
Chapter 517 The Terrifying Luo Xiju

1st Federal Army Corps.

The soldiers started their daily training as usual. Although there was unrest everywhere in the Federation, this did not affect the military camp. The military camp is like a paradise and is not affected at all. However, the First Army Corps has always had strict military discipline and daily training is extremely difficult.

Compared with the sweaty soldiers from outside, the work of the staff is much easier. The staff officers drank coffee and chatted leisurely in small groups.

Suddenly, a sharp summons sounded!

The staff suddenly became quiet and everyone stopped working. In an instant, the atmosphere in the staff headquarters became extremely tense, and the leisurely look on the faces of the staff members disappeared.

"Urgent order! All members of the staff must assemble in Auditorium No. 1 within five minutes!"

Bang, the coffee cup fell to the ground and broke into pieces, but no one paid attention to it at the moment. They ran away without caring about their usual appearance. Just kidding, Auditorium No. 1 is only three minutes away from the staff headquarters, and they don't dare to be late. Being late under an emergency call-up order will not be tolerated under military law.

When these staff officers, who usually lacked exercise, ran to auditorium No. 1 with all their lives, a large number of staff officers and many middle-level officers had gathered here.

Everyone's expressions were extremely solemn, and no one knew the reason for this summons.

Is there going to be a war?

Everyone found their seats as quickly as possible and sat down. In the blink of an eye, the huge auditorium was completely dark, but there was no sound in the auditorium.

Directly in front of the auditorium, a huge light curtain popped up. Legion Commander Wei Yueqing stood in front of the light curtain, looking at these nervous staff officers and officers, he looked quite satisfied: "Yes, no one is late."

His eyes slowly swept across the auditorium. Everyone was sitting upright, obeying orders solemnly.

"I've called everyone here this time to show you something." Wei Yueqing narrowed his eyes, his sharp edge looming: "I think everyone knows about the incident of Manager Bai annihilating the Pursuit Regiment. Someone has deduced this matter. Is it done?"

No one said a word.

"It seems that there is no more, what a pity." Wei Yueqing's face showed a sarcastic look: "The dignified First Army Staff Headquarters can't even solve such a small problem!"

The blood of the members of the staff suddenly surged, and their faces were so red that they were almost bleeding. It was as if they were holding a breath in their chests, and they were so uncomfortable that they almost wanted to vomit blood. This was the first time that they were lectured unceremoniously by the legion commander.

"You can't crack it, but someone did." The sarcasm on Wei Yueqing's face disappeared, replaced by a chilling look: "The one who took action this time was Luo Xiju!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a commotion below.

Wei Yueqing stared down coldly, and the commotion immediately calmed down.

"Luo Xiju is known as the number one tactical genius in the Federation and the ace of the Star Academy. You must remember! He is the biggest enemy of our First Legion!" He did not hide the murderous intent in his words: "All along, we Too little is known about him.”

Standing on the stage, he suddenly thought of something Song Chengyan once said to him.

Song Chengyan's pale face and indifferent smile when he said those words, as well as these words, were deeply imprinted in Wei Yueqing's mind.

"Commander League? Many people don't try their best, such as me and Luo Xiju. Which one of us is better, only God knows."

When he thought of Ayan's death, his heart hurt. He composed himself and continued.

"This time, he actually jumped out. This opportunity is very precious to us. I request that the entire staff watch this program. You need to analyze Luo Xiju's personality, habits, good tactics, etc. from it. All that can be analyzed s things!"

"Yes!" All the members of the staff who had long since held their breath roared at the top of their lungs.

If it was normal, he should have a satisfied look at this time, but this time, there was no emotion on his face: "Huh! Let's learn how others analyze it! Without Song Chengyan, is the staff department useless?"

This sentence is very serious!

Everyone in the staff looked extremely ugly.

They were like a pack of wolves, staring at the light screen, as if they had a deep hatred for the light screen.

The same situation happened exactly the same in the other eleven legions. Not only that, Tang Hanpei is watching, Jia Yingxia is watching, Xie Yanbai is also watching...

And all of this comes from one name.

Luo Xiju—the number one tactical genius in the Federation! No one will ignore everything related to this name. In their opinion, the appearance of Luo Xiju itself has an unusual meaning. In the eyes of others, the personal analysis of the federal tactics leader has never happened before. How could such a great learning opportunity be missed?

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, Luo Xiju spoke slowly.

"I noticed you in the Star Academy's battle performance hall. Many students came to me after their deductions failed, hoping that I could help. I have to say that this is a very interesting program, and the creativity is worthy of praise."

"General Manager Bai's record is astonishing, with five wins against twenty. This is a battle in which less can win more. Although General Manager Bai is a disciple of Senior Nishizawa, even I can't help but be curious about being able to achieve this. So. , I launched a series of studies.”

Countless people listened quietly to Luo Xiju's analysis in front of the platform, fearing that they would miss a word. Even Chen Mu showed a focused expression, but Qiu Shanyu completely forgot to ridicule Chen Mu at this time. She still doesn't know how Chen Mu won this incredible battle.

"To this end, I mobilized the intelligence department of the Star Academy and collected all the intelligence related to Director Bai that I could collect."

The audience in front of the platform burst into laughter.

"That's not the case. Even if you are a student of Nishizawa, you are not worthy of Master Luo Xiju's aggressive attack!"

"What do you know? Do you know better than Sir Luo Xiju? Since Sir, it must be necessary!"

"that is!"

"It seems that Manager Bai is not an ordinary person!"

"Isn't that nonsense? Ordinary people? Ordinary people are worthy of Mr. Luo Xiju's attention?"

In front of the light curtain, Ji Zhihao's face was extremely ugly. He said in a solemn voice: "It seems that we really underestimated him."

Luo Xiju even used the intelligence department of the Star Academy for this matter. One can imagine the importance he attached to this matter. It is absolutely impossible to get Luo Xiju to receive such attention without strength.

Of course Tan Yuwen knew who "he" Ji Zhihao was talking about, she didn't speak, just remained silent. However, the loneliness in his eyes could never go away.

Chen Mu stared at the light curtain with a gloomy expression.

Luo Xiju's attention did not make him feel flattered at all. On the contrary, it made him feel a strong sense of danger. It was as if he was being targeted by a skilled hunter. This feeling was extremely unpleasant.

"I'm getting more and more information, and I'm getting more and more surprised." A chuckle came from the light screen: "After a little summary, I can roughly judge the strength of Manager Bai. If my summary is not wrong, , Manager Bai’s perception at that time should not have reached level seven.”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

The dignified manager Bai, his perception has not reached level seven?

"In my analysis, General Manager Bai should be good at sensory control, not dominant in sensory intensity, with excellent combat skills, and his own combat effectiveness is better than ordinary seventh-level card repairmen. Of the four subordinates of General Manager Bai, two of them have The combat power should be equivalent to that of an ordinary seventh-level card cultivator. One of the other two is a boy no more than sixteen years old. I think that even at this age, Mr. Tang Hanpei cannot be too powerful. Therefore, his combat power is not It would be too high. It is doubtful that it is another companion. He should be Manager Bai's trump card and has great strength. However, I discovered an interesting phenomenon. From beginning to end, there was basically no sign of this master taking action. Even when General Manager Bai was seriously injured. I was confused at first, but now I understand that the power possessed by General Manager Bai’s companion most likely needs to be exerted under a specific environment. Of course, it may also be Mr. Bai is in charge of everything and always hides it in the snow.”

A chill emerged from the deepest part of Chen Mu's heart uncontrollably. For the first time, he felt like someone had suddenly stripped away all his disguise.

Compared with Card Xiu, Weah's cardless flow does have more stringent environmental requirements. For example, he cannot fight in the sky.

"Based on this calculation, General Manager Bai's strength is really not worth mentioning compared to the Federal Comprehensive School Pursuit Team. Under normal circumstances, there is absolutely no chance of winning. However, General Manager Bai won. After pondering for a long time, he couldn't figure out the key. .The first thing that caught my attention was the location of the battle - Fir Town."

"Obviously, this is an ambush. However, it should be noted that Fir Town is not the only route to Dongrui City. Why can Manager Bai know that the other party will definitely pass through Fir Town? There are two possibilities. One is that Director Bai has a very accurate source of intelligence and can accurately know the route of the pursuit group. I rejected this possibility because in fact, the intelligence department of the Star Academy was unable to make this judgment at the time. I don’t It is believed that Director Bai’s intelligence capability is more powerful than that of Star Academy. Then, what is more likely is another possibility, and this result was calculated by Director Bai!”

"This judgment is not too difficult. The pursuit group's mentality of underestimating the enemy and the recent route. However, this judgment is not beneficial to the battle itself. Manager Bai's strength is not even enough for him to set up an ambush. But , the final result was that the entire pursuit group was annihilated, which was a problem that had troubled me for a long time. It was only when I accidentally measured the distance from Firson Town to Qimengere City that I suddenly realized it. Manager Bai used an extremely easy The factor that is overlooked is the energy card. It is 3,700 kilometers from Fengshan Town to Qimengere City, so when the pursuit group flies to Fengshan Town, the four-star energy card should have about % of its energy left Forty. However, the weather in the Tiandong area is very cold and the energy cover must be propped up when flying. So after calculation, the energy card remaining at the end is less than 20%. Of course, this is based on the fact that the pursuit group did not replace it midway In the case of energy cards, Manager Bai accurately grasped and took advantage of the pursuit team's contempt, and found this wonderful ambush point. Manager Bai's meticulous thinking and powerful computing power are astonishing."

Luo Xiju's words were full of admiration.

Chen Mu felt chills all over, and Luo Xiju's guess was as accurate as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

"A small energy card has also changed the key to the battle. The key to the battle is whether the pursuit group can successfully replace the card. If successful, the scale of strength will tilt towards them again. Unfortunately, Bai Bai The manager didn't give them a chance. This made me curious. With the strength of the five of them, how could they force twenty powerful card repairmen to not even have a chance to change cards? You know, half of this team is level seven or above. Card repair."

Everyone listened with great rapture.

"The post-war traces in Fir Town show that a large amount of high-explosive energy bodies were used here, which is very consistent with the [explosive bombs] in another rumor. The seventh-level card repairman's perception is very keen, how could he not be aware of the ambush of Controller Bai?" A glimmer of discovery? I investigated all the information about Firth Town that day, and finally noticed the meteorological conditions in Firth Town that day. There were thick clouds in the sky in Firth Town that day, which was extremely conducive to an ambush."

"However, the energy cards in the instrument of the Pursuit and Suppression Group's card cultivators still have less than 20% energy. If Manager Bai wants to win, in my opinion, there are two ways. One way, One is to use a pressing style to continuously consume their energy, causing them to run out of energy and die. The other is to take advantage of the time when they change cards to launch a fatal blow. Judging from the traces on the battlefield, Manager Bai should combine the two methods."

"To force the opponent to further consume energy, the attack must be sudden. There are two possibilities. One possibility is that Manager Bai is using a special type of card to launch the attack without attracting the opponent's attention. And if If the performance of [Explosive Bomb] is really the same as the data published in the rumors, then Manager Bai should have a time difference! This requires him to have a powerful scanning card and accurate computing power. Personally, I prefer the latter! Waiting for work, meticulous arrangement, every detail, and calculating what is calculated versus what is not calculated, created this classic victory.”

Chen Mu was completely stunned and turned pale with horror!

All, all right!

This, how is this possible?

He didn't feel that his thinking was so extraordinary. However, Luo Xiju only relied on the intelligence he collected, as if he had seen it with his own eyes, and the powerful analytical ability he displayed was truly terrifying to the point of being outrageous!

"Manager Bai!"

Luo Xiju paused.

"This is the first time I have met someone as good at calculation as you, Xiju has benefited a lot. I wonder if you can come to Xingyuan in your spare time? How happy it would be to have a tea debate and confirm what you have learned! Xiju We sincerely await your visit!"

When the host appeared again, his exciting and inflammatory words were ignored.

People are still in the shock just now and can't extricate themselves!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes or heard it with their own ears, they wouldn't have believed that Mr. Luo Xiju would actually personally extend an invitation to Manager Bai!

Qiu Shanyu looked at Chen Mu as if she had seen a ghost, and was so shocked that she could not speak for a long time.

Chen Mu was pushed to the forefront in the blink of an eye!

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