"I took a look at the incision on the victim's neck. It was quite smooth. It must have been cut off in one go by some sharp weapon."

"That girl... I noticed that when she came in, she was wearing a pearl necklace, but now she's not wearing it."

"And I found a few scattered pearls on the dead man's seat."

"If nothing unexpected happens, the string of the pearl necklace is replaced with piano wire, and then combined with something like a hook to form a murder weapon, and then the speed and momentum of the roller coaster are used to cut off the victim's head."


Detective Lin slowly recounted the murder method and the murder weapon.

This made Shinichi's mouth slightly open, somewhat unbelievable!

As a detective, he almost immediately realized that there was nothing wrong with Lin's reasoning, and it was even possible that this was the correct answer!

But... how is this possible?

It has only been more than ten minutes since the murder happened.

I haven't figured out the case yet, and Detective Lin has already solved the murder?

This guy... is so powerful?

Shinichi hurriedly ignored Vodka and Gin, and turned to the crime scene to verify Detective Lin's reasoning.

"You two, you can leave now."Detective Lin said to Gin and Vodka.

Gin didn't waste any words and left with Vodka.

Seeing the two leave, Detective Lin also breathed a sigh of relief.

If nothing unexpected happened, the two must have gone to trade.

At this moment, Shinichi was still at the crime scene.

In this way, he would not peek at the transaction, would not be attacked by Gin, would not be fed APTX4869, and would not become Edogawa Conan.

Detective Lin didn't want Kudo Shinichi to become a minor, nor did he want him to have any relationship with the organization. These things would affect his work... and the efficiency of solving the case.

Detective Lin only wanted him to be a cow and a horse for him honestly, and solving the murder case was enough.


After the police arrived at the scene, with the guidance of Lin Tan's reasoning, they quickly found the evidence of the crime and took away the murderer Xiao Tong.

In total, the whole case was solved in less than half an hour.

The efficiency is amazing!

"Lin Tan, right? Are you friends with Kudo-kun? No wonder your reasoning is so powerful, it's unparalleled!" Megure Jusan kept praising:"Birds of a feather flock together, this saying is absolutely true!"

"Fortunately, fortunately." Lin Tan said modestly. He still had confidence in his reasoning ability.

"Haha! You are too modest."Megure Jusan felt that Lin Tan was much more stable than Shinichi.

He said:"The next matter will be handed over to us, the police, you guys can continue to have fun."

"Goodbye, Inspector Megure."

After the three of them left the crime scene, they sat down at the nearest open-air coffee cart to drink coffee.

Xiaolan looked at Detective Lin in amazement and said,"I didn't expect your reasoning ability to be so strong that you solved the murder case in one go!"

"I haven't figured it out yet!" Shinichi felt frustrated.

He thought he was very good, but he didn't expect there were other masters!

However, compared with frustration, Shinichi was more excited!

It was the first time he met someone with better reasoning ability than himself!

Shinichi said excitedly:"Lin! I didn't expect you to hide so deeply, I didn't see it before."

"I'm not interested in solving cases." Lin Tan understood the situation of his reasoning ability.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have let Shinichi work for him.

If he was really asked to solve a murder case, he could only stare blankly.

"No matter if it's a coincidence or not, it's solved!" Shinichi said excitedly:"Next time we encounter a murder case, how about we have a competition?"

"We'll talk about it next time we meet." Lin Tan knew that if he didn't agree, Xinyi would definitely keep pestering him.

"No need for next time, I know where there are murders." How could Shinichi wait? There were still several murders hanging on his task panel!

Lin Tan said to Shinichi speechlessly,"Now is not the time, maybe next time"

"Why isn't it the right time now?" Shinichi was puzzled at first, then he found that Lin Tan was motioning him to look to the left.

He turned his head and saw that Xiaolan's eyes were not right.

Shinichi then realized that he was still on a date with Xiaolan, and he smiled awkwardly:"Then...then we can only talk about it next time." After he finished speaking, his face was full of regret.

And at this moment, Shinichi suddenly felt something in the dark.

He turned his head and saw the two men in black from the crowd.

Shinichi immediately noticed something was wrong.

At the moment, he whispered to Lin Tan:"Lin! Did you see the two men in black?"

Lin Tan followed Shinichi's line of sight and found Gin and Vodka.

This really surprised him!

You can find these two people in this vast crowd?

Aren't you too outrageous?

Lin Tan pretended not to know:"What's wrong with them? I think there is nothing wrong with them."

Xiaolan also nodded in agreement:"Yes, what's wrong with them?"

"What's wrong?" Shinichi reminded repeatedly:"The shorter man in black has an extra suitcase in his hand!"

"It was clearly not there just now!"

"I suspect that they have just conducted some kind of invisible transaction!"

Listening to Shinichi's confident words, Lin Tan felt a pain in his balls. He could even guess this? It

's totally unfair!!

However, Lin Tan didn't want Shinichi to cause trouble for Gin Vodka.

Turning Kudo Shinichi into Edogawa Conan will do nothing except affect his ability to solve the case!

Lin Tan said calmly:"Detectives talk about evidence, doubt is useless!"

"So! I plan to follow them!" Shinichi stood up and said eagerly:"Maybe we can find evidence!"

Detective Lin pulled him down and said:"If you go, will you leave Xiaolan to date me?"

As soon as these words came out, Shinichi realized that something was wrong.

He saw that Xiaolan was a little angry, and repeatedly denied:"No... of course not! That's not what I meant!"

"So, you stay here. I'll follow him!" Lin Tan stood up and said,"I'll let you know as soon as I get any news!""

"this………"Okay!" Shinichi could only nod and agree.

"Lin, you have to be careful." Xiaolan gave Lin Tan a grateful look while admonishing him.

She knew that if it weren't for Lin Tan, Shinichi would definitely leave her behind and chase after him.

"It's okay, just have fun!"After waving goodbye, Lin Tan walked towards Gin and Vodka.

He followed the two of them from a distance while checking the system messages.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for solving his first murder case!】

【You solved the murder case before Kudo Shinichi, and your reputation increased by 50 points!】

【Get newbie rewards————Snake charm!】


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