
Chapter 591 Response Plan (2)

"In addition, we also made some auxiliary measures in April last year. These tasks were carried out by Captain Xi Rui."

The former Snow Silkworm Card Repair Group was reorganized into the Hunter Group, and some minor internal adjustments were also made. Since Lu Xiaoru was responsible for the affairs of the Great Crack Base, the previous security team of the Snow Silkworm Card Repair Group was led by Xi Ruiyi, with Heta as his deputy, and Wu Yu and Chu Le were also under their banner. They were the first group of card cultivators to follow Chen Mu, and they were also the first card cultivators to come into contact with the snow pit method. Their strength has long since changed. Even in the Dongwei base where experts are like Lin, their strength can also enter the top 100. Wu Yu and Chu Le are already strong physically, and they are even more terrifying after planting cards. With the addition of energy gloves, their combat power is amazing.

Li Duhong likes to find two people to spar with each other the most, and he enjoys it every time.

After the card was transplanted, Xi Ruiyi was not much different from before. He still wore thin-rimmed glasses and had a gentle look on his face. He looked like one of those civil servants without any fighting ability. But no one here will be deceived by this guy's appearance. Xi Ruiyi was able to overpower several others to become the captain. In addition to his flexible mind, his personal combat effectiveness was also quite strong. Different from Karasuba Chule's tough style, his fighting style is sinister and vicious, and he is known as the most unpopular sparring partner.

Xi Ruiyi stood up, adjusted his glasses habitually, and coughed: "In September last year, when our hunter group was out training, we encountered some very interesting creatures, which caused us some trouble. . Miss Su Liu Cherou once asked us to bring back some specimens when encountering interesting creatures to facilitate future research. So we captured some and brought them back."

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on Su Liu Cherou again.

In this team, Su Liu Cherou's status is very special. As the head of the medical department, she is a true core member and her opinions are valued by everyone. Of course, there seemed to be some subtle relationship between her and her boss, and everyone understood it. As for whether this relationship really exists, no one has verified it. Moreover, she combines beauty, wisdom, and kindness. She has treated countless card repairers and is deeply loved by everyone.

Seeing everyone's eyes falling on her, Su Liu Cherou took the initiative to speak: "This is a special kind of insect. They have amazing reproductive capabilities. The reproduction cycle is two weeks, especially when they are symbiotic with a kind of vine plant." Under certain conditions, their reproductive capacity will increase about twenty times. And the enzymes they secrete can effectively promote the growth of this vine."

After a pause, she added: "The leaves of this vine can release neurotoxic gases with complex components, which are fatal."

There was a chorus of gasps in the conference room.

Xi Rui adjusted his glasses again and said softly: "We named this kind of insect S. sangria. They are no more than thirty centimeters in size. They move quickly and the bite force of their sheath teeth is amazing. They have They are highly aggressive and usually act in groups. Our experiments have found that when their number exceeds two hundred, they can easily kill the two-legged beasts. So far, we have not found any meat that they don't like, including human meat. "

Many people in the conference room looked very ugly.

Xi Ruiyi seemed not to have seen it, and the smile on his face became gentler: "In view of the characteristics of S. sangria, after we discovered it, we immediately released mulberries in the jungles bordering the Greater China District and Puju District. Sheathworm and its symbiotic vine seeds."

Xi Rui sat down with a smile, but in the eyes of many people, the smile on his face was so cold.

Jiang Liang had a straight face and an unsmiling look. He looked around and continued his speech: "Three months ago, we conducted a special survey of these release sites. So far, the growth conditions of both Slephia sangii and Symbiotic Vine have been very good. Very good. Although it has not been able to form a complete isolation zone due to the short time of deployment, if the enemy wants to break through the jungle and enter the generally populated area, it will pay a corresponding price."

On the wall of the conference room, a map of the entire federation appeared.

"So far, we have successfully implemented the planned plan and successfully cut off the connection between the Hua District and the Puju District." Jiang Liang's face was calm and his voice was sonorous and powerful: "The high-explosive weapon produced by the Mechanical Equipment Department Sexual jamming can completely destroy the long shuttle train passage. The damaged passage cannot be repaired and can only be rebuilt. According to Mr. Burna's calculations, the shortest passage will take a minimum of two years if it is rebuilt."

"In addition, we have also established a large number of observation posts in the bordering jungles. If the opponent breaks through the jungle, we will receive an alert as soon as possible."

"Due to the corresponding expectations, the expansion work of the Muzi Camp and the Hunter Regiment is proceeding smoothly, and all the set goals have been achieved."

"The above is the established plan formulated by our staff department." Jiang Liang bowed to everyone and sat down neatly.

Warm applause erupted in the conference room, and everyone immediately felt more at ease. The fact that these plans were formulated two years ago is enough to show how much thought the staff put into it.

Bagnell and Xi Ping looked at each other, and they both stood up with solemn expressions. Everyone stood up with a shudder in their hearts.

"From now on, the East Guard Base has entered a wartime state!"

How can the Dongwei Base cover people's ears with such a big move? The connection between the Puju District and the Chinese District was cut off, which immediately caused huge panic in the Federation. No one thought that Dongwei Base would dare to do this!

This move by the Dongwei Base can be described as pulling out all the stops. The Chinese and Puju districts were divided, and the effects were completely different. The five major Chinese districts were originally in chaos, and their connection with the Puju District was cut off, turning them into a cage. There are several beasts in the cage. After a fight, only the one who survives can get out of the cage. The Puju District is much wider than the Chinese District. Although it is not as developed as the Chinese District, it does not have too powerful forces. All twelve legions of the military also stay in the Chinese District. This slight push from Dongwei pushed everyone in the Chinese District into the abyss of war.

The only one who has the weight to be an enemy of the Eastern Wei is Faya.

However, because Faya was involved in the battle in the Chinese District, a considerable part of their strength was in the Chinese District. Now that the passage was suddenly cut off, their remaining strength in the Puju District was simply not enough to fight against the Eastern Wei.

Dongwei's intention is obvious.

Sure enough, the very next day, the two main forces of the East Guard began to move efficiently.

Dongwei first announced that it would take over the entire eastbound zone, and this process encountered no obstacles. They have been operating in the Eastbound District for two full years, and all opposition forces have long been eliminated by them.

Soon, various forces in the five districts bordering the Eastbound District immediately announced that they would submit to the management of Dongwei and actively requested Dongwei to send people to take over.

The entire federation's attention was attracted by Dongwei's series of actions.

Sanchez shouted at the top of his lungs: "Check your card packets, check your meters, complete the assembly within three minutes!

No one thought that Sanchez, who had learned nursing skills to make a living, would one day become the captain of a team. Sanchez is limited by his talent and age, and his combat effectiveness is only average in Muzi Camp. However, his diligent study spirit and calm personality still allowed him to beat the crowd and become the captain of the first team.

After the expansion of Muzi Camp, it had twenty brigades, each with 500 people, led by Sang Hanshui and Xiao Bo.

Before Chen Mu entered the path window, he left the card-making equipment at the base. Because there are enough cards, the expansion of the wooden camp is much easier and faster than that of the hunter group. In the past two years, an astonishing number of card repairmen have defected to the Dongwei base. The best ones are selected and filled into the Muzi camp.

With the financial resources of Dongwei Base, it can support more professional combatants, but under Bagnell's suppression, the number of Muzi Camp is only 10,000. In addition, there are two thousand people in the Youth Guard.

Ten thousand people are really pitiful in this chaotic era. Thinking about the hundreds of thousands of troops in the desert camp, ten thousand is just a fraction of the opponent's.

But no one will underestimate these ten thousand people. Tang Hanpei doesn't know it, and neither does Su Heiming!

The entry threshold for the Dongwei Base is already quite high, and those who can be selected are all masters among masters. The most outrageous thing is the first team led by Raphael. It is said that among the 500 people in the first team, there are 122 seventh-level card repairmen. The other team members are almost all at the sixth level and are about to break through the seventh level. .

One of the extremely important reasons for this is the promotion of the snow pit method. The snow pit method created by Chen Mu has been promoted with great efforts, and many forces have been secretly spying on it in recent years. However, the complete snow pit method, in addition to the techniques created by Chen Mu, also includes a complete set of medical protection techniques. This part was continuously summarized and improved by Su Liu Cherou.

The snow pit method is famous, which is one of the reasons why masters rush to join it.

Sanchez is the captain of the 15th Brigade. There are not that many seventh-level Kaxiu in his team, but there are still 76 people. In Muzi Camp, only card repairmen who have broken through the seventh level can freely choose cards. But despite this, there are still many card repairers who choose Muziying’s standard cards. The standard cards of Muziying have excellent performance and are deeply loved by the team members.

Sanchez looked as usual. He had been the captain for some time and was no longer timid. Ever since the two general managers announced that the base had entered wartime status yesterday, he knew that the order would come soon. His family was the first batch of residents to be moved into the base. Now the life of the whole family is very good. He is a simple and honest man and is devoted to the base.

He was confident in the strength of his brigade and also in the staff. One of the important reasons why he can serve as captain is his excellent tactical command ability. For this reason, he was specially selected to go to the staff department for a period of further training. He knew very well how powerful the guys in the staff headed by Jiang Liang were.

In less than a minute, the team had assembled. Their usual training is extremely strict and arduous, with frequent training and actual combat. They are even ordered to go to very far away places to clear out certain violent organizations. The Kaxiu who can be selected are masters with rich actual combat experience. In the past two years, after more rigorous training and actual combat, they have become stronger!

Five hundred people formed a neat square formation, and there was silence. An indescribable murderous aura filled the air.

In an instant, Sanchez was filled with pride!

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