
Chapter 552 Killing [Second update]

The continuous pressure these days has made Chen Mu look like a different person, not as calm as before, but with a sharper temperament. In other words, the current Chen Mu is full of danger and is an out-and-out dangerous person.

The key is that this dangerous man also controls a powerful force, which greatly increases his danger.

In fact, Chen Mu had enough reasons to burn Bomen City to the ground. The reason was simple. This was Canglan's territory. He had no grudge against Cang Lan before, but he was forced to this point by Cang Lan. It was impossible without anger in his heart. For ordinary people, before they have the strength, there is no way to endure it. But if you have enough strength and still tolerate it, you are definitely a masochist.

The Cangjiang army was completely destroyed by Chen Mu, and even if the three coalition armies broke away from the jungle, they would never be able to catch up with them. In other words, now in this area, he will never encounter an opponent like the Cangjiang Army that Chen Mu is afraid of.

If no one stops them, Chen Mu will directly choose the fastest speed to pass through Bomen City, and then find a place to take a good rest, and he will also take a good rest. But the sudden arrival of the team suddenly exploded the anger he had suppressed for so long.

Chen Mu is definitely not a bad-tempered person. On the contrary, in the eyes of Bagnell and others around him, he is actually very easy to talk to. However, this is also true. Once an honest person is really angry, it is an extremely terrible thing.

Unspeakable anger filled Chen Mu's heart, but it did not make him lose his mind. On the contrary, his mind became clearer. The comparison between ourselves and the enemy quickly turned around in his mind. He decided to leave a big gift for Cang Lan!

"Where are you from?" The young man leading the group turned pale.

He is Cang Lan's nephew, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to sit in such an important position. However, since he was in a high position at a young age, he was naturally a little arrogant. So when he got a report that someone was flying so arrogantly within the scope of Bomen City, he led a team to stop the opponent without saying a word.

However, he now regrets that he led too few teams. But in front of everyone, if he flinches, it will be more uncomfortable for him who wants to save face than killing him.

No matter from any angle, this team is too suspicious! As Cang Lan's direct nephew, he was very familiar with the Cangjiang Army. With a reference, he found that the team in front of him was no less impressive than the Cangjiang Army. This aroused his high vigilance. The Cangjiang Army is the first army of the underworld and the most powerful armed force in Beiwangzhou. Now an armed force of the same level as the Cangjiang Army suddenly appears. This is too suspicious. !

"Who are you?" Chen Mu asked coldly.

Seeing that the other party did not take action immediately, the young man became brave and snorted coldly: "I am the president of Bomen City, Ling Cangfeng. Who are you? According to the procedures, now your department must accept my inspection. If you resist, I will be the one to be inspected." Enemies of Wangzhou!”

He has been sitting in this position for several years, and these words are quite impressive.

The Kaxiu who were watching around him all scattered when they heard this. Just kidding, it's okay to watch the fun, but if you lose your life just to watch the fun, it's not worth it. These card cultivators are all sophisticated people. One look at Muziying and they know that they are not easy to mess with. If they cause trouble for these people, wouldn't they be causing trouble for themselves?

"Cang Feng?" Chen Mu's pupils shrank: "Who are you Cang Lan?"

"Presumptuous!" Cang Feng was furious: "Your name was also given by you? Huh, let me tell you, I am your nephew!" From the corner of his eye, he saw a group of card cultivators flying towards this side, and his heart suddenly changed. Dading shouted sternly: "Land to the ground quickly and accept my inspection! If there is any resistance, shoot to death!"

"Kill without mercy?" Chen Mu smiled, but a faint cold air spread in all directions involuntarily. His tone suddenly condensed: "Everyone is here, shoot to death!"

Mu Ziying had already prepared for battle, and as soon as Chen Mu finished speaking, they took action!

Ordinary card repairmen don't have so many thoughts in their minds. They have been forced into such a mess by Canglan these days, and they have long been holding back anger in their hearts. There is no reservation in this move.

The screeching sound of the tailless shuttle tore through the air, like a roaring roar of an angry wave, sweeping towards Ka Xiu in front! The targets they selected were all vital points. From such a close distance, for these third team members who usually required the shooting error within three thousand meters not to exceed one centimeter, they could hit even with their eyes closed! Without exception, they chose the highest shooting frequency and shot like crazy!

The sudden blow immediately stunned Ka Xiu in front. They didn't expect that the other party would dare to attack! They actually dared to attack!

Are these people really crazy? Aren't they afraid of Lord Canglan?

These card cultivators, whose minds were in a mess, suddenly discovered that the throats, eyebrows, and hearts of their companions suddenly burst out with blood flowers. Their vision went dark and they almost fainted!

Cang Feng was in the worst position. He, who was at the front, suffered the most violent attacks. Moreover, Kaxiu from the Muzi Camp put all his hatred for Canglan on him. His whole body was beaten into pieces, with hundreds of blood holes bleeding, and he looked at the people in front of him in disbelief.

Every member of the third team gave this guy a blow!

These card cultivators who were domineering in the local area had neglected training and had not experienced combat for a long time. They suddenly became a mess. I don't know who shouted: "Run!" Everyone turned around and wanted to escape.

However, when they turned around, they suddenly discovered that dense flames had been laid down in front of them at some point. Each of these crimson flames was only the size of a thumb, but there were so many of them that they were densely packed into a thick hemisphere, sealing their way back.

Kaxiu, who was eager to escape, thought that he was protected by the energy shield. In their eyes, these thumb-sized flames were far less scary than the lunatics behind him! They roared away and fled in all directions. There was only one thought in their minds, stay away from this place!

There were about a thousand people in the group of card repairmen who were rushing over. What happened in front of them made each of them stunned.

Lord Cangfeng is dead! These guys are the enemy!

The leader, Ka Xiu, stared blankly at the other party, his mind buzzing. Such fierce firepower, such ruthless methods! This guy who usually follows the wind suddenly came to his senses and shouted hoarsely: "Get out! Get out!"

The opponent's strength is too strong, and the two sides are not on the same level at all! There is no way to fight this battle!

But before he could stop himself, a strange wave suddenly came.


The crisp sounds of a thousand energy shields shattering at the same time came together, and to this Kashu's ears, it was like a soul-sounding sound! The blood on his face faded completely in an instant, damn it! Sonic cards!

The onlookers Ka Xiu were also frightened! Sonic card! So many sonic cards! Ka Xiu, who originally had other thoughts, immediately shrank back. The firepower configuration of this team of unknown origin was really terrifying!

Everyone knows the benefits of sonic cards, but it is also known to be expensive. They have never heard of a team with hundreds of people equipped with sonic cards! And looking at the power of these sonic cards, they far exceeded the sonic cards they had ever seen.

Some of the leaders of the Kaxiu group who were watching the Kaxiu group had their eyes turned red. They knew that even if they sold everything in their group, they would not be able to configure a sonic team like this! But they were jealous, but they didn't dare to go and grab it.

They could see that these guys of unknown origin were not using all their strength. Anyone who dared to fish in troubled waters should just wait for a head-on attack.

Sure enough, there was only a thunderous roar: "Impact!" An iron tower giant, with a group of iron tower giants, each carrying a strange pointed cone-shaped energy shield, like falling rocks from the sky, fiercely Smash into this team of card repairmen!

【Bird Clash】!


Flesh and blood were flying everywhere, severed limbs were dancing wildly, and the sound of impact made people's hearts suddenly tighten. Just listening to it made people feel pain! The screams of this team stationed in Kaxiu were completely annihilated by the constant crashing sounds.

This place has become a real hell!

A blank area about twenty meters wide appeared between the card cultivators of this team. All the card cultivators in this area were smashed into pieces, which severely hit the surrounding card cultivators.

The sound of vomiting was heard endlessly by the onlookers. They had no idea that there would be such a terrifying impact in this world! None of the Kaxiu who was hit still had their bodies intact, while the Kaxiu around them had various organs and flesh hanging on their bodies.

This has become a lifelong nightmare for countless people!

A fierce light flashed in Sang Hanshui's triangular eyes. He was not a broad-minded person to begin with, but he was forced into such a mess. The anger in his chest was smoldering little by little, but it was completely released today.

Around him, hundreds of fist-sized explosive bombs floated quietly, but anyone could feel the intense danger in them. He opened his hands and stretched his body like a big bird spreading its wings!

Suddenly, the triangular eyes became hollow, and at the same time, the crimson bombs floating around him suddenly turned white. And his open hands suddenly closed in front of him, and the blazing white bombs quickly gathered half a meter in front of his closed hands, as if attracted by something. In a moment, a translucent explosive appeared in front of his hands. If you look closely, you can see that there is a milky white core inside the explosive.

[Explosive bomb. Dual core]!

Xiao Bo's eyes are very focused. If you take off his mask, you will find beads of sweat on his face. He was surrounded by thirty-six small sequence wave wheels, and his hands flew over these small sequence wave wheels with great dexterity.

Soon, nine small sequence wave wheels gathered in front of him! This was already his ultimate level. If he hadn't reached level seven, he wouldn't have been able to use this move. Since the conception was completed, this trick has appeared in front of the world for the first time.

Nine small sequence pulsators form a complete circle. The light flowing on each small sequence wave wheel attracts people's eyes and cannot be moved away. The moment the nine small sequence pulsators came together, the "pointers" on each small sequence pulsator were running crazily, but as a cold light flashed, the nine "pointers" turned out to be in the same pace. Then the nine small wheels disappeared, and a sequence wheel with a diameter of half a meter appeared in front of Xiao Bo.

【Nine Wheels of Annihilation】!

The two demons of Muying completed their strongest attack at the same time!

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