
Chapter 65 Doing business?

The devil woman stopped, holding Chen Mu in one hand, and lurked in the grass. The black clothes she was wearing were made of unknown materials, and the thin thorns on the branches of the shrubs could not penetrate. But this was a pain for Chen Mu. At this time, he had no trace of his body, and those tiny thorns were ravaging him mercilessly and frequently.

This place is about three hundred meters away from the area where the devil woman just arranged. She is lurking there, motionless, like a cold-blooded beast waiting for prey to enter its ambush circle. .

"Ah!" "Damn, what is this?" Several screams and exclamations came one after another.

The devil woman showed no signs of movement, still maintaining her posture, like a lifeless stone statue. Chen Mu couldn't be so calm, and his face looked a little bad.

Three minutes later, all sounds fell silent again.

Those people are dead! Chen Mu's heart sank to the bottom of his heart. Will he follow in their footsteps? His childhood life has made him not so afraid of death. He seems to have been fighting against death, trying to keep himself alive and survive.

Unexpectedly, just as his life had improved, it seemed to come to an abrupt end. All the hard work, all the dreams, are coming to an end.

Regarding this fate, Chen Mu was not sad, but felt a little sad and cool in his heart.

The devil woman was like a cheetah, silent and agile, even though she was still holding Chen Mu tied up in a ball.

They are indeed dead!

But to Chen Mu's surprise, the deaths of several people were not horrific. On the contrary, they could even be called peaceful. Several corpses still had smiles on their faces, as if they were in an extremely happy state before dying.

If it was just a cool feeling just now, now it is a bone-chilling chill. So weird, so creepy.

Chen Mu watched with some confusion as the devil woman put her hand on a corpse, and then pulled out the extremely thin light green silk thread from the corpse. It didn't have a trace of blood on it, it was still so inconspicuous.

Chen Mu looked at the light green silk thread in fear. He did not expect that this inconspicuous thin thread could be such a terrifying murder weapon! Especially when it is extracted bit by bit from the corpse, the scene is really a test of one's endurance.

The thread was quickly wrapped around the devil woman's middle finger.

Suddenly, Chen Mu once again noticed a very subtle fluctuation of energy. Almost at the same time, the thin thread wrapped around the devil woman's middle finger turned back into a card without any warning. The card that Chen Mu had seen had green thin lines on its surface.

Is it a new technology?

This incredible change made Chen Mu very curious, and this curiosity greatly diluted the fear in his heart. In this world, there are actually cards that can be used without a meter!

He is now curious about who the devil woman is? What theory was her card based on?

The devil woman groped for a while on the remaining corpses. She didn't know how these people died. Chen Mu didn't even see any scars on them. The devil woman didn't know what she was touching. Due to the angle, Chen Mu couldn't see her movements.

Chen Mu couldn't help but think about what method he should use if he didn't use the measuring instrument.

Just when Chen Mu was carefully pondering the mystery, the devil woman had already stood up.

The devil girl picked up Chen Mu and ran deep into the jungle.

Although he was not killed immediately, Chen Mu breathed a sigh of relief. But the feeling of being lifted was so terrible that he almost cried out in pain. The devil woman seems to like those dense jungles very much and crawls into them.

After walking for almost a day and night, every once in a while, she would feed something like a red sponge to Chen Mu. It’s just a small piece at a time and the flavor is very bland. Chen Mu guessed that the red sponge was something the devil woman used to satisfy her hunger in the wild.

It seemed that he would not be killed, and Chen Mu finally felt relieved. At first, he thought that the devil woman did not want to kill him, but later he was restrained by her cold-blooded and strange methods. This guess was somewhat shaken. It wasn't until the devil woman fed him the red sponge that he was truly sure again that he would not die.

Chen Mu no longer knew where he was. After a bumpy day and night, he was not quite clear-headed.

The devil woman finally stopped and ran continuously for a whole day and night. She was still holding a person in her hand, and her breathing was not disturbed. Chen Mu was thrown away by her. He was in very bad spirits and looked pale.

The black vine wrapped around Chen Mu was finally taken off by the devil woman. His body now looked extremely terrifying, with bright red marks of strangulation, and small wounds almost everywhere on his body. Even his face was covered with small scratches.

After resting for a few hours, Chen Mu regained some energy.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Chen Mu asked feebly.

"Who are you?" the devil woman asked bluntly with some difficulty.

This was the first time that Chen Mu heard the devil woman's voice at such a close distance. Her pronunciation was very awkward, and she spoke every word. This made him want to laugh a little, even a two or three year old child could speak fluently than her. But as soon as he touched the other person's eyes, he immediately swallowed the laughter that reached his lips.

Cold, bone-chilling cold. The devil woman looked at Chen Mu with extremely cold eyes, which made him hairy. He always had the illusion that he was just a prey.

"Chen Mu, card maker." Chen Mu, who regained his composure, was very cooperative.

The devil woman shook her head: "Card maker? Not like that!" Her pronunciation was still awkward, but her eyes were fixed on Chen Mu like a snake, trying to capture every change in his expression.

"It's not like that? Why?" Chen Mu was a little surprised by what the devil woman said. Fortunately, he is a card maker himself. Although he was surprised, he was still very calm.

"Strength, meat!"

Although the devil woman's words were a bit confusing, Chen Mu understood what she wanted to express. What the devil woman wants to say is that he is very powerful and has strong muscles.

"But I am indeed a card maker." Seeing that the atmosphere between the two parties seemed to be improving slightly, Chen Mu couldn't help but asked tentatively: "Why are you arresting me?"

"Do things. Succeed, live. Failure, die."

The devil woman's eyes were indifferent, cold and without any warmth. Chen Mu knew that the other party was not joking with him.

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I've been running outside all day, and I'm so tired that I don't even want to move my fingers. Another section will be added tomorrow.

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