
Chapter 457 Weah’s counterattack

Pink energy blades flying all over the sky, like rising petals, floated around Weah. Following the soft moan of the bronze masked man, the quiet energy blades suddenly started to move together, just like the wind blowing flowers and rain.

Weah's expression became even more stern, and his whole body exuded an icy aura. If Chen Mu saw Weah's current expression, he would be surprised. Weah in front of him showed a rare dignity.

He did not despise these energy blades, which were only the size of fingernails. On the contrary, he sniffed out the deadly murderous intention hidden in it!

Just before the man in the bronze mask finished speaking, he moved! The right hand that had been hanging down suddenly bounced up, raised to the chest, and trembled like a bowstring!

call out!

An invisible air wave blade flew away from his hand, slashing towards the bronze masked man with a scream!

The bronze masked man's eyes suddenly condensed, and there was no energy fluctuation! He couldn't even remember how many times he was surprised today. The opponent's strength far exceeded his imagination. The stone-cold man in front of me is a master of no-card flow, no, the top master of no-card flow!

However, cardless streaming has been in decline for hundreds of years. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that there was such a powerful cardless streaming in the world!

He had seen Qiao Yuan use this move before. With the widespread spread of the battle between Qiao Yuan and Jin Yin Danghan, this move has become a dream move in the hearts of all Wuka practitioners, and is called air slash by many. It is also the only way so far that allows card-free flow to gain certain long-range attack capabilities without using weapons!

Although he had seen Qiao Yuan use it before, when he faced this move in person, he had a completely different feeling. There is no energy fluctuation! If he wasn't in the area shrouded by the "Flower Rain" and he was unusually sensitive, I'm afraid he might not even have time to react. Compared with Qiao Yuan's difficulty, the mysterious man in front of him looked relaxed and calm, and there was no trace of any effort.

However, the man in the bronze mask is a real master after all, and has gone through countless battles to get to where he is today. Although he was shocked by Weah's strength, he was not afraid!

Besides, the "Flower Realm" is not that fragile!

Before the air wave blade could leave the area, a shower of flowers suddenly rolled toward it. The rain of flowers is like a soft and pliable net, gently and skillfully drawing the extremely sharp air ripples into it. The rain of dancing flowers makes people unable to see clearly.

The rain of flowers that had just gathered drifted away silently. They were like a group of naughty elves that just met and then left each other like lightning. And the air wave blade that was still shrouding it just now has disappeared.

The expression on Weah's face did not change at all, and there seemed to be no surprise. His feet moved faster and faster, and his figure was looming among the flowers.

Those beautiful energy blades don't move very fast, but there are too many of them!

The clothes on Weah's body had been torn dozens of times, and his combat uniform had turned into a striped shirt, which made him look a little embarrassed. Each tiny petal is very sharp and can easily cut through human skin and blood vessels!

Weah's speed is getting faster and faster, but the situation is getting worse and worse! The surrounding petals gathered in the middle from all directions. Even though Weah dashed left and right, he still couldn't escape from it, and the space for him to dodge was also constantly compressed.

There was no joy in the bronze masked man's eyes, as if this battle should be like this.

In his fighting career, once he used this move, he basically declared victory.

Once, in the spring, he saw the flowers falling in the forest, and he was inspired to create an original "Flower Landscape". He used it for another ten years before gradually perfecting it.

There is a connection between every energy wave blade in [Flower Land], and the flourishing flower realm is covered with filaments of perception! He is like a spider, setting up a dragnet in his [Flower Realm]. No movement within the web can escape his grasp! The air slash just now was cut thousands of times by the fine petals and then dissipated in the flower realm.

But this time, the bronze masked man's target is clearly directed at Weah!

Eight thousand six hundred pink petals cover Weah tightly without any blind spots. And then, these 8,600 petal wave blades will shrink to the middle from every angle at the same time! Even if there is an energy shield, it can't withstand 8,600 impacts. What's more, Wuka Liuli doesn't even have an energy shield.

This guy is dead! The bronze masked man's eyes became more determined, admiring Weah as he rushed left and right inside, trying to break out of the [Flower Realm].

No more time wasted! A ferocious smile appeared under his mask, and his right index finger and thumb clasped together.


Qingyue's ringtone came faintly, and the man in the bronze mask looked solemnly and shouted: "Huajing Shangxue!"

The fluttering and ethereal flower world suddenly changed! In a pink dream, the colors fade away, leaving only snow-white. Each pink petal becomes snow-white, and from a distance, it looks like falling snowflakes. As spring turns to winter, the flower landscape changes from the mild spring-like atmosphere to a solemn and chilly one.

Without the leisurely slowness of the petals, the energy wave blades, as white as snowflakes, began to circle crazily and accelerating.


Countless screams gathered together, like a raging snowstorm!

And Weah is located at the center of this snowstorm.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Weah's clothes were being decomposed at an alarming speed, and the rags that were cut and then swept into the air would be crushed even more in an instant. Blood stains began to appear on Weah's exposed skin. Although these blood stains were not deep, they were crisscrossed and looked shocking.

Weah is injured!

Chen Mu caught the blood stains on Weah's face from the corner of his eye, and for a moment, he was a little stunned! He never thought that Weah would be injured. In his mind, Weah will never fail, never be injured, and death is insulated from him, such a non-human being!

However, Weah is injured now! Chen Mu's eyes turned red. Just when he was about to go to the rescue, Weah, who had been passive all this time, moved!

In the storm filled with murderous intent, the figure that had been drifting suddenly stood still!

Don’t want to hide anymore? Are you starting to despair? Have you given up?

The bronze masked man sneered in his eyes, he had seen too many card repairs like this! In the face of absolute power, people often lose the courage to fight.

The standing Weah immediately became the target of those energy blades as white as snowflakes. The snowflakes in the sky stopped, and now Weah's figure was in a mess.

Chen Mu, who was just about to rescue, suddenly stopped when he saw Weah's eyes. The indifferent eyes were slightly wider than usual, and there were a few small interlaced blood stains on his cheeks, but Chen Mu suddenly wasn't worried.

He knew that Weah was going to fight back!

The other party's strength also made Weah, who had always been indifferent, start to get excited.

The contest between the two peerless experts caused a brief lull in the attention of other card cultivators present. The bronze masked man's perception was like a raging wave, destroying everyone's nerves. From the spring-like dream-like [Flower Realm] to the violent and raging [Flower Realm of Snow] behind them, these stunning and worshipful killing moves impacted their hearts heavily. Before this, they had never seen the bronze masked man use any moves.


Weah let out a heavy nasal sound from his nasal cavity, and his eyes, which had never fluctuated, suddenly radiated a rare light! He gently touched the ground, and his body suddenly appeared in mid-air. He ignored the wounds made by the snowflake ripples on his body. Weah's body in mid-air was like a bow. He held his chest slightly, clenched his hands into fists and bent his elbows, resting on his chest, and his legs were half-bent.

Suddenly, his pupils suddenly shrank!

In mid-air, his figure suddenly blurred and turned into a shadow. Chen Mu, who had been paying attention here, his pupils suddenly widened and he almost stumbled. This is too, too...

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The air bombs centered on Weah spread out like explosions. As soon as the air waves came into contact with those snowflakes, the two sides started the most direct collision. These air waves are not as sharp and fast as Weah's air slash just now, but each one is like a fired cannonball, powerful and full of impact!

Weah had only taught Chen Mu Air Slash, and Chen Mu only thought that Weah only knew this move. But when he saw the phantom in mid-air, Chen Mu realized that Air Slash was just an ordinary skill for Weah!

Every time Weah's fists hit the air, you can hear a popping sound, and every time his legs kick, you can hear the same crunching sound!

The shadow is just because Weah punches and kicks too fast! The hands and feet fire air bombs simultaneously. These actions are completely contrary to the structure of the human body. Moreover, Chen Mu only used one air slash and his arm burst because he could not bear the powerful load.

And Weah now... really has a non-human body!

Air bombs hit the wind and snow around Weah heavily, just like bombs dropped in a blizzard.

The man in the bronze mask looked horrified, looking at Weah as if he were an alien. Air Slash is okay, Energy Wave Blade can be easily dealt with. But these solid air bullets are much more difficult to block than those thin air slashes just now!

It will take more cuts to dissipate!

The man in the bronze mask didn't dare to let any air bomb hit him! His body is not like the perverted non-human being in front of him. He has a deeper understanding of the power and impact of these air bombs than everyone else. All the snowflakes swirled and danced faster, and they intertwined into a terrifying snowflake strangling the ball net! Weah was located in the middle of the strangling net, and there was not even a single snowflake around him.

The two sides reached a stalemate.

Bang bang bang bang!

The dense explosions made the scalp numb, and coupled with the whistling sound of snowflakes flying at high speed, it was really disturbing.

However, the two people in the battle did not seem to be affected, and their movements showed no signs of slowing down.

The bronze masked man tried his best to block these air bombs with a net composed of countless flying snowflakes, but Weah kept using air bombs to bombard the net!

Seeing that Weah had regained the game, Chen Mu's attention immediately returned to the battle in front of him.

The gorgeous battle between the two strong men made everyone tremble with fear, and many card repairmen had their eyes wandering.

Chen Mu, who was the first to react, suddenly saw an opportunity!

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