Ten minutes later, the police finally arrived and surrounded the three-story villa.

But when they arrived, everyone had already run away, leaving only a group of men, women, and children, crying and holding their buttocks.

At the corner of the street, Xiaolan and Heye were watching from a distance.

"Alas, I didn't expect it to be like this... If I had known, I wouldn't have not notified the police and would have just rushed over."He Ye sighed, with regret between his brows.

"He Ye, this is not your fault. Who could have known it would be like this?"Xiao Lan comforted her with a few words.

After He Ye adjusted her mood, she saw the figure of Lin Tan negotiating with the police in the distance, and couldn't help but sigh:"Lin Jun is really a gentle person, so considerate of us."

Originally, they wanted to stay and accompany Lin Tan to handle the case.

But the other party said that it was not necessary, and he could do it alone. If they stayed, it would affect their reputation.

It was the first time that He Ye knew that men could be so considerate.

"Uh-huh~~~"Xiaolan was very sure of this evaluation.

She also said:"Compared with him, other boys are very immature!"

Heye felt that Xiaolan's evaluation was a bit too much, but she was embarrassed to say it.

Ten minutes later, Lin Tan came back after explaining the matter to the police.

He called Xiaolan and Heye back to the amusement area.

Seeing Shinichi, Heiji, Asai Narimi and the other two catching goldfish over there, Heye had to agree with Xiaolan's point of view again. This is not a little bit different.

How old are you? Still catching goldfish over there

"Oh~~you are here." Heiji greeted them in a familiar manner, waved the paper fishing net in his hand with a smile, and said,"Would you like to play with us?"

"No need." Xiaolan and Ye both shook their heads.

They had just experienced something that shocked their worldviews, so how could they be in the mood to catch goldfish?

Seeing how jubilant Heiji was, Detective Lin could guess without even looking at their points:"Did you solve the case?"

""Hahaha! That's right! I won in the end!" Heiji said proudly.

"Tsk, I was careless." Shinichi complained unhappily,"You also took advantage of your dark complexion to discover the white mark on the prisoner's wrist!"

"Feel free to mock me, I don't mind! I allow the loser to wail."Heiji pulled his hat, very arrogant!

"……Do you have the guts to compete again?" Shinichi was so angry that his teeth itched, and said,"Best of three, come on?""

"No problem! I'll accept your challenge anytime!"Heiji crossed his arms and said confidently.

He just earned a hundred points, which can be exchanged for a lot of skills to strengthen himself. How could he be afraid of Shinichi?

"Okay! It's settled!" Shinichi made up his mind that he must get his revenge.

Detective Lin was quite satisfied seeing that the two had already started competing with each other.

The purpose of letting the two people have a good competition had been achieved.

Another purpose was to bring Shinichi together with Asai Narimi.

In this way, Shinichi could avoid spending too much energy on emotional issues. He began to devote himself to solving the case.

After thinking about this, he said,"It's rare to have so many people here. I plan to have a party in my room. Do you want to come?"

"Come! Of course!"Heiji naturally likes to join in the fun.

""Okay." Shin nodded in agreement.

"Do you need me to buy anything?"After all, Asai Narimi is 26 years old, more mature, and knows how to help.

"I'll prepare it, you guys go back and take a shower and change clothes." Lin Tan looked at his watch and said,"Meet in my room in an hour and a half!"

Everyone agreed happily.


Regarding how to bring Shinichi and Asai Narimi together,

Lin Tan used the same method as the pig farm owner.——————Drugging.

Simple, convenient and quick.

Is there any more effective way to enhance feelings than sleeping together?


Isn't that right?

The simplest way is the best!

However, considering that Shinichi is a smart man, drugging him directly is likely to arouse his suspicion.

So Lin Tan planned to get him drunk first, making his head fuzzy, and then take action.

In this way, even if he is the reincarnation of Sherlock Holmes, he has to kneel.

In order to prevent accidental injuries, when Xiaolan and Ye had almost finished drinking, Lin Tan said,"Xiaolan, Heye, you have almost finished drinking, so go back to the room to rest first."

In response, Xiaolan and Ye went back to the room to rest first.

After all, their worldviews were impacted today, and they were also contradicted by Lin Tan for an hour. They were physically and mentally exhausted and needed to rest.

After Xiaolan and Ye left, Lin Tan continued to drink with them.

After each person drank two cans on average, he looked at Heiji.

This kid was still laughing without blushing or beating his heart.

After more than a dozen cans of wine, he didn't feel anything at all.

How can he drink so much?

He is simply a natural drinking saint.

On the contrary, Shinichi and Asai Narimi were already tipsy.

Lin Tan realized that he didn't want to wait any longer.

If they continued drinking, they might be really drunk.

As for Heiji………

It's an accidental injury.

Who told you to drink so much?

You three should sort out the messy relationship between you two.

After thinking about this, Lin Tan no longer hesitated.

He found an opportunity and put the drug in the wine. Then he stood up and shook his head and said,"You guys drink it. I can't do it anymore. I'll go back to my room and sleep first.………Take your time."

After that, he returned to the room and closed the door with a click.

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