
Chapter 490 Xiao Bumo’s air skills

With a heavy responsibility in hand, Si Dongkou didn't want to spend too much time entangled with the child in front of him, so he activated his card immediately.

A thick yellow light shield appeared in front of him, and the shield body, nearly two meters high, protected his entire body. There are many sharp protruding energy spikes on the smooth shield surface, and there are twelve palm-sized wave blades on the edge of the shield.

If Jiang Liang were here, he would definitely be able to recognize this energy shield. This is one of the standard cards used by the military, called [Assault Shield]! The biggest advantage of the Assault Shield is that it has excellent defensive capabilities and can withstand powerful attacks. In war, Kashu who use assault shields are at the forefront of the battle line. They need to withstand the test of fierce enemy firepower and shoulder the heavy responsibility of covering and protecting their companions.

[Assault Shield] has three levels, from three stars to five stars. With each level they increase, their protective capabilities also increase exponentially. A card repairman who controls an assault shield needs to have a strong body and extraordinary courage, as well as rich melee skills, especially a high-level assault shield card repairer.

Assault shield card repair is not a popular card repair category. Except for the military and some large groups, it is difficult for ordinary small teams to recruit such talents. Few people are willing to repair the Assault Shield card, because if you choose this card, it means that all you do is dirty work. But for other card repairers, they are very willing to partner with assault shield card repairers, especially long-range attack card repairers.

The three-star assault shield only has protective capabilities, and the four-star assault shield is still more defensive than offensive, but the five-star assault shield can roughly achieve a balance between offense and defense.

The assault shield in Si Dongkou's hand is naturally a five-star one. A card repairman who can use a five-star [assault shield] is undoubtedly a master even in the army!

Just as he activated the light shield, the little monkey twenty meters away suddenly disappeared.

So fast!

Si Dongkou's heart trembled, and he quickly used the light shield to protect himself without hesitation! Just as the light shield protected him, a leg suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of his light shield. A series of afterimages in mid-air dazzled him. Before he could react, the leg kicked his light shield firmly.


There was a loud noise, and the huge force made him take several steps back involuntarily. The five-star assault shield is an astonishing five centimeters thick! This is also the reason why its protective ability is outstanding. However, just now, he saw with his own eyes that the light shield was slightly dented inward by this kick!

What power is this?

Even though he has rich experience in actual combat, he was also shocked by Xiao Bumo's kick! Humanity? Or a tall ape? Five-star [Assault Shield], this is not a crude card, but a real military five-star card produced by the military, which is impossible to buy on the market!

From the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw nothing on the little monkey's wrist!

No card streaming!

The term appeared in his mind like a bolt of lightning. Unexpectedly, he encountered the legendary Wuka-ryu, and his expression became cautious. He had never had the experience of fighting against Wuka-ryu.

Speed ​​and power, this is what Weah is best at.

As Xiao Bumo, who was trained by Weah, his understanding of these two points is deep in his bones! The moment he kicked the opponent's light shield, with the power coming from the shield, he was as nimble as a monkey, flipping over and appearing behind the big man.

Si Dongkou's reaction was also extremely fast. The light shield, which was as thick as a wall, was as light as nothing in his hand. With a flick of his eye, a light shield appeared behind him.


Another heavy blow, exactly the same as before! Si Dongkou really couldn't imagine how a child, a child who didn't look very strong, could have such terrifying power? Si Dongkou's previous contempt immediately disappeared under Xiao Bumo's two heavy blows!

However, after all, he is a master Kaxiu in the army and is very powerful. Following the force, Si Dongkou moved forward quickly as if skating. At the same time, there was a soft clang, and the wave blade on the edge of the light shield suddenly fired!

He made no reservations with this move, and the twelve wave blades were fired in unison, intertwined like a web!

This is the way the assault shield fights. It relies on defensive power to close the distance with the opponent, and then uses the energy spikes on the shield surface or the wave blades on the edge to attack the enemy. Twelve wave blades, each wave blade's shooting speed and position have been extremely precise calculations, making it inevitable! An assault shield card repairman who can complete this move will never be unknown in the army. Countless enemies died under Si Dongkou's move.

Compared with the wave blades released by [Qiuyue Narrow Sword Card], the twelve wave blades of [Assault Shield] are much smaller in number, but these twelve wave blades are only palm-sized wave blades, which are very different from ordinary wave blades. Light and sharp, each one is as heavy as a heavy axe, powerful and heavy!

It can be seen from the wound that the wound formed by an ordinary wave blade is like a blood line, but when hit by the wave blade on the [Assault Shield], it will definitely tear the skin and flesh apart!

There was no turning back, but the timing of Si Dongkou's attack was impeccable!

Twelve wave blades completely blocked all of Xiao Bumo's dodge space. Si Dongkou was also quite satisfied with his attack. With his level, it would be impossible for him to achieve such a complete and complete strangulation every time!

Humph, the card-free stream is in decline after all, how can it possibly compete with the card-free stream? Block the wave blade with your bare hands?

How cruel it is to use such a powerful killing method against a child! Si Dongkou, who was gliding forward, couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth, and the cruel and cold look in his eyes was clearly revealed. He pricked his ears, expecting the sound of bones and blood being cut off that was about to be heard behind him.

With such a thin body, it probably only takes one wave blade to cut him in half! He thought proudly.

It was the first time that Xiao Bumo encountered such an attack! So far, he has only sparred with Weah and has no experience fighting Card Xiu at all. The fighting method that is completely different from the card-free style is too unfamiliar to him, otherwise he would not have fallen into a desperate situation so quickly!

In mid-air, there was no way to avoid him. Waves of blades roared from all directions, blocking all his escape routes. He seemed to be forced into a desperate situation!

The grinning face on the little monkey's mask is so naive that it makes people laugh. Only those eyes, like black gemstones, show a calmness that is totally inappropriate for his age!

Sparring with Weah is a very invasive job. You are always at a disadvantage, you are always suppressed, and you always need to be careful about his next blow. The result of such abuse is that either you lose courage and stop, or you become extremely courageous! This is the case for Xiao Bumo. He has long been accustomed to being at a disadvantage. The experience of being defeated and beaten countless times taught him that being at a disadvantage is not something to be afraid of.

He has encountered too many disparities and more desperate situations than this one, and he has learned how to find opportunities in desperate situations!

The open arms were closed with a snap and brought to the chest like lightning. He bent his elbows and clasped his hands together, looking like he was praying.

Si Dongkou, who felt that he had retreated to a safe distance, happened to turn back at this moment, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth became wider. He admired it with interest.

Are you desperate when you pray at this time?

The naive little monkey still grinned, as if he didn't know he was about to face death, but his pair of bright black eyes gave him a dignified aura!

The body suddenly bent slightly and moved forward.

The arc at the corner of Si Dongkou's mouth suddenly solidified, and he seemed to smell the dangerous smell in the air.

The little monkey's bright black eyes suddenly widened, and the innocent smile on the mask was so dazzling at this time, but it no longer made people laugh.

[Air skills. Punch with both hands]!

Xiao Bumo seemed to disappear out of thin air after receiving the fist on his chest, woo! A low howl suddenly sounded, with a heart-stopping ending. A transparent fist came out of his hand and flew towards the oncoming wave blade! Immediately afterwards, the highly compressed air mass accurately hit a wave edge.


There was a loud noise, and the struck wave blade made a crisp sound, turning into a yellow mist of broken light. The compressed air mass was also shattered. The air mass was the product of a high degree of compression. This sudden shattering caused a very brief disruption in the airflow around Little Bumo. The drag of the airflow also inevitably affects other wave blades.

A small gap appeared at the location of the shattered wave blade, but it was enough for little Bu Mo!

His figure was originally thin, but with a slight twist, he nimbly slipped out of the gap.

Air skills!

Si Dongkou was shocked. Suddenly, as if he thought of something, his expression suddenly became incredible: "What is your relationship with Qiao Yuan?"

When he determined that Xiao Bumo was taking the card-free flow route, he didn't realize anything was wrong. But when Xiao Bumo used his air technique, he finally realized what the problem was. Until now, the only one he knew who had the ability to use air techniques was Qiao Yuan. He didn't know much about the cardless style, but he also knew that air skills were definitely among the advanced techniques of the cardless style!

However, isn't the child in front of me related to Manager Bai?

Si Dongkou's eyes suddenly widened, and an incredible thought suddenly came to him. Could it be that Qiao Yuan is Manager Bai?

Xiaobu Mo was oblivious to the fact that during the sparring match with Weah, don't talk, even the slightest distraction will result in immediate defeat! Weak didn't teach him what he needed to explain to his enemies.

This two-handed punch was not taught by Weah, but he figured it out himself. Weah had taught him some techniques of air skills, but he was not physically strong enough to fully master air skills. Weah originally planned to let him know in advance, but he didn't expect that he would come up with such a compromise method. He uses the power of both hands to use air techniques. Although he is lacking in dexterity, it has the advantage of having greater air power than using one hand.

However, even punching with both hands will still consume a lot of his physical strength for him, and he needs to fight quickly.

As soon as his toes touched the ground, he suddenly exerted force like a spring!

The silly grinning little monkey pounced on Si Dongkou again!

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