
Chapter 570 Breakout

What was the leader, Wuka Liu, saying all the time.

Weah said nothing and approached those people again.

Those without card traffic were even more panicked, and everyone showed a look of despair. Although they couldn't understand what they were saying, everyone could easily distinguish the desperation in their voices.

In the eyes of everyone, Weah is a strange person. He was taciturn, almost never speaking, and the expression on his face never changed. He is like Chen Mu's shadow. Wherever Chen Mu goes, he appears. His strength is unfathomable, and no one knows where his limit is. No one knows where he comes from, and no one knows where he learned his endlessly powerful no-card flow skills?

But he is so powerful that no one can ignore him.

His behavior seemed very strange now, but no one stopped him. Everyone here, except Chen Mu, is very afraid of Weah. Even masters like Nishizawa Jiaosi subconsciously kept a certain distance from him.

No one wants to conflict with him.

The massacre started again, Weah's expressionless face looked even colder, and he struck extremely ruthlessly. These no-card flows seemed to know that resistance was useless, and no one resisted. They also seemed to know that running away was useless, and there was no escape.

In this way, everyone watched Weah slaughter all the remaining ten people.

This kind of massacre was undoubtedly unbearable to watch, and every card repairer looked a little ugly. Qingqing opened her mouth several times to speak, but she still chose to keep her mouth shut. In everyone's mind, Weah's danger has risen sharply again.

"Weah, are you okay?" Chen Mu looked at Weah worriedly, and he noticed Weah's strange mood.

He knew Weah quite well. Weah was not a man who killed indiscriminately, but he never showed mercy to his enemies. There is only one situation that can allow him to do this - these cardless streams are all enemies! But Chen Mu also knew that there were no enemies in Federal Weah. There is no doubt that these people are Weah's former enemies!

Thinking about their language that he didn't understand, Chen Mu became more and more convinced of this speculation.

"Wood, come and take a look." Weah walked towards a corpse on the ground.

This is the body of Ka Xiu, and Weah's behavior attracted everyone's attention. They were curious about what Weah wanted to do.

Weah turned the body over, with its back facing up, and suddenly exerted force with his hands, and the muscles on the back of the body were immediately torn open by him.

Chen Mu's eyes were startled: "What is this?"

There is a small card in the muscles of the corpse, and there are many blood vessels growing on these cards. They are like tentacles, penetrating into various parts of the body of these cards.

Everyone was shocked! They had never seen anything like it! Even the devil girl showed a bit of shock in her eyes.

"Zhika?" Xize said with some surprise: "Isn't this a thing from the Mohadi Domain? When did Mr. Su join forces with the forces of the Mohadi Domain?"

Chen Mu took out the card from the corpse. This card was different from the cards he had seen before. The strange texture seemed to have no rules at all.

"Let's go, there's nothing interesting about this thing." Nishizawa continued: "I asked how these card repairmen can use air skills, and it turned out that they used this method. Huh, such a rush for quick success, I see how the boy Su will end up."

This was indeed not the time for research. Chen Mu put the card away and everyone flew forward again.

Without the enemy's obstruction, everyone flew at full speed and soon flew to the end of the Snow Ridge Valley. This time, it was still these card repair masters who were leading the charge. Xize, Jiao Si, Yang Shanfei, Fang Shi, Su, Qingqing, and Chen Mu himself were all arranged by him to rush to the front.

Everyone knew that the other party must be waiting for them at the entrance of the valley. But at this time, the situation between the two sides has completely reversed.

Large-scale battles and small-scale battles are completely different things. Take cards as an example. Large-scale teams will generally be equipped with cards such as energy shuttles and beams. These cards have a range advantage, and when a staggering number of these cards are fired in a salvo, no one is immune. But if you have a small team, the configuration will be more abundant, including long-range, melee and auxiliary types.

The two have different distance requirements.

But now, the distance between the two sides has narrowed. Only in close-range melees or dogfights can card repair masters like Nishizawa exert their greatest combat effectiveness.

Chai Jun stayed at the mouth of the valley in a leisurely manner.

He was extremely proud of his arrangement. The opponent's rain of fire and sniper card repairs gave him a huge headache. No matter which team, they would feel a headache if they encountered such card repairs head-on. This battle had just begun, and he didn't want to lose a lot of men right now, so he used this move. The rain of fire and the opponent's sniper card repair will be affected by the complex and narrow environment in the valley.

The most important thing is that he won't be sad if those without cards die.

Even if the opponent can break out of the canyon, they will definitely suffer heavy casualties. Wouldn't it be easy for me to wait for work at the mouth of the canyon?

But when he saw the enemies rushing out of Xueleng Valley, he was a little stunned. There was no trace of a tragic battle that they had just experienced on their faces.

Maybe he is not an excellent commander, but he is a qualified commander. Without having time to think about the reason, he opened his mouth and was about to give the order to attack.

However, what he never expected was that these people would all disappear!

That’s right, it just disappears!

There were all kinds of tactical regulations in the education and training he received, but none of them said what to do in this situation.

This cannot be blamed on him, nor on those who wrote the tactical regulations. They were just an ordinary squadron, and no one would expect an ordinary squadron to be able to withstand enemies like Caesar and Jiao Si.

Chai Jun can get to this point because his combat effectiveness is not weak. He is a seventh-level card repairer!

His reaction was not slow, but when he realized what was going on, these people had already appeared in his team.

The blood on his face faded completely in an instant!

A massacre begins!

Chen Mu used [Bipolar Card]. Although [Eternal Night] was powerful, he was more familiar with [Bipolar Card].

As soon as he entered the group of card cultivators, he used all his strength!

Countless small black and white beads appeared, the pure black as rich as the night, and the pure white without any flaws, intertwined with each other, and a black and white world with a deep flavor of chess appeared.

[Chess Cage Thousand Cuts]!

Light beams as small as hair strands intertwined into a huge, complex and gorgeous light cage. For Ka Xiu in the light cage, a very thin line of blood appeared on all of their vital organs!

Under the control of the seventh-level perception, coupled with the zero-form state, the power of [Chess Cage Thousand Cuts] is improved in all aspects!

There were enemies all around, and Xize didn't have any scruples. The huge bloody moon-shaped light slash dyed the sky red! Under the brutal murderous intent, what followed immediately was trembling in the depths of the soul and boundless fear.

【Beng Yue】!

The bright red moon-shaped light slash like blood began to crack little by little, and spider web-like cracks appeared on the moon-shaped light slash. Nishizawa's unique violent aura seemed to spurt out from these cracks!

With him as the center, within a radius of one hundred meters, the energy suddenly became violent!

Every card repairman’s expression changed drastically! They could clearly feel the violent agitation of the energy cards in their hands.

At this moment, the crescent moon-like bloody light slash in front of Caesar completely collapsed!


The measuring instruments in the hands of Kaxiu within a hundred meters around him exploded at the same time! Dozens of extremely blazing flames appeared in the sky, and the shock wave of the explosion spread around like a tsunami.

Jiao Si didn't hold back either.

[Original Yanpoka] has been in his hands for a long time, how could he not kill it?


The fire swallows swimming around him suddenly split into two, then into four... like magic.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of fire swallows appeared around him. These fire swallows gathered into a sea of ​​fire and swept towards the enemy.

And the others are also killing at full speed!

Almost in an instant, the 76th Squadron was hit hard!

In addition to the loss in numbers, more importantly, the blow to morale was huge, and the opponent's attack rhythm had been completely disrupted. Chai Jun was targeted by Su from the very beginning, and the end could be imagined. The 76th Squadron, which lost its commander, became even more chaotic.

The others who had been prepared for a long time immediately took advantage of the situation and rushed out. This time, the most idle people were the members of the Snow Silkworm Card Repair Group. The card repairmen of the [Threaded Sniper Shuttle] department are still carrying out precise attacks, while the card repairmen of the [Oudi Burning] department can only watch from a distance. Their flames are ranged attacks, and they do not distinguish between friend and foe, so they are not suitable for the current situation. .

However, the more than 400 card cultivators accompanying the team showed their special abilities and fought fiercely.

In the shuttle car, Bagnell looked at the image coming from the light screen and finally breathed a sigh of relief: "The overall situation has been decided."

The enemy's numbers were decreasing dramatically, and routs finally began to occur. When one person ran away, he set an example for others, and those desert camp card repairmen who had seen something bad collapsed.

Chen Mu called to those Kaxiu who were preparing to pursue the victory, they also needed to run away! They want to stay far away from this war quagmire before Su Heiming reacts!

Everyone went at full speed, racing all the way!

I was afraid that if I ran too slowly, I would be caught up by the desert camp behind me.

An hour later, they met Mu Ziying who was heading this way.

Seeing that Chen Mu was safe and sound, Xiao Bo and Sang Hanshui breathed a sigh of relief, and the escape team expanded. When Chen Mu and the others arrived at the camp where they were stationed before Muzi Camp, the transport shuttle that had been prepared for a long time also joined the team. A huge fleeing army was formed!

Facts have proved that Bagnell's judgment was correct. Su Heiming did not send a team to pursue him. To him, Chen Mu was just an insignificant little fish. The people in Qianhu City were the feast he wanted!

However, this defeat also dealt a small blow to the proud Su Heiming. Not only did it increase the defensive power of Xueleng Valley, it also made him re-examine his strategy, especially his attitude towards non-Shuangyue Hanzhou Kaxiu.

He changed his previous strategy of only killing but not surrendering. Instead, he allowed the non-Shuangyue Hanzhou Kaxiu to surrender and treated them favorably, further dividing the various people in Qianhu City.

Poor Shuangyue Hanzhou, the situation became even worse because of Chen Mu and the others' breakout.

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