
Chapter 493 The past

Rain Corps.

An unconscious man was lying on the bed in front of Tan Yuwen. The man was as skinny as a stick, and his right arm was dripping with blood.

Next to her, Ji Zhihao's face was as deep as water, and his tone was surprisingly solemn: "I didn't expect that the power around Mr. Bai would be so powerful. It's hard to imagine that he is actually the descendant of Xize, who is famous for being lonely. It seems that he is the same as Xize. Ze’s style is completely different.”

Tan Yuwen looked indifferent: "He used the Zero Form. Nishizawa practices the "Law of Physical Refining" and it is known to everyone in the federation. But few people know that the Zero Form he created based on the "Law of Physical Refining" is his true skills."

"Type Zero..." Ji Zhihao murmured, and he suddenly raised his head: "Miss, I don't understand why you are suspicious of him?"

Tan Yuwen's beautiful eyes suddenly revealed a bit of nostalgia, and she sighed softly: "Back then, my mother was only twenty years old. She had a small skill, and when she came out to practice, she met her father and another Shui Qingyan from Zhongda Book Mansion. My father had already been famous for a long time, and Shui Qingyan was about the same age as my mother."

"Shui Qingyan?" Ji Zhihao frowned. He had never heard of this name.

"In my mother's account, Shui Qingyan has a gentle and gentle temperament and doesn't like to talk. She is not famous, but you must have heard of her students," Tan Yuwen said.

"Her student? Zhongda Book Mansion." Ji Zhihao pondered for a moment, then suddenly showed a look of horror: "Could it be Jie Yanbai?"

"Well, it's Jie Yanbai." Tan Yuwen slowly walked to the window. The light from the magic card advertisement outside the window reflected on her flawless face, making it difficult to look away. She looked out the window, as if admiring the scenery, and then said: "Who would have thought that this inconspicuous woman could cultivate the most powerful card cultivator in Dashu Mansion. Even my mother probably didn't expect it."

Listening to Tan Yuwen talking about these old events, Ji Zhihao suddenly felt a little frightened for some reason.

"At that time, the conflicts between the six major forces were not as sharp as they are now. The three of them walked together and had a pleasant conversation. They accidentally learned that there might be a path window near Dongshang Acropolis. They planned to go there Go investigate.”

"Dongshang Acropolis?" This place name once again made Ji Zhihao frown: "A few years ago, Xingyuan suddenly sent many students to a school in Dongshang Acropolis. At that time, it attracted a lot of people's attention. Give me The impression is very deep. Could it be?"

"Well, I was wondering at that time whether they got any news from somewhere." Tan Yuwen nodded.

"So that's it." Ji Zhihao said thoughtfully, "What happened next?"

"They entered the jungle from Dongshangweicheng and were looking for a path. Unexpectedly, they encountered a large group of wild beasts and the three of them almost died." Tan Yuwen still looked out the window: "They met Xize at that time. The four of them worked together to overcome the difficulties, and then traveled together. Senior Nishizawa and his mother were the most compatible. Not long after, Shui Qingyan returned to Zhongda Book Mansion. After some time, they still found nothing, and their father gave up the search. , returned to Star Court. My father was the most powerful card repairman among the younger generation of Star Court at that time, and he was responsible for the important task of revitalizing Star Court."

"Senior Nishizawa did not act as harshly and decisively as he did later. In my mother's account, she highly praised his wisdom. He had an amazing talent in card repair. Although he was young at the time, he had already shown his talent. He has the demeanor of a master. He and his mother would often discuss practice issues together, and at that time, he began to conceive of the Zero Form. Nishizawa-senpai was not secretive about the "Law of Material Refining", so his mother understood it far better than Others were much deeper. During the discussion of Nishizawa-senpai’s perceptions, mother made a startling discovery.”

"What did you find?" Ji Zhihao couldn't help but ask, entranced.

"Senior Nishizawa's perceptual properties are very strange. In addition to the well-known property of being sensitive to physical objects, he also has the properties of a card maker." Speaking of this, Tan Yuwen couldn't help but raise her tone: "Senior Nishizawa's secret, in addition to Mother, no one knows. After Heiner-Vencent, no one can have this kind of perception. Card repairers and card makers have a clear distinction. For hundreds of years, no one has been able to cross this boundary. "

Ji Zhihao showed a horrified expression.

"It's a pity that Senior Nishizawa has no interest in card making. He is just obsessed with the practice of card cultivation." Tan Yuwen said lightly: "After I confirmed that Manager Bai is the successor of Senior Nishizawa, I felt that I have always had an idea, could he make cards? According to the information provided by Janet and the others, the card maker of the digital series of cards wearing a mask had stared at the design for a long time. He was Nishizawa-senpai’s Student, I wouldn’t be surprised if you have seen these things. Mother’s account never mentioned whether Nishizawa-senpai copied the design drawings and brought them back. The person in this world who is most likely to know the origin of these design drawings is naturally Senior Nishizawa, followed by his successor, Manager Bai."

"I understand." Ji Zhihao suddenly realized: "The intelligence also mentioned that the maker of the digital series of cards was accompanied by a card repairman with a strange aura behind him, and it happened that there were two more people around Mr. Bai. Could it be that Miss, do you want to start with this clue?"

"Yes." Tan Yuwen showed some appreciation. Ji Zhihao's witty response was what she admired most.

Ji Zhihao pondered: "It's just that if Manager Bai is really the descendant of Senior Nishizawa, he should know Miss. But now it seems that he doesn't know Miss at all."

Tan Yuwen shook her head: "Maybe Senior Nishizawa has not told him before. Senior Nishizawa now is completely different from the Nishizawa when my mother met him."

Ji Zhihao nodded in agreement: "This is possible. Now Senior Nishizawa has a violent temper and a changeable temperament." He glanced at the skinny Kaxiu who was in a coma with some worry: "But, what is the Kaxiu next to him? Origin? Tan Zhi, who can injure, is definitely no ordinary card cultivator."

At this moment, Tan Zhi woke up, opened his mouth and said only one sentence: "Miss, it's him." He fell unconscious again.

Ji Zhihao, who had been a little surprised just now, suddenly turned extremely ugly. Tan Yuwen was staring out the window, as if she didn't realize it.

This was Bagnell's tenth day into the jungle.

Bagnell's strategy was simple: break through the blockade, go deep into the jungle, and survive in detours. After entering the jungle, the gap between the two sides will quickly narrow. In the dangerous jungle, they need to face the common enemy-the beast, followed by each other. Bagnell actually puts himself to death first, and then drags the other person to death as well. In this case, the Scarlet Card Repair Group was unable to encircle them at all, and they were unable to even conduct the simplest communication.

Breaking through the encirclement is very simple. After witnessing the power of [Oudi Burn] and the speculation that the Snow Silkworm Card Repair Group had a large number of sniper card repairmen, no force dared to block the subsequent actions. Bagnell and his party actually reached the edge of the jungle easily, and the Scarlet Card repair group, who had never been able to figure out the intentions of the Snow Silkworm Card repair group, reacted at this time and couldn't help being furious.

It is an extremely frustrating thing for everyone to have the fat flying out of their mouth, not to mention that it happens in full view of the public.

Wu Yan, the boss of the Blood Hammer Department, received the harshest criticism from the headquarters. The extremely furious Blood Hammer Department worked hard to catch up. After learning that the Snow Silkworm Kaxiu Group had entered the jungle, Wu Yan was extremely furious and ordered to enter the jungle.

Qi Li put his hands in his trouser pockets, his face full of arrogance, and sneered: "Ha, these wastes of the Snow Silkworm Card Repair Group are so naive, do they think they can escape after entering the jungle?"

No one has any doubts about what he said. As the aces of the Scarlet Kaxiu Group, they have experienced hundreds of battles and can handle them calmly when fighting in various complex environments.

Wang Yong carefully observed the traces on the ground and made a quick judgment: "They arrived here at noon the day before yesterday. Judging from the traces, they should have more than two hundred non-combatants."

"Oh oh oh! That's great, that's very close! It's really exciting!" Shi Fengfei's dark blue smoky eyes were dancing happily, and everyone else consciously kept a distance of more than five meters from her. Except Wu Yan.

The tic-tac-toe scar on Wu Yan's face stretched, and he said in a deep voice: "Pursue at full speed!"

Seeing the deputy minister clinging to the boss's side, Qi Li approached Wang Yong wisely: "Lao Wang, your hands are beautiful!"

The wrinkles on Wang Yong's face relaxed: "Haha, it's quite amiable. It can come in handy occasionally."

"Tch, hypocrisy!" Qi Li said with a look of contempt and a bit of envy: "Compared to jungle tracking, I guess there aren't many people in the Federation who can beat you, right? How about you teach me how to do it?"

Wang Yong smiled bitterly, and wrinkles piled up on his face: "My little skills are nothing. You have never seen real jungle tracking, so you will fall in love with these little tricks of mine."

Qi Li didn't believe it and snorted: "Stop it. If you don't want to be taught, just say it. Is there any need to be so hypocritical?"

Wang Yong said seriously: "I'm not lying to you. There has always been a legend in our Kaxiu group world. I wonder if you have heard of it?"

"What legend?" Qi Li glanced at Wang Yong. Seeing that the old guy seemed serious, his attention was immediately attracted.

"Well, it was probably more than ten years ago. Not long after I joined the group, it was also the time when the legend was at its peak. It was a group called Black Hibiscus Card Repair Group. It was the most powerful card repair group in the Federation at that time. There is no one. Their number is very small, almost the same as our Blood Hammer Department."

"Impossible!" Qili was a little angry: "Old Wang, do I look like a fool? How many people do we have in the Blood Hammer Department? More than two thousand people. How can a card repair group with more than two people be the most powerful card repair team in the federation? A religious group?"

"What he said is true." Shi Fengfei appeared beside the two of them at some point and said, making Wang Yong tremble in fright.

She tilted her head and scratched gently on Jiaba's chin with her purple-painted nails, a rare serious look on her face.

"Lao Wang, keep talking."

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