“Lawyer Fei, I have already said that I will not disclose client information,”.

Itake Karuta was a little speechless, “If you’re really curious, please go and ask Maolilan, please don’t affect my normal business.” ”

If everyone comes to make such a fuss, won’t there be no peace?

“Don’t pretend to be a fool here! Hurry up and be honest! ”

Concubine Yingli looked angry: “Xiaolan even changed her clothes, you must have lied to her about something!” ”

The clothes that Xiaolan wore in the apartment yesterday,

It was brought over by Fei Yingli from the Maori office with her own hands, and she naturally remembered what style she had.

As a result, Xiaolan, who saw her in the morning, was wearing new clothes

And I didn’t go home all night last night.,It’s from Itake Karata’s house again.

Thinking on your toes, you know that something unusual has happened.

“You bastard!”

Fei Yingli scolded again.

Yizhu Qingtian’s face suddenly turned cold: “It’s a shame that you’re still a lawyer, and you usually help clients keep secrets like this?!” ”

“And your daughter is already of marriageable age, and she is free to do whatever she wants!”

“You care so much about your daughter, go and ask her in person, what are you doing here to embarrass me?!”

Even if Concubine Yingli is a big beauty, Itake Karata will not get used to it.

A sentence of ‘lawyer’s confidentiality agreement’,

Directly said that the concubine was speechless,

She naturally asked Mao Lilan, but her daughter said that she was praying for a friend, and the clothes were seen on the way to shopping and bought by the way.

But what kind of blessing should be prayed all night?

And Xiaolan was still sad about Kudo Shinichi’s death yesterday,

How is it possible to have the heart to buy new clothes?

This lie is full of mistakes and omissions, where is it hidden from Concubine Yingli.

Seeing that her daughter didn’t say anything, Concubine Yingli came directly to question Yizhu Qingtian.

On weekdays, there is a legal basis,

Concubine Yingli is invincible in the court

Today, it was irrefuted by Itake Karata to say


I could only snort coldly and prepare to leave.

“Concubine Yingli, I advise you not to have any bad ideas,”

Itake Karuta shouted at him and warned, “Today you have insulted the divine envoy one after another, it is best to apologize immediately!” ”

“Otherwise, God will punish you, and you will be so good!”

“If you dare to find a relationship to affect my business, the end is not something you can bear!”

In the morning, Concubine Yingli’s offense, for the sake of Maolilan, Itake Karuta can also forgive once.

But just now Concubine Yingli scolded again, and Yizhu Qingtian will not endure it anymore

“Also, you just scared away one of my customers, and his bill of 200,000 yen is also recorded in your account!”

After noon, Itake Karuta noticed that there were a lot of new customers at the door

Because of the news that ‘Kudo Shinichi was cursed to death’,

After Itake Karata reached a cooperative relationship with the newspaper staff,

It has been published in a number of entertainment newspapers.

These new customers are the tool people who will help promote in the future

It’s also a good person who came to send money

Itake Karata took off the sign at the door and opened the door.

Just now, Itake Karata was observing the fortune for a customer

The customer heard that the fortune was mediocre and there was no disaster, so it was not very pleasant to give money

It happened that Concubine Yingli broke into the reception room on the second floor, looking like she had come to find fault

The customer directly smeared oil on the soles of his feet and took the opportunity to slip away.

“What ‘oracle’? I think you’re pretending to be a ghost all day long, and you’re too deep into the play! ”

Fei Yingli looked disdainful: “What other ‘divine punishment’, I’m afraid someone hired lawbreakers and deliberately created danger!” ”

“Itake Karata! You have a kind of just try to bring down the so-called divine punishment! ”

“When the time comes, I’ll see you squat in prison for a few years!”

As a lawyer, Fei Yingli naturally doesn’t believe in strange forces

Especially at work, I have also been exposed to lawsuits that were extorted money by the gods.

I think I know something about the tricks of these gods.

“Since you’re obsessed, let’s do it yourself!”

Itake Karata’s tone was completely calm, no sadness or joy, “Now, please leave.” ”

As he spoke, with a wave of his left hand, the evil qi condensed into a transparent palm, and the door opened with a hula.

Open the door through the air!

This sudden movement,

Directly asked Fei Yingli, who was standing near the door, to reflexively take a step back,

“Remote-controlled automatic doors, duh!”

Then Fei Yingli glanced at Yizhu Karuta with disdain, and turned to leave.

And Itake Karata pointed his finger at Fei Yingli’s back and emptily a little

The 10,000 evil qi that is invisible to the naked eye is attached to Fei Yingli in the blink of an eye

Fortune plummeted directly to the level of the Bloody Light Calamity.

Between 10,000 and 80,000 evil qi, it is a blood-light disaster

If it is light, it will have a headache and feet, and the knife will cut the fire

In severe cases, they will be cut off from their hands and feet, amputated and disabled

Yizhu Qingtian was not prepared to let Concubine Yingli be injured too much, but only slightly punished

It’s not that I’m not angry

It’s just that this way, it’s more in line with the plan after that

benefits, but also maximized.

“But this concubine Yingli is really a strong-willed person.”

“The third-layer reversal Xuantian Gong, the secret intimidation technique just now, couldn’t affect her mind.”

Itake Karata muttered to himself,

If it were an ordinary person, I would have been involuntarily weakened by coercion in the conversation just now.

Five o’clock in the afternoon

Seeing that there were no customers, Itake Karuta got off work on time

Today, we received less than 10 customers who came to watch the operation

Except for the one who was interfered with by Concubine Yingli and escaped from the order,

The income is 2 million yen

During the period, I met two of the most unlucky customers, and the total evil spirit was only in the early 10,000s

With such a small amount of evil energy, Itake Karata didn’t even bother to recommend the disaster elimination business, and quietly absorbed it directly while watching the luck.

Then the evil qi earned was added to Fei Yingli’s body, resulting in basically no increase in evil qi today.

It’s just that in addition to the evil qi that is sent out and recycled,

Every time you absorb 10,000 new evil qi,

It will cost 1 million yen to offset the side effects

Now reverse the third layer of Xuantian Gong, and the amount of money required to offset is reduced to 800,000,

Therefore, 800,000 yuan will be deducted from the 2 million yen income

Net income was 1,200,000 yen.

“I hope that tomorrow there will be less excitement and more customers ……”.

Itake Karuta remembered that in the afternoon, he saw a lot of people standing at the door

I thought that business would be booming today

As a result, most people come with the mentality of watching the excitement

There are even a few middle school girls who covet his beauty

I want to run to fall in love,

Itake Kamata didn’t have time to waste time, so he naturally declined

After all, absorbing evil qi, improving and reversing Xuantian Gong and refining the physical body are the primary goals

And after eating swan meat,

Ordinary vulgar fans are really a bit hard to be tempted by.

Ten o’clock in the evening

Itake Karuta is getting ready to sleep,

Dingtone ——!

The result of the planned prey,

Reach the door again.

“Miss Maolilan, I thought you wouldn’t be here today.”

Itake Karuta opened the door and let Moriran enter the living room on the first floor.

The two of them were the same as they had seen each other last night.

Sit opposite each other on the sofa on either side.

No one spoke first.

Itake Yu didn’t look at Maoriran either, but poured tea without hurrying.

Mao Lilan rubbed the corners of his clothes a little nervously

From time to time, I peeked at Itake Karata.

Trying to find a trace of concern and …… on his face Warm?

It’s a pity that it wasn’t until Itake Karata finished pouring the tea and looked directly at Maolilan,

The gaze is still as calm as water, and there is not the slightest ripple.

It’s as if the two have always been a simple customer relationship

There is no superfluous association in general.

This made Maolilan even more nervous, and he was a little weak in his speech

“That…… Mr. Yizhu, can you give me a few days? ”

“I can’t get three million yen …… for a while.”



PS: Thank you to the user [魑魅魍魉四小鬼計計計] 588VIP point reward and urging,Add a chapter at ten o’clock in the evening

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