
Chapter 582 Cold Crystal Storm

Qianhu City has fallen!

The news swept through the Commonwealth like a hurricane.

Except for a handful of card repairmen who succeeded in breaking through, the other card repairmen all became funerary objects in this ancient city. The two legions that Jiayingxia had high hopes for were stubbornly blocked by the two legions belonging to Moying and did not bring any trouble to Su Heiming. The desperate Shuangyue Hanzhou card cultivators launched a frenzied resistance and counterattack, which brought serious casualties to the desert camp. Su Heiming, in a rage, ordered a massacre of the city after conquering Qianhu City!

The thousand-year-old city was reduced to ruins. No one was left alive, no matter whether they were card repairmen or ordinary people.

Everyone in the federation was shocked!

Those bloody scenes were transmitted to every corner of the federation through the illusion collection platform. Su Heiming's brutality immediately aroused fear and crusade across the federation.

Only then did people remember that there was another massacre not too far away. Unlike Su Heiming, Tang Hanpei's bright image has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and when this old incident was uncovered, Tang Hanpei's image in the hearts of the people also plummeted. Even Tang Hanpei didn't expect that the unstoppable expansion momentum, which was originally like a tide, was also curbed. Under pressure from all sides, Tang Hanpei simply stopped advancing and reorganized on the spot.

Su Heiming held the power of victory and swept across the entire Tiandongli District with thunderous momentum. No one could stop him. The core strength of Shuangyue Hanzhou was almost uprooted. The forces in various places in Shuangyue Hanzhou, which lacked command, collapsed in front of Su Heiming's army. And Su Heiming's reputation for cruelty was enough to make those local forces lose the courage to fight. The desert camp army seemed to be in an uninhabited land, and wherever it went, powerful men from all over the country surrendered.

The cunning and ferocious Su Heiming is extremely shrewd. Every surrendering force must bring his Kaxiu to join the army.

In this way, Su Heiming's team grew stronger and stronger like a snowball. Almost all the card cultivators in Tiandongli District were brought under Su Heiming's command. His strength quickly surpassed Tang Hanpei and became the number one person in the federation! His style was cruel and ruthless, and he would massacre the city at every turn when faced with the slightest resistance. Under the high pressure, everyone was frightened and did not dare to disobey.

All the experts agree that the two regions will usher in a brutal ruler! What people are worried about is, when Su Heiming completes his occupation of Tiandongli District, will he stop?


So who will be the next one?

At Gray Layer Base, Chen Mu and Bagnell were reading the intelligence summary sent from Dongwei Base. Lan Feng is now responsible for collecting intelligence at the Dongwei base. Every once in a while, she will summarize the major events that happened in the federation during this period, and then send it to Chen Muna through special channels.

Everyone at the top of the base knew about Gray Layer's establishment of a base, which greatly excited everyone. Xi Ping was busy, organizing manpower and preparing to enter the gray layer in the shortest possible time. As for the jamming equipment needed to develop the large cracks in the gray layer, all the jamming equipment was handed over to the jamming department led by Alfonso and Kirkley. The team led by Chen Mu was the only team known to have successfully broken through, so their actions naturally attracted attention. Coupled with the continuous publicity of the low-fantasy platform some time ago, the Dongwei Base has become a paradise far away from the center of the war.

A large number of card repairmen continue to pour into the base every day, hoping to obtain residency rights. As the population continues to increase, the development of the base encounters many problems. The most serious one is the funding problem. A large number of defense devices like Starfish Castle require a lot of money, and recruiting new card repairmen also requires a lot of money...

There are too many places where money is needed in the entire base. Even though the base family is rich, Xi Ping still feels that it is stretched. The establishment of the Great Fissure Base can gain astonishing wealth, and can also put the development of the base into a high-speed development lane.

However, Chen Mu did not intend to wait for the second batch of card cultivators to arrive. He left some of the card cultivators to Lu Xiaoru and Yizhimei, while he led the other card cultivators and set off again while the sandstorm had just passed.

Fortunately, there is [Qianli], so as long as there are no sandstorms, we can contact you very conveniently.

The monotonous terrain, monotonous sky, everything around is so monotonous, which makes the march so monotonous and boring that it is almost crazy.

During the thirty days of continuous march, they encountered no other dangers except for the sandstorm that occurred once every seven days. Everyone seems to have become lazy. There are no living creatures here and there is no need to worry about being attacked. Although due to disciplinary reasons, daily surveillance and reconnaissance continued, it was obvious that everyone was slacking off. The team was silent, and everyone seemed too lazy to say anything.

Chen Mu didn't have a good solution for this. But in order to prevent everyone from being too lazy, they simply started a long training session.

On the tenth day after he left the Great Rift Base, the second group of people had arrived at the Great Rift Base, and development work was in full swing. This time even Burna, the chief construction repairman, came to the Great Rift Base in person. He will be responsible for presiding over the expansion and improvement work here.

For safety reasons, Chen Mu built communication towers wherever there were water sources along the way and left garrison personnel behind. This way they can maintain uninterrupted contact. In this vast and desolate wasteland, contact is the first thing they need to consider.

"Damn, it's so boring. When will this kind of life end?" Some members of the team cursed.

"Who knows?" The companion on the side said feebly: "Every day is training, and I'm going crazy. I heard other people say what happened to the gray layer, but if you ask me, this is where birds don't lay eggs!"

"Who says it's not? After walking for so long, I didn't even see a root of grass. I eat nutrients every day, and the smell of birds fades out of my mouth."

At this moment, Ka Xiu, who was complaining, accidentally glanced at the horizon in the distance and suddenly froze.

"This place is really weird. There are so many treasures, but not even a single person can be seen. As a result, I am not as excited as seeing a living thing when I see those priceless treasures. I dare say, it is like a living thing now. There is a Tushirosaurus in front of us, and half of the team didn't even think about it. They just rushed up and clicked it! Let's have another delicious meal of meat." The team member smacked his lips and fantasized. The taste of roasted meat. He was completely unaware of how terrifying the Tushir dragon he was talking about was.

"Hey, look, what is that?" The companions around him didn't say anything, but pointed to the horizon.

"What? Then, what is that..."

In the distance, where the sky and the earth meet, a bright blue light shines.

The blue light was like paint dripping on absorbent paper, spreading across the sky at an alarming speed.

This strangeness immediately attracted the attention of Chen Mu and others. The devil goddess walking at the front looked stunned. She obviously had not encountered such a situation.

"Cold...cold crystal storm!" Bagnell exclaimed from behind Chen Mu with a trembling voice filled with deep fear.

Chen Mu's face changed, and he turned around. Bagnell's face was ashen, staring at the blue sky that was sweeping towards this direction!

For the first time in thirty days, a shrill siren sounded among the team.

Bagnell suddenly came back to his senses, his eyes widened, and he roared: "Hide! Quick! Everyone hide quickly! Fortifications, fortifications!"

His roar woke up the bewildered team members, and there was a sudden uproar among the team. Bagnell's terrible expression made everyone realize that something was wrong. Everyone is like a tide, flowing towards the cliffs on both sides of the big crack. The person is still in mid-air, and everyone is firing on all cylinders!

In order to avoid sandstorms these days, everyone has quite a lot of experience in how to open a cave on the cliff that can accommodate the body.

The explosions were as dense as fried beans, and smoke and dust suddenly flew up, covering the large crack.

Without saying a word, Chen Mu hit the cliff with his gloved right hand. Boom! There was a dull impact, and a spiderweb-like crack appeared on the cliff. He gently stepped aside, and tapped a few times next to the crack in the spider web. After a few taps, the gravel at the crack spewed out from the cliff as if it was being squeezed by strong force.

In the blink of an eye, a deep cave was formed. Without saying a word, Chen Mu took Bagnell and got into the cave. The card cultivators around him couldn't help but look envious. Although they were all equipped with energy gloves, the only one who could exert its power was Chen Mu. Since they did not encounter wild beasts and the card planting mentioned by Weah did not start, they could only use part of the functions of this pair of gloves.

Weah felt that the wild beasts near the Dongwei base were not ferocious enough to meet the requirements for card planting, so he didn't know that he didn't encounter a living creature when he entered the gray layer.

However, although they cannot exert the power of the energy gloves, they are still powerful card repairers, and they are more than enough to open holes.

The huge team just now disappeared in the blink of an eye. They all crawled into the cave like moles.

Weah looked at the gradually fading blue on the horizon, with a rare wave of color on his dull face. He only glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze, and looked over in a blink of an eye, just in time to see Chen Mu carrying Bagnell into the hole. He no longer hesitated, carrying little Bu Mo, and easily got into the hole.

"No, boss, this intensity is not enough!" Bagnell looked horrifying, and in a short period of time, his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. The devil woman did not choose to find a hiding place by herself this time, but chose to follow Chen Mu into the cave.

Seeing Bagnell's frightened look, Chen Mu sighed in his heart and said softly: "I know, but we don't have time. The alder plate has been destroyed, and they have no time to escape." He did not expect that he would also You will encounter what Bagnell calls a cold crystal storm. Ever since Bagnell said it last time, he had been worried about encountering it, but he didn't expect it to happen.

Bagnell's face turned white.

Looking through the cave entrance, the originally gray air seemed to be dyed with a layer of blue. Chen Mu opened his [Qianlika] and notified the Great Rift Base to let them prepare in advance.

Seeing Chen Mu's calm and methodical response, Bagnell's expression softened a lot.

At this moment, the cold crystal storm came!

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