
Chapter 464 Xiao Bo Arrives

Qiu Shanyu fell into deep thought and didn't say a word for a long time. Chen Mu also had a lot of doubts in his heart, but he wisely chose to keep his mouth shut.

But after a long time, her brows still didn't relax. Qiu Shanyu's eyebrows are thin and long, and she usually looks very delicate, but at this time, her frown looks like two curved blades, giving people a sharp look.

Chen Mu did not disturb her. In today's battle, he tried his best and used all his strength. His senses and physical strength were all depleted, and he urgently needed to recover. He wanted to know Qiu Shanyu's so-called method of finding the devil, but he also knew that it might not be that easy.

He soon fell into a deep state of tranquility.

When he opened his eyes again, the light in his eyes flashed away, and he could feel the power contained in his body. Suddenly, he looked slightly surprised. He immediately closed his eyes and carefully checked his perception, and his face became even more joyful. Unexpectedly, during this battle, his perception increased significantly.

The intensity of perception has always been his weakness and the biggest headache for him. His perception accuracy index is now quite high, but due to the intensity of perception, he cannot use some cards that consume a lot of perception.

In fact, he didn't know how amazing his progress was!

Suppressing the joy in his heart, he began to summarize the battle. It has become his habit to sum up the gains and losses after every battle.

This battle had a great impact on him! Especially when Weah fought against the bronze masked man, he was deeply shocked by the super strength displayed by the two. Only now did he realize that Weah didn't use his true skills at all when he was sparring with him, otherwise he would have been defeated in one round.

Weah's air skills are simply incredible, and the bronze masked man's card skills are equally gorgeous and deadly.

He still clearly remembers the bronze masked man's vast perception like raging waves. Chen Mu had the illusion that he was like a small wooden boat swaying in the raging waves. That feeling of inadequacy made him deeply understand the gap between him and the real top card cultivator.

The bronze masked man's card skills are colorful, unpredictable, and picturesque, but give people the feeling that there is no trace to follow. It was the first time for Chen Mu to see such a card technique. Among the cards he had seen before, the only one that could compare with it was Qiao Yuan. It's just that Qiao Yuan's card skills are far from that complicated. His card skills are absolute speed, absolute accuracy, simple and direct!

Flower Realm - Chen Mu remembered the clear chant of the man in the bronze mask.

I don’t know what the bronze masked man’s card is, but what kind of abnormal sensory control ability is required to control those countless “petals”! When he thought about this, Chen Mu felt speechless. He himself is good at it due to his fine perception, but with his ability, he cannot control so many energy blades.

And the changes after "Flower Realm" are even more aggressive! The pink energy blade turned into snow white, which also shows that the structure of the energy blade has changed! Being able to control the released energy body and causing its structure to change. Such powerful sensory control ability made Chen Mu once again feel like he was standing on a high mountain.

Weah also surprised Chen Mu. He was actually able to use his legs and hands to release air skills at the same time! Moreover, he did not know what language to use to describe Weah's last three stages of compressed air skills.

Thinking of the battle between the two, Chen Mu couldn't help but feel excited and excited.

However, he quickly calmed down. The battle between the two opened his eyes and gave him a lot of inspiration, but for him now, a battle of this level is more meaningful in that it gave him a direction.

He knows very well that it is a very bad thing to aim too high. Only by being down-to-earth can we progress faster. He put his mind back to the process of his battle, and many problems were still exposed.

The power of Zero State plus Bipolar Card is indeed greatly increased, but the perceived consumption speed is also doubled. If he had not used the explosive power of his body this time, but used airflow cards, his perception would not have been enough to support him in completing this battle.

Perceive the intensity! He had a headache, and he really couldn't find a good solution to this problem.

Among his cards, [Variety] consumes the least amount of perception, but is a bit weak in power. Both [Golden Word Lock] and [Bipolar] consume a lot of perception, making it impossible to fight for a long time. The power of [Pattern Shuttle] is amazing, but its weakness is also very obvious. It is only useful in some special situations.

This made him somewhat helpless. Although he still had one or two good ideas in his mind, the materials required to make the cards forced him to put them aside temporarily.

What he can do now is tap into the combat power of his cards.

One night, both of them fell into their own thoughts. Qiu Shanyu was so tired that she leaned on the training equipment and fell asleep. Chen Mu, on the other hand, was still the same as before, desperately training his perception, then using deep tranquility to recover, and then training again.

He continued training until five in the morning, then stopped training and squinted his eyes to rest.

At seven o'clock, Chen Mu woke up on time.

He opened his eyes and found Qiu Shanyu looking at him.

Qiu Shanyu felt very complicated. Last night, she didn't completely sleep to death. She saw Chen Mu's training in her eyes. Penance, this is the real penance, it is like self-abuse! The man in front of me seemed to be training tirelessly. It's not like she hasn't seen diligent Ka Xiu before, but those Ka Xiu pale in comparison in front of this enigmatic man.

But it’s this damn guy…

"I thought about what you said yesterday. If according to what you said, the person who implanted Biao Qing in you disappeared after fighting with Qing Qing." Qiu Shanyu calmed down and muttered: "She should still be in the Federation!"

"It should still be there." Chen Mu felt that this judgment did not have any real meaning. The Federation was so big, finding a person was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"In the Federation, we can think of a way." Qiu Shanyu seemed confident: "Since you are a card maker, making fantasy card advertisements should be easy for you."

"Phantom card advertisement?" Chen Mu was stunned. This term was really far away. Although he didn't know what Qiu Shanyu had in mind, he still nodded: "Well, this is not a problem."

"That's easy. You make the green pattern on your wrist into a fantasy card advertisement, and then broadcast it throughout the federation. If she is still in the federation, there is a high chance that she will see the advertisement. Mark the time in the advertisement And the agreed place..."

Chen Mu walked out of the training room, still chewing on Qiu Shanyu's method in his mind. Her method is indeed a good one. As long as the devil girl is still in the Federation, Chen Mu is sure that according to this method, there is a high possibility of finding her.

However, Qiu Shanyu also made it very clear about the disadvantages.

First of all, it requires considerable funds to make it possible. Broadcast across the federation, this advertising fee is extremely astonishing. She couldn't estimate the specific amount yet.

Secondly, Biao Qing doesn't know many people, but like the Sixth National Congress, there must be people who know him. This advertisement will definitely attract the attention of these people, and the possibility of being traced by them is very high.

"Manager Bai, good morning." Xu Jia stood in front of Chen Mu with a smile.

Only then did Chen Mu suddenly wake up. He woke up from his deep thoughts and nodded, "Good morning, Miss Xu."

"I heard that Manager Bai brought a beautiful woman back last night. No wonder I'm not in a good mood today." Xu Jia still had a smile on her face, but Chen Mu seemed to feel a chill.

Employees passing by all peeked at the two of them with strange looks.

Chen Mu keenly noticed Xu Jia's emotional displeasure, but he believed that her displeasure was unreasonable. He is not her subordinate and does not need to look at her face.

"What's the matter, Miss Xu?" Chen Mu, who was in a hurry to go out, asked directly without delay.

Xu Jia choked immediately. If she said she wasn't angry, that would be a lie. Her communication card was suddenly destroyed last night, but Manager Bai, one of the parties involved, didn't realize it at all, and she had no position to blame him.

"No, please, Mr. Bai." Xu Jia, who had been smiling just now, suddenly froze in place. After a few seconds, he forced a smile and stepped aside.

As soon as she finished speaking, Chen Mu disappeared, making her grit her teeth in anger.

The reason why Chen Mu is so anxious is because Xiao Bo has arrived in Dongrui City!

Xiao Bo, who had just arrived in Dongrui City, finally got in touch with Chen Mu.

Chen Mu, who was flying at high speed in the sky, was in a state of excitement. To be honest, Xiao Bo took the initiative to help him, which surprised him a little. It can be seen that Xiao Bo was not too willing to recruit Xiao Bo at the beginning, but later he really couldn't resist the temptation of [wheel]. Unexpectedly, he was willing to travel thousands of miles to help him.

When Chen Mu left the base, Xiao Bo was still in retreat. Now that he is out of seclusion, Chen Mu is very curious about how far Xiao Bo's strength will reach! That's why Chen Mu threw Qiu Shanyu into Weah's training room, asked Weah to look at her, and hurried out.

After flying for about ten minutes, Chen Mu landed in front of a hotel called Albinia.

Xiao Bo was still such a coquettish guy. He stood at the door of the hotel like a javelin. His snow-white long hair was flying, he wore a windbreaker and long boots, and his handsome face revealed a somewhat lazy smile. The most eye-catching thing was the halo floating behind him.

Ten centimeters behind him, there was a circular halo of faint light floating. The diameter of the halo is about one meter. A stream of light extends from the center of the circle to the halo, slowly sweeping across the ring surface at a constant speed, going around and over, like the hands of a clock.

Chen Mu wore a mask, but Xiao Bo recognized him at a glance.

"Boss, your taste is still so bad! This mask is really ugly!" Xiao Bo's words were as cynical as ever.

"When did you arrive?" Chen Mu suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked.

"Well, I just arrived today." He chuckled and stretched lazily: "Boss, I heard that you had a great time fighting here! Tsk tsk, the fiftieth one on the Black Line Star Ranking. This ranks me But I’ve been craving it for a long time.”

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