Arriving in front of the three-story mansion.

As soon as Lin Tan and the other two walked over, the man at the door said with a smile:"Good evening, everyone. Please show me your invitation."

This news made Xiaolan look a little unhappy. She whispered to Kazuha beside her:"This is bad. I need an invitation... I'm afraid I can't get in."

In response, Kazuha also whispered:"It's okay. At worst, we can just force our way in! The three of us will do it together, and that person won't be able to react."

Xiaolan opened her mouth slightly and looked at Kazuha in surprise.

Who would have thought that this delicate girl would be so reckless and want to do it directly?

But... think about it carefully.

Kazuha is from Osaka. Her personality and work style are both straightforward.

Just when the two girls were about to take action, Lin Tan calmly took out the [Universal Pass] and gave it to the other party, saying:"Is this okay?"

Thanks to Shinichi's hard work and selfless dedication, Lin Tan's prop column is filled with all kinds of props.

This problem at the moment is not difficult for him at all

"Of course no problem!" The man smiled and handed over three masks that covered the upper half of their faces and said,"Please take these and move forward."

"Thank you."After taking the mask, Lin Tan gave the other party a few banknotes.

After entering through the gate, everyone walked along the gravel road to the main entrance of the mansion.

"This... let us in right now?" He Ye was surprised. She thought they were going to take action.

"Money can solve 99% of the problems……………Put it on."Lin Tan said as he handed out masks to the two girls.

Xiaolan and Ye took the masks and hurriedly put them on, fearing that people would remember their faces.

After Lin Tan put on the mask, he came to the main entrance of the mansion.

After entering, the lights in the hall were dim and visibility was not high. One could only see people vaguely, with visibility of about four or five meters.

Soothing music came from all around, as if it could soothe people's hearts. There was also a faint fragrance in the air, which made people feel happy physically and mentally after smelling it.

Xiaolan stuck close to Lin Tan and whispered curiously,"What's going on here?"

He Ye had never seen such a scene before. She felt a little nervous. She leaned against Lin Tan and whispered,"I always feel... this is not a good place."

"Hmm... this is indeed not a good place."After Lin Tan sniffed the fragrance in the air, his expression became a little strange.

He noticed some rustling sounds coming from the dark corner in the distance.

After a closer look, he discovered something extraordinary.

However, Lin Tan did not say it, but motioned the two women to follow him.

Turning from the hall to the side hall, the environment was as dim as ever, and nothing could be seen.

Only from time to time there were rustling sounds, which attracted Xiaolan and Ye to look curiously, but they only saw darkness.

At this time, a pair of masked men and women suddenly appeared in front of Lin Tan and the other two. Judging from the fabrics they were wearing, the cost was extraordinary.

The man looked at Xiaolan and Ye next to him, licked his tongue and asked:"Change?"

"No change." Lin Tan shook his head.

"Her lightning poison dragon drill is very powerful."The man emphasized

"No change." After saying this, Lin Tan led the two women around the two men.

The man sighed and left with regret.

After they walked away, Xiaolan and Ye asked at the same time:"What did he say to change?"

"Oh, you mean changing the mask." Lin Tan said perfunctorily,"Let's find someone first."

"That's true." Xiaolan and Ye didn't think much about it.

However, after turning a corner, they saw a man and a woman licking each other's lips openly on the wall.

"!!!!"Xiaolan and Ye were shocked by this scene. They didn't expect that the couple would be so bold and ignore other people's eyes.

However, just when they were thinking this, they saw the girl squatting down and continuing to kiss.

What happened next made Xiaolan and Ye open their mouths wide and they were dumbfounded.

It was not until now that the two reacted.

They accidentally entered the masquerade!

So... the"change?" that the man just said was not about changing masks, but changing partners!

Thinking of this, Xiaolan and Ye were both stunned, the CPU was overloaded, and they couldn't think of anything.

When Lin Tan saw that the two had discovered the truth, he immediately put his arm around their shoulders and whispered,"Don't worry about them, we just do our thing."

"Uh-huh……"Xiaolan and Ye's answers were as soft as mosquito sounds.

They all closed their eyes tightly, not daring to look around, for fear that they would see something they shouldn't see!

But Lin Tan was not as innocent as Xiaolan and Ye.

Having been bombarded with all kinds of blockbusters, he was enjoying watching them.

As expected of the Japanese, they have so many tricks.

This really opened Lin Tan's eyes.

Useless knowledge has increased again.

Of course, this kind of thing is just to watch others play, just as an eye-opener.

Lin Tan had no intention of getting involved at all. He walked through the lounge, reception room, kitchen, bathroom, study, studio...

There were people inside, but they were not the people he wanted to find.

So, Lin Tan took Xiaolan and Ye to the second floor.

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