
Chapter 562 Shocking Change

"I abstain."

Si Qing raised his right hand simply and resolutely, completely ignoring the boos from the stands around him. The referee looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Are you sure you want to give up?"

"Yes!" Si Qing said without any hesitation.

The conversation between the two was transmitted to every corner of the stands through the device. The audience booed even louder, but Si Qing's expression did not change at all.

The referee had no choice but to declare Chen Mu the winner.

From beginning to end, Chen Mu didn't say a word or make a move. As soon as the referee made the announcement, he immediately stepped off the stage.

This scene left everyone confused and disappointed. As soon as Si Qing took the stage, he was surrounded by reporters who came in droves.

"Mr. Si Qing, may I ask why you abstained?"

"Mr. Si Qing, have you been secretly threatened by someone?"

"Mr. Si Qing, are you under pressure from someone?"

These reporters were as excited as if they had been shot. Just after the third game, some players inexplicably abstained from the game. These reporters with a keen sense of smell are all fantasizing. If we could dig out the inside story, wouldn't it mean that we would become famous in one fell swoop?

Si Qing was stunned, with an expression that didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He shrugged and said, "Gentlemen, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. There is no inside story. I just accidentally saw Mr. Chen Mu's fighting process once, and after careful consideration, I made this rational choice. I think there was no pressure on me from any quarter, I was just very clearly aware of the gap between me and Mr. Chen Mu.”

The reporters below were all disappointed, but some reporters were not reconciled: "Mr. Si Qing, as far as I know, we have never heard of your opponent Chen Mu. Is your statement an exaggeration on purpose... …”

Si Qing said disapprovingly: "That's just your opinion. In fact, I believe that my colleagues who have seen that battle will definitely make the same choice as me. I love fame, but I love my life even more. As for You said you have never heard of this name. I can be sure that you will remember this name soon. I'm sorry, everyone, I still want to watch the next game, can you please give up?"

Si Qing's interview was immediately broadcast on various viewing platforms, arousing heated discussions among people.

"Who is this person?" Jia Yingxia also saw this scene in the box and asked Bai Yue beside him.

Bai Yue bowed and said: "The origin is still unclear. His participation certificate was taken from Gong Liang's hand yesterday evening. But when I arrived, Gong Liang and the Xiong family were both killed. According to him, the Xiong family Card Xiu was not angry that his participation certificate was taken away, so he attacked in groups, but they were all killed. This was indeed the case in the subsequent investigation."

"Oh, this little guy is a bit interesting." Jia Yingxia was a little surprised.

Cang Lan suddenly said: "This little guy is very dangerous."

Jia Yingxia was a little surprised: "Mr. Cang's statement is very unique." He didn't talk about whether he was strong or not, or whether he had strong fighting ability, but he talked about danger.

"In our jungle in North Wangzhou, there lives a very strange beast. They live alone, are cruel, ferocious, and indifferent. This is a beast that every Kaxiu is unwilling to face, and no one is willing to hunt them. They He was ruthless not only towards his enemies, but also towards himself. I saw with my own eyes that an ice-clawed tiger bit its right leg, but it did not hesitate to put its right leg and the ice-clawed tiger in one bite. The clawed tiger’s head was bitten to pieces.”

Cang Lan spoke slowly, as if he was talking about an unrelated matter.

There was nothing too scary, and Cang Lan's tone was normal, but Bai Yue suddenly felt a chill rising from behind.

Qingqing's expression was as usual, but her heart was churning.

Chen Mu! He is Chen Mu! This is the goal I have been looking for! However, she was right in front of him and he couldn't do anything about it.

"Yes, yes, Miss Qingqing is indeed extraordinary." A voice sounded from behind her.

She remained silent.

"Don't worry. After this matter is over, not only Miss Qingqing will be safe, but your companion will also be safe." The man behind him chuckled. Being able to let the pride of heaven, who is usually aloof, be kneaded at will, made him feel unparalleledly comfortable. His eyes greedily and passionately swept over Qingqing's body. Qingqing's appearance was just average, but her awe-inspiring and inviolable temperament made people more likely to be impulsive.

He felt a pity secretly in his heart. He was a smart man and knew what he could and couldn't do. If he really did something to Qingqing, his superiors would never spare him.

In the principal's office of Xingyuan, the principal and dean's faces were ashen.

They spent a lot of time looking for Chen Mu. But when Chen Mu really showed up, they found that they could only stare, helpless.

This is like someone who is looking for a treasure. After all the hard work, they finally find the treasure, only to find that they cannot take it away.

Luo Xiju was also dumbfounded when he saw Chen Mu appearing on the light screen. He exclaimed: "What is he doing here?"

Nick also looked puzzled: "Isn't this the guy you showed me last time, the guy named Chen Mu? Hey" he suddenly exclaimed: "He...he is still Manager Bai!"

"What a pity." The fat man felt extremely regretful. His expression was like that of an antique lover who saw that a beautiful antique was about to be broken into pieces.

Mobley was horrified. He felt that he was going crazy today. In the first three games, he saw three familiar people. It was completely unexpected that Qingqing would come to participate in the elite competition, and he also found that Qingqing seemed to be a different person, and his attacks were unusually ruthless. The appearance of Chen Mu also made him extremely surprised. Others may be very unfamiliar with Chen Mu, but Mobley knows very well that this young man who looks to be in his early twenties is actually the real leader of the famous Snow Silkworm Card Repair Group in the Federation!

In comparison, Si Qing was the most familiar to him among the three. The two had fought together before, and he had always admired Si Qing's strength. Later, because he took on the position of leader of the Snowflake Card Repair Group, his training time was greatly reduced, and the gap between him and Si Qing became wider and wider. He knew Si Qing's nature very well. This guy was a typical person who kept his secrets secret. His strength far exceeded his reputation.

Mobley originally wanted to see Chen Mu's strength, and he also wanted to see Si Qing's progress over the years. However, what he never expected was that Si Qing chose to abstain without hesitation. Immediately after the interview about Si Qing was uploaded, Mobley, who was familiar with Si Qing, immediately realized that Si Qing was not joking.

This made Mobley very awe-inspiring!

If even Si Qing thinks he is no match for Chen Mu, then how terrifying will this young man's strength be?

Mobley was thinking wildly, and everything that happened in a short period of time turned his brain into a mess.

Chen Mu walked off the stage, feeling helpless. I originally hoped to have a big fight to draw out the devil girl in the dark, but what I didn't expect was that the other party actually gave up.

I don’t know, did the devil woman see it?

As Chen Mu walked, he thought to himself that the second round of the competition will not start until tomorrow.

In the long aisle, you can see some players warming up before entering the field. Seeing Chen Mu, these card cultivators couldn't help but stop what they were doing. Many card cultivators glanced at Chen Mu and shrank back as if frightened, while the eyes of some card cultivators were full of provocation.

Chen Mu turned a blind eye. His thoughts were not focused on the card cultivators in front of him.

Suddenly, Chen Mu stopped.

There was a faint murderous aura in the air, and many distant memories surged up from his heart in an instant.

His eyes suddenly became solemn, and beneath the solemnity was a suppressed excitement.

In the shadow of the corner of the ceiling ahead, there is a blurry shadow that is difficult to detect.

Without hesitation, he shouted at the top of his lungs: "Weah!"

At the same time, he suddenly exerted force on his feet, the air flow card suddenly opened fully, and the whole person suddenly retreated behind him like an arrow from the string!

This sudden change made all the card cultivators stunned. They looked at Chen Mu who was retreating without knowing why.

A ghostly shadow followed Chen Mu along the ceiling like a wisp of smoke.

At the same time, the wall of the box where Chen Mu was resting exploded, and a black shadow shot out!

Chen Mu felt his eyes light up and he flew out of the aisle! The sound coming from the stands around him was overwhelming, filling his eardrums.

He was extremely focused and without any hesitation, he flew towards the competition field. The phantom behind him was chasing after him. This phantom was like a cloud of smoke, making it difficult to distinguish with the naked eye even under the sunlight.

When Chen Mu flew to the center of the competition field, he suddenly stopped and turned to face the phantom.

The phantom also stopped, and her figure finally appeared in front of Chen Mu. With his astonishingly slender waist and that devilishly ugly face, he exuded an extremely dangerous aura.

Devil woman!

Chen Mu would never forget that extremely ugly face. He was very excited, but his mind desperately told himself to calm down!

Weah stopped with an expression of indifference. He and Chen Mu walked one behind the other, surrounding the devil girl in the middle! This is the plan Chen Mu made. The devil woman is best at hiding her figure. Only with such an unobstructed view of the terrain can she be better dealt with.

Three people suddenly appeared in the stadium, one of them was Chen Mu who had just left the field. This sudden change caused the surrounding stands to become silent.

That ugly woman who once seriously injured herself!

Qingqing was shocked and looked at the three people in the field in disbelief. Many things came to her mind. Without any hesitation, she suddenly hit the protective glass window!

"You're crazy..." The man behind him screamed anxiously and angrily.

If Qingqing Hunruo didn't hear it, she lightly drew her hands on her chest, a few rays of light flashed through, and the solid protective glass window immediately fell apart!

With the crisp sound of glass shattering, she floated towards the venue like a ball of light blue smoke.

In Box No. 1, Jia Yingxia's face looked extremely different. He snorted coldly and raised his left hand slightly. The temperature in the room dropped sharply, and bang, the protective glass window and the wall simultaneously turned into a cloud of tiny snow crystals. She flew towards the field with an angry expression, Bai Yue did not dare to neglect and followed closely behind.

Cang Lan stared at Qing Qing in the field. When his eyes swept over Weah and the Devil Girl, he looked a little strange. He didn't speak, and his body was like lightning, and he flew towards the field.

Chen Mu stared at the devil girl closely, the devil girl looked at Chen Mu indifferently, Weah had no expression on his face, and none of the three looked at the four of them. Qingqing, Jiayingxia, Baiyue, and Canglan were like air.

No matter how stupid you are, you understand by now that something big is about to happen!

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