Officer Megure and Shiratori were still looking at each other.

Qian Jingfuyuki was already arrogantly talking on the phone:”Do you still have bombs? If not, I’m in a hurry to go on a date.”

This guy… is simply outrageous!

Moriya Teiji almost crushed the phone, gritting his teeth in anger.

Among all the bombers in the world, he is the first one to be forced to this point!

“Qian Jing Dongshu, I have to admit that you are a very formidable opponent”

“But unfortunately, I have to put an end to it in advance!”

Moriya Teiji was broken and didn’t want to play the detective game anymore.

He was also afraid of Qian Jingfuyu’s superb bomb technology.

This guy’s reasoning was far better than Kudo Shinichi’s, and he defuses the bomb in seconds, so what’s the point of him guessing riddles to be mysterious!

“Next, you just have to wait for the Sumida Canal Bridge to explode.——”

Qian Jing Dongshu raised his eyebrows, and before he could tell him not to commit suicide,

Moriya Teiji pressed the remote control button with a grim smile.


It wasn’t the bomb on the Sumida Canal Bridge that exploded.

It was his own human-shaped firework that exploded into a bloody mess at home!

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Qian Jing Dongshu curled his lips, no way, it’s over so soon?

The BOSS in the first movie version is really not very resistant!

He even let the old man go, and deliberately waited for the old man to install the bomb, and didn’t let the system hosting take action.

Who knew that Moriya Teiji would still rush to his death.

“Officer Megure.

Qian Jingfuyu was in a hurry, so he turned around and said to Megure and Shiratori:

“These past two days I have been collecting properties designed by Professor Teiji Moriya, and I discovered that these places almost had signs of arson.”

“In addition to the Green Park and the two bomb incidents at the Mihua Square Station, I suspect that the murderer is most likely related to Professor Moritani.”

Inspector Megure and Shiratori’s pupils shrank.

“As expected of Fuyuki-kun, what amazing insight!”

“If it were anyone else, even a professional detective, it would be impossible to solve the case so easily!”

“Then as long as we work hard on Professor Moritani, we should be able to unravel the mystery and find the culprit!”

They hurried to Moritani’s house.

Qian Jingfuyu thought that if they went there, they would at most see Moritani’s horrible corpse.

He shook his head and drove directly to Tokiwa Mio’s house.

Beep beep –

Tokiwa Mio stood on the balcony of the apartment and saw the dazzling golden Sun God at a glance.

“This is Fuyuki-kun’s car, a limited edition top sports car!”

Tokiwa Mio’s eyes were full of tenderness. When Qian Jing Fuyuki came up, she opened the door and tiptoed to offer him a fragrant knife.

“Qian Jingjun~ I wanted to say this when I was at Professor Moritani’s house. You are so tall and handsome, you really make people fall in love with you at first sight.”

Girls who have studied abroad are different, generous and unrestrained.

Qian Jing Fuyuki hugged Tokiwa Mio’s waist, felt the light moisture on her body, and smiled meaningfully.

“Miss Mio, you said you were going to talk about architectural design, why are you still wearing pajamas?”

Yes, at this moment, Tokiwa Mio was wearing a long smoky purple silk nightgown.

The bottom of the wide collar held up the upright white skin, and under the deep grooves were two long and white legs.

Tokiwa Mio smiled at Qian Jingfuyuki, her eyes as charming as silk.

“Let’s talk about design. Doesn’t Qian Jingjun want to go to the tatami with me?……”

The constant warmth from the man’s big hand really made her blush.

At this moment, her rationality was at risk, and she unconsciously said words that she was ashamed of.

“How can this be so embarrassing?”

Zen Jing Dongshu said this, but he actually helped Tokiwa Mio understand the knowledge problem.

During this time, he did not forget to say to Tokiwa Mio, whose cheeks were red:

“I heard that Ms. Mio is looking for a designer for a twin-tower skyscraper?”

“Then I will take the lead and recommend myself”

“By the way, I will invest more money. When the building is completed, the property rights can be in my name. I have a way to avoid the sky-high taxes~”

Tokiwa Mio, Tokiwa Mio had been beaten to a pulp.

Now the heavenly sound of Qian Jing Fuyuki’s foul sounded in her ears with full of magnetism. How could she think of refusing?

“”I’ll listen to Qian Jingjun~” she said weakly.

Her cheeks were still flushed after full exercise.

“Thank you for the treat.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled proudly.

After getting the benefit, how could he let the beautiful girl who was just beginning to bloom suffer?

Of course, he had to repay her with more effort..

【Sign in to Tokiwa Mio, and you will be rewarded with elite recruitment, and talented people will spontaneously gather towards the host!】

【Sign in to Shiratori Renzaburo and be rewarded with the Friend of the Chaebol. The host can ignore the threshold and break into the top chaebol circle!】

“It seems that the police have already discovered the suspicion of Moriya Teiji and successfully closed the case.”

However, Qian Jing Dongshu did not expect that after a busy day, there would be these two unexpected gains.

Both are very practical gold fingers

“Then the final emotional value is still Conan’s responsibility.”

Qian Jingfuyu called and instructed Inspector Megure to spread the word about his contribution to this incident.

Soon, with the help of the last favorable wind, the media reporters once again focused on his efforts to turn the tide and bombarded him with praise.

“Damn it! That guy Qian Jingfuyuki!”

“When was my phone line cut off?”

“Don’t you like to be in the limelight? Why do you take the lead again at this time?!”

Conan was going crazy.

He didn’t participate in such a big event at all!

Qian Jingfuyushu actually started to eat alone!

Not only that, 093 also blackened him in disguise!

Damn it, when will Kudo Shinichi be able to change the image in people’s minds!

After Conan calmed down, he followed the news one by one to see if there was anything he missed.

“Wait, Professor Moriya Teiji is deliberately taking revenge on me! ?”

“If he has any bombs that he has not defused, I will first place them in a place where I will definitely go.”

“Today is May 18th, which happens to be Xiaolan’s birthday… Not good!”

Conan’s pupils shrank instantly.

He ran out like crazy and called Xiaolan.

“Lan!! Don’t go to the Mihua Cinema!!”.

No matter how Conan called today, Xiaolan’s phone was bound to be busy.

She was holding the phone with a smile on her face, and was very interested in the garden on the other end.

“I’m serious, Dongshu-kun is just that good, you will know when you return to China as soon as possible”

“Great, I’m heading back soon!”

“This time, let’s see if the guy who suddenly appeared next to you, Xiaolan, is really better than that arrogant and conceited reasoning geek, Kudo Shinichi!”

After listening to Xiaolan’s description of Qian Jing Dongshu, Sonoko couldn’t help but want to see what kind of person he was.

She had to check for Xiaolan, and couldn’t let the bad guy fool her!

Come on, get Sonoko – sama ready with a helicopter! I need to rush to Xiaolan right now to give her a surprise!”.

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