"Hmm? Shikano Residence! What did you bring me here for?"

"Lin, you opened the lock? This is illegal trespassing!"

"If we are discovered, we will be doomed!"


Inside the Shikano residence, Lin Tan overheard Shinichi's mumbling and was speechless.…………In the anime, this kind of thing is commonplace for you!

However, this kid's moral value is a bit high now.

He doesn't even dare to break into a private house?

This will affect the efficiency of solving the case!

Thinking of this, Lin Tan pulled Holmes out again and said,"Detectives never follow the rules."

"Holmes has never been the embodiment of justice. He broke into people's houses, instigated Watson to set fires, cheated in marriages, and even let 22% of the criminals go throughout the book."When

Holmes appeared, Shinichi immediately seemed to be possessed. After thinking about it for a while, he nodded and said,"Indeed, you are absolutely right!"

"Sherlock Holmes never follows the rules when solving cases!"

"As long as���In the search for the truth, it is harmless to do some illegal things occasionally!"

He didn't have much burden in his heart to begin with, and now he feels at ease.

Sherlock Holmes did it, so is it wrong?

That's right!

If a detective doesn't conduct illegal investigations, can he still be called a detective?

Seeing that Shinichi had a sudden realization, Detective Lin nodded with satisfaction and said,"Let's get started... and see if we can find any useful clues."

""Okay!" Shinichi nodded excitedly and put on the gloves professionally.

However, after half an hour, nothing was found.

This made Shinichi sigh and said,"I didn't find anything, Lin! It's been eighteen years, maybe all the evidence has been disposed of."

"Altar." Lin Tan felt that he had almost finished the preparation, and he said,"It may be hidden under the altar."

"Oh? Is there any... basis for that?" Shinichi asked modestly.

After all, Lin Tan had shown himself to be much better than him, so of course he had to learn from him.

"There is no basis for this, I just saw someone hiding something under the altar before." Lin Tan made up an excuse and said,"Since we are here, we can check it out."

"That's right." Shinichi was convinced by this simple and crude reason.

The two of them worked together to move the altar away.

"There's nothing here either." Shinichi frowned and looked at the floor.

"………"Lin Tan didn't say anything. He went over and stepped hard on the floor, listening to the dull sound coming out, and said,"The sound is wrong, there is something underneath!"

"Really? Why didn't I hear that?" Shinichi was confused. He couldn't tell what the difference was between this sound and the sound from other floors.

"Sweet treble, accurate midrange, deep bass……………It's so obvious, can't you hear it?"Lin Tan said nonsense, and stomped on the floor with his feet, revealing the wooden board underneath.

After he removed the board again, he found the hidden stolen money.

"………………"Shinichi's eyes widened in disbelief.

This... I found it already?

But...………There is clearly no problem?

No, that's not right!

It's not that there is no problem, but I didn't hear it!

It seems that I need to work harder on my listening!

Smart people always like to make up reasons in their own minds, and Shinichi is no exception.

He didn't want to continue asking why, because it would make himself look stupid.

Now that he knows where his shortcomings are, he can make up for them later. There is no need to ask.

Shinichi put his mind back on the stolen money and said excitedly:"We have found the stolen money, and now the evidence is conclusive! Let's see how the man named Shikano will argue.…………That's not right."

He was halfway through his words when he remembered that this was not a regular search operation, but an illegal investigation!

This was not easy to explain!

This kind of illegal investigation was the first time he had done it and he had no experience.

So, Shinichi had to turn his head and look at the obviously"experienced" Detective Lin, and said,"Lin, what should we do next?"

"It's very simple, just put your ear close to me." Tan Lin waved his hand, motioning Shinichi to put his head close. Shinichi honestly put his ear close to me, and as he listened to the solution given by Tan Lin, his eyes gradually lit up.

He felt as if he had opened the door to a new world, and said with great joy;"This method works! Okay, let's do it!"

"You solved this case, so let you be the good guy!"


Late at night, Shikano Shuji dragged his tired body back home.

But compared to his tired body, his heart was more worried.

After so many years, Sato Miwako finally suspected him.

However, Shikano Shuji was just disappointed that his mask was torn off, and he was not worried about being caught.

He had seen Sato Miwako grow up, and she was quick and decisive in doing things.

She came to the restaurant to talk to him instead of directly taking out an arrest warrant to arrest him, which showed that she had no evidence!

Eighteen years had passed since the case, and he had not touched a penny of the stolen money, and it was still hidden tightly.

How could she have evidence to arrest him?

When Shikano Shuji returned home, he just took out the key when the door suddenly opened and someone ran out of his house!!


Shikano Shuji was shocked. He saw the travel bag that the thief took away, and he was immediately shocked!

Isn't this the stolen money treasure? How could it be in his hands!

Shuji Shikano didn't have time to think too much, he threw his briefcase and hurriedly chased after him.

He originally wanted to call for help, but when he thought about the stolen money in the travel bag,

Shuji Shikano had no choice but to shut his mouth and continue chasing.

Seeing the thief getting farther and farther away, Shuji Shikano was anxious and didn't know what to do.

At this time, a handsome guy suddenly rushed out from the side and pinned the thief to the ground.

Shuji Shikano was overjoyed, he hurriedly walked up and said,"Thank you so much for helping me catch this thief!"——————"

Before he finished speaking, the thief suddenly struggled and threw a bunch of punches.

One of the punches landed on his face.

Shikano Shuji suddenly felt his eyes go dark and he fell directly to the ground.

When he woke up again, he found himself lying on a hospital bed, and there was a handcuff handcuffing him to the bed.

Instantly, Shikano Shuji's heart was filled with despair.

Needless to say, he knew that it was definitely the thief who did not take the stolen money away, and the stolen money implicated him.

Thinking of this, Shikano Shuji felt aggrieved in his heart. He did not expect that he would be exposed in such a muddle. He was so unwilling!!

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