After coming out of the restaurant, Lin Tan answered the phone.

A girl's clear and melodious voice came from the other end of the phone:"Mr. Lin, are now?"

"Yes. What happened, Miss Yoko?" Lin Tan had a vague guess.

"It's like this... I think someone is following me." On the other end of the phone, Yoko Okino's voice was a little pleading:"Could you please come pick me up?"

"Of course. Lin Tan readily agreed.

"Great! I'll send you the address right now." Okino Yoko's voice was filled with joy.

""No, please send it to me." After Lin Tan hung up the phone, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Another advantage of letting Shinichi work part-time is that he can have plenty of time to manage!

He can leisurely hire a detective to investigate Yoko Okino's residence.

Then move in and become neighbors with her, get close to her little by little, build a good relationship, and wait for the case to happen.

After receiving the news from Yoko Okino and knowing her address, Lin Tan returned to the restaurant and said to Xiaolan and Shinichi:"I'm sorry, I have something to do here, so I'll leave first."

"So... See you tomorrow then." Xiaolan said reluctantly.

She quite liked being with Lin Tan. The conversation was interesting and he was humorous. It was much more fun than being with Shinichi!

At least he wouldn't keep talking to her about Sherlock Holmes and reasoning to solve cases.

"Well, be careful on the road!" Shinichi said happily.

This way he had a chance to be alone with Xiaolan!

"Don't abandon Xiaolan and go solve the case by least send her back home." Lin Tan gave Xinyi some instructions.

"Got it, got it."Shinichi nodded in agreement.

Lin Tan glanced at Xiaolan, gave her a smile, and left.

Of course, before leaving, he paid the bill.

Lin Tan just deliberately pretended to create an opportunity for Shinichi and Xiaolan to be alone.

Because... even if he didn't create this opportunity, the two of them would still have to be alone after he left.

Doing this deliberately can also win some favor!

Secondly, Lin Tan didn't regard Shinichi as his rival in love at all.

He knows Shinichi too well.

If nothing unexpected happens, when Shinichi and Xiaolan are having dinner, they will talk about Sherlock Holmes, reasoning, and show off their achievements.

Girls don't like these.

Unless Shinichi confesses to Xiaolan directly, he will have a slight chance of winning.


Shinichi can't make up his mind.

Once... After confessing his feelings to Xiaolan, he must make time to accompany her.

He can't do it, and he can't bear to do it.

If Shinichi had this awareness before, he would have confessed his feelings long ago. Why would he wait until now?

What's more, Shinichi now has the system!

He wishes he could not even go to school now, and spend all his time on reasoning and solving cases. How could he have extra time for Xiaolan?

Shinichi is a rational person, he will not act on his emotions.

What to do is best for himself, and making choices after weighing the pros and cons is the style of this young detective.

After Lin Tan left, things developed as he expected.

Shinichi was still as enthusiastic as before, chatting with Xiaolan about his achievements:"Xiaolan, I just solved another murder case!"

"The murderer this time is really cunning and tells lies all the time!"

"Although she can fool the police, she can't fool me!"


He began to talk about his performance at the murder scene, fighting wits and courage with the murderer.

""Oh, so that's it! That's amazing!" Although Xiaolan was not interested in Shinichi's case-solving process, she was kind and didn't want to spoil his fun. She had to cooperate with Shinichi's speech and made a surprised expression.

But Xiaolan couldn't control her thoughts and unconsciously thought about the art museum and the scene where she was scared to death.

Oh, it's really embarrassing!………Lin Tan will definitely think I'm a coward

"Hehe! I could tell she was lying right away!" Shinichi smiled smugly and said,"Because I've learned to read micro-expressions recently, I could tell at a glance that she was lying.———"

When he said this, he suddenly stopped.

Because Shinichi read the micro-movements of"boredom" and"disinterest" on Xiaolan's face.

This made him understand at once.………It turns out that Xiaolan is not interested in these contents at all, she is just cooperating with him in the performance!!

After understanding this, Shinichi no longer has any interest in talking about it.

""Hmm?" After Xiaolan came back to her senses, she asked,"Why didn't Shinichi say anything?"

"…………I'm done." Shinichi tried

"Oh...I see. Sorry, I was thinking about something else."Xiao Lan apologized repeatedly.

"……"No." Shinichi confirmed that Xiaolan was not listening.

This made him feel a little complicated... So, Xiaolan didn't like to hear these things before?

What should I say?

At this time, Shinichi realized that he didn't seem to understand Xiaolan that well.

He didn't think about it carefully, and the system's voice sounded again.

【Ding, a robbery is happening at Pasta Bank! Please go and investigate】

"!!!"This task immediately made Shinichi's eyes light up!

This is not a murder case, but a bank robbery!

It's a big case!

How many points can I get if I solve it?

Thinking of this, Shinichi immediately became excited.

The feeling of loss just now was thrown behind him.

Of course, Shinichi also forgot Lin Tan's instructions!

"Xiaolan, I'm sorry! Someone is robbing a bank. I have to rush over immediately, otherwise they might run away if I'm late! I'll leave first!"Shinichi could only apologize to Xiaolan again, drank the water in the glass in one breath, and hurriedly left the restaurant.

"Shinichi!! Shinichi!!"Lan looked at the departing Shinichi, feeling angry and aggrieved!

She had already promised Lin that she would send me back!

Now she has left me alone!

What a jerk!

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