It was already noon when he returned to Teitan High School from Yueying Island.

Lin Tan missed the morning class, but it did not affect him having lunch with Xiaolan Yuanzi.

Of course, he did not return empty-handed, and brought bubble tea to Xiaolan Yuanzi and the others. While eating lunch, Lin Tan told the two about what happened on Yueying Island.

"Huh?! Shinichi is injured?"

"Fortunately, I was just beaten this time, nothing serious."

"This guy really has no hasn't been long since he was injured last time"

"Otherwise, how could he be Kudo Shinichi?"

"makes sense"


After learning that Shinichi was injured, as a friend, Xiaolan Yuanzi naturally cared about the other party.

"Then after school, should we go to his house to visit him?" The kind-hearted Xiaolan suggested.

"Wait two days, wait until his injury is better, then go. You also know that Xinyi is very proud."Lin Tan shook his head and gave a good reason.

"That's true. Going now will only embarrass him, so let's wait two days."Yuanzi also thought it made a lot of sense.

During the chat, the lunch break passed quickly.

Classes started in the afternoon.

Lin Tan took this opportunity to sort out his system panel.

Yesterday, he solved the Moon Shadow Island incident.

He got 50 points of reputation, and now it is 150 points.

He can find an extra cow or horse to help him work.

The reward is a bottle of gene optimization liquid.

The gene optimization liquid has been drunk, and Lin Tan doesn't know what has been optimized, but it is good for the body after all, and he will definitely find it slowly in the future.

Thanks to Shinichi's hard work during this period.

His skills and props have been enriched all of a sudden. Get up.

Lin Tan sorted out some skill props. Those that he couldn't use and were duplicated were directly thrown into Shinichi's exchange list, and the prices were set one by one.

After doing all this, Lin Tan deeply realized what it meant to work without a future.

Only by exploitation can you get rich!

Busy all day, there are only those melons and two dates.

But find someone to come and be a cow and horse.

Even if you don't do your job all day, there will be ding ding ding in your ears, and you can easily get the reward!

Now that the reputation has reached the requirement, it is time to turn Hattori Heiji into your own cow and horse.

Let's go to Osaka this weekend!


Yuanzi has to attend club activities today, so Lin Tan and Xiaolan are on a date alone.

"There is no point in shopping outside, why don't you come to my house and make desserts?"Lin Tan invited Xiaolan eagerly.

"Make desserts?" Xiaolan said with a little surprise:"Lin Jun, can you make desserts?"

"Of course." Lin Tan glanced at the [Dessert Expert] in his skill column and smiled:"I am usually bored at home, so I learned a lot from watching TV."

""Hmm~~ Let's make desserts!" Xiaolan replied impatiently.

However, when she returned to Lin Tan's home, she gradually found something wrong.

"Hmm? Do I need to change clothes to make a snack? Okay...Okay. This a bit embarrassing."

"You don't have to stand behind me to help me, just stand beside me"

" knead the dough."


Looking at Lin Tan's movements, Xiaolan realized that the dessert was actually her!

By the time she came to her senses, it was too late. The dough had already been kneaded.


"Bad guy! You are such a big bad guy!"

In the bathtub, Xiaolan pinched Lin Tan angrily and said angrily:"I will confiscate your tools!"

"In this way, you will not be able to do these bad things in the future!"

Faced with Xiaolan's threat, Lin Tan admitted his mistake in time and said,"I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I won't dare to do it again next time.""

"Then you can't do this again next time."Xiaolan saw that her own help was useful and the other party's attitude of admitting his mistakes was good, so she forgave him.

"There won't be a next time." Lin Tan said as he hugged Xiaolan into his arms and started saying some nice things, preparing to start the second round.


The next day after school, it was Xiaolan's turn to participate in the club activities.

Yuanzi asked happily:"Lin~~Where are we going to play today? Watch a movie? Or go to the video game arcade?"

"These are meaningless." Lin Tan said calmly:"How about coming to my house to make dessert?"

"Hey~~ Can you make it? That's amazing, isn't it?"When Yuanzi heard this, she said happily:"Then let's go make desserts, and you must teach me when the time comes!"

""Okay, no problem." Lin Tan nodded happily.

Then, the exact same thing happened again.

However, Sonoko's reaction was faster than Xiaolan's.

When she put on the maid uniform, she knew that the dessert was hers.

However, instead of being shy, she was very happy.

Before Lin Tan poured out the flour, Sonoko couldn't wait to start kneading the dough.

This kind of active ability saved Lin Tan a lot of effort.

In the few days when Lin Tan and Xiaolan and Sonoko started to play happily.

Shinichi was not idle either.

After he returned home, he immediately spent 50 points to exchange for [Strengthening Body Pills].

After taking it, Shinichi could clearly feel His body has improved a lot, and even his injuries have been alleviated a lot.

At least he can get out of bed and take care of himself.

In order to hide his tracks, Shinichi still pretended to be sick at home and did not go to the crime scene.

With his extraordinary intelligence, Shinichi can still solve the case remotely through his mobile phone.

Until three days later, Asai Narimi came with a suitcase, officially moved into the Kudo residence, and began to take care of Shinichi.

This made Shinichi secretly happy in his heart.

Compared with a girl like Xiaolan who needs constant care and attention, he found that he liked Dr. Asai, a mature and sensible big sister who doesn't need to worry about him.

For this reason, he also called Lin Tan and kept praising the other party's foresight!

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