
Chapter 565 Accident occurs again

"Miss Baiyue once said that Muziying and Shuangyue Hanzhou are eternal friends." Chen Mu said calmly.

Bai Yue only said that he and Manager Bai were friends forever. Chen Mu borrowed this sentence, but replaced the concept with Muziying. On the one hand, it reminds Jiaying Xia that he still has Mu Ziying in his hand. On the other hand, this is also a step down for Shuangyue Hanzhou. After all, it was not his original intention to have a head-on conflict with Shuangyue Hanzhou, he was just here to find the Devil Woman.

Now that the goal has been accomplished, it is very irrational to resist against Shuangyue Hanzhou at this time.

Moreover, Chen Mu judged that Shuangyue Hanzhou would not confront them head-on. There are many experts on their side, and there is also Muziying secretly. At this critical moment of forming an alliance, Jia Yingxia never wants to stir up trouble.

His judgment was right!

Jiaying Xia smiled and said: "Shuangyue Hanzhou and Muziying are of course friends. It is rare that so many heroes gather here today. This is a rare event in a hundred years. I, Shuangyue Hanzhou, am also very honored!" Although she was very interested in Chen Mu's hands. His notebook was salivating, but he also knew that it would be unwise to fall out with the other person at this time. The other party just stretched out a ladder, so she climbed down the ladder.

She was secretly surprised that Chen Mu looked young, but he was quite experienced in doing things.

She glanced at Cang Lan from the corner of her eyes and chuckled: "What's more, I can also see the contest between Lord Canglan and Lord Nishizawa, which is really exciting!"

Cang Lan's expression was extremely ugly. He never expected that Chen Mu actually had so many trump cards in his hand. The number of masters on the opposite side is simply jaw-dropping. Jia Yingxia's last words turned people's attention to the grudge between himself and Xize, instantly forcing him to a desperate situation. He secretly hated him in his heart, and he was indeed the most poisonous woman!

"Haha! I also want to see how good the guy who challenges me is," Nishizawa's wild laughter, dripping with murderous intent, was unscrupulous.

Cang Lan calmed down at this time, and said with a chuckle: "Yes, for so long after the war was written, I didn't see my senior accept the challenge. I thought that my senior had lost his energy. I regretted it for a long time!"

Nishizawa chuckled: "These days, if any cat or dog challenges me, will I join in?"

All the expressions on Cang Lan's face gradually disappeared, and the energy fluctuations in the air gradually increased, as if the dark clouds in the sky were gathering in one place. In the blink of an eye, terrifying fluctuations enveloped the entire venue, and all sounds in the stands disappeared.

It's like the end of the world is coming, and terrifying fluctuations continue to impact everyone's fragile hearts. As for those ordinary people, it was as if they had suddenly fallen into a terrible nightmare and found it difficult to even breathe.

Jiaying Xia's face turned cold. Cang Lan unfolded his fluctuations so wantonly that ordinary people in the stands would most likely die as a result.

At this moment, wanton and violent laughter rolled down like thunder from the sky.

"That's all?"

Before he finished speaking, the extremely strong murderous aura was like a sudden eruption of a volcano, and everyone felt that everything in their field of vision was dyed scarlet. The violent fluctuations contain terrifying energy, like an unstable bomb stuck to the tip of your nose.

That feeling is creepy, shuddering, and almost collapse!

In the crimson rage that filled the sky with murderous intent, everyone was so small, as small as a small sampan struggling in the sea of ​​blood, and could be squeezed and crushed by the violent sea of ​​blood at any time.

The faces of Jiao Si, Fang Shi, Qing Qing, and Bai Yue all changed, and they looked at Xize with some horror. Even Jia Yingxia couldn't help but change her face slightly, Xizawa was stronger than she imagined. The devil woman looked at Caesar blankly, awe flashing in her eyes.

Chen Mu's face was as white as snow, and Xi Ze had no intention of taking care of him. Only now did he realize that the momentum Caesar unleashed on him last time was far from his true strength. Only Weah looked normal, but there were still some changes in his eyes.

Cang Lan's expression also changed!

He didn't expect that Caesar was so strong! Judging by his age, Nishizawa has already passed his prime time, so he should be on the decline.

Nishizawa's is like a lion in its prime, showing no sign of failure. This is impossible! Cang Lan couldn't believe it. How could a Kaxiu in his old age maintain such a violent murderous intention without any signs of exhaustion?

Everything about Ka Xiu is based on physiology. Due to the decline of the elderly Kaxiu's body, all aspects of his attributes will completely decline. This is an iron law that cannot be violated!

However, in front of him stood a person who had violated this iron law!

He could clearly feel how strong Caesar's vitality was, and it seemed to be burning!


Cang Lan was startled, could it be...

A large number of card repairs suddenly flew out of a dense forest four hundred kilometers outside Qianhu City.

"Report, everything is normal, no suspicious targets found."

Card Xiu's face was filled with surprise as he reported. He tried his best to suppress his emotions, but the excitement in his voice could still be clearly heard.

The dark brown eyes were delicate and ice-cold, and Su Heiming couldn't hide the look of ecstasy on his face. He looked up to the sky and laughed: "Haha, God has blessed me! Once they get here, they can't escape from my grasp! Haha!" He suddenly lowered his head, his tone turned cold, and the murderous secret was revealed on his face: "Instruct us to go down and designate all the ministries to enter the blockade position immediately according to the original plan. The other card repairmen will rest for five hours. Five hours later, they will approach Qianhu City. There is no need to hide your formation, if you encounter teams along the way, no matter how big or small, shoot them without mercy!"

"Yes!" Ka Xiu responded solemnly.

Kashiu flew out of the dense forest like a tide. However, there seemed to be endless Kashiu in the forest. The densely packed card repairs can't be seen to the end. Although they looked tired, their morale was not low. After learning that they were approaching the foot of Qianhu City, all the card repairmen suddenly burst into astonishing cheers.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Su Heiming was very proud, but the smile on his face made people feel colder: "Haha, this old woman Jia Yingxia must have never thought that I would come to the city! Tsk tsk, it is said that the masters in Tiandongli District are almost They’re all gathered here. It’s better to catch them all in one go, saving me the trouble.”

His personal bodyguards, Zhu Hengmo, stood beside him, but they could not hide the excitement on their faces.

With this victory, there will be no more Frostyue Hanzhou from now on! This battle can be described as a shocking battle. It is a supreme honor to be able to participate in it and create it with your own hands.

Su Heiming smiled and said: "This [Jungle Pigeon] is really useful. If it weren't for this batch of [Jungle Pigeon] sent by Tang Hanpei, our casualties this time would be huge. Tang Hanpei is indeed an unparalleled hero!" Speaking of this , the proud look on his face faded a lot, and his eyes were complicated. It was indeed a blessing to have such a powerful ally, but it also made him feel uneasy.

When they arrived here, they no longer needed to hide their formation, and there was no way to hide their figures.

Hundreds of teams, hunting all living targets everywhere.

The Snow Silkworm Card Repair Group, Bagnell, Xiping and others stared closely at the light screen. They were always worried about their boss.

Ru Qiu burst into tears when she saw Jiao Si. Su Liu Cherou also looked nervous.

Suddenly, the measuring instrument in Jiang Liang's hand suddenly sounded, and he opened the light curtain.

"Report! Four hundred kilometers away, a large number of unknown card repairs were found!" The team member who reported the report had a trembling voice, obviously extremely panicked.

A bad premonition came to mind. Jiang Liang knew that his team members were very mentally capable. If they could panic them like this, the situation would undoubtedly be extremely bad.

But when he saw the light curtain next, he was completely shocked!

The Snow Silica Repair Group immediately entered an emergency alert state, and in the tactics room, Bagnell and Jiang Liang frowned.

"We haven't found out which force is the card repair yet." Jiang Liang pursed his lips tightly, with a rare trace of nervousness on his face. He spoke quickly: "But according to the intelligence from the front, the number of the opponent is less than 100,000. More than people!" This number made his heart tremble. This was the largest military operation since the establishment of the Federation.

"No need to check, I know who it is, huh, it's Su Heiming. Su Hanhao gave birth to a good son!" He pointed at the three-dimensional map illusion card in front of him and said in a deep voice: "He is under the guise of cleaning. The gathering of strength was completed in secret. Shuangyue Hanzhou was paralyzed and careless! They should have crossed the Dobinida Desert, then climbed over Tianheng Mountain, entered the snow forest of Tiandongli District, and then sneaked here from Tiandongli District! "

He snorted coldly: "Su Heiming's move was cruel enough, and the gamble was big enough! He put all his wealth on the line, and if he lost, there would be no chance to make a comeback. However, he made the right bet! All of us were He lied!"

Jiang Liang said in disbelief: "This is impossible! The distance between climbing over Tianheng Mountain and getting here must be no less than 60,000 kilometers. They don't have a coffin plate. How come..."

"Don't be superstitious about equipment! We may have a cassia plate, but why can't others have it?" Bagnell interrupted him. He seemed extremely calm at this time: "We need to seize the time. They will definitely rest and recuperate after a long march. . This is our last chance, we want them to rush out before they complete the encirclement! Otherwise, we will be buried with Shuangyue Hanzhou!"

"Where are we going?" Jiang Liang seemed to be affected and calmed down.

Bagnell's eyes desperately stared at the three-dimensional map illusion card, and he said: "It's not that easy to rush out. With Su Heiming's methods, he must have completed the defense at important locations. However, the time! It's so short. He must not be able to tie the mouth of the bag so tightly within the time! And we still have a killer, Mu Ziying! Our two teams, one inside and one outside, attack a point at the same time, and the chance of breakthrough is very high."

His eyes suddenly fixed on one point.

"Contact Xiao Bo and the others and ask them to immediately drop all their baggage and head towards Xueling Valley at full speed! Ambush outside the valley, remember not to attract the other party's attention."

"Snow Ridge Valley? The terrain of that place is too unfavorable for us!"

"That's why Su Heiming will not put a lot of card repairs there, and others will not choose this direction as a breakthrough. The larger the team, the easier it is to attract Su Heiming's attention, and the faster they will die! Go and notify Xiao Wave against them. The location where they are stationed is a certain distance away from Snow Ridge Valley. They have to arrive before the opponent completes their rest. Once the opponent completes their rest, they will start to tighten their pockets! Then there is only one way to fight to the death!" Bagnell With a solemn expression: "I'll contact the boss!"

"Understood!" Jiang Liang replied simply.

Bagnell dialed Chen Mu's communication card!


I have the flu, I hope it's not influenza A.

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