The next afternoon,

Lin Tan finished school at a leisurely pace before meeting up with Ming Mei at the meeting place, the Rice Flower Pier.

"It's already this time, and you still have the mood to go to school." Mingmei complained while driving.

"It's not a big deal, of course, study is the most important thing."Lin Tan replied slowly.

Confidence comes from strength!

【Dangerous dodge】【Golden bell cover】【Iron shirt】【Iron head skill】【Bulletproof vest】【Catch bullet with bare hands】【………】

Thanks to the hard work of Shinichi and Heiji, he now has a rich and varied skill set, and he doesn't know how to lose in a solo match with Gin.

Sorry, cheating really allows you to do whatever you want!

"Although I don't know where your confidence comes from, you must be extremely careful when the time comes!"Mingmei repeatedly reminded him, fearing that the other party would be implicated by her.

""Okay, I understand." Lin Tan nodded and said nothing more.

It's better to do it once to convince the other party than to say more nonsense to make the other party believe in you.

After the car entered the rice flower wharf, Lin Tan immediately felt���

He turned his head to look at a gantry crane outside the window and at the stacked containers. Someone was staring at him from there.

"Huh?" On the gantry crane, Chianti saw through the sniper scope that a man in the co-pilot seat turned his head and looked at her, which surprised her:"He found me?"

Cohen's voice came from the other end of the headset:"Impossible! This is a full 500 meters away, how could he see it?"

"That's true." Chianti thought it made sense, she thought it must be an accident, and said,"Hey, Gin. That woman brought a man... no, to be precise, a male high school student in school uniform!"

"………I understand."In front of the warehouse, Gin frowned and felt confused after hearing the news.

"Brother, why did Miyano Akemi bring a high school student here?"Vodka scratched his head, really couldn't figure out why

"It seems that she will definitely not be honest." Gin did not think about it any more. What's the big deal about having one more high school student? Can she kill him?

Soon, the car arrived.

After stopping far away, two people got off the car.

One was Miyano Akemi, and the other was a young-looking male high school student.

Gin stared at Lin Jiu and felt that the other party looked familiar.

Vodka next to him reminded him:"Brother! That kid...isn't he the ticket inspector over there on the roller coaster?"

Gin remembered what Vodka said.

He also remembered the other party's amazing reasoning ability.

"Hey! Gin, let those two guys come over here, I can't see them here!"At this time, Chianti's voice came to Gin's ears

"I can't see it here either." Cohen said the same thing.

Gin also noticed that Mingmei wanted to move forward, but was stopped by the male high school student next to him.

Instantly he realized that the male high school student noticed the two snipers?

Was it a coincidence? Or was it intentional?

"Gin! I have collected 1 billion yen, but where is my sister?" Mingmei felt a little uneasy while speaking.

"Haha, stupid girl! Do you really believe it?" Seeing this, Vodka mocked,"You are really stupid!"

"Your sister's identity is different from yours, we can't let her leave the organization." Gin sneered:"Of course, you can't leave the organization alive either!!"

"You guys!!!" Mingmei didn't expect Gin to turn hostile without giving her any chance.

Thinking of the hardships she had gone through recently, she pulled out her pistol angrily.

But Gin's movements were faster, and he pulled out the gun in less than a second.

But just when he was about to shoot, his left hand suddenly trembled, and he couldn't hold it tightly, and the gun flew out of his hand.

At this time, the gunshot rang out!

Gin looked at Lin Tan with a serious look. He had been paying attention to the other party's movements, but he still couldn't see how the other party drew the gun!

""Big brother!" Seeing this, Vodka also quickly pulled out his pistol.

Lin Tan pulled the trigger and easily knocked Vodka's pistol away.

He easily suppressed the two people without any pressure.

Alas, the life of cheating is not challenging at all.

"…………"Mingmei, who was standing next to him, was so confused that she stopped holding the gun.

She hadn't even opened the safety yet.

You fired two shots?

Isn't this too fast?

It was at this moment that Mingmei realized that Lin Tan had not lied from beginning to end. He was not panicked at all, but he just didn't believe others.

"Who are you?"Gin realized that his judgment was correct. That male high school student was not simple.

"It doesn't matter who I am. Lin Tan said calmly,"What matters is………What should I do to join you?"

""Ah?" Mingmei turned her head and looked at Lin Tan in disbelief, her beautiful eyes full of question marks.

Lin Tan gave Mingmei a hint with his eyes, telling her not to ask too many questions and just watch his performance.

Mingmei understood his eyes and fell silent.

"Oh? Join us?" Gin smiled coldly and said,"No problem, but the prerequisite is that you have to kill Miyano Akemi!"

"This is not difficult."Lin Tan smiled slightly, turned around and pointed the gun at Mingmei, aiming at her brain stem and shot her.

Let her die without any pain!


As the gunshot rang out, Mingmei's eyes were filled with shock and betrayal, and then she fell to the ground with a plop.

"……………"Gin and Vodka were both silent.

They looked at each other subconsciously, both a little confused.………Are you really going to kill me?

Without any hesitation.

These two killers have been doing this for a long time, but this is the first time they have encountered such a thing. For a moment, their CPUs were burned out and they didn't know what to do.

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