
Chapter 588 Dongwei

The energy card produced was beyond Chen Mu's expectation, so it was difficult for him to determine how many stars this energy card was. However, he quickly put aside this academic question, which really didn't make much sense here.

With so much time, he might as well train.

The energy of this energy card is far beyond his imagination. He must not have to worry about energy cards for a long time. This means that he can resume normal training. Some time ago, due to insufficient energy cards, he gave up regular training because it required consuming energy. He could only practice some training of the no-card flow, but Weah was not around, and the Devil Girl's training method was not suitable for his physical condition.

He can only be regarded as an ordinary air skill, which is okay for scaring Ka Xiu. If used on these extremely fierce beasts, it can only tickle them. Chen Mu had tried it before, and the sharp air slash landed on the Spiny Rhinoceros without leaving even a white mark.

The devil woman said directly that he was not strong enough. If it were Weah, I believe it would not be too much trouble. These hurtful words did not discourage Chen Mu. Weah has long been invincible in his heart. Moreover, later on, relying on his own mind, the two of them grinded the rhinoceros to death, which made him excited for a long time.

Although they did not have much flexibility in tactics due to the small number of people, Chen Mu still discovered the value of tactics.

Even if you know some things, if you haven't actually used them, you often won't remember them when you are in danger.

The Devil Girl is not a hypocritical person. If you don't understand, you just don't understand. She very smartly hands over the command to Chen Mu, and plays a supporting role more often.

Chen Mu was in a great mood after completing the energy card. The most important problem was solved. In Baiyuan, only those who can fight can survive. The products here are very poor, the survival of every creature is very difficult, and the fighting between each other is also extremely cruel.

His heart moved and he said to the devil woman: "Show me your Star Vine."

The devil girl looked at him with some confusion, but still handed the Tianxing Vine to Chen Mu. After these days of mutual support, a kind of inner trust quietly grew between the two.

After receiving the Star Vine, Chen Mu began to scan it with perception. These days, he has become much more proficient in using perception. This scan allowed him to make many new discoveries. There are many natural fine meridians in this Star Vine, and the Devil Woman's last treatment made these fine meridians more prominent.

It is indeed a natural jamming device!

Those fine meridians are natural textures, and they are filled with a strange energy. It should be its own energy, which is equivalent to the energy card of a mechanical device. The way Devil Girl uses it consumes very little energy, which allows it to be used for a long time.

It is difficult for Chen Mu to modify a natural jamming weapon like the Star Vine. He has no way to modify the fine network that grows inside the Star Vine. Maybe he will be able to find a solution in the future, but for now he can only give up.

Give the Sky Star Vine to the Devil Woman again.

Ten days later.

"We need to leave here." Chen Mu said.

The devil girl responded hummingly. These days, almost everything that can be eaten here falls into their stomachs, and now only the tough and hopeless guys like Shadow Bee are left. Moreover, these creatures are now full of fear of the two of them and are extremely alert.

The two of them acted very cautiously, preparing a large amount of water and even packing up all the materials that Chen Mu thought would be needed. The two men were moving forward very slowly. In this dangerous place, no one could be too careful.

Find a new camp, work hard to survive, and compete for food from other creatures. Life is monotonous and boring, without any color. What you need to face every day is the most direct and naked battle and killing. They don't see any effort

The vast, flat land is eternally gray, with no end in sight.

Bagnell's pupils had no focus, and it was his biggest habit to stare at the vast horizon outside the window every day.

As the most responsible person in charge of military affairs at Dongwei Base, he was supposed to return to Dongwei Base and take charge of various affairs. But he refused to leave the Great Crack Base no matter what, and chose to stay in the gray layer. Xi Ping and others were helpless about his decision. However, because he personally guarded the Great Fissure Base, the construction project here developed rapidly. The Great Fissure Base is now an indispensable part of the Dongwei Base. It is precisely because it continuously provides various rare materials that has greatly promoted the development of the Dongwei Base in recent years.

In addition, the Great Rift Base is also the most important training ground in the Dongwei Base, and the team members will be transferred here for later training.

After two years of development, the current Dongwei base has become an emerging force, and people usually call it Dongwei. Dongwei has kept a low profile in recent years, but no one dares to doubt their strength, especially the Hunter Group, which was adapted from the Snow Silkworm Card Repair Group, and is even more famous. Compared with Tang Hanpei's newly established Tang Shou Camp, which also uses energy gloves as its main weapon, they have more weight.

In the past two years, the situation in the Federation has not only not improved, but has become even more chaotic. The two overlords Tang Hanpei and Su Heiming are still at the top of their game, but the alliance between the other four of the Six Major Families and Faya can barely stop the two. The battles between the legions also became more and more intense. The two legions of Moying and Wei Yueqing's first legion were jointly strangled by several other legions. The fighting was so fierce that it far exceeded people's expectations.

According to incomplete statistics, within two years, approximately seventy-five cities have been wiped off the map, including six large cities, and countless people have died.

The five major Chinese districts that were once prosperous and desirable have become war meat grinding grounds. Frightened and desperate people have moved their families out of the Chinese districts and flocked to Puju District. This also includes many card repair groups. How can the card repairmen who poured out from China be willing to surrender to the rural landowners who they looked down upon in the past?

Their arrival has also escalated the fighting in Puju District.

Compared with other places, Dongwei Base is simply a paradise. Nowadays, countless people come here every day. Although the area of ​​the Dongwei base has been expanded by about twenty-five times than before, it is still difficult to meet the living requirements of such a large number of people. Therefore, after the decision of Dongwei's top brass, the Muzi Battalion was dispatched to clean up the surrounding area to form a larger vacuum zone.

Many people who were unable to obtain the right to live in the Dongwei base spontaneously settled in this vacuum zone. Dongwei Base does not interfere with their daily life and is organized and managed by them, but it is administratively a vassal of Dongwei Base. These spontaneously formed towns are called satellite cities.

Due to its good public security and outstanding reputation, Dongshang Acropolis has become the most prosperous large city in the entire federation, and its area has expanded ten times compared to before. It has the largest trade market in the entire federation, and it is a paradise for card makers and card equipment experts. Here, card mechanics experts have a status that is no less than that of card makers, which attracts many card mechanics experts to invest.

The Dongwei base is so fat, so how come no one is coveting it?

But the Dongwei base proved their power with their actions. Mu Ziying and the Hunter Regiment have experienced more than twenty battles in the past two years without any defeat, which shocked Xiao Xiao.

Several black dots appeared in Bagnell's field of vision. These black dots moved extremely fast. They appeared in front of the base almost in the blink of an eye. Bagnell didn't need to guess to know that it was Weah. In the past two years, Weah would always leave the base with Xiao Bumo, Su, Yang Shanfei and others, and they would often disappear for many days. When he comes back, he will always bring many things, such as planting cards. No one knew where they went, and Weah never told them. The success of the Snow Silkworm card repair group was all due to Weah bringing in cards again and again.

Although we don't know where Weah got the plant cards from, everyone has long been accustomed to their frequent disappearances.

"Finally back." Yang Shanfei, who had just returned to his room, could no longer hold back and let out a satisfied groan.

Su shook the dust from his hair, and his dark golden mask was also covered with a layer of fine dust. He smiled bitterly and said, "I can finally take a shower. I've been feeling very uncomfortable these past few days."

"Take a bath?" Yang Shanfei muttered: "I just want to take a good nap now. Weana's pervert is really not a human being! Now it's better, even Xiao Bumo has become a pervert! After running so far, he still looks like a normal person .”

"That pervert Weah..." Even Su, who was usually very polite to everyone, couldn't help but curse.

"Haha!" Yang Shanfei was stunned, looking at Su like an alien, and suddenly burst into laughter: "Haha! I didn't expect that you would also curse people one day."

Su's movements on his hands froze, and then he laughed.

Laughing and laughing, the two people's voices became smaller and smaller, and after a while, they became completely quiet.

"Su, when do you think we can leave here?" Yang Shanfei suddenly raised his head and asked.

Su sighed softly: "Unless Chen Mu comes back, Weah will not let us leave."

"Damn Weah!" Yang Shanfei couldn't help but gritted his teeth. Ever since Chen Mu disappeared in the storm, Weah would ask the two of them to accompany him every time he wanted to travel far away. Every time they met his indifferent gaze, the two of them felt numb. Once, Yang Shanfei was driven crazy and refused to go. As a result, he was almost killed by Weah. From then on, the two of them responded to Weah's requests.

In fact, they also knew that due to Chen Mu's absence, their presence was a serious security risk for the entire Great Rift Base. Therefore, Weah would take them with him every time he went out to avoid any emergencies happening to the two of them when he was away.

However, traveling with Weah was not a pleasant act. Weah was like a machine, never tired, he could travel long distances for days and nights, in fact, he often did. Even flying behind him, the two of them felt miserable. In particular, Weah used to worry about little Bu Mo's lack of physical strength, but now little Bu Mo is also approaching Weah's perverted template, with incredible physical strength, and Su and Yang Shanfei's situation is even worse.

The two fell into silence again.

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