"How is it? Is it changed back?"

After seeing Yuanzi coming back, Xiaolan hurriedly stepped forward to ask

"I did get it back... but Shinichi ate two bites of it. It's not clean anymore." Sonoko said with a look of annoyance on her face.

"I'll see if there's any chance to make amends." Xiaolan took the chocolate from Sonoko's hand and looked at it. She smiled and said,"It's not a big problem. The word 'Ben Ming' is still there!"

"Just cut off the other parts."

"The packaging is still intact!"

As she spoke, she carefully broke off the part of chocolate that Shinichi had eaten with her deft hands.

After repackaging it, Xiaolan returned the chocolate to Sonoko and said,"That's it. Chocolate is just a carrier. Its main purpose is to convey your thoughts!"

"Xiaolan, you are right!" After hearing what her best friend said, Yuanzi felt much better.

After returning to the bar, Yuanzi took the initiative to give out the chocolate and said,"Lin Jun~~~This is your chocolate!"

"And mine." Xiaolan also gave away her chocolate.

Lin Tan took the two chocolates and said,"Thank you, can I open them and have a look?"

"Of course." Xiaolan and Yuanzi nodded nervously.

This was the first time in their lives that they confessed to a boy, and their hearts were beating uncontrollably!!

Lin Tan opened the package and found that both chocolates were his natal chocolates.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly and he said,"I didn't know I was so popular."

"Lin Jun, if you had to choose one of us, who would you choose as your girlfriend? Yuan Zi asked expectantly.

"………"Xiaolan blushed a little. She couldn't say these words as frankly as Yuanzi did.

"Well... both of you are excellent, and I can't make a choice at the moment." Lin Tan certainly wouldn't give an answer now.

If he chose one, wouldn't the other be gone?

As the old saying goes, children make the choices, and adults want them all!

He immediately said,"Why don't we play Truth or Dare to get to know each other better?"

"Great!!" After taking a sip of wine, Yuanzi nodded repeatedly and agreed. She said happily:"I have wanted to play this for a long time! But I have never found the right person to play with! Now three people are just right!"

"I have no problem with that too!" Xiaolan was also eager to try.

After seeing that both of them agreed, Lin Tan took out a deck of playing cards and placed them on the table, saying,"Everyone draw a card, the player with the smallest number of points chooses truth or dare, and the player with the largest number of points asks a question, okay?"

The rules were simple, and Xiaolan and Yuanzi understood them.

""Let's draw cards!" Lin Tan said, and he randomly drew a card.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi also drew a card.

After the three of them turned over their cards at the same time, Lin Tan got 10, the highest number, and Xiaolan got 4, the lowest number.

"This... I... I choose the big adventure." Xiaolan said a little nervously.

When Yuanzi next to her heard it, he said excitedly:"Let Xiaolan take off her skirt!"

""Yuanzi!!!" Xiaolan said with a red face, signaling her to stop and stop making trouble!

"Just starting, starting from the simple………"Xiaolan, please unbutton those two buttons on your chest." Lin Tan did not make it too difficult for Xiaolan, as the atmosphere had to be heated up little by little. What if Xiaolan got angry and didn't want to play anymore if he threw out the trump card all of a sudden? This big adventure was not difficult at all, so Xiaolan naturally unbuttoned the buttons.

At this time, Yuanzi next to her exclaimed:"Wow!! It's really amazing."

Xiaolan was fine at first, but after Yuanzi said that, her face turned even redder.

Lin Tan felt that Yuanzi's description was very accurate, and it was indeed amazing.

Xiaolan took a sip of the cocktail and after a moment of tension, she said:"Let's... have a second round."

After putting the playing cards aside, she grabbed another one from the deck.

After the three of them grabbed the cards, they turned over at the same time.

This time Xiaolan had the highest points and Yuanzi had the lowest points

""Big adventure!!" Sonoko said without thinking.

Xiaolan said with a vengeful tone:"Then take off your skirt!"

""Okay!" Yuanzi took off her pleated skirt quickly.

"Are you really taking it off?" Xiaolan was shocked.

Lin Tan was also quite surprised. He didn't expect the other party to be so bold.

However, when he saw Yuanzi's wine glass was almost empty, he reacted immediately.………It's not that Yuanzi is bold, but she drank too much.

Although the Tequila Lover cocktail is sweet, it's just its disguise.

It is made with strong liquor as the base liquor, and the degree after dilution is about 20!

This is much stronger than beer!

Xiaolan quickly picked up the pleated skirt and said,"I'm just scaring you... Yuanzi, put on the skirt quickly! This doesn't count."

"How can I regret it? Don't worry... Lin can't see it from this angle."Sonoko said, looking at Lin Tan, her eyes full of joy.

At this moment, Lin Tan reacted! It was one thing for Sonoko to drink too much, but she also wanted to show off.

You know, the Japanese server is different from the Chinese server. The

Japanese server is several versions ahead of the Chinese server, and the competition between Sakura girls is quite fierce.

It is normal to use means to compete for a boy you like.

Like Sasuke in Naruto, Kirito in Sword Art Online, and Shirou Emiya in FSN, they were all competed for by other female characters.

Of course, if you want girls to compete for you, you have to be a high-quality human male like Sasuke, Kirito, and Shirou Emiya.

Lin Tan suddenly thought of Makoto.

He seems indecisive, but he is actually a shrewd person!

If he had made a choice early, there would not be so many things later?

Makoto is trustworthy in handling girls.

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