
Chapter 597 In the name of the murderer (2)

"Kill them!" Sir Emer's face turned pale after being stimulated. Under the huge panic, he completely collapsed and shouted hysterically.

The military orders were like mountains, and although they were frightened, the city guards immediately launched an attack.

The reason why Mendelsonburg was able to maintain its independence was directly related to Sir Emer's having a well-trained city guard. This place is located on the outer level of Baiyuan, and all the Rouke who can be recruited into the city guard army have extraordinary skills.

Rou Ke, who majored in bows and slingshots, attacked first. Bows and arrows and slingshots are Rouke's main long-range attack weapons, and there are a large number of Roukers who specialize in these two types of weapons. Rondoqi and Hofen are the best among them. Rondoqi is the bow commander of the city guard, and Hofen is the slingshot commander.

Chen Mu, who was running at high speed, suddenly looked up. He felt that many senses were trying to lock onto him.

Among them, two senses are the most powerful. These two senses are much stronger than Zara's senses. They are the most powerful senses he has ever seen in Baiyuan Mansion. If calculated based on the federal grading system, these two perceptions should be able to reach level six.

This surprised him.

Based on his understanding of Rou Ke, Rou Ke does not have much need for perception. They rely more on physical strength, so perception is their weakness. But he was actually able to meet Rou Ke whose perception exceeded level six, which immediately made him a little cautious.

His figure became erratic and strange, and the steps under his feet kept changing.

"Cover shot!"

Rondoch's deputy roared angrily, and he temporarily took charge of the command.

Rondoch is tall and strong. His expression was solemn, and his eyes were fixed on Chen Mu, who was like a ball of shadow. His left hand held a huge bow and arrow that almost reached his shoulder, and his right hand held three blood-red arrows on the bow.

Beside him, the short Huofen stared at the devil girl Zara with a cold face, holding a small silver slingshot in his left hand and putting his right hand in the bag on his waist.

Except for the two, all the other bow and arrow masters released their attacks at the same time.


The shrill howl made people's scalp numb, and it rained down on the two of them like raindrops.

What a speed! Chen Mu was a little surprised. The speed of these arrows was not inferior to the energy body released by Ka Xiu. If he was hit, his body would be pierced immediately. His eyes were sharp, and he could even see clearly that the tips of these arrows were blue, obviously contaminated with poison.

No wonder Baiyuan Mansion has been contending with the Federation for so long. Only today did he truly understand the power of Baiyuan Mansion's Rou Ke. Compared with the Nine-Tailed Bandit Group, the quality of these soft guests is obviously higher.

He shrunk, and his right arm was protected by a lotus blade and leaf shield in front of him.

Although the archers were unable to lock onto his figure, the arrows rained heavily, and several arrows still hit Chen Mu's Lotus Blade Leaf Shield.


The five arrows hit at the same time, creating only a collision sound, and the impact of the five arrows merged into a more powerful and terrifying impact.

The power coming from the shield made Chen Mu's body stagnate.


His face was still indifferent, but he was secretly speechless. The power of each arrow is enough to penetrate an ordinary three-star energy shield. With the five roots brought together, even someone as strong as Chen Mu would inevitably be affected. What made him even more awe-inspiring was the consistency of these bows and arrows. Five arrows were able to hit him at the same time. It was really terrifying!

On the city wall, Andre's eyes were fixed on the Lotus Blade Leaf Shield in Chen Mu's hand. He was born in the Shield Blade style, and it felt really strange to see the treasure of his style in the hands of others.

Just as Chen Mu's body froze, the Long Duo's strange tiger eyes on the city wall suddenly erupted into two groups of brilliant lights. No one saw clearly how he drew the huge bow in his hand.


The sound of bow strings burst out like spring thunder, and three stunning red lights remained in everyone's field of vision!

The moment Long Duoqi's perception locked onto him, Chen Mu, who was in Type Zero state, noticed it. The fighting instinct developed from countless killings in the past two years allowed him to respond immediately.

Eighteen blood-eyed horn darts were suddenly launched.

They seemed to have just woken up from a deep sleep and opened their bloody eyes that symbolized death.

Ding ding ding!

A series of crisp banging sounds, like wind chimes being blown by the wind.

The notorious blood-eyed horn-dart demon rotated at a high speed, drawing strange arcs that were as endless as the continuous spring rain. The three unstoppable arrows shot by Longchiduo seemed to plunge into the water, and their speed became slower and slower.

And when they flew in front of Chen Mu, they were as slow as paper airplanes.

Chen Mu gently stretched out his hand and firmly grasped the three arrows!

Time seemed to pause at this moment, all sounds disappeared, everyone stopped their movements, and all eyes focused on Chen Mu's hands wearing energy gloves.

On the city wall, Long Qiduo looked ashen! His body was trembling. Those three arrows just now were three blows that exhausted all his energy! He can't even draw the most ordinary bow now.

How is it possible...how is it possible...

He murmured with trembling lips, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He was not surprised that he failed to kill the other party, but what shocked him the most was that he did not cause any trouble to the other party.

This is his full blow!

The huge bow in his hand was purchased with a lot of money. The bow body was made of rare black fir obsidian wood, and the bow string was made of the same rare silk vine. Since he got this bow, he has never failed! The three arrows are made of blood frog spines, which are extremely poisonous. Under the full stimulation of his perception, the power of this bow increased seventeen times than usual! The Blood Frog Thorn Arrow injected with perception can accurately hit a hair thousands of meters away!

However, such a full blow did not cause even a slight pause to the opponent!

Zara is like a female leopard, she has lightning speed. The rain of arrows did not cause her any trouble. Compared to Chen Mu, she was already familiar with the tricks of Rou Ke from Baiyuan Mansion. Those arrows that sank to the ground with great force were like a light rain in front of the Star Vine. They were all gone with a single sweep.

There was no pause in her footsteps, even when Chen Mu's body froze.

She has absolute confidence in him!

After fighting side by side for the past two years, no one understands his strength better than her!

The two quickly approached the walls of Mendelsonburg.

Those guys on the city wall suddenly became commotion, and the archery masters woke up from a dream. Stimulated by death, they shot wildly!

The arrow rain was more violent than before, but for Chen Mu and Zara, it was more calm than before, especially Chen Mu. Although he suffered a small loss before because he was not familiar with Rou Ke from Baiyuan Mansion, attacks of this level no longer pose a threat to him.

Type Zero has completed the analysis of these attack patterns. He doesn't even need to block, just like a fish, swimming easily in the rain of arrows.

Huofen's face was ashen, but he could no longer think too much at this time.

The two opponents have entered the attack range of the slingshot!

Compared with bows and arrows, the attack range of slingshots is much smaller. It is a weapon between far combat and melee combat. It has the same properties as javelin. Of course, the white midge bone spur is obviously not included. Its terrifying range is enough to dwarf many excellent bows and arrows.

"Attack!" Huofen shouted.

At the same time, he aimed at the devil girl Zara. Chen Mu's performance just now made him lose confidence. The devil woman's perception is not strong, but she also has a way to avoid being locked by perception. You know, in the federation where card repairs are rampant, she can even compete with Qingqing, so she naturally has a unique set of skills.

Huofen's expression changed, and he found that he was also unable to lock onto this woman.

damn it!

He immediately responded and was able to sit in this position, so he naturally had a lot of skills. Several brown projectiles appeared on his palm, and without hesitation, he shot these projectiles towards the devil woman like lightning.

The projectile did not hit the devil woman, but was shot not far away from the devil woman.

Huofen's face was cold and showed no trace of frustration.


The moment it hit the ground, the projectile exploded!

A ball of orange flames rose up and swept towards Zara.

Boom boom boom!

Several projectiles exploded in mid-air, and several balls of orange flames were like greedy monsters, completely swallowing Zara.

Huofen's cold face finally showed a smile, which was his trump card. Several projectiles are specially made, and each one is extremely expensive. In the attack just now, he fired all these projectiles in one go. The most difficult part of this trick is to use your senses to detonate the projectiles when they are close to the enemy.

This trick he created didn't hit the critical point, so he never used it.

But today, this man and woman made him feel unparalleled pressure from the moment they came on the scene, so he and Ronducci made the same choice, killing each other as soon as they took action.

Everyone on the city wall finally showed some relief. The orange flames were so hot that no one could survive it.

Suddenly, Huofen's expression froze.

Zara walked out of the flames calmly. At this moment, she was like a devil walking out of hellfire, exuding breathtaking power. The Star Vine flew around her, forming curtains of wind that easily separated the scorching flames, leaving her hair unharmed.

"Ah!" Huofen suddenly screamed, his eyes bulging outwards, he covered his throat, blood gurgling from his fingers.


His head fell to the ground, but his lower body remained standing. A column of blood spurted high from the smooth incision on his neck. It sprayed all over the people around him. A yellow thread disappeared in the blood mist.

The moment Zara launched, Chen Mu, who had a tacit understanding, also launched an attack. He threw out the last white midge bone spur!

In the blink of an eye, the white midge bone spurs were like lightning, effortlessly penetrating the exhausted Long Duoqi's body, leaving a bloody hole as big as the mouth of a bowl.



Everyone on the city wall had never seen such a scene before. The sudden death of the two commanders suddenly drained all their courage, and some of them were so weak that they simply collapsed on the ground.

Andre, whose face was gloomy and uncertain, seemed to have made up his mind. When everyone was shocked, he suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Sir Emer's neck.

"I don't want to be buried with this stupid guy! Now I order! Everyone put down their weapons! Surrender immediately!"

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