
Chapter 44 New Discovery

Returning from the club, Chen Mu has been very excited. There he saw many wonderful ideas, which opened his eyes. Before this, he had never had any communication with other card makers. All this time, he has been studying alone behind closed doors, trying alone, and groping through failures alone. Even with the mysterious card later, this situation still did not change.

For the first time, he tasted the joy of communicating with others.

It was the first time that Chen Mu faced the ideas of so many card makers, which kept Chen Mu in a state of excitement. He stayed in the hall all day, fascinated by other people's thoughts and trying to answer their questions.

In the end, he lost count of how many problems he tried to solve, but to his dismay, most of them ended in failure.

When he got home, he was exhausted, but his excitement kept him awake. Lei Zi is not at home, and he doesn’t know where he went to play. Compared with Chen Mu who stayed at home, Lei Zi was really not honest and often stayed out at night.

Suddenly remembering that today's sensory training has not been done yet, Chen Mu quickly got up. After taking a short rest just now, he felt that his physical strength had recovered, and then he entered the simple water world. Although it is training perception, in the simple water world, it is difficult to move without physical strength.

The soft water enveloped him, and he didn't know if it was because of the coolness in the water. Chen Mu's excited mood gradually calmed down. Soon, he entered a deep state of tranquility.

Perception was spread in the water around him like water, and he could feel every subtle undercurrent in the area where the perception was spread.

The breath is long, and there is a sense of tranquility in the excitement.

When Chen Mu woke up from silence, he only smiled bitterly. His perception training had reached a bottleneck. At four point five meters, this hurdle stood in front of him like an insurmountable chasm.

Rarely, Chen Mu felt a little irritated.

Looking up and around, the simple water world is crystal clear, as beautiful and charming as a fairy tale world. Swordfish swim freely in schools. The water plants not far away swayed slowly and regularly.

Chen Mu stood there blankly. After a while, he suddenly laughed at himself, what else could he be dissatisfied with? Even now, I am luckier than most people. After thinking about it, the irritated look on his brows immediately disappeared.

With a smile and a peaceful heart, Chen Mu walked freely in the simple water world.

By the way, I have been busy training my senses, and I have never had a chance to visit this magical water world like a fairy tale.

Chen Mu is quite used to the surging underwater currents. His perception is spread around his body. If there is an undercurrent, he can react in time. Step by step, although the speed is not fast, it is quite steady.

There was a clump of green water plants not far away, and Chen Mu couldn't help but walk towards the water plants.

Walking to the water plant, Chen Mu was about to take a closer look at the water plant, when suddenly two water plants wrapped around Chen Mu's calf like a spiritual snake. Chen Mu felt a tightness in his calves and his feet were almost unsteady.

what happened? Chen Mu was stunned. With his ignorant level of biological knowledge, he naturally couldn't recognize what kind of aquatic plant it was.

"The detanglement game is started, the first level, the number of aquatic plants is 2, the difficulty is low. Requirement: break free within thirty minutes, no reward for completion."

Chen Mu was stunned when the old voice suddenly sounded in his ears, but he quickly reacted. A breakup game? There are actually games in here? He was immediately interested.

But what he heard most clearly was the last sentence: No reward for completion.

He vaguely felt that there was some mystery in this sentence and it was worthy of scrutiny.

Completion rewards are none... Completion rewards are none...

His eyes suddenly lit up, and his heart suddenly became enlightened. If the game had no rewards in the first place, it would definitely not have added this sentence. Since this sentence exists, there are only two possibilities.

One is the level problem of the game. The level is too low and there are no rewards. If this possibility is correct, it means that as long as you improve the level of the game, you can get rewards.

Another possibility is that the disengagement game is a game without rewards. Inferring from this, there should be games with rewards here. In other words, there is probably more than one game in Simple Water World.

Full of unknown explorations, what could be more exciting for Chen Mu than this? He stared at the pile of green water plants with bright eyes, like a hungry wolf staring at his prey.

In the office of the director of the low-level fantasy card club, a middle-aged man sat at the table, holding his chin, staring at the light screen in front of him, thoughtfully.

There was a knock on the door. The middle-aged man didn't raise his head and said, "Please come in." He continued to stare at the light screen in front of him.

A woman with short hair held a pile of information in her hands and pushed the door open.

"Director, this is the information you asked for. The statistical results have not been released yet, but we have roughly calculated that he has browsed a total of 103 messages for help and answered 39 of them. Thirty of them have been It has been proven correct, and for the other nine, no specific information is available yet. In other words, the points he obtained today are at least 402 points. This meets the conditions for entering the advanced group." She reported ably.

"You made more than 400 points in one day?" The middle-aged man expressed his emotion: "Have you found out where he came from?"

"In the information, we only know that his name is Chen Mu. He is about sixteen to nineteen years old. There is no other information." The short-haired woman thought for a while and added: "I happened to be the one to receive him today."

"Oh." The middle-aged man suddenly became interested: "Then tell me how this person makes you feel?"

The short-haired woman thought for a moment and said, "She is very young, a little reserved, and doesn't like to talk. It's probably her first time here, and she's very unfamiliar with this place. Personally, I think she's a card maker obsessed with technology."

"Not bad! Very good! It has been a long time since there has been a card maker with such profound knowledge of one-star fantasy cards. It seems that we should make him a key training target." A look of satisfaction appeared on the middle-aged man's face. After pondering for a moment, he said: "Send him an invitation and invite him to participate in this two-way meeting of the senior group. From now on, you will be responsible for observing him."

"Yes!" The short-haired woman bowed and responded.

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