After exchanging pleasantries, Lin Tan, Xiao Lan, Yuan Zi and the other two left the ward.

However, before leaving, Lin Tan said to Shinichi,"Shinichi, when you get better, you have to learn some close combat."

""Okay, I'll think about it." Xinyi nodded, and after watching them leave, he began to think.

He felt that Lin Tan was right, and he should indeed learn some close combat.

If he had known the fighting skills this time, he could have knocked down the main criminal in one go, and he wouldn't have been shot.

Just as Xiaolan Yuanzi and the others criticized.

This time he was lucky and didn't hit the vitals.

If he really hit, he would have died.

Put other things aside first, learn fighting skills, and improve his self-protection ability.

After thinking about this, he opened the exchange panel and took a look.

Now he has 12 points, and it takes 20 points to exchange for [Introduction to Fighting]

"It's only 8 o'clock... I have to work hard these two days." Just as Shinichi made the decision, his cell phone rang again.


After leaving the hospital, he was dragged by Xiaolan and Sonoko to go shopping.

In name, it was shopping = in fact, it was free labor + being a handsome guy ornament that made other passers-by envious.

However, Lin Tan had no opinion on this.

On the road to success, there will always be difficulties and setbacks.

After he wins over Xiaolan and Sonoko, all the difficulties and setbacks will be worth it!

However, Lin Tan is thinking about how to win over Xiaolan without making Shinichi sad and crying, which will affect his work.

It is not difficult to win Xiaolan's heart.

After all, she is just a sixteen-year-old girl who has never been in a relationship and is easy to be deceived.………It is easy to be blinded by love.

The difficulty lies in Shinichi. How to make him accept all this calmly and not ruin the relationship between brothers!

Lin Tan pondered for a while and soon had an idea.

Men understand men best.

Especially Shinichi, a Sigma man, in his mind, career is the most important.

He repeatedly left Xiaolan to solve cases, which is enough to prove this.

In this case, just find a career-oriented beauty and take him down!

Thinking of this, a name suddenly popped up in Lin Tan's mind.———————Asai Narimi!!

A beautiful lady!!

And a doctor!

If she is paired with Shinichi, wouldn't it be a detective and a doctor?

A perfect combination of Sherlock Holmes and Watson.


Shinichi can't refuse the combination at all!

Based on his understanding of Shinichi, I'm afraid this guy will be excited and crazy!

After thinking about this, Lin Tan smiled.

With the idea, the next thing will be much simpler.

Go to Yueying Island and solve Asai Narimi's case as soon as possible!

Never let the other party kill people.

As a righteous partner, Shinichi will never tolerate his partner killing people!

In addition, the reputation has reached 100 points.

You can also find another powerful detective to work as a slave for yourself.

Hattori Heiji is the most suitable candidate. It seems that he should go to Osaka in a while!

While thinking, Xiaolan and Sonoko came back from shopping.

Lin Tan invited them to have dinner together at the old store that has been opened for decades.

During dinner, Xiaolan mentioned something:"Just now, when Yuanzi and I were shopping for clothes, someone came up to us and asked us if we wanted to attend their Valentine's Day singles party in a few days!""

"Yes, yes, yes!! The person who invited us is a handsome guy~~~"Sonoko smiled happily.

As soon as Lin Tan heard it, he knew that the person who invited him was Katsuhiko Minagawa.


This time he had no intention of getting involved.

He was not Kudo Shinichi, who would scream and rush in without caring about anything when he saw a murder case!

For Lin Tan, enjoying life is the most important thing, and everything else is secondary.

The day when the murder happened was Valentine's Day.

Should I play with Xiaolan and Sonoko on Valentine's Day? Or should I go with them to participate in the murder?

You can figure out what to choose for this matter with your toes!

Of course, I have to play with girls on Valentine's Day!

" guys are going to attend someone else's bachelorette party?" Lin Tan deliberately said,"If that's the case, then I won't prepare any shows!"

"Huh?" When Yuanzi heard this, she immediately became curious:"Lin, what program are you planning to prepare?"

"Of course it's a Valentine's Day themed event, romantic and sentimental, try something you wouldn't normally try!"Lin Tan saw Xiaolan and Yuanzi's expectant eyes, and said,"I was thinking of showing you my skills during the rare holiday. But now it seems that there is no chance."

"We didn't say we were going, we just said we'd consider it." When Yuanzi heard that Lin Tan had made some preparations, she hurriedly said,"Lin, you've prepared a Valentine's Day theme event, so of course we're going to your place! Who would go to a stranger's bachelorette party...right, Xiaolan?"

"That's right! I don't know them, so it's meaningless." Xiaolan nodded hurriedly.

Lin Tan deliberately said:"The person who invited you is a handsome guy, are you sure you don't want to go?"

"Oh~~ Actually, it's just average, barely passing. How can you be as handsome as Lin? Right, Xiaolan."Sonoko said with a smile

"Yeah, I'm really not as handsome as you." Xiaolan also gave a positive answer

"In that case, I'll get ready." When Lin Tan saw that the two girls had fallen for his trick, a smile immediately appeared on his face.

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