
Chapter 532 Mu Zi Camp

In the snow forest, a huge team is camping. It is not easy for a team of thousands of people to camp in the wild, and it requires a lot of work. Surveying the surrounding terrain requires identifying whether you are in the territory of a ferocious beast, whether there is a water source, etc. Most of this team are experienced old card cultivators, and they have more experience than Chen Mu in this regard. But even so, they spent a lot of time exploring the jungle march with a team of thousands of people.

Such a large-scale jungle march is a difficult subject for each card repair group. So far, only the military has professional research in this area. However, because the performance of communication equipment is difficult to meet the needs of the military, research in this area is actually close to blank. Entering the jungle relies more on the experience of those jungle experts.

In the surrounding highlands of the camp, two card repairmen were on guard every five hundred meters.

"Bear! Bear! Is there anything going on?"

"Tie Xi! Everything is normal!"

"Tiger! Tiger! Is there anything going on?"

"Tie Xi! Nothing unusual!"

Each of these card repairmen is equipped with a special communication card. These communication cards can ensure that they maintain contact within a range of 150 kilometers in diameter. "Tiexi" represents tonight's password. At the beginning, everyone had different opinions on the formulation of the password. Later, when they saw Weah dragging a beast back again, everyone decided unanimously that whatever beast Weah dragged back would be the password for that day.

What Weah brought back tonight was a cold iron rhinoceros!

In the night, several disc-shaped card weapons were hovering silently. They were equipped with powerful detection cards. Even in the night and in the vast snow forest, they could still play a powerful role. In the camp, there are three jungle shuttles specially modified into reconnaissance vehicles. There are team members inside 24 hours a day who are constantly paying attention to various information coming from these jamming vehicles.

"Whoever told me before that it was so easy in the jungle, I wouldn't believe it even to death." Fu Dong said with emotion as he drank the hot broth.

Wenren glanced at the closed jungle shuttles with his strange red eyes, and agreed: "I didn't expect it either. The boss's methods are really endless, and he even has jungle communication technology. If I remember correctly, the jungle Isn’t communication technology unique to Zhongzhou Group?”

The defenses of these shuttle cars are extremely tight. No one, except Chen Mu and Weah, is allowed to approach them, even seventh-level card repairmen like them are no exception.

Several people had thoughtful expressions in their eyes.

Qiu Shanyu sat by the fire and slowly drank the hot soup. The other card repairmen kept a few meters away from her. In the eyes of these card repairmen, her origin was mysterious. I have never heard her speak on weekdays, and Juhua and Thug have a very strange attitude towards her.

"How many days has it been since the boss came out?" Kuang Shi asked. Ever since she got the Snow Thorn Bear's bag that day, she had been thinking about Chen Mu making a card for her.

Fudong said: "It's been five days."

Wen Renhong sneered: "Shishi, it's useless for you to be anxious. The boss is not stupid. He made the cards for us so early. If there is a problem with tigers, it will be troublesome."

After speaking, he glanced at Wu Jie.

Fu Dong frowned slightly: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Wen Renhong chuckled nonchalantly and said, "Everyone knows it anyway."

Wu Jie was still exactly the same as before, without even raising his eyelids.

Qiu Shanyu just drank the broth silently. Everything that happened before her eyes seemed to have nothing to do with her. In fact, she was extremely worried. She didn't know if Faya had already launched an action against the Scarlet Kaxiu Group. The things she had seen these days made her realize how much energy this man who could not see the depth possessed! If Faya can form an alliance with it, then its strength will rapidly transform!

Over the years, Faia has only produced the combat shuttle, and all other projects have reached a deadlock. However, the stuck weapons she had seen these days completely subverted her imagination. Chen Mu's status in her heart has risen sharply. She believes that as long as Chen Mu is willing to help Faya, those projects that have reached a deadlock will immediately get a breakthrough.

She now only hopes that the senior management will not ignore her opinions and put enough pressure on the Scarlet Card Cultivator Group as soon as possible, so that they can win Chen Mu's favor as much as possible.

As for the Scarlet Card Repair Group, in her eyes, it was already completely finished.

Raphael was soaked and fell limply to the ground. Everyone around him cast admiring glances.

Bei Ling ignored his dirt and struggled to lift him up, complaining: "It's true that the boss made such an exaggerated plan for you! Hmph, if this were to be placed in the school, it would be enough to be charged with intentional murder!" "

Raphael grinned in pain, but he couldn't help but said: "Don't talk nonsense, boss, this is for my own good."

"I know." Beiling bit her lip and dragged him step by step to the tent, where hot water had already been prepared. This is a temporarily dug pit more than one meter deep. The surface of the surrounding pit is coated with solid materials, which becomes a simple pool with hot water steaming inside.

Beiling pushed hard, and Raphael was pushed down into the pool with a bang. She giggled, revealing two shallow dimples: "Reservoir Dogs!"

Raphael almost groaned in comfort. Beiling sat by the pool: "I didn't expect you to admire the boss so much."

"That's natural." Raphael said without thinking, "I am what I am today because of my boss' training. You can't imagine that half a year ago, my perception was only level four."

"Ah! How is that possible?" Bei Ling covered her mouth and shouted softly.

"Ha, it's true. No matter how harsh the plan made by the boss is, I will complete it. They may not understand the benefits of these plans, but I understand it deeply." He said with a proud look on his face: "I have worked under the boss Which one of the Kaxiu is not completely reborn? Without the boss, how would I be today? My whole life, I will be the boss’s!”

Beiling tilted his head, bit his fingers and said, "Well, if the boss is really that good, it would be a good thing to hang out with him."

Chen Mu finally got out of the jungle shuttle. Although his expression was a bit tired, his eyes were full of energy.

In the camp, everything is orderly and the military discipline is solemn. The patrolling Kaxiu all showed a bit of military temperament, and their actions were orderly. The camp was very quiet at night. After a day of training, these card repairmen were already half exhausted and fell into a deep sleep.

Fudong and others got up one after another when they saw Chen Mu coming out.

Xiao Bo and Sang Hanshui also came over quickly, and the others did not join in.

"Boss, what good stuff have you made?" Xiao Bo asked in a low voice.

Sang Hanshui was not as dishonest as Xiao Bo. He handed over a thick stack of reports: "Boss, this is a summary of the training during this period. There are several tactical regulations that have not been effective after actual combat testing. I have recorded them. Come down."

There was an air of majesty in his expression, and his triangular eyes were even more intimidating. After all, as a chief instructor, you need to command the entire army, which is naturally different from before.

"Thank you for your hard work." Chen Mu took the thick report and asked casually: "There will be a competition tomorrow to select the best performing team."

Xiao Bo's eyes lit up: "Boss, what's the reward?"

Sang Hanshui also looked forward to it. Every time at this time, the boss would always come up with something different.

"Change your clothes." Chen Mu said while browsing the report in his hand.

"Changing clothes?" Xiao Bo and Sang Hanshui's eyes suddenly widened. You look at me, I look at you. After a long while, Sang Hanshui stammered: "Boss, there are four hundred people in a brigade."

"Oh, I prepared six hundred cards." Chen Mu said casually, his eyes fixed on the report in his hand.

"Six hundred cards in five days..." Xiao Bo's eyes twitched: "Boss, how many stars are they?"

"Five hundred three-star pictures and one hundred four-star pictures. I originally wanted to make a few more, but the materials were gone." Chen Mu didn't take his eyes away from the report. This report details the training process of these days and the problems that occurred during it. Sang Hanshui was not a general, but he was practical and carried out Chen Mu's orders meticulously.

Xiao Bo and Sang Hanshui were completely frightened by Chen Mu's words.

Six hundred cards were produced in five days, five hundred three-star cards, and one hundred four-star cards! Such amazing efficiency is enough to make other card makers commit suicide in shame!

"By the way, no one else is allowed to approach my jungle shuttle." Chen Mu added.

Their eyes lit up. It seemed that the reason why the boss was able to make five hundred and six hundred cards must be in this jungle shuttle. The boss must have invented something amazing!

The two looked at each other, their eyes surprisingly consistent - murderous aura crackling in their eyes like lightning!

If anyone approaches the jungle shuttle at this time, they will definitely receive a devastating blow from the two of them!

Others only saw the boss and the chrysanthemum thug muttering a few words. Even though they all pricked up their ears, they still couldn't hear half a word.

Early the next morning, Sang Hanshui and Xiao Bo announced at the same time that all teams, including the Youth Guard, would compete in a competition at the same time. The content of this competition covers a lot of scope, especially the ability of each team to execute tactics. Young Wei didn't get any care either.

All the card repairmen were in high spirits and joking. The boss came out of the shuttle and announced the competition. Even the fool knew that there must be something good in it.

Every captain is making final mobilization. They are the first batch of captains personally promoted by the boss. No one wants to disappoint the boss in the first competition.

The competition started vigorously, and Chen Mu was still deliberating on the tactical regulations. Only now did he realize that leading a team was an extremely tedious task. Most of the tactical regulations he formulated have no practical value, and only two remain.

With no one to guide him, he had to think and think on his own.

Why you need to do this, why you can’t do that, why…

He racked his brains and did not dare to slack off. The initial progress was very slow, but as he understood more and more things, he felt that he could grasp more and more things.

Many things in combat are essentially calculations!

A complex plan involving a series of factors such as quantity, force, time, space, psychology, etc.

A large number of tedious things also made Chen Mu's understanding of details reach an astonishing level. Ordinary tactical personnel first study theory and then verify it with practice. They stand on the shoulders of those who came before them, which saves them a lot of time.

But Chen Mu was not. No one came to teach him theoretical knowledge. Everything in front of him needs to be imagined by himself and then verified. He couldn't do it without leaks, and even had serious shortcomings in many places. But his way of thinking is fundamentally different from that of tactical personnel who have undergone formal training.

This team will also become a completely different team from other teams.

After three consecutive days of competition, a winner was finally announced.

The fifth team won the final victory, and Chen Mu handed out one hundred four-star cards and three hundred three-star cards on the spot. The fifth team completely changed their costumes!

The eyes of the other four teams and the youth guards turned red! They never expected that the winner of this competition would receive such great benefits.

When the captain of the fifth team, who was smiling from ear to ear, took the four hundred cards, his hands trembled and his eyes straightened.

Four hundred cards, each clearly marked with: "C" and a number underneath.

Four hundred number series cards! The blood of the other captains who were watching suddenly surged to their foreheads. my God! They are all digital series cards! If I had known this, I would have risked my life to win the competition!

Their hearts were filled with regret and annoyance, and they all returned to their teams with red eyes, gasping for breath, and gnashing their teeth with angry eyes. That night, every team member under their command received an order to double their training tasks starting tomorrow!

The fifteen seventh-level card cultivators all stayed where they were.

Four hundred cards!

This is not a two-card deal! The boss actually took out four hundred cards right away!

Five days, four hundred cards!

The shock that this brought to these seventh-level card cultivators was unparalleled. Many of their expressions changed, and they looked at Chen Mu as if they were looking at aliens. In just five days, one hundred four-star cards and three hundred three-star cards were taken out...

And some card repairmen with smart minds were even frightened by the speculations that popped up in their own heads.

If that's really the case...

The strength of the fifth team has jumped to the top of the other teams. Among the four hundred people, one hundred people have four-star cards! This is not an ordinary four-star card, but a four-star digital series card! But soon, they received an order from their boss, requiring them to immediately provide a card strategy sheet.

New cards mean new tactics.

The captain of the fifth team immediately regained consciousness after being ecstatic. He held an emergency meeting in the team that night, and this task was implemented as quickly as possible for everyone. This time they made a big splash, and the real sweetness knocked them out. The enthusiasm of the team members was unprecedentedly high. They had more or less received some elementary tactical courses, and those card repairmen who had returned from the military tried their best.

The next day, Chen Mu officially named his team Muziying!

Although Xiao Bo secretly laughed at his boss for plagiarizing Tan Yuwen's Yu Zi Legion, no one had any objections. The original fifth team was officially promoted to the first team. With this honor, the first team once again stole the show. The team numbers of the other four teams have been canceled and will be rearranged according to the competition. This stimulated all the team members again.

The brand new Mu Zi Camp was gradually taking shape under Chen Mu's hands, which could even be called immature.

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