
Chapter 616 King

Card repair will always have some advantages when facing card-free traffic. Being able to fly and attack from a distance is undoubtedly the most effective among them. Especially when the two are combined, the advantages that can be exerted will become even greater.

This was reflected in this battle.

By widening the distance, Chen Mu was even able to change cards calmly, which was almost unimaginable in a battle between card repairmen. This also means that he can always take the initiative in the battle.

[Evil King Pupil], the only seven-star card in Chen Mu's hand, is also the strongest ray card.

[Evil Group Pupils. Golden Pupil Weaving]!

The small golden pupils in the blood-colored eyes opened, with a golden cold luster, staring at the bald Ange indifferently.

The hair all over Ange's body suddenly stood up, and a chill came up from the deepest part of his heart without any warning. No need to elaborate, such a strong danger has never appeared in his previous battles.

With a low growl, he arched his body, bent his legs slightly, lowered his waist and stood up.

Countless tiny golden threads shot out from the golden pupils, sweeping towards Ange like a drizzle.

"Hey!" He exhaled, Ange's eyes widened, and a layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on his bald head in the blink of an eye. He looked extremely strenuous, and clasped his hands together, raising them little by little to the top of his head. The lifting movement gave people the illusion of being extremely slow, but before the golden thread shot in front of him, his hands had already been raised high above his head.


It was like thunder rising from the ground, with Ange as the center, and the air was turbulent and scattered.

Hold your hands together like a giant axe, and chop it down hard!


Like a boulder rolling over the ground, the people around them changed their expressions. They could hardly stand, and the ground was shaking.

An ax cut in the air that was almost as big as a bald head. The body of the ax was crystal clear, and the tail of the ax was as erratic as mist. It was like a roaring giant, fearlessly rushing towards the countless golden threads.

The roaring roar was mixed with continuous popping sounds and crackling sounds, like a tens of millions of volts of electric light drilling into the water, and like countless dried wood suddenly breaking into wood filaments.

The giant golden ax collided without any tricks!


Surprisingly, there was no earth-shattering explosion, only a crisp sound like a glass breaking.

The twisted and ferocious face of the bald man was flushed with red, as if he was drunk.

The crisp crackling sound seemed to ring in the ears, and the shocking sound before suddenly disappeared, like a quiet night.

Half a second!

This silence like the middle of the night lasted only tenths of a second.


The violent energy is like a ferocious beast trapped in a cage. It can't wait to use its claws to open the cage, roar and struggle out.

The shock wave of the explosion was like a hurricane, sweeping across the entire large crack. With a rumble, large pieces began to collapse and slide from the edge of the crack, and dust filled the sky covering the crack.

Another straight golden light penetrated the smoke and dust!

In the smoke and dust, the red-faced bald head roared again, screaming in the air and the giant ax cut through the smoke and dust easily like a knife cutting butter!


Another loud noise!

After collision, squeezing, collapse, and explosion, the energy spread crazily around.

The bald man groaned, swayed, and took a step back. His blushing face quickly turned pale.

There was another straight golden light, thicker and brighter than before!

Bald Ange's eyes were about to burst, he roared and raised his hands again!


Ange, who was hit by the huge explosion, could no longer control his body shape. He stomped and took more than ten steps back before he stabilized himself!

His face was pale at this time, blood was bleeding from the corners of his mouth, his arms were covered with blood, and he was shaking constantly. He widened his eyes and stared at Chen Mu in the distant sky for a moment.

A little golden light suddenly lit up.

The world froze at this moment!

A straight golden beam of light pierced Ange's forehead and penetrated deeply into the land behind him.

Everyone's movements stopped. They stared at Ange blankly, watching Ange being pierced by the golden beam and nailed to the ground.

The sound of the cracks collapsing was far away from them, and all the surrounding sounds were far away from them at this moment. They opened their eyes wide, they were in disbelief, and their minds went blank!

In the gray sky, that strange face and those strange golden eyes are deeply engraved in everyone's minds, destined to become a nightmare that they can never get rid of in their lives!


Someone screamed hysterically, the peace was broken, and the uncontrollable fear deep in my heart poured out like a flood from a bursting embankment, swallowing up the last trace of reason and courage in my heart in an instant.

There is only one thought in their minds, stay away from that monster!

right! It’s a monster!

The monster killed Ange! Oh my God! Killed Ange!

Everyone's reaction was surprisingly unanimous. They turned around, spread their legs, and ran forward. They didn't even know that they were shouting, and many of them even had a blank mind at this time.

Seeing the enemy receding like a tide, Chen Mu in the sky breathed a sigh of relief and landed in front of the bald man.

The bald man had a bloody hole the size of his thumb on his forehead. His eyes were wide open and looking at the sky, but his energy was gone.

Chen Mu was full of respect for this Wuka Liu. From his point of view, Baldhead did not lose, he only lost the card-free stream. Being able to use his power to this extent is already considered to be the ultimate. Chen Mu doubted that even Weah could not compare to Baldhead in this regard. But at their level, simply being strong on one side doesn't have much advantage, especially when the opponent has the initiative in the battle.

Unless he is like Weah, he is terrifyingly strong in every aspect.

But even if he is as strong as Weah, if he fights Tang Hanpei, Tang Hanpei still has the initiative. Of course, it is only the initiative to attack. In fact, even if Tang Hanpei takes the initiative to attack, the most likely result is that he will be unable to do anything to Weah.

However, Weah was a no-brainer. The bald man is not Weah, so he cannot ignore the disadvantage of the non-card style against the card repairman.

he died.

However, Chen Mu still respected the bald man in his heart. Anyone who can achieve such achievements in any field should be respected by others.

He sat down next to the bald body. The battle just now was not long, but his senses were almost exhausted. He had never used [Evil King's Eyes]'s three-strike combo before. If the group of enemies just rushed forward, he would have no choice but to turn around and run away. Fortunately, the enemy was frightened and dispersed.

Deep tranquility has unique advantages in restoring perception. After about an hour, Chen Mu's perception has been restored.

It is Chen Mu's instinct to enter deep tranquility faster and faster. This comes from the constant fighting during the time in the depths of Baiyuan.

After standing up and looking at the corpse in front of him, Chen Mu casually blasted a big hole in the ground and buried the bald corpse. He felt a little sorry that such a strong man's body was exposed in the wilderness.

He regained his composure and continued flying in the direction in which the traffic jams had escaped. These unblocked flows dispersed, leaving many traces, and he could easily follow the direction.

Emotional control is crucial in battle. This experience is particularly profound for him who crawled out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses of countless ferocious beasts in the depths of the Hundred Abyss.

Sometimes you need to calm down, which will help your judgment. Sometimes you need excitement and even fanaticism, which can make you perform beyond your level. Sometimes you need to be cowardly, which can keep you away from danger, especially if the danger is more than you can handle.

"Ange was killed? There was only one person on the other side?" Wang asked in a deep voice. The golden mask that symbolizes royal power is still cold, but anyone below can hear the anger contained in Wang Jing's tone under the mask!

Ange is the king's right-hand man, the king's most loyal minister, the sharpest sword in the king's hand, and the strongest line of defense to protect the king! With his presence, no one dares to oppose any of the king's instructions. With his presence, the king can sleep peacefully in any corner.

Because since that person disappeared, Ange has become the strongest person in the Mohadi Domain!

But he died. The king was able to remain calm, and all the ministers below him admired him from the bottom of their hearts.

"Who did it?" Wang suddenly calmed down.

"A Card repairman, he can summon a blood-red eye, which will emit a golden beam of light. Ange was killed by the golden beam of light." His subordinates reported tremblingly. He suddenly felt a little ashamed that he was so scared. Turn around and run.

"Ka Xiu?" Wang tilted his head and asked, his voice seemed to become a lot more relaxed. Like him, many people below also felt a lot more relaxed.

"Blood red eyes?" Wang suddenly murmured thoughtfully: "Mo..."

When the words came to his lips, he stopped abruptly. Turning around and returning to his seat, the king regained his majesty.

"I feel ashamed." The faint sarcasm coming from under the mask pierced the hearts of the ministers: "Oh, he can defeat Ange, which is very powerful. But, it seems that there is only one person in him. There are so many of us, but we can actually attack one person I feel scared. This kind of thing happened once, but I didn’t expect it to happen a second time. What a shame!”

The faces of the ministers below suddenly turned red, and the king's taunting was tantamount to a slap in the face.

A tribal chief stood up and said loudly: "Your Majesty, please put it down. Even if I don't risk my life, I will kill this thief on my behalf!"

Everyone stood up immediately, leaned over and shouted together: "I swear to kill this thief for the king!"

With cold eyes through the mask, Wang glanced at the crowd and smiled softly: "It's not for me, it's for yourselves. Go and get back the face you lost."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up from his seat, waved his sleeves and shouted, with a solemn murderous intent.


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