
Chapter 85 Perfect Copy

The structure of the Samsung Airflow card was not unfamiliar to him. Chen Mu had made changes to the Silver Star Airflow card. Coincidentally, his changes are quite similar to this "Loach" air flow card, except that the other side's structure is more sophisticated, with more diversion structures, and it is much more difficult to make. Moreover, this "Loach" air flow card is much better than his modification in terms of precise control. Compared with it, the Silver Star air flow card he modified can only be regarded as original.

"This 'Loach' airflow card is a limited edition. Only thirty were produced in the entire federation. Mine is number 18. I have also found someone to copy it, but there are too few card makers who are proficient in airflow cards. Most people either don’t understand or are not good enough, but no one has been able to imitate it yet.” Huahua’s implication was that she doubted Chen Mu’s level, and her face was uniquely unruly for a young man under the bird’s nest hair style.

Feng glared at Dihuahua fiercely, but she didn't want him to offend Chen Mu.

Huahua was not afraid at all, and said with a playful smile: "Sister Feng, is this your new best friend? Yeah, yeah, the relationship is quite deep. It's not like you to defend him like this. If those handsome guys know that our sister Feng is like this Being subdued, tut tut, I don’t know how to feel.”

Yaya's expression on the side suddenly became weird. She wanted to hold back her laughter, but she still couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

Feng's face turned red.

Huahua pretended to be shocked: "Sister Feng can actually blush? This brother is so charming!"

He glanced at Chen Mu carefully and saw that he was still concentrating on the "Loach" airflow card in his hand and seemed not to hear him. Feng Xinxia breathed a sigh of relief, but then became furious.

He picked up the wrench on the ground with one hand and rushed straight towards Huahua with murderous intent.

Huahuaguai screamed and jumped away like a monkey. It made Yaya beside her laugh so hard that she fell forward and backward.

Chen Mu didn't notice the movement around him at all, all his mind was immersed in the air flow card in his hand. Seeing such an exquisite air flow card was a great enjoyment for him. He began to deduce the other party's structure bit by bit and clarify the other party's thinking bit by bit.

This is Chen Mu's experience. Before entering Dongwei University, his learning process could be said to be a process of his own exploration. In his eyes, there is little value in perfectly copying the work of other card makers. What he needs to learn is the way these outstanding card makers think about problems, their ideas, and how they realize the ideas in their minds on cards.

The exquisite ideas of these masters always aroused his amazement. The "Loach" airflow card in front of you is like this. Although it is three-star in terms of level, its production difficulty is far more than ordinary airflow cards of the same level.

The only card created by Chen Mu that surpassed it in difficulty was the Tail-off Shuttle Card. Other cards, including the twelve cards in Simple Water World, are not as good as it.

Probably only such a large card can accommodate such a complex and numerous structure. When Chen Mu peeled off the appearance bit by bit and traced it back to its principle structure, he couldn't help but marvel in his heart for once.

The entire card contains a total of one hundred and twelve loop structures and forty-four string structures. You can imagine how complicated its structure is. Not to mention ordinary people, even ordinary card makers. Seeing so many complex structures can make you dizzy.

But the most critical and most unexpected thing about the whole card was not these, but the three connection points. These three connection points are distributed in a triangular shape across the entire surface of the card. Their structure is not complex, or even very inconspicuous, but in Chen Mu's eyes, this is the most valuable structure of this card.

These three nodes are a very primitive chip structure, which already has a certain chip function. Without learning the theory of poker, Chen Mu believed that this would be the most difficult obstacle to overcome for this card.

The structural diagram of an airflow card gradually became clearer and clearer in Chen Mu's mind, and those intertwined vertical and horizontal lines were no longer difficult to understand.

Gradually he came back to his senses and saw the three people fighting. Chen Mu, who had gained a lot, felt more relaxed.

Noticing that Chen Mu had raised his head, the three of them stopped.

"How is it?" Feng asked nervously.

"Three days, and I will give you a list of materials." Chen Mu replied calmly.

Huahua laughed out loud as if she heard some joke, and shouted with disbelief: "What? Three days? Hey, buddy, you look quite honest at first glance, but I didn't expect you to be so capable! Do you think Are you Zuo Tingyi? Oh my god, Zuo Tingyi doesn't dare to boast that he can make a 'loach' in three days! You really dare to speak up."

Chen Mu looked indifferent to Huahua's question. Without even glancing at him, he walked out and said, "I'll give you the materials list later."

Feng and Yaya looked at each other and hurriedly chased after them.

Huahua looked at the three people leaving, blew a loud whistle, shook his bird hair, and said to himself: "Three days? These days, don't braggarts make drafts anymore?"

The three of them returned to the classroom, which was already empty.

Chen Mu sat down, found a pen and paper, and wrote it down. Half a minute later, he handed Feng a piece of paper filled with words.

Seeing this piece of paper with various materials written on it, Feng was shocked: "So many?"

"When the materials are ready, we will do it. Prepare one million." After saying that, Chen Mu packed up his things and walked away under the stunned eyes of the two people.

All the while on the road, Chen Mu was still thinking about the structure of the "Loach" airflow card. Those lines were as beautiful as works of art. On this card, Chen Mu felt a brand new way of thinking. Cards of the same level, as long as you are willing to dig deeper, can also make high-quality products that are comparable to high-level cards.

A high-level airflow card may be able to release more powerful airflow, but if you want to be like a "loach", it cannot be solved by level.

Level doesn't mean everything!

This reminded him of the simple water world. Who would have thought that twelve low-level cards could produce such amazing effects.

But when he thought that there was no feasible solution for the simpler version of the simple water world he envisioned, he couldn't help but feel a bit of a headache.

In addition, there were many things he didn't understand about repairing the card, and he didn't have time to relax. When I got home, I checked every room, but there was still no sign of the devil girl. Chen Mu's originally somewhat joyful mood immediately turned into a hint of gloom.

After a brief dinner, he continued to work on the problem.

The next day, as soon as Chen Mu entered the classroom and sat down, Feng came over.

"All the materials are ready, when will you start making it?" Her tone was a little dubious. Although she had advocated it from the beginning, when Chen Mu said that the "Loach" air flow card could be completed in three days, she couldn't help but become suspicious.

Even when Chen Mu handed her the list of materials, she had some concerns. However, what she didn't expect was that the seemingly full list of materials only cost her 100,000 euros to complete. This low price was far beyond her expectation. On the contrary, Yaya beside her curled her lips and muttered, once again despising Chen Mu's stinginess.

"Oh, I'll give it to you in three days." Chen Mu said with a natural expression.

The "Loach" airflow card does not use any precious materials, but only uses very common materials. One hundred thousand odi of ordinary materials piled together is quite spectacular. Fortunately, his strength had increased a lot, so he found a discarded sack from somewhere, put the things in it, and then carried it home on his shoulders without any image.

Behind him, Feng and Yaya were stunned.

This card is the largest card Chen Mu has produced so far. But that's it, condensing a sack of materials onto a card requires a lot of processing steps.

One hundred and twelve loop structures and forty-four string structures require very solid basic skills. In this regard, it is no problem for Chen Mu, who has been making one-star energy cards for many years. He can even make them more precise. The three most critical points of contact are also not difficult for him who has already learned the basics of raising money.

The only thing that made him feel difficult was his perception. His perception had not yet returned to its peak level. And this card contains too many structures, and it is very difficult for him to stick to it completely.

Chen Mu, who was covered in sweat, finally breathed a sigh of relief. In front of him, there was a complete "Loach" airflow card that was exactly the same as the "Loach" airflow card he saw last time.

This was a perfect copy, and what Chen Mu found quite thrilling was his poor perception. If today's perception were not more sensitive and more controllable than before, with his current intensity of perception, it would be very difficult to complete such a complex structure.

But fortunately, it was finally completed, and the process was fairly smooth.

Looking at the card in front of him, Chen Mu was quite satisfied.

In Huahua's repair room, Huahua, Feng and Yaya all looked at the simulated jammers nervously. This simulated jamming machine is about the same size as a shuttle car, but its structure is simpler, retaining only the main structure of the shuttle car. Moreover, the part where the airflow card is placed is movable, and different airflow cards can be inserted at any time.

What is currently installed here is the "Loach" airflow card made by Chen Mu. Chen Mu declined the testing activity and hurried to the library.

The simulated machine in front of me has seven turning exhaust channels. This is also the most complex shuttle car structure today. It can turn in seven directions. You must know that once the shuttle car has one more steering exhaust channel, its flexibility will increase a lot, but its maneuverability will also increase exponentially.

Huahua's simulation machine originally only had four steering exhaust channels, which was the highest record among the shuttle cars he had ever assembled. And the increase to seven is entirely to test this "loach".

The seven steering exhaust ducts flexibly rotated in all directions, and when the seven exhaust ducts released airflow at the same time, the airflow overflowed throughout the repair room, blowing so hard that the three of them could hardly open their eyes.

"Wow! Oh my god! What did I see! 'Loach'! It's really 'Loach'! I feel like I'm dreaming..." Huahua was so excited that she couldn't speak incoherently, staring at the simulator's rotation in fascination. Seven exhaust channels.

"Did he succeed?" Yaya asked loudly, Feng, who was staring at the simulated card weapon. The repair room was filled with the scream of airflow. If it wasn't louder, you wouldn't be able to hear what the other party was saying.

Feng suddenly came back to his senses, nodded repeatedly, and said excitedly: "He succeeded! He really succeeded!"

At this time, Feng's heart was surging. He would have a very good curve shuttle car! Although she was excited, her mood was quite complicated. It turned out that he was really a master of card making! She believed that once someone could spread the news about the successful production of the "Loach" airflow card, Yao Ke would immediately become a dazzling star in Dongwei Academy.

She knew very well what kind of reputation the sponsored class had on campus. It would be really dramatic if there was a student in such a class who could make "Loach" airflow cards!

Yaya covered her mouth in surprise, she couldn't believe it, that stingy guy was actually a master of card making! Soon more doubts arose in my mind.

But why is he in the sponsored class? Looking back at what Chen Mu did on weekdays, she realized that except for two attacks, Chen Mu acted extremely low-key and rarely showed his ability in card making.

From the nouveau riche demeanor at the beginning to the calm and indifferent attitude later, he seemed to be a completely different person.

Yaya, who is thoughtful, has doubts on her face.

Chen Mu didn't have time to pay attention to them. After completing the test, Feng happily paid one million Oudi, which made him very satisfied. Dealing with happy customers is a great pleasure, especially after getting a million dollars.

But he got back into another money-making scheme. Compared with making a "loach", repairing a Samsung card is more tedious and involves more problems.

However, it is not easy to find someone who is taken advantage of. Chen Mu could only comfort himself and do his repair work honestly.

Chen Mu, who was immersed in repairing cards, didn't know what it meant to be able to make a "Loach" airflow card, and he also didn't know what it would bring to him.

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