
Chapter 441 Gains and Doubts

Can he defeat Tang Hanpei? Chen Mu wanted to express his disbelief deeply, but when he saw Xize's emotionless eyes, he swallowed his words wisely. However, the noncommittal attitude in his eyes was still clear to Caesar.

"Boy, don't believe it. I don't care how you developed this sense of yours or where it came from. What I've been thinking about over the years, huh, may not be worse than Tang Hanpei's!" In his words, Xize's arrogance was clearly revealed. .

Caesar then said coldly: "Although your perception is not the same as mine [law of physical refining], it is roughly similar. You can still use most things. Humph, although your perception is not as overbearing as mine, but The good thing is that it won’t do any harm to your body.”

"The key is that you are young!" Caesar was obviously the most satisfied with this point: "Haha, boy, do you know what is the biggest asset of a card repairman? Heritage? Cards? Not at all, it is youth! As long as you are still young, you have Everything is possible!"

Although Xize smiled heartily, Chen Mu could still hear the hint of self-harm in his words. Seeing the gray-white temples that were not covered by Nishizawa's mask, he felt a little emotional when he thought that such a strong and unruly man was constantly fighting against fate, but was unknowingly defeated by time.

"I asked you to do such a dangerous thing, so naturally I won't deny you any benefits." Nishizawa said sternly: "Don't think I'm scaring you. Although your perception has not yet matured, you have no one to guide you, and you can practice it in some places. No way. These small problems are not serious now, but when your perception becomes stronger in the future, you will suffer a lot."

He snorted again: "I'm not boasting. There are really few people in the entire federation who are better than me in terms of perception. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to practice [the law of physical refining]. Hehe, I have been seriously injured for so many years. Countless efforts have been spent on this, haha, I have lived to this day."

When Chen Mu heard this, he was very excited. He knew that what Nishizawa said was correct. Many of the extreme exercise methods in the mysterious cards were fumbled out by himself. If he said there was no problem, he wouldn't believe it. How famous Nishizawa is, he actually doesn't have much concept in his mind. But Chen Mu, who had just personally experienced how powerful Xize was, had no doubt about it.

However, Chen Mu did not ask about perception, but asked another question: "What if I can't beat Tang Hanpei?"

Caesar was stunned. He didn't expect that after he said so many benefits, the other person asked this question first. He laughed and said with some appreciation: "You are a good guy! Let's do this. I won't ask you to defeat Tang Hanpei, but I ask you to go to the Federal Comprehensive University to challenge Tang Hanpei within five years, no matter whether you win or lose. Whatever. ?”

"Within five years?" Chen Mu didn't think he could reach Tang Hanpei's level within five years. He was not a genius. Besides, in terms of genius, is there anyone more talented than Tang Hanpei? He shook his head and said calmly: "I can't defeat him in five years."

Caesar sighed softly: "Whether I can live beyond five years is still a question. Anyway, I don't want to defeat him. I just want you to fight him. How about it?"

After weighing it in his mind for a moment, Chen Mu finally nodded: "Okay." Since there was no question of victory or defeat, he was not afraid of simply challenging Tang Hanpei. Anyway, he didn't think there was any shame in giving up when the time came.

There was not much joy in Nishizawa's expression. He just nodded and said without any nonsense at the moment: "Well, let me talk about your perception first."

At that moment, Xize began to point out Chen Mu's perception. It has to be said that Nishizawa's understanding of perception is indeed very profound. He can easily explain many of Chen Mu's doubts in very simple language. He would also point out the hidden dangers that Chen Mu perceived, and then give solutions. Even his sometimes smooth explanations would make Chen Mu suddenly feel enlightened.

Whether there is a teacher or not, whether there is a good teacher, is indeed completely different! Chen Mu couldn't help but sigh, thinking about the geniuses of the six majors. Although they had strong talents, their superior learning environment and learning conditions also made them much better than others at the starting line.

Caesar's instructions took a full two hours. At this time, Caesar could not see any cruelty and blood. He was like a wise mentor, full of wisdom and knowledge. Chen Mu remembered that he was very attentive. He knew that this opportunity was rare. He kept every word that Caesar said firmly in his mind. Even if he didn't understand it at the time, he didn't dare to relax.

For two hours, no one passed by on the huge street, and no one disturbed the two of them. Chen Mu felt that his head was suddenly filled with things and he felt dizzy. But he didn't dare to relax, and kept remembering what Caesar had just said in his mind, lest he missed even a little bit.

Seeing that Chen Mu was thinking with his head down, Xize did not disturb him. He looked up at the sky in the distance, his eyes calm and lost in thought.

Chen Mu rubbed his forehead in pain. Anyone who was stuffed with such a thing all at once would not be any better than him now.

"Do you remember everything?" Xize withdrew his gaze and fell on Chen Mu.

"Yeah, I remember it." Chen Mu memorized what Xize said several times. Although he couldn't say he knew it by heart, he still remembered it very clearly.

"Your perception training method is very good, but it's a pity that you haven't really stepped into the threshold yet. I can't guess how you should practice next. You take this." Xize took out a card from his arms and handed it to Chen Mu. .

Chen Mu took the card with a puzzled look on his face: "What is this?"

"These are some of my experiences over the years. Your perceptions are very similar to mine, and some of them can be learned from. However, some of them are not applicable to you. As for where you can go in the future, it depends on yourself." Nishizawa's expression He said coldly.

"Oh." Chen Mu nodded to indicate that he understood.

"Don't forget the challenge." Xi Ze dropped these words and suddenly left in the air. Chen Mu didn't stop talking, so he could only watch him disappear from his sight. Only now did he realize how terrifying Nishizawa's flying skills were, as he disappeared as quickly as a startling rainbow.

Chen Mu originally wanted to ask Xi Ze if he knew about the Chrysanthemum aureus and the green line in his body, but he was a step late and now he can no longer see anyone.

His thoughts began to return to today's matter. Frankly speaking, I undoubtedly gained a lot today. From the information revealed in Xize's words, he should have at least noticed him when he was fighting Jin Yin and Dang Han. Well, very likely! It was probably then that he discovered that his perception was somewhat similar to the [Law of Material Refining]. Chen Mu found it strange that how could he find himself?

This is what Chen Mu can't figure out the most. Not long after he put on the mask, he was found by Caesar. Was it an accident? Or does Caesar have some unique method? Chen Mu is more inclined to the latter guess. After all, it would be strange if Xize didn't have some powerful means.

And he felt that another strange thing was the card that Caesar gave him. He hasn't looked yet, but he feels that Caesar seems to have been prepared. Isn't this a temporary idea of ​​Nishizawa?

Moreover, Caesar left as soon as he said so, without seeming to worry that he would not fulfill the agreement. No matter how you look at it, Xize doesn't look like such a person, which is what makes Chen Mu feel puzzled.

Chen Mu's already dizzy mind was overwhelmed by the myriad of threads. Shaking his head, he decided to put these issues aside for the time being. Although he still can't understand many things here, it does not prevent him from making trade-offs. What you get is far more than what you need to pay for.

For Chen Mu, the first thing he needs to face is green line and golden spot soft bacteria. If you can't get over this hurdle, other things will be of no use at all. Facing this obstacle, Chen Mu's most urgent need is to improve his strength. Xize's appearance brought Chen Mu what he needed most now. Regardless of victory or defeat, challenging Tang Hanpei is an extremely dangerous thing. But if you can't get the soft bacteria, then everything is meaningless.

Unknowingly, Chen Mu's mentality changed. After experiencing so much, he has long understood that he cannot be as passive as before. Only by actively working hard can he get it, even if the hope is so slim, maybe not even one ten thousandth. However, if he doesn't risk his life to fight for it, he won't even have this one in ten thousand chance.

No choice!

Chen Mu took a long breath, put away his thoughts, and rose into the sky.

He flew all the way back to the building. When he saw Chen Mu coming back, Sang Hanshui leaned over and just smiled. Chen Mu simply threw the [Explosive Bomb] directly into his hand: "Well, I'll give you this card. Go and try it yourself."

"Ah!" Even though he was mentally prepared, Sang Hanshui was still overwhelmed with great joy. The changes in the muscles on his face caused the rough warrior mask on his face to become a little distorted. He didn't even have time to say thank you before he rushed into the training room like a fly.

Ka Xiu, who was training, had his eyes fixed on the card on Sailor Sang Han's hand. However, when he noticed that Chen Mu was turning his eyes towards them, they all made signs of serious training.

It has to be said that the group of card repairmen now are completely different from those two days ago. With super-intensive training every day, supervision by Sang Hanshui, and assistance from Tai Shuying, it was as if they were suddenly pulled into hell. Unfortunately, before they could recover, they had no choice but to succumb to the powerful violence.

Boom boom boom!

A huge explosion came from the training room, and the floor seemed to shake. All Kaxiu's movements were frozen, and even Tai Shuying had a dull expression. The training room that Sang Hanshui entered was a dedicated shooting training room, and its robustness was excellent among all training rooms.

But why does the floor vibrate...

Boom boom boom boom…

The dense and muffled sound of explosions came from the training room. The floor under everyone's feet continued to tremble. Everyone still had a dull look on their faces, and their hearts also trembled with the vibration of the floor.

After five minutes, a blackened and smoky mask appeared in everyone's sight. Huh, the mask exhaled a puff of black smoke from its nostrils.

The black smoke curled up in the air, like smoke rings from smoking.


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