speed, its performance in changing direction is unrivaled by any card. Of course, Chen Mu didn't know whether it really existed, but so far he had not encountered it.

Sensing movement, Chen Mu pressed down and dived toward the ground.

He was already fast, so the momentum of his dive was a bit terrifying.

call out!

The buildings on the ground magnified dramatically in his eyes, but he remained calm. He could even see the panic of the crowd on the ground. Some card repairmen flying at low altitude noticed something strange and hurriedly dodged to the side.

Every city and low-altitude flight zone has strict speed limits. If the flying speed at low altitude is too high, traffic accidents are very likely to occur. It is too close to the ground and would be too dangerous in the event of a traffic accident. Moreover, the low-altitude flight zone is not large, and high-speed flight will make the airflow in the low-altitude flight zone unstable, thus posing safety risks.

"Damn it, is this guy crazy?" A card repairer dodged and cursed.

Before he finished speaking, he felt his eyes blurred as a figure flew past him. The airflow caused by the high-speed flight almost made him lose control of his body. By the time he finally regained his balance, the other party had long since disappeared.

"Bah, just wait to be fined! I won't punish you to death!" He said with self-hate. Before he finished speaking, there was another whoop!

His eyes blurred again, and his body that had just stabilized was pushed almost out of balance by a strong airflow.

The scenery in front of Chen Mu kept changing. Even at low altitude, his flying speed did not slow down at all. You can imagine how difficult it is to fly at such high speed in such a small area, and to constantly avoid oncoming jams and irregular buildings.

Chen Mu's expression under the mask was cold. He needed to concentrate on flying like this. Any mistake would lead to a miserable outcome. The city is full of high-rise buildings, which is an excellent escape environment. Although I don’t know who the stalker behind me is, one thing is certain, the opponent is very strong!

Chen Mu was like an extremely slippery loach, slithering between tall buildings with great agility. Even the card repairmen in charge of public security did not dare to step forward to stop him. They are all a bunch of old fritters, they can tell at a glance who they can mess with and who they can't mess with.

Five minutes passed, and Chen Mu's heart sank little by little. For five minutes, he tried his best but could not get rid of the mysterious card repairman behind him. What's worse is that he has no idea where he is now. Otherwise, bring the other party to the uncle's house. With Weah, any problem can be easily solved.

Cold sweat broke out from his forehead and was quickly dried by the oncoming airflow, but Chen Mu's back was completely soaked. Although they couldn't see each other in their field of vision, the feeling of being stared at never disappeared. Chen Mu knew that that guy was right behind him! The ease shown by the other party made him feel chilled in his heart. Unless the opponent is also a card repairman who is good at flying, otherwise, the opponent's strength is definitely one level higher than yours!

He now believes that the Kaxiu behind him is definitely not from the uncle's family. If the uncle's family has such a master, they will definitely not hide it. Could it be the store just now? No, the feeling of following him only appeared after he put on the mask.

Does the other party recognize the mask on his face? This thought flashed through his mind, but he couldn't get it out of his mind. Before changing the mask, he didn't feel like he was being followed.

The distance between the two parties has not changed at all from the beginning to now. Chen Mu gritted his teeth and tried his best to activate his senses while racking his brains to find out the origin of this person!

A master with such terrifying strength would never be an unknown person. And you still recognize your own mask? Who could that be? Xiao Bumo quietly went into the city to buy his mask before entering Dongrui City. If the other party really knows his mask, it should be before and after this. After entering the city, they met Tai Shuying.

There is no way a master of this level can be supported by a declining wealthy family like Taishu's family.

Who could that be?

Suddenly, Chen Mu thought of the mysterious master who followed them in the jungle from Zhargan City to Dongrui City!

Could it be him?

This mysterious master's movements are extremely secretive and erratic. Even Weah cannot determine his exact location. But that feeling of being spied on followed them from Zhargan to Dongrui City, and seemed to disappear only after they entered Dongrui City.

Could it be that the other person never left? As soon as this idea came up, Chen Mu could no longer hold back his cold sweat. Think about it now. Even if the other party left at that time, it is very likely that he had seen this mask.

Staying calm, Chen Mu's flight was not disrupted at all. If my guess is true, then there are only two core questions. Who is he? What's the purpose?

No one would be nervous if they suddenly met a card repairman who was much stronger than him, and the other person didn't seem too friendly. The opponent's powerful strength shrouded his heart like a mountain, and it could fall down at any time and crush him to pieces! When he encountered a powerful Ka Xiu before, he could at least escape. Unexpectedly, Ka Xiu did not even have a chance to escape during this encounter!

Damn it!

Without Weah, he had to face it alone. This kind of terrifying pressure was simply crushing. However, he did not collapse. He was still trying his best to keep his brain running at high speed. Stimulated by this terrible pressure, his mind became clearer and calmer than ever before, as if even the speed of the buildings in his field of vision had slowed down a bit.

A flash of understanding suddenly flashed in his eyes.

The opponent was so strong that he didn't even have a chance to escape. That means that if the other party wants to kill him, it will be easy. However, the other party did not do that! That means the other party has no malicious intent!

He had no idea what the other party's purpose was. But this judgment alone is enough!

He suddenly froze in mid-air, turned around, and waited quietly for the other party to appear. He was a little nervous in his heart, but he remained calm on the surface! Although the current behavior is logically reasonable, it still requires courage to make such a choice!


A figure seemed to appear in front of Chen Mu out of thin air. Although he had been mentally prepared for it, Chen Mu's heart still couldn't help but beat violently! With such terrifying speed and skills, I would never stand a chance!

The opponent's figure was tall and majestic, fixed in mid-air, with a brown mask on his face, and the eyes exposed were as deep as the sea.

"Why didn't you run away?" His voice was deep and old, with a hint of ridicule. But those eyes were staring at him scorchingly, showing no emotion or anger.

Upon hearing this voice, Chen Mu judged that the other party was at least fifty years old. Only then did he notice that the other person's hair was gray.

He said calmly: "If I can't run away, I won't run away."

"Haha, that's right. You're quite interesting." Although the other person was smiling, his eyes were not smiling at all.

"I wonder what your instructions are, senior? But please make it clear!" Chen Mu saluted and simply made his words clear, but respect and politeness were still required. He is not the kind of rebellious kid from aristocratic family. Whenever he needs to lower his posture, he doesn't feel uncomfortable at all.

The old man obviously did not expect Chen Mu to be so direct. After pondering for a moment, he asked an irrelevant question: "What grudge do you have against the Federal Comprehensive University?"

"Federal comprehensive university?" Chen Mu was a little confused. His expression was not fake. He was caught off guard when he was suddenly asked this question. Although he is not on the same page with the Federal Comprehensive University, he really can't explain the reason for his hatred.

Mystery card? impossible! The Federal Comprehensive School has no idea about this mysterious card in its hand! But why do I hate the Federal Comprehensive School so much? Looking back carefully, it seems that I almost got detained when I walked out of Luoyou City. what else? Not happy with Tang Hanpei's style, but also wary of this person. what else? You must be disgusted from the bottom of your heart by the Six Great Powers' practice of plundering and overpowering others!

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